NIFI-3058 Add documentation for ZooKeeper Migrator to Admin Guide

NIFI-3058 ZooKeeper Migration edits and general spelling corrections

This closes #1246.

Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <>
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Lim 2016-11-18 15:41:04 -05:00 committed by Bryan Bende
parent d65f46f7a5
commit 7e7739819a
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@ -1154,7 +1154,7 @@ NiFi Clustering is unique and has its own terminology. It's important to underst
[template="glossary", id="terminology"]
*Terminology* +
*NiFi Cluster Coordinator*: A NiFi Cluster Cluster Coordinator is the node in a NiFI cluster that is responsible for carrying out
*NiFi Cluster Coordinator*: A NiFi Cluster Cluster Coordinator is the node in a NiFi cluster that is responsible for carrying out
tasks to manage which nodes are allowed in the cluster and providing the most up-to-date flow to newly joining nodes. When a
DataFlow Manager manages a dataflow in a cluster, they are able to do so through the User Interface of any node in the cluster. Any
change made is then replicated to all nodes in the cluster.
@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ If Kerberos is not already setup in your environment, you can find information o[_]
. This guide assumes that Kerberos already has been installed in the environment in which NiFi is running.
Note, the following procedures for kerberizing an Embedded Zookeeper server in your NiFI Node and kerberizing a zookeeper NiFI client will require that
Note, the following procedures for kerberizing an Embedded ZooKeeper server in your NiFi Node and kerberizing a ZooKeeper NiFi client will require that
Kerberos client libraries be installed. This is accomplished in Fedora-based Linux distributions via:
@ -1602,7 +1602,99 @@
This will cause the debug output to be written to the NiFi Bootstrap log file. By default, this is located at _$NIFI_HOME/logs/nifi-bootstrap.log_.
This output can be rather verbose but provides extremely valuable information for troubleshooting Kerberos failures.
=== ZooKeeper Migrator
You can use the NiFi ZooKeeper Migrator to perform the following tasks:
* Moving ZooKeeper information from one ZooKeeper cluster to another
* Migrating ZooKeeper node ownership
For example, you may want to use the ZooKeeper Migrator when you are:
* Upgrading from NiFi 0.x to NiFi 1.x in which embedded ZooKeepers are used
* Migrating from an embedded ZooKeeper in NiFi 0.x or 1.x to an external ZooKeeper
* Upgrading from NiFi 0.x with an external ZooKeeper to NiFi 1.x with the same external ZooKeeper
* Migrating from an external ZooKeeper to an embedded ZooKeeper in NiFi 1.x
The NiFi ZooKeeper Migrator is part of the NiFi Toolkit and is downloaded separately from the
link:[Apache NiFi download page].
==== Command Line Parameters
You can use the following command line options with the ZooKeeper Migrator:
* `-a,--auth <username:password>` Allows the specification of a username and password for authentication with ZooKeeper. This option is mutually exclusive with the `-k,--krb-conf` option.
* `-f,--file <filename>` The file used for ZooKeeper data serialized as JSON. When used with the `-r,--receive` option, data read from ZooKeeper will be stored in the given filename. When used with the `-s,--send` option, the data in the file will be sent to ZooKeeper.
* `-h,--help` Prints help, displays available parameters with descriptions
* `--ignore-source` Allows the ZooKeeper Migrator to write to the ZooKeeper and path from which the data was obtained.
* `-k,--krb-conf <jaas-filename>` Allows the specification of a JAAS configuration file to allow authentication with a ZooKeeper configured to use Kerberos. This option is mutually exclusive with the `-a,--auth` option.
* `-r,--receive` Receives data from ZooKeeper and writes to the given filename (if the `-f,--file` option is provided) or standard output. The data received will contain the full path to each node read from ZooKeeper. This option is mutually exclusive with the `-s,--send` option.
* `-s,--send` Sends data to ZooKeeper that is read from the given filename (if the `-f,--file` option is provided) or standard input. The paths for each node in the data being sent to ZooKeeper are absolute paths, and will be stored in ZooKeeper under the *path* portion of the `-z,--zookeeper` argument. Typically, the *path* portion of the argument can be omitted, which will store the nodes at their absolute paths. This option is mutually exclusive with the `-r,--receive` option.
* `-z,--zookeeper <zookeeper-endpoint>` The ZooKeeper server to use, specified by a connection string with path, in the format of _host:port/znode/path_.
==== Migrating Between Source and Destination ZooKeepers
Before you begin, confirm that:
* You have installed the destination ZooKeeper cluster.
* You have installed and configured a NiFi cluster to use the destination ZooKeeper cluster.
* If you are migrating ZooKeepers due to upgrading NiFi from 0.x to 1.x,, you have already followed appropriate NiFi upgrade steps.
* You have configured Kerberos as needed.
* You have not started processing any dataflow (to avoid duplicate data processing).
* If one of the ZooKeeper clusters you are using is configured with Kerberos, you are running the ZooKeeper Migrator from a host that has access to NiFis ZooKeeper client jaas configuration file (see <<zk_kerberos_client>> for more information).
===== ZooKeeper Migration Steps
1. Collect the following information:
|*Required Information*|*Description*
|Source ZooKeeper hostname (*sourceHostname*)|The hostname must be one of the hosts running in the ZooKeeper ensemble, which can be found in <NiFi installation dir>/conf/ Any of the hostnames declared in the *server.N* properties can be used.
|Destination ZooKeeper hostname (*destinationHostname*)|The hostname must be one of the hosts running in the ZooKeeper ensemble, which can be found in <NiFi installation dir>/conf/ Any of the hostnames declared in the *server.N* properties can be used.
|Source ZooKeeper port (*sourceClientPort*)|This can be found in ** of the <NiFi installation dir>/conf/ The port is specified in the *clientPort* property.
|Destination ZooKeeper port (*destinationClientPort*)|This can be found in ** of the <NiFi installation dir>/conf/ The port is specified in the *clientPort* property.
|Export data path|Determine the path that will store a json file containing the export of data from ZooKeeper. It must be readable and writable by the user running the zk-migrator tool.
|Source ZooKeeper Authentication Information|This information is in <NiFi installation dir>/conf/state-management.xml. For NiFi 0.x, if Creator Only is specified in state-management.xml, you need to supply authentication information using the `-a,--auth` argument with the values from the Username and Password properties in state-management.xml. For NiFi 1.x, supply authentication information using the `-k,--krb-conf` argument.
If the state-management.xml specifies Open, no authentication is required.
|Destination ZooKeeper Authentication Information|This information is in <NiFi installation dir>/conf/state-management.xml. For NiFi 0.x, if Creator Only is specified in state-management.xml, you need to supply authentication information using the `-a,--auth` argument with the values from the Username and Password properties in state-management.xml. For NiFi 1.x, supply authentication information using the `-k,--krb-conf` argument.
If the state-management.xml specifies Open, no authentication is required.
|Root path to which NiFi writes data in Source ZooKeeper (*sourceRootPath*)|This information can be found in <NiFi installation dir>/conf/state-management.xml under the Root Node property in the cluster-provider element. (default: /nifi)
|Root path to which NiFi writes data in Destination ZooKeeper (*destinationRootPath*)|This information can be found in <NiFi installation dir>/conf/state-management.xml under the Root Node property in the cluster-provider element.
2. Stop all processors in the NiFi flow. If you are migrating between two NiFi installations, the flows on both must be stopped.
3. Export the NiFi component data from the source ZooKeeper. The following command reads from the specified ZooKeeper running on the given hostname:port, using the provided path to the data, and authenticates with ZooKeeper using the given username and password. The data read from ZooKeeper is written to the file provided.
* For NiFi 0.x
** For an open ZooKeeper:
*** -r -z *sourceHostname:sourceClientPort*/*sourceRootPath*/components -f /*path*/*to*/*export*/*zk-source-data.json*
** For a ZooKeeper using username:password for authentication:
*** -r -z *sourceHostname:sourceClientPort*/*sourceRootPath*/components -a <username:password> -f /*path*/*to*/*export*/*zk-source-data.json*
* For NiFi 1.x
** For an open ZooKeeper:
*** -r -z *sourceHostname:sourceClientPort*/*sourceRootPath*/components -f /*path*/*to*/*export*/*zk-source-data.json*
** For a ZooKeeper using Kerberos for authentication:
*** -r -z *sourceHostname:sourceClientPort*/*sourceRootPath*/components -k /*path*/*to*/*jaasconfig*/*jaas-config.conf* -f /*path*/*to*/*export*/*zk-source-data.json*
4. (Optional) If you have used the new NiFi installation to do any processing, you can also export its ZooKeeper data as a backup prior to performing the migration.
* For an open ZooKeeper:
** -r -z *destinationHostname:destinationClientPort*/*destinationRootPath*/components -f /*path*/*to*/*export*/*zk-destination-backup-data.json*
* For a ZooKeeper using Kerberos for authentication:
** -r -z *destinationHostname:destinationClientPort*/*destinationRootPath*/components -k /*path*/*to*/*jaasconfig*/*jaas-config.conf* -f /*path*/*to*/*export*/*zk-destination-backup-data.json*
5. Migrate the ZooKeeper data to the destination ZooKeeper. If the source and destination ZooKeepers are the same, the `--ignore-source` option can be added to the following examples.
* For an open ZooKeeper:
** -s -z *destinationHostname:destinationClientPort*/ -f /*path*/*to*/*export*/*zk-source-data.json*
* For a ZooKeeper using Kerberos for authentication:
** -s -z *destinationHostname:destinationClientPort*/ -k /*path*/*to*/*jaasconfig*/*jaas-config.conf* -f /*path*/*to*/*export*/*zk-source-data.json*
6. Once the migration has completed successfully, start the processors in the NiFi flow. Processing should continue from the point at which it was stopped when the NiFi flow was stopped.
Bootstrap Properties