mirror of https://github.com/apache/nifi.git
NIFI-5540 Added unit test to demonstrate missing default sensitive properties key in flow election encryptor creation.
NIFI-5540 Added failing unit test and ignored regression test to demonstrate missing default sensitive properties key in flow election encryptor creation. NIFI-5540 Added equality logic to StringEncryptor and utility equality methods to CryptoUtils. NIFI-5540 Added default sensitive properties key population logic and log warning to StringEncryptor. NIFI-5540 Cleaned up formatting. NIFI-5540 Cleaned up boolean logic. NIFI-5540 Added Javadoc to StringEncryptor. NIFI-5540 Added unit test for StringEncryptor#equals(). NIFI-5540 Added performance benchmarking unit tests for constantTimeEquals methods for String, byte[], and char[]. NIFI-5540 Fixed checkstyle issue. NIFI-5540 Fixed unit tests for default key population. This closes #2959. Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,7 +20,12 @@ import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.security.KeyManagementException;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Base64;
@ -285,4 +290,64 @@ public class CryptoUtils {
return encryptedRepo && keyProviderConfigured;
* Returns true if the two parameters are equal. This method is null-safe and evaluates the
* equality in constant-time rather than "short-circuiting" on the first inequality. This
* prevents timing attacks (side channel attacks) when comparing passwords or hash values.
* @param a a String to compare
* @param b a String to compare
* @return true if the values are equal
public static boolean constantTimeEquals(String a, String b) {
if (a == null) {
return b == null;
} else {
// This returns true IFF b != null and the byte[] are equal; if b == null, a is not, and they are not equal
return b != null && constantTimeEquals(a.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), b.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
* Returns true if the two parameters are equal. This method is null-safe and evaluates the
* equality in constant-time rather than "short-circuiting" on the first inequality. This
* prevents timing attacks (side channel attacks) when comparing passwords or hash values.
* Does not convert the character arrays to {@code String}s when converting to {@code byte[]}
* to avoid putting sensitive data in the String pool.
* @param a a char[] to compare
* @param b a char[] to compare
* @return true if the values are equal
public static boolean constantTimeEquals(char[] a, char[] b) {
return constantTimeEquals(convertCharsToBytes(a), convertCharsToBytes(b));
* Returns true if the two parameters are equal. This method is null-safe and evaluates the
* equality in constant-time rather than "short-circuiting" on the first inequality. This
* prevents timing attacks (side channel attacks) when comparing passwords or hash values.
* @param a a byte[] to compare
* @param b a byte[] to compare
* @return true if the values are equal
public static boolean constantTimeEquals(byte[] a, byte[] b) {
return MessageDigest.isEqual(a, b);
* Returns a {@code byte[]} containing the value of the provided {@code char[]} without using {@code new String(chars).getBytes()} which would put sensitive data (the password) in the String pool.
* @param chars the characters to convert
* @return the byte[]
private static byte[] convertCharsToBytes(char[] chars) {
CharBuffer charBuffer = CharBuffer.wrap(chars);
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = Charset.forName("UTF-8").encode(charBuffer);
return Arrays.copyOfRange(byteBuffer.array(),
byteBuffer.position(), byteBuffer.limit());
@ -488,6 +488,203 @@ class CryptoUtilsTest {
assert emptyMsg.getMessage() == "The key provider file is not present and readable"
void testShouldEvaluateConstantTimeEqualsForStrings() {
// Arrange
String plaintext = "This is a short string."
String firstCharOff = "this is a short string."
String lastCharOff = "This is a short string,"
final int ITERATIONS = 10_000
def scenarios = ["identical": plaintext, "first off": firstCharOff, "last off": lastCharOff]
def results = [:]
def timings = [:]
boolean isEqual = true
long nanos = 0
long scNanos = 0
// Prepare the JVM
(WARM_UP_ITERATIONS).times { int i ->
def scIterationNanos = time("warm up sc") {
assert plaintext == plaintext
scNanos += scIterationNanos
def iterationNanos = time("warm up") {
assert CryptoUtils.constantTimeEquals(plaintext, plaintext)
nanos += iterationNanos
logger.info("${"warm up sc".padLeft(10)}: ${nanos} ns (avg: ${nanos / (WARM_UP_ITERATIONS)} ns)")
logger.info("${"warm up".padLeft(10)}: ${scNanos} ns (avg: ${scNanos / (WARM_UP_ITERATIONS)} ns)")
// Act
scenarios.each { String scenario, String value ->
isEqual = true
scNanos = 0
nanos = 0
ITERATIONS.times { int i ->
def scIterationNanos = time(scenario + " sc") {
(plaintext == value)
scNanos += scIterationNanos
def iterationNanos = time(scenario) {
isEqual = CryptoUtils.constantTimeEquals(plaintext, value)
nanos += iterationNanos
def scenarioWidth = 16
logger.info("${(scenario + " sc").padLeft(scenarioWidth)}: ${scNanos} ns (avg: ${scNanos / ITERATIONS} ns)")
logger.info("${scenario.padLeft(scenarioWidth)}: ${nanos} ns (avg: ${nanos / ITERATIONS} ns)")
results[scenario] = isEqual
timings[scenario] = nanos
// Assert
assert results["identical"]
assert !results["first off"]
assert !results["last off"]
// TODO: Assert timings are within std dev?
void testShouldEvaluateConstantTimeEqualsForBytes() {
// Arrange
String plaintext = "This is a short string."
String firstCharOff = "this is a short string."
String lastCharOff = "This is a short string,"
final int ITERATIONS = 10_000
def scenarios = ["identical": plaintext, "first off": firstCharOff, "last off": lastCharOff]
def results = [:]
def timings = [:]
boolean isEqual = true
long nanos = 0
long scNanos = 0
// Prepare the JVM
byte[] plaintextBytes = plaintext.getBytes("UTF-8")
(WARM_UP_ITERATIONS).times { int i ->
def scIterationNanos = time("warm up sc") {
assert plaintext == plaintext
scNanos += scIterationNanos
def iterationNanos = time("warm up") {
assert CryptoUtils.constantTimeEquals(plaintextBytes, plaintextBytes)
nanos += iterationNanos
logger.info("${"warm up sc".padLeft(10)}: ${nanos} ns (avg: ${nanos / (WARM_UP_ITERATIONS)} ns)")
logger.info("${"warm up".padLeft(10)}: ${scNanos} ns (avg: ${scNanos / (WARM_UP_ITERATIONS)} ns)")
// Act
scenarios.each { String scenario, String value ->
isEqual = true
scNanos = 0
nanos = 0
byte[] valueBytes = value.getBytes("UTF-8")
ITERATIONS.times { int i ->
def scIterationNanos = time(scenario + " sc") {
(plaintextBytes == valueBytes)
scNanos += scIterationNanos
def iterationNanos = time(scenario) {
isEqual = CryptoUtils.constantTimeEquals(plaintextBytes, valueBytes)
nanos += iterationNanos
def scenarioWidth = 16
logger.info("${(scenario + " sc").padLeft(scenarioWidth)}: ${scNanos} ns (avg: ${scNanos / ITERATIONS} ns)")
logger.info("${scenario.padLeft(scenarioWidth)}: ${nanos} ns (avg: ${nanos / ITERATIONS} ns)")
results[scenario] = isEqual
timings[scenario] = nanos
// Assert
assert results["identical"]
assert !results["first off"]
assert !results["last off"]
// TODO: Assert timings are within std dev?
void testShouldEvaluateConstantTimeEqualsForChars() {
// Arrange
String plaintext = "This is a short string."
String firstCharOff = "this is a short string."
String lastCharOff = "This is a short string,"
final int ITERATIONS = 10_000
def scenarios = ["identical": plaintext, "first off": firstCharOff, "last off": lastCharOff]
def results = [:]
def timings = [:]
boolean isEqual = true
long nanos = 0
long scNanos = 0
// Prepare the JVM
def plaintextChars = plaintext.chars
(WARM_UP_ITERATIONS).times { int i ->
def scIterationNanos = time("warm up sc") {
assert plaintext == plaintext
scNanos += scIterationNanos
def iterationNanos = time("warm up") {
assert CryptoUtils.constantTimeEquals(plaintextChars, plaintextChars)
nanos += iterationNanos
logger.info("${"warm up sc".padLeft(10)}: ${nanos} ns (avg: ${nanos / (WARM_UP_ITERATIONS)} ns)")
logger.info("${"warm up".padLeft(10)}: ${scNanos} ns (avg: ${scNanos / (WARM_UP_ITERATIONS)} ns)")
// Act
scenarios.each { String scenario, String value ->
isEqual = true
scNanos = 0
nanos = 0
def valueChars = value.chars
ITERATIONS.times { int i ->
def scIterationNanos = time(scenario + " sc") {
(plaintextChars == valueChars)
scNanos += scIterationNanos
def iterationNanos = time(scenario) {
isEqual = CryptoUtils.constantTimeEquals(plaintextChars, valueChars)
nanos += iterationNanos
def scenarioWidth = 16
logger.info("${(scenario + " sc").padLeft(scenarioWidth)}: ${scNanos} ns (avg: ${scNanos / ITERATIONS} ns)")
logger.info("${scenario.padLeft(scenarioWidth)}: ${nanos} ns (avg: ${nanos / ITERATIONS} ns)")
results[scenario] = isEqual
timings[scenario] = nanos
// Assert
assert results["identical"]
assert !results["first off"]
assert !results["last off"]
// TODO: Assert timings are within std dev?
private static long time(String name = "closure", Closure closure) {
long start = System.nanoTime()
long end = System.nanoTime()
end - start
private static String generateEncryptedKey(SecretKey masterKey) {
byte[] ivBytes = new byte[16]
byte[] keyBytes = new byte[isUnlimitedStrengthCryptoAvailable() ? 32 : 16]
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public class PopularVoteFlowElectionFactoryBean implements FactoryBean<PopularVo
private NiFiProperties properties;
public PopularVoteFlowElection getObject() throws Exception {
public PopularVoteFlowElection getObject() {
final String maxWaitTime = properties.getFlowElectionMaxWaitTime();
long maxWaitMillis;
try {
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nifi.cluster.coordination.flow
import org.apache.nifi.encrypt.StringEncryptor
import org.apache.nifi.security.util.EncryptionMethod
import org.apache.nifi.util.NiFiProperties
import org.junit.After
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.BeforeClass
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
class PopularVoteFlowElectionFactoryBeanTest extends GroovyTestCase {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PopularVoteFlowElectionFactoryBeanTest.class)
private final String DEFAULT_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY = "nififtw!"
static void setUpOnce() {
logger.metaClass.methodMissing = { String name, args ->
logger.info("[${name?.toUpperCase()}] ${(args as List).join(" ")}")
void setUp() {
void tearDown() {
NiFiProperties mockProperties(Map<String, String> defaults = [:]) {
def mockProps = NiFiProperties.createBasicNiFiProperties(null, [
] + defaults)
void testGetObjectShouldPopulateDefaultSensitivePropsKeyIfEmpty() {
// Arrange
PopularVoteFlowElectionFactoryBean electionFactoryBean = new PopularVoteFlowElectionFactoryBean()
electionFactoryBean.properties = mockProperties()
final StringEncryptor DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR = new StringEncryptor(EncryptionMethod.MD5_256AES.algorithm, EncryptionMethod.MD5_256AES.provider, DEFAULT_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY)
final String EXPECTED_PLAINTEXT = "my.test.value"
logger.info("Expected ciphertext: ${EXPECTED_CIPHERTEXT}")
// Act
PopularVoteFlowElection election = electionFactoryBean.object
logger.info("Got object: ${election}")
// Assert
// Violates LoD but need to evaluate nested encryptor can decrypt
def encryptor = election.fingerprintFactory.encryptor
String decrypted = encryptor.decrypt(EXPECTED_CIPHERTEXT)
logger.info("Decrypted plain text: ${decrypted}")
assert decrypted == EXPECTED_PLAINTEXT
void testGetObjectShouldPopulateSensitivePropsKeyIfPresent() {
// Arrange
PopularVoteFlowElectionFactoryBean electionFactoryBean = new PopularVoteFlowElectionFactoryBean()
electionFactoryBean.properties = mockProperties([(NiFiProperties.SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY): REVERSE_KEY])
final StringEncryptor REVERSE_ENCRYPTOR = new StringEncryptor(EncryptionMethod.MD5_256AES.algorithm, EncryptionMethod.MD5_256AES.provider, REVERSE_KEY)
final String EXPECTED_PLAINTEXT = "my.test.value"
logger.info("Expected ciphertext: ${EXPECTED_CIPHERTEXT}")
// Act
PopularVoteFlowElection election = electionFactoryBean.object
logger.info("Got object: ${election}")
// Assert
// Violates LoD but need to evaluate nested encryptor can decrypt
def encryptor = election.fingerprintFactory.encryptor
String decrypted = encryptor.decrypt(EXPECTED_CIPHERTEXT)
logger.info("Decrypted plain text: ${decrypted}")
assert decrypted == EXPECTED_PLAINTEXT
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import java.security.Security;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
@ -185,13 +186,18 @@ public class StringEncryptor {
final String sensitivePropAlgorithmVal = niFiProperties.getProperty(NF_SENSITIVE_PROPS_ALGORITHM);
final String sensitivePropProviderVal = niFiProperties.getProperty(NF_SENSITIVE_PROPS_PROVIDER);
final String sensitivePropValueNifiPropVar = niFiProperties.getProperty(NF_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY, DEFAULT_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY);
String sensitivePropValueNifiPropVar = niFiProperties.getProperty(NF_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY);
// TODO: This method should be removed in 2.0.0 and replaced globally with the String, String, String method
if (StringUtils.isBlank(sensitivePropValueNifiPropVar)) {
sensitivePropValueNifiPropVar = DEFAULT_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY;
return createEncryptor(sensitivePropAlgorithmVal, sensitivePropProviderVal, sensitivePropValueNifiPropVar);
* Creates an instance of the NiFi sensitive property encryptor.
* Creates an instance of the NiFi sensitive property encryptor. If the password is blank, the default will be used and an error will be printed to the log.
* @param algorithm the encryption (and key derivation) algorithm ({@link EncryptionMethod#algorithm})
* @param provider the JCA Security provider ({@link EncryptionMethod#provider})
@ -207,13 +213,31 @@ public class StringEncryptor {
throw new EncryptionException(NF_SENSITIVE_PROPS_PROVIDER + " must be set");
// Can't throw an exception because users who have not populated a key expect fallback to default.
// TODO: This should be removed in 2.0.0 and replaced with strict enforcement of a explicit unique key
if (StringUtils.isBlank(password)) {
throw new EncryptionException(NF_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY + " must be set");
return new StringEncryptor(algorithm, provider, password);
private static void printBlankKeyWarning() {
logger.error(StringUtils.repeat("*", 80));
logger.error(centerString("A blank sensitive properties key was provided"));
logger.error(centerString("Specify a unique key in nifi.properties"));
logger.error(centerString("for nifi.sensitive.props.key"));
logger.error(centerString("The Encrypt Config Tool in NiFi Toolkit can be used to"));
logger.error(centerString("migrate the flow to the new key"));
logger.error(StringUtils.repeat("*", 80));
private static String centerString(String msg) {
return "*" + StringUtils.center(msg, 78, " ") + "*";
protected void initialize() {
if (isInitialized()) {
logger.debug("Attempted to initialize an already-initialized StringEncryptor");
@ -249,7 +273,7 @@ public class StringEncryptor {
private boolean passwordIsValid(PBEKeySpec password) {
try {
return password.getPassword() != null;
return password.getPassword().length > 0;
} catch (IllegalStateException | NullPointerException e) {
return false;
@ -382,7 +406,7 @@ public class StringEncryptor {
private byte[] decryptPBE(byte[] cipherBytes) throws DecoderException {
private byte[] decryptPBE(byte[] cipherBytes) {
PBECipherProvider pbecp = (PBECipherProvider) cipherProvider;
final EncryptionMethod encryptionMethod = EncryptionMethod.forAlgorithm(algorithm);
@ -452,4 +476,103 @@ public class StringEncryptor {
protected static boolean providerIsValid(String provider) {
return SUPPORTED_PROVIDERS.contains(provider);
* Returns {@code true} if the two {@code StringEncryptor} objects are logically equivalent.
* This requires the same {@code algorithm}, {@code provider}, {@code encoding}, and
* {@code key}/{@code password}.
* <p>
* A {@code ciphertext} generated by one object can be decrypted by a separate object if they are equal as determined by this method.
* @param o the other StringEncryptor
* @return true if these instances are equal
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
StringEncryptor that = (StringEncryptor) o;
return Objects.equals(algorithm, that.algorithm)
&& Objects.equals(provider, that.provider)
&& Objects.equals(encoding, that.encoding)
&& secretsAreEqual(that.password, that.key);
* Returns true if the provided {@code password} and {@code key} match those contained in this {@code StringEncryptor}. This method does <strong>not</strong> compare {@code password == key}.
* <p>
* Internally, uses {@link #isPBEKeySpecEqual(PBEKeySpec, PBEKeySpec)} and {@link SecretKeySpec#equals(Object)}.
* @param otherPassword the password {@link PBEKeySpec}
* @param otherKey the key {@link SecretKeySpec}
* @return true if the passwords match and the keys match
private boolean secretsAreEqual(PBEKeySpec otherPassword, SecretKeySpec otherKey) {
// SecretKeySpec implements null-safe equals(), but PBEKeySpec does not
return isPBEKeySpecEqual(this.password, otherPassword) && Objects.equals(this.key, otherKey);
* Returns true if the two {@link PBEKeySpec} objects are logically equivalent (same params and password).
* @param a a PBEKeySpec to compare
* @param b a PBEKeySpec to compare
* @return true if they can be used for encryption interchangeably
private static boolean isPBEKeySpecEqual(PBEKeySpec a, PBEKeySpec b) {
if (a != null) {
if (b == null) {
return false;
} else {
// Compare all the accessors that will not throw exceptions
boolean nonNullsEqual = a.getIterationCount() == b.getIterationCount()
&& a.getKeyLength() == b.getKeyLength()
&& Arrays.equals(a.getSalt(), b.getSalt());
// Compare the passwords using constant-time equality while catching exceptions
boolean passwordsEqual;
try {
passwordsEqual = CryptoUtils.constantTimeEquals(a.getPassword(), b.getPassword());
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
logger.warn("Encountered an error trying to compare password equality (one or more passwords have been cleared)");
// Assume any key spec with password cleared is unusable; return false
return false;
// Logging for debug assistance
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("The PBEKeySpec objects have equal non-null elements ({}) and equal passwords ({})", new Object[]{String.valueOf(nonNullsEqual), String.valueOf(passwordsEqual)});
return nonNullsEqual && passwordsEqual;
} else {
// If here, a == null
return b == null;
* Returns the hashcode of this object. Does not include {@code cipherProvider} in hashcode calculations.
* @return the hashcode
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(algorithm, provider, encoding, password, key);
* Returns a String containing the {@code algorithm}, {@code provider}, {@code encoding}, and {@code cipherProvider} class name.
* @return a String representation of the object state
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("StringEncryptor using ").append(algorithm)
.append(" from ").append(provider)
.append(" with ").append(encoding).append(" encoding and cipher provider ")
return sb.toString();
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import org.junit.After
import org.junit.Assume
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.BeforeClass
import org.junit.Ignore
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ class StringEncryptorTest {
static void setUpOnce() throws Exception {
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider())
limitedPbeEncryptionMethods.removeAll { it.algorithm =~ "SHA.*(CBC)?"}
limitedPbeEncryptionMethods.removeAll { it.algorithm =~ "SHA.*(CBC)?" }
logger.metaClass.methodMissing = { String name, args ->
logger.info("[${name?.toUpperCase()}] ${(args as List).join(" ")}")
@ -479,4 +480,135 @@ class StringEncryptorTest {
assert !uninitializedIsInitialized
assert initializedIsInitialized
* Checks the {@link StringEncryptor#createEncryptor(NiFiProperties)} method which injects a default {@code nifi.sensitive.props.key} if one is not provided.
* @throws Exception
void testNiFiPropertiesCreateEncryptorShouldPopulateDefaultKeyIfMissing() throws Exception {
// Arrange
NiFiProperties propertiesWithoutKey = new StandardNiFiProperties([(ALGORITHM): DEFAULT_ALGORITHM, (PROVIDER): DEFAULT_PROVIDER] as Properties)
logger.info("Created encryptor from constructor using default values: ${DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR}")
// Act
StringEncryptor propertiesEncryptor = StringEncryptor.createEncryptor(propertiesWithoutKey)
logger.info("Created encryptor from NiFiProperties: ${propertiesEncryptor}")
// Assert
assert propertiesEncryptor == DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR
* Checks the {@link StringEncryptor#createEncryptor(String, String, String)} method which throws an exception if {@code nifi.sensitive.props.key} is not provided.
* @throws Exception
@Ignore("Regression test for old behavior")
void testStringCreateEncryptorShouldRequireKey() throws Exception {
// Arrange
logger.info("Created encryptor from constructor using default values: ${DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR}")
// Act
def constructMsg = shouldFail(EncryptionException) {
StringEncryptor stringEncryptor = StringEncryptor.createEncryptor(DEFAULT_ALGORITHM, DEFAULT_PROVIDER, "")
// Assert
assert constructMsg =~ "key must be set"
* Checks the {@link StringEncryptor#createEncryptor(String, String, String)} method which injects a default {@code nifi.sensitive.props.key} if one is not provided.
* @throws Exception
void testStringCreateEncryptorShouldPopulateDefaultKeyIfMissing() throws Exception {
// Arrange
logger.info("Created encryptor from constructor using default values: ${DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR}")
// Act
StringEncryptor propertiesEncryptor = StringEncryptor.createEncryptor(DEFAULT_ALGORITHM, DEFAULT_PROVIDER, "")
logger.info("Created encryptor from NiFiProperties: ${propertiesEncryptor}")
// Assert
assert propertiesEncryptor == DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR
void testEquals() throws Exception {
// Arrange
logger.info("Created encryptor from constructor using default values: ${DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR}")
StringEncryptor identityEncryptor = DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR
logger.info("Created encryptor by assigning identity: ${identityEncryptor}")
StringEncryptor sameValueEncryptor = new StringEncryptor(DEFAULT_ALGORITHM, DEFAULT_PROVIDER, DEFAULT_PASSWORD)
logger.info("Created encryptor from constructor using same values: ${DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR}")
// Clone not supported
// StringEncryptor cloneEncryptor = DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR.clone()
// logger.info("Created encryptor from cloning default: ${cloneEncryptor}")
StringEncryptor base64Encryptor = new StringEncryptor(DEFAULT_ALGORITHM, DEFAULT_PROVIDER, DEFAULT_PASSWORD)
logger.info("Created encryptor with Base64 encoding: ${base64Encryptor}")
StringEncryptor algorithmEncryptor = new StringEncryptor("PBEWITHSHAAND128BITAES-CBC-BC", DEFAULT_PROVIDER, DEFAULT_PASSWORD)
logger.info("Created encryptor with ${algorithmEncryptor.algorithm} algorithm: ${algorithmEncryptor}")
StringEncryptor providerEncryptor = new StringEncryptor(DEFAULT_ALGORITHM, "SunJCE", DEFAULT_PASSWORD)
logger.info("Created encryptor with ${providerEncryptor.provider} provider: ${providerEncryptor}")
StringEncryptor passwordEncryptor = new StringEncryptor(DEFAULT_ALGORITHM, DEFAULT_PROVIDER, DEFAULT_PASSWORD.reverse())
logger.info("Created encryptor with ${DEFAULT_PASSWORD.reverse()} password: ${passwordEncryptor}")
// Act
boolean defaultIsEqual = DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR.equals(DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR)
logger.info("[${defaultIsEqual.toString().padLeft(5)}]: default == default")
boolean identityIsEqual = DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR.equals(identityEncryptor)
logger.info("[${identityIsEqual.toString().padLeft(5)}]: default == identity")
boolean sameValueIsEqual = DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR.equals(sameValueEncryptor)
logger.info("[${sameValueIsEqual.toString().padLeft(5)}]: default == same value")
// boolean cloneIsEqual = DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR.equals(cloneEncryptor)
// logger.info("[${cloneIsEqual.toString().padLeft(5)}]: ${DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR} | ${cloneEncryptor}")
// Should be unequal
boolean base64IsEqual = DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR.equals(base64Encryptor)
logger.info("[${base64IsEqual.toString().padLeft(5)}]: default == base64")
boolean algorithmIsEqual = DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR.equals(algorithmEncryptor)
logger.info("[${algorithmIsEqual.toString().padLeft(5)}]: default == algorithm")
boolean providerIsEqual = DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR.equals(providerEncryptor)
logger.info("[${providerIsEqual.toString().padLeft(5)}]: default == provider")
boolean passwordIsEqual = DEFAULT_ENCRYPTOR.equals(passwordEncryptor)
logger.info("[${passwordIsEqual.toString().padLeft(5)}]: default == password")
// Assert
assert defaultIsEqual
assert identityIsEqual
assert sameValueIsEqual
// assert cloneIsEqual
assert !base64IsEqual
assert !algorithmIsEqual
assert !providerIsEqual
assert !passwordIsEqual
Reference in New Issue