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NIFI-3880 Added complete TLS Toolkit options to Admin Guide.
This closes #1965. Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>
This commit is contained in:
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ TLS Generation Toolkit
In order to facilitate the secure setup of NiFi, you can use the `tls-toolkit` command line utility to automatically generate the required keystores, truststore, and relevant configuration files. This is especially useful for securing multiple NiFi nodes, which can be a tedious and error-prone process.
Note: JKS keystores and truststores are recommended for NiFi. This tool allows the specification of other keystore types on the command line but will ignore a type of PKCS12 for use as the truststore because that format has some compatibility issues between BouncyCastle and Oracle implementations.
NOTE: JKS keystores and truststores are recommended for NiFi. This tool allows the specification of other keystore types on the command line but will ignore a type of PKCS12 for use as the truststore because that format has some compatibility issues between BouncyCastle and Oracle implementations.
The `tls-toolkit` command line tool has two primary modes of operation:
@ -180,17 +180,35 @@ Standalone
Standalone mode is invoked by running `./bin/tls-toolkit.sh standalone -h` which prints the usage information along with descriptions of options that can be specified.
The most common options to specify are:
You can use the following command line options with the `tls-toolkit` in standalone mode:
* `-a`,`--keyAlgorithm <arg>` Algorithm to use for generated keys (default: `RSA`)
* `-B`,`--clientCertPassword <arg>` Password for client certificate. Must either be one value or one for each client DN (auto-generate if not specified)
* `-c`,`--certificateAuthorityHostname <arg>` Hostname of NiFi Certificate Authority (default: `localhost`)
* `-C`,`--clientCertDn <arg>` Generate client certificate suitable for use in browser with specified DN (Can be specified multiple times)
* `-d`,`--days <arg>` Number of days issued certificate should be valid for (default: `1095`)
* `-f`,`--nifiPropertiesFile <arg>` Base `nifi.properties` file to update (Embedded file identical to the one in a default NiFi install will be used if not specified)
* `-g`,`--differentKeyAndKeystorePasswords` Use different generated password for the key and the keystore
* `-G`,`--globalPortSequence <arg>` Use sequential ports that are calculated for all hosts according to the provided hostname expressions (Can be specified multiple times, MUST BE SAME FROM RUN TO RUN)
* `-h`,`--help` Print help and exit
* `-k`,`--keySize <arg>` Number of bits for generated keys (default: `2048`)
* `-K`,`--keyPassword <arg>` Key password to use. Must either be one value or one for each host (auto-generate if not specified)
* `-n`,`--hostnames <arg>` Comma separated list of hostnames
* `--nifiDnPrefix <arg>` String to prepend to hostname(s) when determining DN (default: `CN=`)
* `--nifiDnSuffix <arg>` String to append to hostname(s) when determining DN (default: `, OU=NIFI`)
* `-o`,`--outputDirectory <arg>` The directory to output keystores, truststore, config files (default: `../bin`)
* `-O`,`--isOverwrite` Overwrite existing host output
* `-P`,`--trustStorePassword <arg>` Keystore password to use. Must either be one value or one for each host (auto-generate if not specified)
* `-s`,`--signingAlgorithm <arg>` Algorithm to use for signing certificates (default: `SHA256WITHRSA`)
* `-S`,`--keyStorePassword <arg>` Keystore password to use. Must either be one value or one for each host (auto-generate if not specified)
* `--subjectAlternativeNames <arg>` Comma-separated list of domains to use as Subject Alternative Names in the certificate
* `-T`,`--keyStoreType <arg>` The type of keystores to generate (default: `jks`)
* `-n,--hostnames` The comma-separated list of hostnames that you’d like to generate certificates for. It can be specified multiple times. Range and instance patterns are supported. See below for details.
* `-C,--clientCertDn` The DN that you'd like to generate a client certificate for. It can be specified multiple times.
* `-f,--nifiPropertiesFile` The base 'nifi.properties' file that the tool will update for each host.
* `-o,--outputDirectory` The directory to use for the resulting Certificate Authority files and NiFi configurations. A subdirectory will be made for each host.
Hostname Patterns:
* Square brackets can be used in order to easily specify a range of hostnames. Example: [01-20]
* Parentheses can be used in order to specify that more than one NiFi instance will run on the given host(s). Example: (5)
* Square brackets can be used in order to easily specify a range of hostnames. Example: `[01-20]`
* Parentheses can be used in order to specify that more than one NiFi instance will run on the given host(s). Example: `(5)`
@ -217,28 +235,46 @@ Client/Server mode relies on a long-running Certificate Authority (CA) to issue
===== Server
The CA server is invoked by running `./bin/tls-toolkit server -h` prints the usage information along with descriptions of options that can be specified.
The CA server is invoked by running `./bin/tls-toolkit.sh server -h` which prints the usage information along with descriptions of options that can be specified.
The most common options to specify are:
You can use the following command line options with the `tls-toolkit` in server mode:
* `-f,--configJson` The location of the json config (written after first run)
* `-F,--useConfigJson` Loads all relevant configuration from the config json (configJson is the only other argument necessary)
* `-t,--token` The token used to prevent man in the middle attacks (this should be a long, random value and needs to be known when invoking the client)
* `-D,--dn` The DN for the CA
* `-a`,`--keyAlgorithm <arg>` Algorithm to use for generated keys (default: `RSA`)
* `--configJsonIn <arg>` The place to read configuration info from (defaults to the value of configJson), implies useConfigJson if set (default: `configJson` value)
* `-d`,`--days <arg>` Number of days issued certificate should be valid for (default: `1095`)
* `-D`,`--dn <arg>` The dn to use for the CA certificate (default: `CN=YOUR_CA_HOSTNAME,OU=NIFI`)
* `-f`,`--configJson <arg>` The place to write configuration info (default: `config.json`)
* `-F`,`--useConfigJson` Flag specifying that all configuration is read from `configJson` to facilitate automated use (otherwise `configJson` will only be written to)
* `-g`,`--differentKeyAndKeystorePasswords` Use different generated password for the key and the keystore
* `-h`,`--help` Print help and exit
* `-k`,`--keySize <arg>` Number of bits for generated keys (default: `2048`)
* `-p`,`--PORT <arg>` The port for the Certificate Authority to listen on (default: `8443`)
* `-s`,`--signingAlgorithm <arg>` Algorithm to use for signing certificates (default: `SHA256WITHRSA`)
* `-T`,`--keyStoreType <arg>` The type of keystores to generate (default: `jks`)
* `-t`,`--token <arg>` The token to use to prevent MITM (required and must be same as one used by clients)
===== Client
The client can be used to request new Certificates from the CA. The client utility generates a keypair and Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and sends the CSR to the Certificate Authority. The client is invoked by running `./bin/tls-toolkit.sh client -h` which prints the usage information along with descriptions of options that can be specified.
The most common options to specify are:
You can use the following command line options with the `tls-toolkit` in client mode:
* `-f,--configJson` The json config file
* `-c,--certificateAuthorityHostname` The hostname of the CA
* `-D,--DN` The DN for the CSR (and Certificate)
* `-t,--token` The token used to prevent man in the middle attacks (this should be a long, random value and needs to be the same one used to start the CA server)
* `-T,--keyStoreType` The type of keystore to create (leave default for NiFi nodes, specify PKCS12 to create client cert)
* `-a`,`--keyAlgorithm <arg>` Algorithm to use for generated keys (default: `RSA`)
* `-c`,`--certificateAuthorityHostname <arg>` Hostname of NiFi Certificate Authority (default: `localhost`)
* `-C`,`--certificateDirectory <arg>` The directory to write the CA certificate (default: `.`)
* `--configJsonIn <arg>` The place to read configuration info from, implies `useConfigJson` if set (default: `configJson` value)
* `-D`,`--dn <arg>` The DN to use for the client certificate (default: `CN=<localhost name>,OU=NIFI`) (this is auto-populated by the tool)
* `-f`,`--configJson <arg>` The place to write configuration info (default: `config.json`)
* `-F`,`--useConfigJson` Flag specifying that all configuration is read from `configJson` to facilitate automated use (otherwise `configJson` will only be written to)
* `-g`,`--differentKeyAndKeystorePasswords` Use different generated password for the key and the keystore
* `-h`,`--help` Print help and exit
* `-k`,`--keySize <arg>` Number of bits for generated keys (default: `2048`)
* `-p`,`--PORT <arg>` The port to use to communicate with the Certificate Authority (default: `8443`)
* `--subjectAlternativeNames <arg>` Comma-separated list of domains to use as Subject Alternative Names in the certificate
* `-T`,`--keyStoreType <arg>` The type of keystores to generate (default: `jks`)
* `-t`,`--token <arg>` The token to use to prevent MITM (required and must be same as one used by CA)
After running the client you will have the CA’s certificate, a keystore, a truststore, and a config.json with information about them as well as their passwords.
After running the client you will have the CA’s certificate, a keystore, a truststore, and a `config.json` with information about them as well as their passwords.
For a client certificate that can be easily imported into the browser, specify: `-T PKCS12`
@ -1396,13 +1432,14 @@ To show help:
The following are available options:
* `-b,--bootstrapConf <arg>` Existing Bootstrap Configuration file (required)
* `-d,--nifiInstallDir <arg>` NiFi Root Folder (required)
* `-p,--proxyDN <arg>` Proxy or User DN (required for secured nodes)
* `-m,--message <arg>` Bulletin message (required)
* `-l,--level <arg>` Status level of bulletin – INFO, WARN, ERROR
* `-v,--verbose` Verbose messaging (optional)
* `-h,--help` Help Text (optional)
* `-b`,`--bootstrapConf <arg>` Existing Bootstrap Configuration file (required)
* `-d`,`--nifiInstallDir <arg>` NiFi Root Folder (required)
* `-h`,`--help` Help Text (optional)
* `-l`,`--level <arg>` Status level of bulletin – INFO, WARN, ERROR
* `-m`,`--message <arg>` Bulletin message (required)
* `-p`,`--proxyDN <arg>` Proxy or User DN (required for secured nodes)
* `-v`,`--verbose` Verbose messaging (optional)
Example usage on Linux:
@ -1436,13 +1473,14 @@ To show help:
The following are available options:
* `-b,--bootstrapConf <arg>` Existing Bootstrap Configuration file (required)
* `-d,--nifiInstallDir <arg>` NiFi Root Folder (required)
* `-p,--proxyDN <arg>` Proxy or User DN (required for secured nodes doing connect, disconnect and remove operations)
* `-o, --operation <arg>` Operations supported: status, connect (cluster), disconnect (cluster), remove (cluster)
* `-u,--clusterUrls <arg>` Comma delimited list of active urls for cluster (optional). Not required for disconnecting a node yet will be needed when connecting or removing from a cluster
* `-v,--verbose` Verbose messaging (optional)
* `-h,--help` Help Text (optional)
* `-b`,`--bootstrapConf <arg>` Existing Bootstrap Configuration file (required)
* `-d`,`--nifiInstallDir <arg>` NiFi Root Folder (required)
* `-h`,`--help` Help Text (optional)
* `-o`, `--operation <arg>` Operations supported: status, connect (cluster), disconnect (cluster), remove (cluster)
* `-p`,`--proxyDN <arg>` Proxy or User DN (required for secured nodes doing connect, disconnect and remove operations)
* `-u`,`--clusterUrls <arg>` Comma delimited list of active urls for cluster (optional). Not required for disconnecting a node yet will be needed when connecting or removing from a cluster
* `-v`,`--verbose` Verbose messaging (optional)
Example usage on Linux:
@ -1513,17 +1551,17 @@ To show help:
The following are available options:
* `-o,--operation <arg>` File operation (install | backup | restore)
* `-b,--backupDir <arg>` Backup NiFi Directory (used with backup or restore operation)
* `-c,--nifiCurrentDir <arg>` Current NiFi Installation Directory (used optionally with install or restore operation)
* `-d,--nifiInstallDir <arg>` NiFi Installation Directory (used with install or restore operation)
* `-i,--installFile <arg>` NiFi Install File (used with install operation)
* `-r,--nifiRollbackDir <arg>` NiFi Installation Directory (used with install or restore operation)
* `-t,--bootstrapConf <arg>` Current NiFi Bootstrap Configuration File (used optionally)
* `-m,--moveRepositories` Allow repositories to be moved to new/restored nifi directory from existing installation, if available (used optionally with install or restore operation)
* `-x,--overwriteConfigs` Overwrite existing configuration directory with upgrade changes (used optionally with install or restore operation)
* `-v,--verbose` Verbose messaging (optional)
* `-h,--help` Print help info (optional)
* `-b`,`--backupDir <arg>` Backup NiFi Directory (used with backup or restore operation)
* `-c`,`--nifiCurrentDir <arg>` Current NiFi Installation Directory (used optionally with install or restore operation)
* `-d`,`--nifiInstallDir <arg>` NiFi Installation Directory (used with install or restore operation)
* `-h`,`--help` Print help info (optional)
* `-i`,`--installFile <arg>` NiFi Install File (used with install operation)
* `-m`,`--moveRepositories` Allow repositories to be moved to new/restored nifi directory from existing installation, if available (used optionally with install or restore operation)
* `-o`,`--operation <arg>` File operation (install | backup | restore)
* `-r`,`--nifiRollbackDir <arg>` NiFi Installation Directory (used with install or restore operation)
* `-t`,`--bootstrapConf <arg>` Current NiFi Bootstrap Configuration File (used optionally)
* `-v`,`--verbose` Verbose messaging (optional)
* `-x`,`--overwriteConfigs` Overwrite existing configuration directory with upgrade changes (used optionally with install or restore operation)
Example usage on Linux:
@ -2091,14 +2129,14 @@ link:https://nifi.apache.org/download.html[Apache NiFi download page].
You can use the following command line options with the ZooKeeper Migrator:
* `-a,--auth <username:password>` Allows the specification of a username and password for authentication with ZooKeeper. This option is mutually exclusive with the `-k,--krb-conf` option.
* `-f,--file <filename>` The file used for ZooKeeper data serialized as JSON. When used with the `-r,--receive` option, data read from ZooKeeper will be stored in the given filename. When used with the `-s,--send` option, the data in the file will be sent to ZooKeeper.
* `-h,--help` Prints help, displays available parameters with descriptions
* `-a`,`--auth <username:password>` Allows the specification of a username and password for authentication with ZooKeeper. This option is mutually exclusive with the `-k`,`--krb-conf` option.
* `-f`,`--file <filename>` The file used for ZooKeeper data serialized as JSON. When used with the `-r`,`--receive` option, data read from ZooKeeper will be stored in the given filename. When used with the `-s`,`--send` option, the data in the file will be sent to ZooKeeper.
* `-h`,`--help` Prints help, displays available parameters with descriptions
* `--ignore-source` Allows the ZooKeeper Migrator to write to the ZooKeeper and path from which the data was obtained.
* `-k,--krb-conf <jaas-filename>` Allows the specification of a JAAS configuration file to allow authentication with a ZooKeeper configured to use Kerberos. This option is mutually exclusive with the `-a,--auth` option.
* `-r,--receive` Receives data from ZooKeeper and writes to the given filename (if the `-f,--file` option is provided) or standard output. The data received will contain the full path to each node read from ZooKeeper. This option is mutually exclusive with the `-s,--send` option.
* `-s,--send` Sends data to ZooKeeper that is read from the given filename (if the `-f,--file` option is provided) or standard input. The paths for each node in the data being sent to ZooKeeper are absolute paths, and will be stored in ZooKeeper under the *path* portion of the `-z,--zookeeper` argument. Typically, the *path* portion of the argument can be omitted, which will store the nodes at their absolute paths. This option is mutually exclusive with the `-r,--receive` option.
* `-z,--zookeeper <zookeeper-endpoint>` The ZooKeeper server(s) to use, specified by a connect string, comprised of one or more comma-separated host:port pairs followed by a path, in the format of _host:port[,host2:port...,hostn:port]/znode/path_.
* `-k`,`--krb-conf <jaas-filename>` Allows the specification of a JAAS configuration file to allow authentication with a ZooKeeper configured to use Kerberos. This option is mutually exclusive with the `-a`,`--auth` option.
* `-r`,`--receive` Receives data from ZooKeeper and writes to the given filename (if the `-f`,`--file` option is provided) or standard output. The data received will contain the full path to each node read from ZooKeeper. This option is mutually exclusive with the `-s`,`--send` option.
* `-s`,`--send` Sends data to ZooKeeper that is read from the given filename (if the `-f`,`--file` option is provided) or standard input. The paths for each node in the data being sent to ZooKeeper are absolute paths, and will be stored in ZooKeeper under the *path* portion of the `-z`,`--zookeeper` argument. Typically, the *path* portion of the argument can be omitted, which will store the nodes at their absolute paths. This option is mutually exclusive with the `-r`,`--receive` option.
* `-z`,`--zookeeper <zookeeper-endpoint>` The ZooKeeper server(s) to use, specified by a connect string, comprised of one or more comma-separated host:port pairs followed by a path, in the format of _host:port[,host2:port...,hostn:port]/znode/path_.
==== Migrating Between Source and Destination ZooKeepers
Reference in New Issue