mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 10:38:33 +00:00
NIFI-9918: 'Parse XML Attributes' property added to XMLReader
NIFI-9918: Fixed review findings NIFI-9918: Example added to XMLReader's additionalDetails.html on the new property. Minor documentation fixes. Signed-off-by: Nathan Gough <thenatog@gmail.com> This closes #5964.
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import org.apache.nifi.logging.ComponentLog;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.util.StandardValidators;
import org.apache.nifi.schema.access.SchemaAccessStrategy;
import org.apache.nifi.schema.access.SchemaAccessUtils;
import org.apache.nifi.schema.access.SchemaNotFoundException;
import org.apache.nifi.schema.inference.SchemaInferenceEngine;
import org.apache.nifi.schema.inference.RecordSourceFactory;
@ -106,12 +107,27 @@ public class XMLReader extends SchemaRegistryService implements RecordReaderFact
public static final PropertyDescriptor PARSE_XML_ATTRIBUTES = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.displayName("Parse XML Attributes")
.description("When 'Schema Access Strategy' is 'Infer Schema' and this property is 'true' then XML attributes are parsed and " +
"added to the record as new fields. When the schema is inferred but this property is 'false', " +
"XML attributes and their values are ignored.")
.allowableValues("true", "false")
private volatile boolean parseXmlAttributes;
private volatile String dateFormat;
private volatile String timeFormat;
private volatile String timestampFormat;
public void onEnabled(final ConfigurationContext context) {
this.parseXmlAttributes = context.getProperty(PARSE_XML_ATTRIBUTES).asBoolean();
this.dateFormat = context.getProperty(DateTimeUtils.DATE_FORMAT).getValue();
this.timeFormat = context.getProperty(DateTimeUtils.TIME_FORMAT).getValue();
this.timestampFormat = context.getProperty(DateTimeUtils.TIMESTAMP_FORMAT).getValue();
@ -120,6 +136,7 @@ public class XMLReader extends SchemaRegistryService implements RecordReaderFact
protected List<PropertyDescriptor> getSupportedPropertyDescriptors() {
final List<PropertyDescriptor> properties = new ArrayList<>(super.getSupportedPropertyDescriptors());
@ -143,7 +160,7 @@ public class XMLReader extends SchemaRegistryService implements RecordReaderFact
final RecordSourceFactory<XmlNode> sourceFactory = (variables, contentStream) -> {
String contentFieldName = trim(context.getProperty(CONTENT_FIELD_NAME).evaluateAttributeExpressions(variables).getValue());
contentFieldName = (contentFieldName == null) ? "value" : contentFieldName;
return new XmlRecordSource(contentStream, contentFieldName, isMultipleRecords(context, variables));
return new XmlRecordSource(contentStream, contentFieldName, isMultipleRecords(context, variables), parseXmlAttributes);
final Supplier<SchemaInferenceEngine<XmlNode>> schemaInference = () -> new XmlSchemaInference(new TimeValueInference(dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat));
@ -179,7 +196,7 @@ public class XMLReader extends SchemaRegistryService implements RecordReaderFact
final String contentFieldName = trim(context.getProperty(CONTENT_FIELD_NAME).evaluateAttributeExpressions(variables).getValue());
final boolean isArray = isMultipleRecords(context, variables);
return new XMLRecordReader(in, schema, isArray, attributePrefix, contentFieldName, dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, logger);
return new XMLRecordReader(in, schema, isArray, parseXmlAttributes, attributePrefix, contentFieldName, dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, logger);
private String trim(final String value) {
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ public class XMLRecordReader implements RecordReader {
private final ComponentLog logger;
private final RecordSchema schema;
private final boolean parseXmlAttributes;
private final String attributePrefix;
private final String contentFieldName;
@ -68,9 +69,11 @@ public class XMLRecordReader implements RecordReader {
private final Supplier<DateFormat> LAZY_TIME_FORMAT;
private final Supplier<DateFormat> LAZY_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT;
public XMLRecordReader(InputStream in, RecordSchema schema, boolean isArray, String attributePrefix, String contentFieldName,
public XMLRecordReader(final InputStream in, final RecordSchema schema, final boolean isArray,
final boolean parseXmlAttributes, final String attributePrefix, final String contentFieldName,
final String dateFormat, final String timeFormat, final String timestampFormat, final ComponentLog logger) throws MalformedRecordException {
this.schema = schema;
this.parseXmlAttributes = parseXmlAttributes;
this.attributePrefix = attributePrefix;
this.contentFieldName = contentFieldName;
this.logger = logger;
@ -248,23 +251,10 @@ public class XMLRecordReader implements RecordReader {
private Object parseUnknownField(StartElement startElement, boolean dropUnknown, RecordSchema schema) throws XMLStreamException {
// parse attributes
final Map<String, Object> recordValues = new HashMap<>();
final Iterator iterator = startElement.getAttributes();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
final Attribute attribute = (Attribute) iterator.next();
final String attributeName = attribute.getName().toString();
if (dropUnknown) {
if (schema != null) {
final Optional<RecordField> field = schema.getField(attributeName);
if (field.isPresent()){
recordValues.put(attributePrefix == null ? attributeName : attributePrefix + attributeName, attribute.getValue());
} else {
recordValues.put(attributePrefix == null ? attributeName : attributePrefix + attributeName, attribute.getValue());
if (parseXmlAttributes) {
parseAttributesForUnknownField(startElement, schema, dropUnknown, recordValues);
// parse fields
@ -351,54 +341,33 @@ public class XMLRecordReader implements RecordReader {
private Record parseRecord(StartElement startElement, RecordSchema schema, boolean coerceTypes, boolean dropUnknown) throws XMLStreamException, MalformedRecordException {
final Map<String, Object> recordValues = new HashMap<>();
// parse attributes
private void parseAttributesForUnknownField(StartElement startElement, RecordSchema schema, boolean dropUnknown, Map<String, Object> recordValues) {
final Iterator iterator = startElement.getAttributes();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
final Attribute attribute = (Attribute) iterator.next();
final String attributeName = attribute.getName().toString();
final String targetFieldName = attributePrefix == null ? attributeName : attributePrefix + attributeName;
final String fieldName = ((attributePrefix == null) ? attributeName : (attributePrefix + attributeName));
if (dropUnknown) {
final Optional<RecordField> field = schema.getField(attributeName);
if (field.isPresent()){
// dropUnknown == true && coerceTypes == true
if (coerceTypes) {
final Object value;
final DataType dataType = field.get().getDataType();
if ((value = parseStringForType(attribute.getValue(), attributeName, dataType)) != null) {
recordValues.put(targetFieldName, value);
// dropUnknown == true && coerceTypes == false
} else {
recordValues.put(targetFieldName, attribute.getValue());
if (schema != null) {
final Optional<RecordField> field = schema.getField(attributeName);
if (field.isPresent()){
recordValues.put(fieldName, attribute.getValue());
} else {
// dropUnknown == false && coerceTypes == true
if (coerceTypes) {
final Object value;
final Optional<RecordField> field = schema.getField(attributeName);
if (field.isPresent()){
if ((value = parseStringForType(attribute.getValue(), attributeName, field.get().getDataType())) != null) {
recordValues.put(targetFieldName, value);
} else {
recordValues.put(targetFieldName, attribute.getValue());
// dropUnknown == false && coerceTypes == false
} else {
recordValues.put(targetFieldName, attribute.getValue());
recordValues.put(fieldName, attribute.getValue());
private Record parseRecord(StartElement startElement, RecordSchema schema, boolean coerceTypes, boolean dropUnknown) throws XMLStreamException, MalformedRecordException {
final Map<String, Object> recordValues = new HashMap<>();
// parse attributes
if (parseXmlAttributes) {
parseAttributesForRecord(startElement, schema, coerceTypes, dropUnknown, recordValues);
// parse fields
StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
@ -506,6 +475,53 @@ public class XMLRecordReader implements RecordReader {
private void parseAttributesForRecord(StartElement startElement, RecordSchema schema, boolean coerceTypes, boolean dropUnknown, Map<String, Object> recordValues) {
final Iterator iterator = startElement.getAttributes();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
final Attribute attribute = (Attribute) iterator.next();
final String attributeName = attribute.getName().toString();
final String targetFieldName = attributePrefix == null ? attributeName : attributePrefix + attributeName;
if (dropUnknown) {
final Optional<RecordField> field = schema.getField(attributeName);
if (field.isPresent()){
// dropUnknown == true && coerceTypes == true
if (coerceTypes) {
final Object value;
final DataType dataType = field.get().getDataType();
if ((value = parseStringForType(attribute.getValue(), attributeName, dataType)) != null) {
recordValues.put(targetFieldName, value);
// dropUnknown == true && coerceTypes == false
} else {
recordValues.put(targetFieldName, attribute.getValue());
} else {
// dropUnknown == false && coerceTypes == true
if (coerceTypes) {
final Object value;
final Optional<RecordField> field = schema.getField(attributeName);
if (field.isPresent()){
if ((value = parseStringForType(attribute.getValue(), attributeName, field.get().getDataType())) != null) {
recordValues.put(targetFieldName, value);
} else {
recordValues.put(targetFieldName, attribute.getValue());
// dropUnknown == false && coerceTypes == false
} else {
recordValues.put(targetFieldName, attribute.getValue());
private void putUnknownTypeInMap(Map<String, Object> values, String fieldName, Object fieldValue) {
final Object oldValues = values.get(fieldName);
@ -39,9 +39,11 @@ public class XmlRecordSource implements RecordSource<XmlNode> {
private final XMLEventReader xmlEventReader;
private final String contentFieldName;
private final boolean parseXmlAttributes;
public XmlRecordSource(final InputStream in, final String contentFieldName, final boolean ignoreWrapper) throws IOException {
public XmlRecordSource(final InputStream in, final String contentFieldName, final boolean ignoreWrapper, final boolean parseXmlAttributes) throws IOException {
this.contentFieldName = contentFieldName;
this.parseXmlAttributes = parseXmlAttributes;
try {
final XMLEventReaderProvider provider = new StandardXMLEventReaderProvider();
xmlEventReader = provider.getEventReader(new StreamSource(in));
@ -75,11 +77,8 @@ public class XmlRecordSource implements RecordSource<XmlNode> {
final StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
final Map<String, XmlNode> childNodes = new LinkedHashMap<>();
final Iterator<?> attributeIterator = startElement.getAttributes();
while (attributeIterator.hasNext()) {
final Attribute attribute = (Attribute) attributeIterator.next();
final String attributeName = attribute.getName().getLocalPart();
childNodes.put(attributeName, new XmlTextNode(attributeName, attribute.getValue()));
if (parseXmlAttributes) {
addXmlAttributesToChildNodes(startElement, childNodes);
while (xmlEventReader.hasNext()) {
@ -144,4 +143,13 @@ public class XmlRecordSource implements RecordSource<XmlNode> {
return null;
private void addXmlAttributesToChildNodes(StartElement startElement, Map<String, XmlNode> childNodes) {
final Iterator<?> attributeIterator = startElement.getAttributes();
while (attributeIterator.hasNext()) {
final Attribute attribute = (Attribute) attributeIterator.next();
final String attributeName = attribute.getName().getLocalPart();
childNodes.put(attributeName, new XmlTextNode(attributeName, attribute.getValue()));
@ -36,8 +36,7 @@
@ -56,8 +55,7 @@
<h2>Example: Simple Fields</h2>
@ -73,8 +71,7 @@
@ -91,8 +88,7 @@
"fields": [
{ "name": "simple_field", "type": "string" }
<h2>Example: Arrays with Simple Fields</h2>
@ -109,8 +105,7 @@
@ -129,8 +124,7 @@
{ "name": "simple_field", "type": "string" }
@ -151,8 +145,7 @@
<field_with_attribute attr="attr_content">content of field</field_with_attribute>
@ -207,8 +200,7 @@
@ -225,8 +217,7 @@
RecordField "prefix_attr" = "attr_content",
RecordField "field_name_for_content" = "content of field"
@ -235,6 +226,11 @@
the property "Field Name for Content" is set.
It is possible that the schema is not provided explicitly, but schema inference is used.
For details on XML attributes and schema inference, see "Example: Tags with Attributes and Schema Inference" below.
<h2>Example: Tags within tags</h2>
@ -248,8 +244,7 @@
<embedded_field>embedded content</embedded_field>
<another_embedded_field>another embedded content</another_embedded_field>
@ -277,8 +272,7 @@
@ -317,6 +311,11 @@
<h3>XML Attributes and Schema Inference Example 1</h3>
The simplest case is when XML attributes are ignored completely during schema inference. To achieve this, the "Parse XML Attributes" property in
XMLReader is set to "false".
XMLReader settings:
@ -330,6 +329,78 @@
<td>Schema Access Strategy</td>
<td><code>Infer Schema</code></td>
<td>Parse XML Attributes</td>
<td>Expect Records as Array</td>
<td>Field Name for Content</td>
<td>not set</td>
<field_with_attribute attr="attr_content">
content of field
content of field
If "Parse XML Attributes" is "false", the XML attribute is not parsed. Its name does not appear in the inferred schema and its value
is ignored. The reader behaves as if the XML attribute was not there.
Important note: "Field Name for Content" was not set in this example. This could lead to data loss if "field_with_attribute" had child elements,
similarly to what is described in "XML Attributes and Schema Inference Example 2" and
"XML Attributes and Schema Inference Example 4". To avoid that, "Field Name for Content" needs to be assigned a value that is
different from any existing XML tags in the data, like in "XML Attributes and Schema Inference Example 6".
<h3>XML Attributes and Schema Inference Example 2</h3>
XMLReader settings:
<th>Property Name</th>
<th>Property Value</th>
<td>Schema Access Strategy</td>
<td><code>Infer Schema</code></td>
<td>Parse XML Attributes</td>
<td>Expect Records as Array</td>
@ -376,10 +447,10 @@
in the example). So a new field named "value" appears in the schema but no value is assigned to it from the data, thus the field is empty.
The XML attribute (named "attr") is processed, a field named "attr" is added to the schema and the attribute's value ("attr_content") is assigned to it.
In a case like this, the parent field's original content is lost and a new field named "value" appears in the schema with no data assigned to it.
This is to make sure that no data is overwritten in the record if it already contains a field named "value". More on that case in Example 3 and Example 4.
This is to make sure that no data is overwritten in the record if it already contains a field named "value". More on that case in Example 4 and Example 5.
<h3>XML Attributes and Schema Inference Example 2</h3>
<h3>XML Attributes and Schema Inference Example 3</h3>
In this example, the XMLReader's "Field Name for Content" property is filled with the value "original_content". The input data is the same as
@ -399,6 +470,10 @@
<td>Schema Access Strategy</td>
<td><code>Infer Schema</code></td>
<td>Parse XML Attributes</td>
<td>Expect Records as Array</td>
@ -444,7 +519,7 @@
Since the <code><field_with_attribute></code> element had no child-element with the name "original_content", no data is lost.
<h3>XML Attributes and Schema Inference Example 3</h3>
<h3>XML Attributes and Schema Inference Example 4</h3>
In this example, XMLReader's "Field Name for Content" property is left empty. In the input data, the <code><field_with_attribute></code> element
@ -464,6 +539,10 @@
<td>Schema Access Strategy</td>
<td><code>Infer Schema</code></td>
<td>Parse XML Attributes</td>
<td>Expect Records as Array</td>
@ -503,16 +582,16 @@
The "Field Name for Content" property is not set, and the XML element has a sub-element named "value". The name of the sub-element clashes with the
default field name added to the schema by the Schema Inference logic (see Example 1). As seen in the output data, the input XML attribute's value
default field name added to the schema by the Schema Inference logic (see Example 2). As seen in the output data, the input XML attribute's value
is added to the record just like in the previous examples. The value of the <code><value></code> element is retained, but the content of the
<code><field_with_attribute></code> that was outside of the sub-element, is lost.
<h3>XML Attributes and Schema Inference Example 4</h3>
<h3>XML Attributes and Schema Inference Example 5</h3>
In this example, XMLReader's "Field Name for Content" property is given the value "value". In the input data, the <code><field_with_attribute></code> element
has some content and a sub-element named <code><value></code>. The name of the sub-element clashes with the value of the "Field Name for Content" property.
has some content and a sub-element named <code><value></code>. The name of the sub-element clashes with the value of the "Field Name for Content" property.
@ -528,6 +607,10 @@
<td>Schema Access Strategy</td>
<td><code>Infer Schema</code></td>
<td>Parse XML Attributes</td>
<td>Expect Records as Array</td>
@ -571,7 +654,7 @@
<code><field_with_attribute></code> element, and the original content of the <code><value></code> element is lost.
<h3>XML Attributes and Schema Inference Example 5</h3>
<h3>XML Attributes and Schema Inference Example 6</h3>
To avoid losing any data, the XMLReader's "Field Name for Content" property needs to be given a value that does not clash with any sub-element's name
@ -592,6 +675,10 @@
<td>Schema Access Strategy</td>
<td><code>Infer Schema</code></td>
<td>Parse XML Attributes</td>
<td>Expect Records as Array</td>
@ -656,8 +743,7 @@
<embedded_field>embedded content 2</embedded_field>
<another_embedded_field>another embedded content 2</another_embedded_field>
@ -686,8 +772,7 @@
<h2>Example: Array in record</h2>
@ -704,8 +789,7 @@
<element>content 2</element>
<field_without_array> content 3</field_without_array>
@ -737,8 +821,7 @@
{ "name": "field_without_array", "type": "string" }
@ -757,8 +840,7 @@
@ -777,8 +859,7 @@
{ "name": "simple_field", "type": "string" }
@ -794,21 +875,22 @@
A common concern when inferring schemas is how to handle the condition of two values that have different types. For example, consider a FlowFile with the following two records:
It is clear that the "name" field will be inferred as a STRING type. However, how should we handle the "age" field? Should the field be an CHOICE between INT and STRING? Should we
@ -876,7 +958,5 @@
will typically only be inferred once, regardless of how many Processors handle the data.
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public class TestInferXmlSchema {
public void testFlatXml() throws IOException {
final RecordSchema schema = inferSchema("src/test/resources/xml/person.xml", false);
final RecordSchema schema = inferSchema("src/test/resources/xml/person.xml", false, true);
assertEquals(7, schema.getFieldCount());
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public class TestInferXmlSchema {
public void testFieldsFromAllRecordsIncluded() throws IOException {
final RecordSchema schema = inferSchema("src/test/resources/xml/people_nested.xml", true);
final RecordSchema schema = inferSchema("src/test/resources/xml/people_nested.xml", true, true);
assertEquals(8, schema.getFieldCount());
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public class TestInferXmlSchema {
public void testStringFieldWithAttributes() throws IOException {
final String contentFieldName = "contentfield";
final RecordSchema schema = inferSchema("src/test/resources/xml/TextNodeWithAttribute.xml", contentFieldName, true);
final RecordSchema schema = inferSchema("src/test/resources/xml/TextNodeWithAttribute.xml", contentFieldName, true, true);
assertEquals(3, schema.getFieldCount());
@ -110,13 +110,24 @@ public class TestInferXmlSchema {
assertSame(RecordFieldType.STRING, childSchema.getDataType(contentFieldName).get().getFieldType());
private RecordSchema inferSchema(final String filename, final boolean ignoreWrapper) throws IOException {
return inferSchema(filename, "contentfield", ignoreWrapper);
public void testStringFieldWithAttributesIgnored() throws IOException {
final RecordSchema schema = inferSchema("src/test/resources/xml/TextNodeWithAttribute.xml", true, false);
assertEquals(3, schema.getFieldCount());
assertSame(RecordFieldType.INT, schema.getDataType("num").get().getFieldType());
assertSame(RecordFieldType.STRING, schema.getDataType("name").get().getFieldType());
assertSame(RecordFieldType.STRING, schema.getDataType("software").get().getFieldType());
private RecordSchema inferSchema(final String filename, final String contentFieldName, final boolean ignoreWrapper) throws IOException {
private RecordSchema inferSchema(final String filename, final boolean ignoreWrapper, final boolean parseXMLAttributes) throws IOException {
return inferSchema(filename, "contentfield", ignoreWrapper, parseXMLAttributes);
private RecordSchema inferSchema(final String filename, final String contentFieldName, final boolean ignoreWrapper, final boolean parseXMLAttributes) throws IOException {
final File file = new File(filename);
final RecordSourceFactory<XmlNode> xmlSourceFactory = (var, in) -> new XmlRecordSource(in, contentFieldName, ignoreWrapper);
final RecordSourceFactory<XmlNode> xmlSourceFactory = (var, in) -> new XmlRecordSource(in, contentFieldName, ignoreWrapper, parseXMLAttributes);
final SchemaInferenceEngine<XmlNode> schemaInference = new XmlSchemaInference(timeValueInference);
final InferSchemaAccessStrategy<XmlNode> inferStrategy = new InferSchemaAccessStrategy<>(xmlSourceFactory, schemaInference, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
public class TestXMLReader {
@ -279,4 +279,23 @@ public class TestXMLReader {
String actualContent = out.getContent();
assertEquals(expectedContent, actualContent);
public void testInferSchemaIgnoreAttributes() throws InitializationException, IOException {
String expectedContent = "MapRecord[{software=Apache NiFi, num=123, name=John Doe}]";
Map<PropertyDescriptor, String> xmlReaderProperties = new HashMap<>();
xmlReaderProperties.put(SchemaAccessUtils.SCHEMA_ACCESS_STRATEGY, SchemaInferenceUtil.INFER_SCHEMA.getValue());
xmlReaderProperties.put(XMLReader.RECORD_FORMAT, XMLReader.RECORD_SINGLE.getValue());
xmlReaderProperties.put(XMLReader.PARSE_XML_ATTRIBUTES, "false");
TestRunner runner = setup(xmlReaderProperties);
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/person_record.xml");
MockFlowFile out = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(TestXMLReaderProcessor.SUCCESS).get(0);
String actualContent = out.getContent();
assertEquals(expectedContent, actualContent);
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testSingleRecord() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/person.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), false,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), false, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
assertArrayEquals(new Object[] {"Cleve Butler", 42, "USA"}, reader.nextRecord().getValues());
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testMap() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_map.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSchemaForMap(), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSchemaForMap(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record first = reader.nextRecord();
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testMapWithRecords() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_map2.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSchemaForRecordMap(), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSchemaForRecordMap(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record first = reader.nextRecord();
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testTagInCharactersSimpleField() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_tag_in_characters.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
assertArrayEquals(new Object[] {"Cleve Butler", 42, null}, reader.nextRecord().getValues());
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testTagInCharactersRecord() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_tag_in_characters.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSchemaWithNestedRecord3(), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSchemaWithNestedRecord3(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record first = reader.nextRecord(true, true);
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testTagInCharactersCoerceTrueDropFalse() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_tag_in_characters.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSchemaWithNestedRecord3(), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSchemaWithNestedRecord3(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record first = reader.nextRecord(true, false);
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testTagInCharactersCoerceFalseDropFalse() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_tag_in_characters.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record first = reader.nextRecord(false, false);
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testSimpleRecord() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
assertArrayEquals(new Object[] {"Cleve Butler", 42, "USA"}, reader.nextRecord().getValues());
@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testSimpleRecord2() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema2(), true, null,
"CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema2(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
assertNull(reader.nextRecord(true, true).getValue("AGE"));
assertNull(reader.nextRecord(false, true).getValue("AGE"));
@ -276,8 +276,8 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testSimpleRecord3() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, null,
"CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
assertEquals(Integer.class, reader.nextRecord(true, true).getValue("AGE").getClass());
assertEquals(String.class, reader.nextRecord(false, true).getValue("AGE").getClass());
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people.xml");
List<RecordField> fields = getSimpleRecordFields();
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
assertEquals(Integer.class, reader.nextRecord(true, false).getValue("AGE").getClass());
@ -298,8 +298,8 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testSimpleRecordCoerceFalseDropFalse() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_no_attributes.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, null,
"CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
assertArrayEquals(new Object[] {"Cleve Butler", "42", "USA"}, reader.nextRecord(false, false).getValues());
assertArrayEquals(new Object[] {"Ainslie Fletcher", "33", "UK"}, reader.nextRecord(false, false).getValues());
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people.xml");
List<RecordField> fields = getSimpleRecordFields();
fields.add(new RecordField("ID", RecordFieldType.STRING.getDataType()));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record first = reader.nextRecord();
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people.xml");
List<RecordField> fields = getSimpleRecordFields();
fields.add(new RecordField("ID", RecordFieldType.STRING.getDataType()));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true, true,
"ATTR_", "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record first = reader.nextRecord();
@ -360,8 +360,8 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testSimpleRecordWithAttribute3() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(Collections.emptyList()),
true, null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(Collections.emptyList()), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record first = reader.nextRecord(true, true);
assertEquals(null, first.getAsString("ID"));
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
List<RecordField> fields = getSimpleRecordFields();
fields.add(new RecordField("ID", RecordFieldType.INT.getDataType()));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
assertEquals(Integer.class, reader.nextRecord(true, true).getValue("ID").getClass());
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
List<RecordField> fields = getSimpleRecordFields();
fields.add(new RecordField("ID", RecordFieldType.INT.getDataType()));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
assertEquals(Integer.class, reader.nextRecord(true, false).getValue("ID").getClass());
@ -404,17 +404,14 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testSimpleRecordWithAttribute6() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
// given
final InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people2.xml");
final List<RecordField> fields = getSimpleRecordFields();
fields.add(new RecordField("ID", RecordFieldType.DECIMAL.getDecimalDataType(38, 10)));
final XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true,
final XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
// when
final Record record = reader.nextRecord(true, false);
// then
assertEquals(BigDecimal.class, record.getValue("ID").getClass());
@ -423,7 +420,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people.xml");
List<RecordField> fields = getSimpleRecordFields();
fields.add(new RecordField("ID", RecordFieldType.STRING.getDataType()));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record first = reader.nextRecord(false, false);
@ -462,8 +459,8 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
final DataType recordType2 = RecordFieldType.RECORD.getRecordDataType(new SimpleRecordSchema(nestedFields2));
fields.add(new RecordField("AGE", recordType2));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true, null,
"CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record first = reader.nextRecord(true, true);
assertTrue(first.getValue("NAME") instanceof Record);
@ -489,7 +486,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testSimpleTypeWithAttributeAsRecordCoerceFalseDropFalse() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people3.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record first = reader.nextRecord(false, false);
@ -518,7 +515,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testSimpleRecordWithHeader() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_with_header_and_comments.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, true,
null, null, dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
assertArrayEquals(new Object[] {"Cleve Butler", 42, "USA"}, reader.nextRecord().getValues());
@ -530,7 +527,8 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testSimpleRecordWithHeaderNoValidation() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_with_header_and_comments.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, null, null, dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, true,
null, null, dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
assertArrayEquals(new Object[] {"Cleve Butler", 42, "USA"}, reader.nextRecord().getValues());
assertArrayEquals(new Object[] {"Ainslie Fletcher", 33, "UK"}, reader.nextRecord().getValues());
@ -541,7 +539,8 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testInvalidXml() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_invalid.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
int count = 0;
@ -566,8 +565,8 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people.xml");
List<RecordField> fields = getSimpleRecordFields2();
fields.add(new RecordField("AGE", RecordFieldType.CHOICE.getDataType()));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true, null,
"CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record record = reader.nextRecord();
assertTrue(record.getValue("AGE") instanceof String);
@ -579,8 +578,8 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_nested.xml");
List<RecordField> fields = getSimpleRecordFields();
fields.add(new RecordField("ADDRESS", RecordFieldType.CHOICE.getDataType()));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true, null,
"CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record record = reader.nextRecord();
assertTrue(record.getValue("ADDRESS") instanceof Record);
@ -593,7 +592,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testNameSpaces() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_namespace.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
assertArrayEquals(new Object[] {"Cleve Butler", 42, "USA"}, reader.nextRecord().getValues());
@ -605,7 +604,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testCData() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_cdata.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
assertArrayEquals(new Object[] {"Cleve Butler", 42, "USA"}, reader.nextRecord().getValues());
@ -620,8 +619,8 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
List<RecordField> fields = getSimpleRecordFields2();
final DataType recordType = RecordFieldType.RECORD.getRecordDataType(getNestedSchema());
fields.add(new RecordField("AGE", recordType));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true, null,
"CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
assertArrayEquals(new Object[] {"Cleve Butler", "USA", null}, reader.nextRecord().getValues());
assertArrayEquals(new Object[] {"Ainslie Fletcher", "UK", null}, reader.nextRecord().getValues());
@ -634,8 +633,8 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_nested.xml");
List<RecordField> fields = getSimpleRecordFields();
fields.add(new RecordField("ADDRESS", RecordFieldType.STRING.getDataType()));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true, null,
"CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
@ -646,7 +645,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testParseEmptyFields() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_empty.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
assertArrayEquals(new Object[] {null, null, null}, reader.nextRecord().getValues());
@ -656,7 +655,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testParseEmptyFieldsCoerceFalseDropFalse() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_empty.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
assertArrayEquals(new Object[] {null, null, null}, reader.nextRecord(false, false).getValues());
@ -667,27 +666,29 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testEmptyStreamAsSingleRecord() {
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]);
() -> new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), false, null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class)));
() -> new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), false, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class)));
public void testEmptyStreamAsArray() {
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]);
() -> new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class)));
() -> new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class)));
public void testEmptyStreamWIthXmlHeader() {
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>").getBytes());
assertThrows(MalformedRecordException.class, () -> new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true,
assertThrows(MalformedRecordException.class, () -> new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class)));
public void testParseEmptyArray() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream("<root></root>".getBytes());
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSimpleSchema(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
@ -697,7 +698,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testNestedRecord() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_nested.xml");
RecordSchema schema = getSchemaWithNestedRecord();
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, schema, true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, schema, true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Object[] valuesFirstRecord = reader.nextRecord().getValues();
@ -721,7 +722,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testNestedRecordCoerceFalseDropFalse() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_nested.xml");
RecordSchema schema = getSchemaWithNestedRecord();
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, schema, true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, schema, true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record first = reader.nextRecord(false, false);
@ -767,7 +768,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
// Fields "AGE" and "ADDRESS/CITY" are not defined here
RecordSchema schema = getSchemaWithNestedRecord2();
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, schema, true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, schema, true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record firstRecord = reader.nextRecord(true, true);
@ -809,7 +810,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
// Fields "AGE" and "ADDRESS/CITY" are not defined here
RecordSchema schema = getSchemaWithNestedRecord2();
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, schema, true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, schema, true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record firstRecord = reader.nextRecord(false, true);
@ -851,7 +852,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
// Fields "AGE" and "ADDRESS/CITY" are not defined here
RecordSchema schema = getSchemaWithNestedRecord2();
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, schema, true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, schema, true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record firstRecord = reader.nextRecord(true, false);
@ -901,7 +902,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
// Fields "AGE" and "ADDRESS/CITY" are not defined here
RecordSchema schema = getSchemaWithNestedRecord2();
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, schema, true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, schema, true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record firstRecord = reader.nextRecord(false, false);
@ -950,7 +951,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testSimpleArray() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_array_simple.xml");
RecordSchema schema = getSchemaWithSimpleArray();
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, schema, true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, schema, true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record firstRecord = reader.nextRecord();
@ -986,7 +987,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testSimpleArrayCoerceFalseDropFalse() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_array_simple.xml");
RecordSchema schema = getSchemaWithSimpleArray();
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, schema, true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, schema, true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record first = reader.nextRecord(false, false);
@ -1021,8 +1022,8 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testNestedArrayInNestedRecord() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_array.xml");
RecordSchema schema = getSchemaWithNestedArray();
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, schema, true, null,
"CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, schema, true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record firstRecord = reader.nextRecord();
Object[] valuesFirstRecord = firstRecord.getValues();
@ -1059,7 +1060,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testDeeplyNestedArraysAndRecords() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
// test records in nested arrays
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_complex1.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSchemaForComplexData(), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSchemaForComplexData(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record first = reader.nextRecord(true, true);
@ -1098,7 +1099,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testDeeplyNestedArraysAndRecords2() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
// test multiply nested arrays and records (recursion)
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_complex2.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSchemaForComplexData2(), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSchemaForComplexData2(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record first = reader.nextRecord();
@ -1154,7 +1155,7 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testDeeplyNestedArraysAndRecordsCoerceFalseDropTrue() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
// test multiply nested arrays and records (recursion)
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_complex2.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSchemaForComplexData2(), true,
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, getSchemaForComplexData2(), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record first = reader.nextRecord(false, true);
@ -1210,8 +1211,8 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testDeeplyNestedArraysAndRecordsCoerceFalseDropFalse() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
// test multiply nested arrays and records (recursion)
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people_complex2.xml");
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(Collections.emptyList()),
true, null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(Collections.emptyList()), true, true,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
Record first = reader.nextRecord(false, false);
assertEquals("1", first.getValue("ID"));
@ -1267,6 +1268,110 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
public void testSimpleTypeWithAttributesIgnored1() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
boolean parseXMLAttributes = false;
boolean coerceTypes = true;
boolean dropUnknownFields = true;
List<Record> records = simpleTypeWithAttributesIgnored(parseXMLAttributes, coerceTypes, dropUnknownFields);
Record first = records.get(0);
Record second = records.get(1);
assertTrue(first.getValue("NAME") instanceof String);
assertEquals("Cleve Butler", first.getValue("NAME"));
assertTrue(first.getValue("AGE") instanceof Integer);
assertEquals(42, first.getValue("AGE"));
assertEquals(2, first.toMap().size());
assertTrue(second.getValue("NAME") instanceof String);
assertEquals("Ainslie Fletcher", second.getValue("NAME"));
assertTrue(second.getValue("AGE") instanceof Integer);
assertEquals(33, second.getValue("AGE"));
assertEquals(2, second.toMap().size());
public void testSimpleTypeWithAttributesIgnored2() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
boolean parseXMLAttributes = false;
boolean coerceTypes = false;
boolean dropUnknownFields = true;
List<Record> records = simpleTypeWithAttributesIgnored(parseXMLAttributes, coerceTypes, dropUnknownFields);
Record first = records.get(0);
Record second = records.get(1);
assertTrue(first.getValue("NAME") instanceof String);
assertEquals("Cleve Butler", first.getValue("NAME"));
assertTrue(first.getValue("AGE") instanceof String);
assertEquals("42", first.getValue("AGE"));
assertEquals(2, first.toMap().size());
assertTrue(second.getValue("NAME") instanceof String);
assertEquals("Ainslie Fletcher", second.getValue("NAME"));
assertTrue(second.getValue("AGE") instanceof String);
assertEquals("33", second.getValue("AGE"));
assertEquals(2, second.toMap().size());
public void testSimpleTypeWithAttributesIgnored3() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
boolean parseXMLAttributes = false;
boolean coerceTypes = true;
boolean dropUnknownFields = false;
List<Record> records = simpleTypeWithAttributesIgnored(parseXMLAttributes, coerceTypes, dropUnknownFields);
Record first = records.get(0);
Record second = records.get(1);
assertTrue(first.getValue("NAME") instanceof String);
assertEquals("Cleve Butler", first.getValue("NAME"));
assertTrue(first.getValue("AGE") instanceof Integer);
assertEquals(42, first.getValue("AGE"));
assertTrue(first.getValue("COUNTRY") instanceof String);
assertEquals("USA", first.getValue("COUNTRY"));
assertEquals(3, first.toMap().size());
assertTrue(second.getValue("NAME") instanceof String);
assertEquals("Ainslie Fletcher", second.getValue("NAME"));
assertTrue(second.getValue("AGE") instanceof Integer);
assertEquals(33, second.getValue("AGE"));
assertTrue(second.getValue("COUNTRY") instanceof String);
assertEquals("UK", second.getValue("COUNTRY"));
assertEquals(3, second.toMap().size());
public void testSimpleTypeWithAttributesIgnored4() throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
boolean parseXMLAttributes = false;
boolean coerceTypes = false;
boolean dropUnknownFields = false;
List<Record> records = simpleTypeWithAttributesIgnored(parseXMLAttributes, coerceTypes, dropUnknownFields);
Record first = records.get(0);
Record second = records.get(1);
assertTrue(first.getValue("NAME") instanceof String);
assertEquals("Cleve Butler", first.getValue("NAME"));
assertTrue(first.getValue("AGE") instanceof String);
assertEquals("42", first.getValue("AGE"));
assertTrue(first.getValue("COUNTRY") instanceof String);
assertEquals("USA", first.getValue("COUNTRY"));
assertEquals(3, first.toMap().size());
assertTrue(second.getValue("NAME") instanceof String);
assertEquals("Ainslie Fletcher", second.getValue("NAME"));
assertTrue(second.getValue("AGE") instanceof String);
assertEquals("33", second.getValue("AGE"));
assertTrue(second.getValue("COUNTRY") instanceof String);
assertEquals("UK", second.getValue("COUNTRY"));
assertEquals(3, second.toMap().size());
private List<RecordField> getSimpleRecordFields() {
final List<RecordField> fields = new ArrayList<>();
fields.add(new RecordField("NAME", RecordFieldType.STRING.getDataType()));
@ -1449,4 +1554,20 @@ public class TestXMLRecordReader {
return new SimpleRecordSchema(fields);
private List<Record> simpleTypeWithAttributesIgnored(boolean parseXMLAttributes, boolean coerceTypes, boolean dropunknownFields) throws IOException, MalformedRecordException {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/xml/people3.xml");
final List<RecordField> fields = new ArrayList<>();
fields.add(new RecordField("NAME", RecordFieldType.STRING.getDataType()));
fields.add(new RecordField("AGE", RecordFieldType.INT.getDataType()));
XMLRecordReader reader = new XMLRecordReader(is, new SimpleRecordSchema(fields), true, parseXMLAttributes,
null, "CONTENT", dateFormat, timeFormat, timestampFormat, Mockito.mock(ComponentLog.class));
List<Record> records = new ArrayList<>(2);
records.add(reader.nextRecord(coerceTypes, dropunknownFields));
records.add(reader.nextRecord(coerceTypes, dropunknownFields));
return records;
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