NIFI-1078: Fixed typo in docs and added additional examples

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Mark Payne 2016-01-28 09:35:05 -05:00
parent 23364f554c
commit 8a9a44c102

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@ -1383,9 +1383,21 @@ chaining together the two functions: `${date:toDate('MM-dd-yyyy'):format('yyyy/M
Date type representing that time. Since whole Expression Language expressions can only return Strings it would formatted as
`Wed Dec 31 15:36:03 EST 2014` when the expression completes.
The utilizing the <<toNumber>> method, `now` can provide the current date and time as the number of milliseconds since
Utilizing the <<toNumber>> method, `now` can provide the current date and time as the number of milliseconds since
Midnight GMT on January 1, 1970. For instance, if instead of executing `${now()}` in the previous example `${now():toNumber()}`
was run then it would output `1453843201123`. This way preserves the millisecond field.
was run then it would output `1453843201123`. This method provides millisecond-level precision and provides the ability to
manipulate the value.
.now Examples
| Expression | Value
| `${now()}` | A Date type representing the current date and time to the nearest millisecond
| `${now():toNumber()}` | The number of milliseconds since midnight GMT Jan 1, 1970 (`1453843201123`, for example)
| `${now():toNumber():minus(86400000)` | A number presenting the time 24 hours ago
| `${now():format('yyyy')}` | The current year
| `${now():toNumber():minus(86400000):format('E')}` | The day of the week that was yesterday,
as a 3-letter abbreviation (For example, `Wed`)