Defaults to `false`. If set to `true`, the Python process that is responsible for discovering and creating Processors
will be launched using DebugPy.
`nifi.python.controller.debugpy.port` : The local port to use. Defaults to `5678`.
`` : The hostname to listen on. Defaults to `localhost`.
`` : The directory to write DebugPy logs to. Defaults to `./logs`
Note that these properties do not exist in the by default.
This is intentional and is due to the fact that during any normal operations, this should not be used.
This should be used only by developers wanting to debug the NiFi application itself.
### Connecting to the Python Process
It is important, however, to note the host and port that the debugger is using.
When establishing a connection to the remote debugger, the VSCode may be configured with both the local
directory to use for Python source files, as well as the remote debugger.
Generally, the local directory should point to `${NIFI_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/nifi-nar-bundles/nifi-py4j-bundle/nifi-python-framework/src/main/python/framework`.
The remote directory, which defaults to `.` should be specified as `./python/framework`.
## Debugging Processors
It is also important to enable remote debugging for Processors. We expect Processor developers to be able
to do this, not just those who are maintaining the NiFi codebase. As a result, instructions for enabling
remote debugging of Processors has been added to the NiFi Python Developer's Guide.