The integration tests use [Testcontainers]( to provide a sane default for developers who have installed Docker. Testcontainers support can be disabled by setting the system property `elasticsearch.testcontainers.enabled` to something other than `true`. If Testcontainers are disabled, the endpoint will need to be configured. It can be set manually with the system property `elasticsearch.endpoint`. The default value is `http://localhost:9200`.
*`elasticsearch.endpoint` - Manually configure the endpoint root for a non-Docker version of Elasticsearch,
*`elasticsearch.testcontainers.enabled` - Set to anything other than `true` to disable Testcontainers and use a non-Docker version of Elasticsearch.
*`elasticsearch.elastic_user.password` - Set the Elasticsearch `elastic` user's password. When Testcontainers are enabled, this sets up the Docker container and the rest clients for accessing it within the tests. When Testcontainers are disabled, it needs to be set to whatever password is used on the external Elasticsearch node or cluster.
Elasticsearch 8.X is the current default version of Elasticsearch when Testcontainers are used. An example run of the integration tests with Elasticsearch 7 support would be like this: