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index 8470f61393..e39ccc3bf0 100644
--- a/nar-bundles/monitor-threshold-bundle/ui/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/index.jsp
+++ b/nar-bundles/monitor-threshold-bundle/ui/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/index.jsp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
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--- a/nar-bundles/monitor-threshold-bundle/ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/jqgrid/css/ellipsis-xbl.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/nar-bundles/monitor-threshold-bundle/ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/jqgrid/css/ui.jqgrid.css b/nar-bundles/monitor-threshold-bundle/ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/jqgrid/css/ui.jqgrid.css
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--- a/nar-bundles/monitor-threshold-bundle/ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/jqgrid/css/ui.jqgrid.css
+++ b/nar-bundles/monitor-threshold-bundle/ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/jqgrid/css/ui.jqgrid.css
@@ -1,181 +1,120 @@
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/* loading */
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/* toolbar */
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/* Form edit */
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/* End Eorm edit */
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+/* inline edit actions button*/
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.ui-jqgrid .tree-wrap-ltr {float: left;}
.ui-jqgrid .tree-wrap-rtl {float: right;}
-.ui-jqgrid .ui-ellipsis {text-overflow:ellipsis; -moz-binding:url('ellipsis-xbl.xml#ellipsis');}
+.ui-jqgrid .ui-ellipsis {-moz-text-overflow:ellipsis;text-overflow:ellipsis;}
+/* Toolbar Search Menu */
+.ui-search-menu { position: absolute; padding: 2px 5px;}
+.ui-jqgrid .ui-search-table { padding: 0; border: 0 none; height:20px; width:100%;}
+.ui-jqgrid .ui-search-table .ui-search-oper { width:20px; }
+a.g-menu-item, a.soptclass, a.clearsearchclass { cursor: pointer; }
+.ui-jqgrid .ui-search-table .ui-search-input>input,
+.ui-jqgrid .ui-search-table .ui-search-input>select
+ display: block;
+ -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-view input,
+.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-view select,
+.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-view textarea,
+.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-view button {
+ font-size: 11px
diff --git a/nar-bundles/monitor-threshold-bundle/ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/jqgrid/js/i18n/grid.locale-en.js b/nar-bundles/monitor-threshold-bundle/ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/jqgrid/js/i18n/grid.locale-en.js
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 7b12acfa1b..6929885ecf
--- a/nar-bundles/monitor-threshold-bundle/ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/jqgrid/js/i18n/grid.locale-en.js
+++ b/nar-bundles/monitor-threshold-bundle/ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/jqgrid/js/i18n/grid.locale-en.js
@@ -1,5 +1,170 @@
-(function (a) {
- a.jgrid = {defaults: {recordtext: "View {0} - {1} of {2}", emptyrecords: "No records to view", loadtext: "Loading...", pgtext: "Page {0} of {1}"}, search: {caption: "Search...", Find: "Find", Reset: "Reset", odata: ["equal", "not equal", "less", "less or equal", "greater", "greater or equal", "begins with", "does not begin with", "is in", "is not in", "ends with", "does not end with", "contains", "does not contain"], groupOps: [{op: "AND", text: "all"}, {op: "OR", text: "any"}], matchText: " match", rulesText: " rules"}, edit: {addCaption: "Add Record", editCaption: "Edit Record", bSubmit: "Submit", bCancel: "Cancel", bClose: "Close", saveData: "Data has been changed! Save changes?", bYes: "Yes", bNo: "No", bExit: "Cancel", msg: {required: "Field is required", number: "Please, enter valid number", minValue: "value must be greater than or equal to ", maxValue: "value must be less than or equal to", email: "is not a valid e-mail", integer: "Please, enter valid integer value", date: "Please, enter valid date value", url: "is not a valid URL. Prefix required ('http://' or 'https://')", nodefined: " is not defined!", novalue: " return value is required!", customarray: "Custom function should return array!", customfcheck: "Custom function should be present in case of custom checking!"}}, view: {caption: "View Record", bClose: "Close"}, del: {caption: "Delete", msg: "Delete selected record(s)?", bSubmit: "Delete", bCancel: "Cancel"}, nav: {edittext: "", edittitle: "Edit selected row", addtext: "", addtitle: "Add new row", deltext: "", deltitle: "Delete selected row", searchtext: "", searchtitle: "Find records", refreshtext: "", refreshtitle: "Reload Grid", alertcap: "Warning", alerttext: "Please, select row", viewtext: "", viewtitle: "View selected row"}, col: {caption: "Select columns", bSubmit: "Ok", bCancel: "Cancel"}, errors: {errcap: "Error", nourl: "No url is set", norecords: "No records to process", model: "Length of colNames <> colModel!"}, formatter: {integer: {thousandsSeparator: " ", defaultValue: "0"}, number: {decimalSeparator: ".", thousandsSeparator: " ", decimalPlaces: 2, defaultValue: "0.00"}, currency: {decimalSeparator: ".", thousandsSeparator: " ", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "", suffix: "", defaultValue: "0.00"}, date: {dayNames: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thr", "Fri", "Sat", "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], monthNames: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], AmPm: ["am", "pm", "AM", "PM"], S: function (b) {
- return b < 11 || b > 13 ? ["st", "nd", "rd", "th"][Math.min((b - 1) % 10, 3)] : "th"
- }, srcformat: "Y-m-d", newformat: "d/m/Y", masks: {ISO8601Long: "Y-m-d H:i:s", ISO8601Short: "Y-m-d", ShortDate: "n/j/Y", LongDate: "l, F d, Y", FullDateTime: "l, F d, Y g:i:s A", MonthDay: "F d", ShortTime: "g:i A", LongTime: "g:i:s A", SortableDateTime: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s", UniversalSortableDateTime: "Y-m-d H:i:sO", YearMonth: "F, Y"}, reformatAfterEdit: false}, baseLinkUrl: "", showAction: "", target: "", checkbox: {disabled: true}, idName: "id"}}
\ No newline at end of file
+ * jqGrid English Translation
+ * Tony Tomov tony@trirand.com
+ * http://trirand.com/blog/
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+ * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
+$.jgrid = $.jgrid || {};
+ defaults : {
+ recordtext: "View {0} - {1} of {2}",
+ emptyrecords: "No records to view",
+ loadtext: "Loading...",
+ pgtext : "Page {0} of {1}"
+ },
+ search : {
+ caption: "Search...",
+ Find: "Find",
+ Reset: "Reset",
+ odata: [{ oper:'eq', text:'equal'},{ oper:'ne', text:'not equal'},{ oper:'lt', text:'less'},{ oper:'le', text:'less or equal'},{ oper:'gt', text:'greater'},{ oper:'ge', text:'greater or equal'},{ oper:'bw', text:'begins with'},{ oper:'bn', text:'does not begin with'},{ oper:'in', text:'is in'},{ oper:'ni', text:'is not in'},{ oper:'ew', text:'ends with'},{ oper:'en', text:'does not end with'},{ oper:'cn', text:'contains'},{ oper:'nc', text:'does not contain'},{ oper:'nu', text:'is null'},{ oper:'nn', text:'is not null'}],
+ groupOps: [{ op: "AND", text: "all" },{ op: "OR", text: "any" }],
+ operandTitle : "Click to select search operation.",
+ resetTitle : "Reset Search Value"
+ },
+ edit : {
+ addCaption: "Add Record",
+ editCaption: "Edit Record",
+ bSubmit: "Submit",
+ bCancel: "Cancel",
+ bClose: "Close",
+ saveData: "Data has been changed! Save changes?",
+ bYes : "Yes",
+ bNo : "No",
+ bExit : "Cancel",
+ msg: {
+ required:"Field is required",
+ number:"Please, enter valid number",
+ minValue:"value must be greater than or equal to ",
+ maxValue:"value must be less than or equal to",
+ email: "is not a valid e-mail",
+ integer: "Please, enter valid integer value",
+ date: "Please, enter valid date value",
+ url: "is not a valid URL. Prefix required ('http://' or 'https://')",
+ nodefined : " is not defined!",
+ novalue : " return value is required!",
+ customarray : "Custom function should return array!",
+ customfcheck : "Custom function should be present in case of custom checking!"
+ }
+ },
+ view : {
+ caption: "View Record",
+ bClose: "Close"
+ },
+ del : {
+ caption: "Delete",
+ msg: "Delete selected record(s)?",
+ bSubmit: "Delete",
+ bCancel: "Cancel"
+ },
+ nav : {
+ edittext: "",
+ edittitle: "Edit selected row",
+ addtext:"",
+ addtitle: "Add new row",
+ deltext: "",
+ deltitle: "Delete selected row",
+ searchtext: "",
+ searchtitle: "Find records",
+ refreshtext: "",
+ refreshtitle: "Reload Grid",
+ alertcap: "Warning",
+ alerttext: "Please, select row",
+ viewtext: "",
+ viewtitle: "View selected row"
+ },
+ col : {
+ caption: "Select columns",
+ bSubmit: "Ok",
+ bCancel: "Cancel"
+ },
+ errors : {
+ errcap : "Error",
+ nourl : "No url is set",
+ norecords: "No records to process",
+ model : "Length of colNames <> colModel!"
+ },
+ formatter : {
+ integer : {thousandsSeparator: ",", defaultValue: '0'},
+ number : {decimalSeparator:".", thousandsSeparator: ",", decimalPlaces: 2, defaultValue: '0.00'},
+ currency : {decimalSeparator:".", thousandsSeparator: ",", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "", suffix:"", defaultValue: '0.00'},
+ date : {
+ dayNames: [
+ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thr", "Fri", "Sat",
+ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
+ ],
+ monthNames: [
+ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec",
+ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
+ ],
+ AmPm : ["am","pm","AM","PM"],
+ S: function (j) {return j < 11 || j > 13 ? ['st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][Math.min((j - 1) % 10, 3)] : 'th';},
+ srcformat: 'Y-m-d',
+ newformat: 'n/j/Y',
+ parseRe : /[#%\\\/:_;.,\t\s-]/,
+ masks : {
+ // see http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php for PHP format used in jqGrid
+ // and see http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Datepicker/formatDate
+ // and https://github.com/jquery/globalize#dates for alternative formats used frequently
+ // one can find on https://github.com/jquery/globalize/tree/master/lib/cultures many
+ // information about date, time, numbers and currency formats used in different countries
+ // one should just convert the information in PHP format
+ ISO8601Long:"Y-m-d H:i:s",
+ ISO8601Short:"Y-m-d",
+ // short date:
+ // n - Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros
+ // j - Day of the month without leading zeros
+ // Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+ // example: 3/1/2012 which means 1 March 2012
+ ShortDate: "n/j/Y", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "M/d/yyyy"
+ // long date:
+ // l - A full textual representation of the day of the week
+ // F - A full textual representation of a month
+ // d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
+ // Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+ LongDate: "l, F d, Y", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy"
+ // long date with long time:
+ // l - A full textual representation of the day of the week
+ // F - A full textual representation of a month
+ // d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
+ // Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+ // g - 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
+ // i - Minutes with leading zeros
+ // s - Seconds, with leading zeros
+ // A - Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem (AM or PM)
+ FullDateTime: "l, F d, Y g:i:s A", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt"
+ // month day:
+ // F - A full textual representation of a month
+ // d - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
+ MonthDay: "F d", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "MMMM dd"
+ // short time (without seconds)
+ // g - 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
+ // i - Minutes with leading zeros
+ // A - Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem (AM or PM)
+ ShortTime: "g:i A", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "h:mm tt"
+ // long time (with seconds)
+ // g - 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
+ // i - Minutes with leading zeros
+ // s - Seconds, with leading zeros
+ // A - Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem (AM or PM)
+ LongTime: "g:i:s A", // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "h:mm:ss tt"
+ SortableDateTime: "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s",
+ UniversalSortableDateTime: "Y-m-d H:i:sO",
+ // month with year
+ // Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
+ // F - A full textual representation of a month
+ YearMonth: "F, Y" // in jQuery UI Datepicker: "MMMM, yyyy"
+ },
+ reformatAfterEdit : false
+ },
+ baseLinkUrl: '',
+ showAction: '',
+ target: '',
+ checkbox : {disabled:true},
+ idName : 'id'
+ }
diff --git a/nar-bundles/monitor-threshold-bundle/ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/jqgrid/js/jquery.jqGrid.min.js b/nar-bundles/monitor-threshold-bundle/ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/jqgrid/js/jquery.jqGrid.min.js
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 5ce272fb39..340d0a008c
--- a/nar-bundles/monitor-threshold-bundle/ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/jqgrid/js/jquery.jqGrid.min.js
+++ b/nar-bundles/monitor-threshold-bundle/ui/src/main/webapp/js/jquery/jqgrid/js/jquery.jqGrid.min.js
@@ -1,416 +1,545 @@
- * jqGrid 3.6.5 - jQuery Grid
- * Copyright (c) 2008, Tony Tomov, tony@trirand.com
- * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses
- * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
- * Date:2010-05-05
- * Modules: grid.base.js; jquery.fmatter.js; grid.custom.js; grid.common.js; grid.formedit.js; jquery.searchFilter.js; grid.inlinedit.js; grid.celledit.js; jqModal.js; jqDnR.js; grid.subgrid.js; grid.treegrid.js; grid.import.js; JsonXml.js; grid.setcolumns.js; grid.postext.js; grid.tbltogrid.js; grid.jqueryui.js;
- */
-(function(b){b.jgrid = b.jgrid || {}; b.extend(b.jgrid, {htmlDecode:function(f){if (f == " " || f == " " || f.length == 1 && f.charCodeAt(0) == 160)return""; return!f?f:String(f).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/"/g, '"')}, htmlEncode:function(f){return!f?f:String(f).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/])*>/gi; if (f)return(f = f.replace(k, "")) && f !== " " && f !== " "?f.replace(/\"/g, "'"):""; else return f}, stringToDoc:function(f){var k; if (typeof f !== "string")return f; try{k = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(f, "text/xml")} catch (i){k = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
- k.async = false; k.loadXML(f)}return k && k.documentElement && k.documentElement.tagName != "parsererror"?k:null}, parse:function(f){f = f; if (f.substr(0, 9) == "while(1);")f = f.substr(9); if (f.substr(0, 2) == "/*")f = f.substr(2, f.length - 4); f || (f = "{}"); return b.jgrid.useJSON === true && typeof JSON === "object" && typeof JSON.parse === "function"?JSON.parse(f):eval("(" + f + ")")}, jqID:function(f){f += ""; return f.replace(/([\.\:\[\]])/g, "\\$1")}, ajaxOptions:{}, extend:function(f){b.extend(b.fn.jqGrid, f); this.no_legacy_api || b.fn.extend(f)}});
- b.fn.jqGrid = function(f){if (typeof f == "string"){var k = b.fn.jqGrid[f]; if (!k)throw"jqGrid - No such method: " + f; var i = b.makeArray(arguments).slice(1); return k.apply(this, i)}return this.each(function(){if (!this.grid){var h = b.extend(true, {url:"", height:150, page:1, rowNum:20, records:0, pager:"", pgbuttons:true, pginput:true, colModel:[], rowList:[], colNames:[], sortorder:"asc", sortname:"", datatype:"xml", mtype:"GET", altRows:false, selarrrow:[], savedRow:[], shrinkToFit:true, xmlReader:{}, jsonReader:{}, subGrid:false,
- subGridModel:[], reccount:0, lastpage:0, lastsort:0, selrow:null, beforeSelectRow:null, onSelectRow:null, onSortCol:null, ondblClickRow:null, onRightClickRow:null, onPaging:null, onSelectAll:null, loadComplete:null, gridComplete:null, loadError:null, loadBeforeSend:null, afterInsertRow:null, beforeRequest:null, onHeaderClick:null, viewrecords:false, loadonce:false, multiselect:false, multikey:false, editurl:null, search:false, caption:"", hidegrid:true, hiddengrid:false, postData:{}, userData:{}, treeGrid:false, treeGridModel:"nested",
- treeReader:{}, treeANode: - 1, ExpandColumn:null, tree_root_level:0, prmNames:{page:"page", rows:"rows", sort:"sidx", order:"sord", search:"_search", nd:"nd", id:"id", oper:"oper", editoper:"edit", addoper:"add", deloper:"del", subgridid:"id", npage:null}, forceFit:false, gridstate:"visible", cellEdit:false, cellsubmit:"remote", nv:0, loadui:"enable", toolbar:[false, ""], scroll:false, multiboxonly:false, deselectAfterSort:true, scrollrows:false, autowidth:false, scrollOffset:18, cellLayout:5, subGridWidth:20, multiselectWidth:20,
- gridview:false, rownumWidth:25, rownumbers:false, pagerpos:"center", recordpos:"right", footerrow:false, userDataOnFooter:false, hoverrows:true, altclass:"ui-priority-secondary", viewsortcols:[false, "vertical", true], resizeclass:"", autoencode:false, remapColumns:[], ajaxGridOptions:{}, direction:"ltr", toppager:false, headertitles:false, scrollTimeout:200}, b.jgrid.defaults, f || {}), g = {headers:[], cols:[], footers:[], dragStart:function(c, d, e){this.resizing = {idx:c, startX:d.clientX, sOL:e[0]}; this.hDiv.style.cursor = "col-resize";
- this.curGbox = b("#rs_m" + h.id, "#gbox_" + h.id); this.curGbox.css({display:"block", left:e[0], top:e[1], height:e[2]}); b.isFunction(h.resizeStart) && h.resizeStart.call(this, d, c); document.onselectstart = function(){return false}}, dragMove:function(c){if (this.resizing){var d = c.clientX - this.resizing.startX; c = this.headers[this.resizing.idx]; var e = h.direction === "ltr"?c.width + d:c.width - d, l; if (e > 33){this.curGbox.css({left:this.resizing.sOL + d}); if (h.forceFit === true){l = this.headers[this.resizing.idx + h.nv]; d = h.direction ===
- "ltr"?l.width - d:l.width + d; if (d > 33){c.newWidth = e; l.newWidth = d}} else{this.newWidth = h.direction === "ltr"?h.tblwidth + d:h.tblwidth - d; c.newWidth = e}}}}, dragEnd:function(){this.hDiv.style.cursor = "default"; if (this.resizing){var c = this.resizing.idx, d = this.headers[c].newWidth || this.headers[c].width; d = parseInt(d, 10); this.resizing = false; b("#rs_m" + h.id).css("display", "none"); h.colModel[c].width = d; this.headers[c].width = d; this.headers[c].el.style.width = d + "px"; if (this.cols.length > 0)this.cols[c].style.width = d + "px";
- if (this.footers.length > 0)this.footers[c].style.width = d + "px"; if (h.forceFit === true){d = this.headers[c + h.nv].newWidth || this.headers[c + h.nv].width; this.headers[c + h.nv].width = d; this.headers[c + h.nv].el.style.width = d + "px"; if (this.cols.length > 0)this.cols[c + h.nv].style.width = d + "px"; if (this.footers.length > 0)this.footers[c + h.nv].style.width = d + "px"; h.colModel[c + h.nv].width = d} else{h.tblwidth = this.newWidth || h.tblwidth; b("table:first", this.bDiv).css("width", h.tblwidth + "px"); b("table:first", this.hDiv).css("width",
- h.tblwidth + "px"); this.hDiv.scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft; if (h.footerrow){b("table:first", this.sDiv).css("width", h.tblwidth + "px"); this.sDiv.scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft}}b.isFunction(h.resizeStop) && h.resizeStop.call(this, d, c)}this.curGbox = null; document.onselectstart = function(){return true}}, populateVisible:function(){g.timer && clearTimeout(g.timer); g.timer = null; var c = b(g.bDiv).height(); if (c){var d = b("table:first", g.bDiv), e = b("> tbody > tr:visible:first", d).outerHeight() || g.prevRowHeight; if (e){g.prevRowHeight =
- e; var l = h.rowNum, n = g.scrollTop = g.bDiv.scrollTop, o = Math.round(d.position().top) - n, p = o + d.height(); e = e * l; var w, y, s; if (o <= 0 && (h.lastpage === undefined || parseInt((p + n + e - 1) / e, 10) <= h.lastpage)){y = parseInt((c - p + e - 1) / e, 10); if (p >= 0 || y < 2 || h.scroll === true){w = Math.round((p + n) / e) + 1; o = - 1} else o = 1}if (o > 0){w = parseInt(n / e, 10) + 1; y = parseInt((n + c) / e, 10) + 2 - w; s = true}if (y)if (!(h.lastpage && w > h.lastpage))if (g.hDiv.loading)g.timer = setTimeout(g.populateVisible, h.scrollTimeout); else{h.page = w; if (s){g.selectionPreserver(d[0]); g.emptyRows(g.bDiv,
- false)}g.populate(y)}}}}, scrollGrid:function(){if (h.scroll){var c = g.bDiv.scrollTop; if (c != g.scrollTop){g.scrollTop = c; g.timer && clearTimeout(g.timer); g.timer = setTimeout(g.populateVisible, 200)}}g.hDiv.scrollLeft = g.bDiv.scrollLeft; if (h.footerrow)g.sDiv.scrollLeft = g.bDiv.scrollLeft}, selectionPreserver:function(c){var d = c.p, e = d.selrow, l = d.selarrrow?b.makeArray(d.selarrrow):null, n = c.grid.bDiv.scrollLeft, o = d.gridComplete; d.gridComplete = function(){d.selrow = null; d.selarrrow = []; if (d.multiselect && l && l.length >
- 0)for (var p = 0; p < l.length; p++)l[p] != e && b(c).jqGrid("setSelection", l[p], false); e && b(c).jqGrid("setSelection", e, false); c.grid.bDiv.scrollLeft = n; d.gridComplete = o; d.gridComplete && o()}}}; this.p = h; var j, m, a; if (this.p.colNames.length === 0)for (j = 0; j < this.p.colModel.length; j++)this.p.colNames[j] = this.p.colModel[j].label || this.p.colModel[j].name; if (this.p.colNames.length !== this.p.colModel.length)alert(b.jgrid.errors.model); else{var q = b("
"), t, x = b.browser.msie?true:false, C = b.browser.safari?
- true:false; a = this; a.p.direction = b.trim(a.p.direction.toLowerCase()); if (b.inArray(a.p.direction, ["ltr", "rtl"]) == - 1)a.p.direction = "ltr"; m = a.p.direction; b(q).insertBefore(this); b(this).appendTo(q).removeClass("scroll"); var K = b(""); b(K).insertBefore(q).attr({id:"gbox_" + this.id, dir:m}); b(q).appendTo(K).attr("id", "gview_" + this.id); t = x && b.browser.version <= 6?'':
- ""; b("").append(t).insertBefore(q); b("
" + this.p.loadtext + "
").insertBefore(q); b(this).attr({cellSpacing:"0", cellPadding:"0", border:"0", role:"grid", "aria-multiselectable":!!this.p.multiselect, "aria-labelledby":"gbox_" + this.id}); var J = function(c, d){c = parseInt(c, 10); return isNaN(c)?d?d:0:c}, F = function(c, d, e){var l = a.p.colModel[c], n = l.align, o = 'style="',
- p = l.classes, w = l.name; if (n)o += "text-align:" + n + ";"; if (l.hidden === true)o += "display:none;"; if (d === 0)o += "width: " + g.headers[c].width + "px;"; o += '"' + (p !== undefined?' class="' + p + '"':"") + (l.title && e?' title="' + b.jgrid.stripHtml(e) + '"':""); o += ' aria-describedby="' + a.p.id + "_" + w + '"'; return o}, Q = function(c){return c === undefined || c === null || c === ""?" ":a.p.autoencode?b.jgrid.htmlEncode(c):c + ""}, M = function(c, d, e, l, n){e = a.p.colModel[e]; if (typeof e.formatter !== "undefined"){c = {rowId:c, colModel:e, gid:a.p.id}; d = b.isFunction(e.formatter)?
- e.formatter.call(a, d, c, l, n):b.fmatter?b.fn.fmatter(e.formatter, d, c, l, n):Q(d)} else d = Q(d); return d}, R = function(c, d, e, l, n){c = M(c, d, e, n, "add"); return'
" + c + "
"}, u = function(c, d, e){c = ''; d = F(d, e, ""); return'
" + c + "
"}, la = function(c, d, e, l){e = (parseInt(e, 10) - 1) * parseInt(l, 10) + 1 + d; c = F(c, d, ""); return'
" + e + "
"}, ca = function(c){var d, e = [], l = 0, n; for (n = 0; n < a.p.colModel.length; n++){d = a.p.colModel[n]; if (d.name !== "cb" && d.name !== "subgrid" && d.name !== "rn"){e[l] = c == "xml"?d.xmlmap || d.name:d.jsonmap || d.name; l++}}return e}, fa = function(c){var d = a.p.remapColumns; if (!d || !d.length)d = b.map(a.p.colModel, function(e, l){return l}); if (c)d = b.map(d, function(e){return e < c?null:e - c}); return d}, aa = function(c, d){a.p.deepempty?b("tbody:first tr", c).remove():b("tbody:first",
- c).empty(); if (d && a.p.scroll){b(">div:first", c).css({height:"auto"}).children("div:first").css({height:0, display:"none"}); c.scrollTop = 0}}, U = function(c, d){var e, l, n, o; if (typeof d === "function")return d(c); e = c[d]; if (e === undefined){if (typeof d === "string")n = d.split("."); try{if (o = n.length)for (e = c; e && o--; ){l = n.shift(); e = e[l]}} catch (p){}}return e}, ia = function(c, d, e, l, n){var o = new Date; a.p.reccount = 0; if (b.isXMLDoc(c)){if (a.p.treeANode === - 1 && !a.p.scroll){aa(d, false); e = 0} else e = e > 0?e:0; var p, w = 0, y, s, r = 0, v = 0,
- z = 0, D, N, L = [], P, G = {}, da = a.rows.length, E, W, B = [], S = 0, ga = a.p.altRows === true?" " + a.p.altclass:""; a.p.xmlReader.repeatitems || (L = ca("xml")); D = a.p.keyIndex === false?a.p.xmlReader.id:a.p.keyIndex; if (L.length > 0 && !isNaN(D)){if (a.p.remapColumns && a.p.remapColumns.length)D = b.inArray(D, a.p.remapColumns); D = L[D]}N = (D + "").indexOf("[") === - 1?L.length?function(X, V){return b(D, X).text() || V}:function(X, V){return b(a.p.xmlReader.cell, X).eq(D).text() || V}:function(X, V){return X.getAttribute(D.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "")) || V}; a.p.userData =
- {}; b(a.p.xmlReader.page, c).each(function(){a.p.page = this.textContent || this.text || 0}); b(a.p.xmlReader.total, c).each(function(){a.p.lastpage = this.textContent || this.text; if (a.p.lastpage === undefined)a.p.lastpage = 1}); b(a.p.xmlReader.records, c).each(function(){a.p.records = this.textContent || this.text || 0}); b(a.p.xmlReader.userdata, c).each(function(){a.p.userData[this.getAttribute("name")] = this.textContent || this.text}); c = b(a.p.xmlReader.root + " " + a.p.xmlReader.row, c); var ha = c.length, O = 0; if (c && ha){var ma = parseInt(a.p.rowNum,
- 10), wa = a.p.scroll?(parseInt(a.p.page, 10) - 1) * ma + 1:1; if (n)ma *= n + 1; for (n = b.isFunction(a.p.afterInsertRow); O < ha; ){E = c[O]; W = N(E, wa + O); p = e === 0?0:e + 1; p = (p + O) % 2 == 1?ga:""; B[S++] = '
'; if (a.p.rownumbers === true){B[S++] = la(0, O, a.p.page, a.p.rowNum); z = 1}if (a.p.multiselect === true){B[S++] = u(W, z, O); r = 1}if (a.p.subGrid === true){B[S++] = b(a).jqGrid("addSubGridCell", r + z, O + e); v = 1}if (a.p.xmlReader.repeatitems){P || (P = fa(r + v + z)); var za = b(a.p.xmlReader.cell,
- E); b.each(P, function(X){var V = za[this]; if (!V)return false; y = V.textContent || V.text; G[a.p.colModel[X + r + v + z].name] = y; B[S++] = R(W, y, X + r + v + z, O + e, E)})} else for (p = 0; p < L.length; p++){y = b(L[p], E).text(); G[a.p.colModel[p + r + v + z].name] = y; B[S++] = R(W, y, p + r + v + z, O + e, E)}B[S++] = "
"; if (a.p.gridview === false){if (a.p.treeGrid === true){p = a.p.treeANode >= - 1?a.p.treeANode:0; s = b(B.join(""))[0]; try{b(a).jqGrid("setTreeNode", G, s)} catch (Fa){}da === 0?b("tbody:first", d).append(s):b(a.rows[O + p + e]).after(s)} else b("tbody:first", d).append(B.join(""));
- if (a.p.subGrid === true)try{b(a).jqGrid("addSubGrid", a.rows[a.rows.length - 1], r + z)} catch (Ga){}n && a.p.afterInsertRow.call(a, W, G, E); B = []; S = 0}G = {}; w++; O++; if (w == ma)break}}a.p.gridview === true && b("tbody:first", d).append(B.join("")); a.p.totaltime = new Date - o; if (w > 0){a.grid.cols = a.rows[0].cells; if (a.p.records === 0)a.p.records = ha}B = null; if (!a.p.treeGrid && !a.p.scroll)a.grid.bDiv.scrollTop = 0; a.p.reccount = w; a.p.treeANode = - 1; a.p.userDataOnFooter && b(a).jqGrid("footerData", "set", a.p.userData, true); l || na(false, true)}},
- ra = function(c, d, e, l, n){var o = new Date; a.p.reccount = 0; if (c){if (a.p.treeANode === - 1 && !a.p.scroll){aa(d, false); e = 0} else e = e > 0?e:0; var p = 0, w, y, s, r = [], v, z = 0, D = 0, N = 0, L, P, G, da = {}, E, W = a.rows.length, B; s = []; E = 0; var S = a.p.altRows === true?" " + a.p.altclass:""; a.p.page = U(c, a.p.jsonReader.page) || 0; G = U(c, a.p.jsonReader.total); a.p.lastpage = G === undefined?1:G; a.p.records = U(c, a.p.jsonReader.records) || 0; a.p.userData = U(c, a.p.jsonReader.userdata) || {}; a.p.jsonReader.repeatitems || (v = r = ca("json")); G = a.p.keyIndex === false?a.p.jsonReader.id:
- a.p.keyIndex; if (r.length > 0 && !isNaN(G)){if (a.p.remapColumns && a.p.remapColumns.length)G = b.inArray(G, a.p.remapColumns); G = r[G]}if (P = U(c, a.p.jsonReader.root)){L = P.length; c = 0; var ga = parseInt(a.p.rowNum, 10), ha = a.p.scroll?(parseInt(a.p.page, 10) - 1) * ga + 1:1; if (n)ga *= n + 1; for (var O = b.isFunction(a.p.afterInsertRow); c < L; ){n = P[c]; B = U(n, G); if (B === undefined){B = ha + c; if (r.length === 0)if (a.p.jsonReader.cell)B = n[a.p.jsonReader.cell][G] || B}w = e === 0?0:e + 1; w = (w + c) % 2 == 1?S:""; s[E++] = '
'; if (a.p.rownumbers === true){s[E++] = la(0, c, a.p.page, a.p.rowNum); N = 1}if (a.p.multiselect){s[E++] = u(B, N, c); z = 1}if (a.p.subGrid){s[E++] = b(a).jqGrid("addSubGridCell", z + N, c + e); D = 1}if (a.p.jsonReader.repeatitems){if (a.p.jsonReader.cell)n = U(n, a.p.jsonReader.cell); v || (v = fa(z + D + N))}for (y = 0; y < v.length; y++){w = U(n, v[y]); s[E++] = R(B, w, y + z + D + N, c + e, n); da[a.p.colModel[y + z + D + N].name] = w}s[E++] = "
"; if (a.p.gridview === false){if (a.p.treeGrid === true){E = a.p.treeANode >= - 1?a.p.treeANode:0; s = b(s.join(""))[0];
- try{b(a).jqGrid("setTreeNode", da, s)} catch (ma){}W === 0?b("tbody:first", d).append(s):b(a.rows[c + E + e]).after(s)} else b("tbody:first", d).append(s.join("")); if (a.p.subGrid === true)try{b(a).jqGrid("addSubGrid", a.rows[a.rows.length - 1], z + N)} catch (wa){}O && a.p.afterInsertRow.call(a, B, da, n); s = []; E = 0}da = {}; p++; c++; if (p == ga)break}a.p.gridview === true && b("tbody:first", d).append(s.join("")); a.p.totaltime = new Date - o; if (p > 0){a.grid.cols = a.rows[0].cells; if (a.p.records === 0)a.p.records = L}}if (!a.p.treeGrid && !a.p.scroll)a.grid.bDiv.scrollTop =
- 0; a.p.reccount = p; a.p.treeANode = - 1; a.p.userDataOnFooter && b(a).jqGrid("footerData", "set", a.p.userData, true); l || na(false, true)}}, na = function(c, d){var e, l, n, o, p, w, y, s = ""; n = parseInt(a.p.page, 10) - 1; if (n < 0)n = 0; n *= parseInt(a.p.rowNum, 10); p = n + a.p.reccount; if (a.p.scroll){e = b("tbody:first > tr", a.grid.bDiv); n = p - e.length; if (l = e.outerHeight()){e = n * l; l = parseInt(a.p.records, 10) * l; b(">div:first", a.grid.bDiv).css({height:l}).children("div:first").css({height:e, display:e?"":"none"})}}s = a.p.pager?a.p.pager:""; s += a.p.toppager?
- s?"," + a.p.toppager:a.p.toppager:""; if (s){y = b.jgrid.formatter.integer || {}; if (a.p.loadonce){e = l = 1; a.p.lastpage = a.page = 1; b(".selbox", s).attr("disabled", true)} else{e = J(a.p.page); l = J(a.p.lastpage); b(".selbox", s).attr("disabled", false)}if (a.p.pginput === true){b(".ui-pg-input", s).val(a.p.page); b("#sp_1", s).html(b.fmatter?b.fmatter.util.NumberFormat(a.p.lastpage, y):a.p.lastpage)}if (a.p.viewrecords)if (a.p.reccount === 0)b(".ui-paging-info", s).html(a.p.emptyrecords); else{o = n + 1; w = a.p.records; if (b.fmatter){o = b.fmatter.util.NumberFormat(o,
- y); p = b.fmatter.util.NumberFormat(p, y); w = b.fmatter.util.NumberFormat(w, y)}b(".ui-paging-info", s).html(b.jgrid.format(a.p.recordtext, o, p, w))}if (a.p.pgbuttons === true){if (e <= 0)e = l = 0; if (e == 1 || e === 0){b("#first, #prev", a.p.pager).addClass("ui-state-disabled").removeClass("ui-state-hover"); a.p.toppager && b("#first_t, #prev_t", a.p.toppager).addClass("ui-state-disabled").removeClass("ui-state-hover")} else{b("#first, #prev", a.p.pager).removeClass("ui-state-disabled"); a.p.toppager && b("#first_t, #prev_t", a.p.toppager).removeClass("ui-state-disabled")}if (e ==
- l || e === 0){b("#next, #last", a.p.pager).addClass("ui-state-disabled").removeClass("ui-state-hover"); a.p.toppager && b("#next_t, #last_t", a.p.toppager).addClass("ui-state-disabled").removeClass("ui-state-hover")} else{b("#next, #last", a.p.pager).removeClass("ui-state-disabled"); a.p.toppager && b("#next_t, #last_t", a.p.toppager).removeClass("ui-state-disabled")}}}c === true && a.p.rownumbers === true && b("td.jqgrid-rownum", a.rows).each(function(r){b(this).html(n + 1 + r)}); d && a.p.jqgdnd && b(a).jqGrid("gridDnD", "updateDnD");
- b.isFunction(a.p.gridComplete) && a.p.gridComplete.call(a)}, Y = function(c){if (!a.grid.hDiv.loading){var d = a.p.scroll && c === false, e = {}, l, n = a.p.prmNames; if (a.p.page <= 0)a.p.page = 1; if (n.search !== null)e[n.search] = a.p.search; if (n.nd !== null)e[n.nd] = (new Date).getTime(); if (n.rows !== null)e[n.rows] = a.p.rowNum; if (n.page !== null)e[n.page] = a.p.page; if (n.sort !== null)e[n.sort] = a.p.sortname; if (n.order !== null)e[n.order] = a.p.sortorder; var o = a.p.loadComplete, p = b.isFunction(o); p || (o = null); var w = 0; c = c || 1; if (c > 1)if (n.npage !==
- null){e[n.npage] = c; w = c - 1; c = 1} else o = function(s){p && a.p.loadComplete.call(a, s); a.grid.hDiv.loading = false; a.p.page++; Y(c - 1)}; else n.npage !== null && delete a.p.postData[n.npage]; b.extend(a.p.postData, e); var y = !a.p.scroll?0:a.rows.length - 1; if (b.isFunction(a.p.datatype))a.p.datatype.call(a, a.p.postData, "load_" + a.p.id); else{b.isFunction(a.p.beforeRequest) && a.p.beforeRequest.call(a); l = a.p.datatype.toLowerCase(); switch (l){case "json":case "jsonp":case "xml":case "script":b.ajax(b.extend({url:a.p.url, type:a.p.mtype,
- dataType:l, data:b.isFunction(a.p.serializeGridData)?a.p.serializeGridData.call(a, a.p.postData):a.p.postData, success:function(s){l === "xml"?ia(s, a.grid.bDiv, y, c > 1, w):ra(s, a.grid.bDiv, y, c > 1, w); o && o.call(a, s); d && a.grid.populateVisible(); if (a.p.loadonce || a.p.treeGrid)a.p.datatype = "local"; ja()}, error:function(s, r, v){b.isFunction(a.p.loadError) && a.p.loadError.call(a, s, r, v); ja()}, beforeSend:function(s){oa(); b.isFunction(a.p.loadBeforeSend) && a.p.loadBeforeSend.call(a, s)}}, b.jgrid.ajaxOptions, a.p.ajaxGridOptions));
- break; case "xmlstring":oa(); e = b.jgrid.stringToDoc(a.p.datastr); p && a.p.loadComplete.call(a, e); ia(e, a.grid.bDiv); a.p.datatype = "local"; a.p.datastr = null; ja(); break; case "jsonstring":oa(); e = typeof a.p.datastr == "string"?b.jgrid.parse(a.p.datastr):a.p.datastr; p && a.p.loadComplete.call(a, e); ra(e, a.grid.bDiv); a.p.datatype = "local"; a.p.datastr = null; ja(); break; case "local":case "clientside":oa(); a.p.datatype = "local"; p && a.p.loadComplete.call(a, ""); Aa(); na(true, true); ja(); break}}}}, oa = function(){a.grid.hDiv.loading =
- true; if (!a.p.hiddengrid)switch (a.p.loadui){case "disable":break; case "enable":b("#load_" + a.p.id).show(); break; case "block":b("#lui_" + a.p.id).show(); b("#load_" + a.p.id).show(); break}}, ja = function(){a.grid.hDiv.loading = false; switch (a.p.loadui){case "disable":break; case "enable":b("#load_" + a.p.id).hide(); break; case "block":b("#lui_" + a.p.id).hide(); b("#load_" + a.p.id).hide(); break}}, Aa = function(){var c = /[\$,%]/g, d = [], e = 0, l, n, o, p = a.p.sortorder == "asc"?1: - 1, w = false, y; b.each(a.p.colModel, function(r){if (this.index ==
- a.p.sortname || this.name == a.p.sortname){if (a.p.lastsort == r)w = true; e = r; l = this.sorttype; return false}}); o = l == "float" || l == "number" || l == "currency"?function(r){r = parseFloat(r.replace(c, "")); return isNaN(r)?0:r}:l == "int" || l == "integer"?function(r){return J(r.replace(c, ""), 0)}:l == "date" || l == "datetime"?function(r){return Ba(a.p.colModel[e].datefmt || "Y-m-d", r).getTime()}:b.isFunction(l)?l:function(r){return b.trim(r.toUpperCase())}; y = a.p.colModel[e]; b.each(a.rows, function(r, v){try{n = b.unformat(b(v).children("td").eq(e),
- {rowId:v.id, colModel:y}, e, true)} catch (z){n = b(v).children("td").eq(e).text()}v.sortKey = o(n); d[r] = this}); if (a.p.treeGrid)b(a).jqGrid("SortTree", p); else{w?d.reverse():d.sort(function(r, v){if (r.sortKey < v.sortKey)return - p; if (r.sortKey > v.sortKey)return p; return 0}); if (d[0]){b("td", d[0]).each(function(r){b(this).css("width", g.headers[r].width + "px")}); a.grid.cols = d[0].cells}var s = ""; if (a.p.altRows)s = a.p.altclass; b.each(d, function(r, v){if (s)r % 2 == 1?b(v).addClass(s):b(v).removeClass(s); b("tbody", a.grid.bDiv).append(v);
- v.sortKey = null})}a.grid.bDiv.scrollTop = 0}, Ba = function(c, d){var e = {m:1, d:1, y:1970, h:0, i:0, s:0}, l, n, o; if (d = b.trim(d)){d = d.split(/[\\\/:_;.\t\T\s-]/); c = c.split(/[\\\/:_;.\t\T\s-]/); var p = b.jgrid.formatter.date.monthNames, w = b.jgrid.formatter.date.AmPm, y = function(s, r){if (s === 0){if (r == 12)r = 0} else if (r != 12)r += 12; return r}; l = 0; for (n = c.length; l < n; l++){if (c[l] == "M"){o = b.inArray(d[l], p); if (o !== - 1 && o < 12)d[l] = o + 1}if (c[l] == "F"){o = b.inArray(d[l], p); if (o !== - 1 && o > 11)d[l] = o + 1 - 12}if (c[l] == "a"){o = b.inArray(d[l], w); if (o !==
- - 1 && o < 2 && d[l] == w[o]){d[l] = o; e.h = y(d[l], e.h)}}if (c[l] == "A"){o = b.inArray(d[l], w); if (o !== - 1 && o > 1 && d[l] == w[o]){d[l] = o - 2; e.h = y(d[l], e.h)}}e[c[l].toLowerCase()] = parseInt(d[l], 10)}e.m = parseInt(e.m, 10) - 1; c = e.y; if (c >= 70 && c <= 99)e.y = 1900 + e.y; else if (c >= 0 && c <= 69)e.y = 2E3 + e.y}return new Date(e.y, e.m, e.d, e.h, e.i, e.s, 0)}; t = function(c, d){var e = "", l = "
", n = "", o, p, w, y, s = function(r){var v; if (b.isFunction(a.p.onPaging))v =
- a.p.onPaging.call(a, r); a.p.selrow = null; if (a.p.multiselect){a.p.selarrrow = []; b("#cb_" + b.jgrid.jqID(a.p.id), a.grid.hDiv).attr("checked", false)}a.p.savedRow = []; if (v == "stop")return false; return true}; c = c.substr(1); o = "pg_" + c; p = c + "_left"; w = c + "_center"; y = c + "_right"; b("#" + c).append("
").attr("dir", "ltr"); if (a.p.rowList.length > 0){n = "
"); K[0].rp = 0; a(L).append(K); o && o(a("#" + e)); K = (o = f.p.direction == "rtl"?true:false)?"nData":"pData"; var N = o?"pData":"nData"; z(d, f, L, y); K = ""; N = "";
- var Z = "" + b.bSubmit + "", $ = "" + b.bCancel + ""; K = "
- j, m; if (f === 0){j = d; m = p.p.id; if (j == p.p.toppager){m += "_top"; H = 1}} else{j = p.p.toppager; m = p.p.id + "_top"}p.p.direction == "rtl" && a(e).attr("dir", "rtl").css("float", "right"); if (b.add){D = D || {}; l = a("
- var x = e.find("tr.sf"), G = x.find("td.fields"), y = x.find("td.ops"), o = x.find("td.data"), s = ""; jQuery.each(f.operators, function(){s += m(this.op, this.text)}); s = w("default", s, true); y.append(s); o.append(""); var t = "", z = false, p = false; jQuery.each(l, function(a){t += m(this.itemval, this.text); if (this.ops != null){z = true; var b = ""; jQuery.each(this.ops, function(){b += m(this.op, this.text)}); b = w("field" + a, b, true); y.append(b)}if (this.dataUrl != null){if (a > n)n = a; p = true;
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- (function(a){a.jgrid.extend({editRow:function(d, t, i, n, o, u, s, c, f){return this.each(function(){var b = this, k, l, r = 0, p = null, q = {}, h, g; if (b.grid){h = a(b).jqGrid("getInd", d, true); if (h !== false)if ((a(h).attr("editable") || "0") == "0" && !a(h).hasClass("not-editable-row")){g = b.p.colModel; a("td", h).each(function(j){k = g[j].name; var v = b.p.treeGrid === true && k == b.p.ExpandColumn; if (v)l = a("span:first", this).html(); else try{l = a.unformat(this, {rowId:d, colModel:g[j]}, j)} catch (m){l = a(this).html()}if (k != "cb" && k != "subgrid" && k !=
- "rn"){if (b.p.autoencode)l = a.jgrid.htmlDecode(l); q[k] = l; if (g[j].editable === true){if (p === null)p = j; v?a("span:first", this).html(""):a(this).html(""); var e = a.extend({}, g[j].editoptions || {}, {id:d + "_" + k, name:k}); if (!g[j].edittype)g[j].edittype = "text"; e = createEl(g[j].edittype, e, l, true, a.extend({}, a.jgrid.ajaxOptions, b.p.ajaxSelectOptions || {})); a(e).addClass("editable"); v?a("span:first", this).append(e):a(this).append(e); g[j].edittype == "select" && g[j].editoptions.multiple === true && a.browser.msie && a(e).width(a(e).width());
- r++}}}); if (r > 0){q.id = d; b.p.savedRow.push(q); a(h).attr("editable", "1"); a("td:eq(" + p + ") input", h).focus(); t === true && a(h).bind("keydown", function(j){j.keyCode === 27 && a(b).jqGrid("restoreRow", d, f); if (j.keyCode === 13){if (j.target.tagName == "TEXTAREA")return true; a(b).jqGrid("saveRow", d, n, o, u, s, c, f); return false}j.stopPropagation()}); a.isFunction(i) && i(d)}}}})}, saveRow:function(d, t, i, n, o, u, s){return this.each(function(){var c = this, f, b = {}, k = {}, l, r, p, q; if (c.grid){q = a(c).jqGrid("getInd", d, true); if (q !== false){l =
- a(q).attr("editable"); i = i?i:c.p.editurl; if (l === "1"){var h; a("td", q).each(function(m){h = c.p.colModel[m]; f = h.name; if (f != "cb" && f != "subgrid" && h.editable === true && f != "rn"){switch (h.edittype){case "checkbox":var e = ["Yes", "No"]; if (h.editoptions)e = h.editoptions.value.split(":"); b[f] = a("input", this).attr("checked")?e[0]:e[1]; break; case "text":case "password":case "textarea":case "button":b[f] = a("input, textarea", this).val(); break; case "select":if (h.editoptions.multiple){e = a("select", this); var x = []; b[f] = a(e).val();
- b[f] = b[f]?b[f].join(","):""; a("select > option:selected", this).each(function(y, z){x[y] = a(z).text()}); k[f] = x.join(",")} else{b[f] = a("select>option:selected", this).val(); k[f] = a("select>option:selected", this).text()}if (h.formatter && h.formatter == "select")k = {}; break; case "custom":try{if (h.editoptions && a.isFunction(h.editoptions.custom_value)){b[f] = h.editoptions.custom_value(a(".customelement", this), "get"); if (b[f] === undefined)throw"e2"; } else throw"e1"; } catch (w){w == "e1" && info_dialog(jQuery.jgrid.errors.errcap,
- "function 'custom_value' " + a.jgrid.edit.msg.nodefined, jQuery.jgrid.edit.bClose); w == "e2"?info_dialog(jQuery.jgrid.errors.errcap, "function 'custom_value' " + a.jgrid.edit.msg.novalue, jQuery.jgrid.edit.bClose):info_dialog(jQuery.jgrid.errors.errcap, w.message, jQuery.jgrid.edit.bClose)}break}p = checkValues(b[f], m, c); if (p[0] === false){p[1] = b[f] + " " + p[1]; return false}if (c.p.autoencode)b[f] = a.jgrid.htmlEncode(b[f])}}); if (p[0] === false)try{var g = findPos(a("#" + d)[0]); info_dialog(a.jgrid.errors.errcap, p[1], a.jgrid.edit.bClose,
- {left:g[0], top:g[1]})} catch (j){alert(p[1])} else{if (b){var v; g = c.p.prmNames; v = g.oper; l = g.id; b[v] = g.editoper; b[l] = d; if (typeof c.p.inlineData == "undefined")c.p.inlineData = {}; if (typeof n == "undefined")n = {}; b = a.extend({}, b, c.p.inlineData, n)}if (i == "clientArray"){b = a.extend({}, b, k); c.p.autoencode && a.each(b, function(m, e){b[m] = a.jgrid.htmlDecode(e)}); l = a(c).jqGrid("setRowData", d, b); a(q).attr("editable", "0"); for (g = 0; g < c.p.savedRow.length; g++)if (c.p.savedRow[g].id == d){r = g; break}r >= 0 && c.p.savedRow.splice(r, 1);
- a.isFunction(o) && o(d, l)} else{a("#lui_" + c.p.id).show(); a.ajax(a.extend({url:i, data:a.isFunction(c.p.serializeRowData)?c.p.serializeRowData(b):b, type:"POST", complete:function(m, e){a("#lui_" + c.p.id).hide(); if (e === "success")if ((a.isFunction(t)?t(m):true) === true){c.p.autoencode && a.each(b, function(x, w){b[x] = a.jgrid.htmlDecode(w)}); b = a.extend({}, b, k); a(c).jqGrid("setRowData", d, b); a(q).attr("editable", "0"); for (e = 0; e < c.p.savedRow.length; e++)if (c.p.savedRow[e].id == d){r = e; break}r >= 0 && c.p.savedRow.splice(r, 1);
- a.isFunction(o) && o(d, m)} else a(c).jqGrid("restoreRow", d, s)}, error:function(m, e){a("#lui_" + c.p.id).hide(); a.isFunction(u)?u(d, m, e):alert("Error Row: " + d + " Result: " + m.status + ":" + m.statusText + " Status: " + e)}}, a.jgrid.ajaxOptions, c.p.ajaxRowOptions || {}))}a(q).unbind("keydown")}}}}})}, restoreRow:function(d, t){return this.each(function(){var i = this, n, o, u = {}; if (i.grid){o = a(i).jqGrid("getInd", d, true); if (o !== false){for (var s = 0; s < i.p.savedRow.length; s++)if (i.p.savedRow[s].id == d){n = s; break}if (n >= 0){if (a.isFunction(a.fn.datepicker))try{a("input.hasDatepicker",
- "#" + o.id).datepicker("hide")} catch (c){}a.each(i.p.colModel, function(){if (this.editable === true && this.name in i.p.savedRow[n])u[this.name] = i.p.savedRow[n][this.name]}); a(i).jqGrid("setRowData", d, u); a(o).attr("editable", "0").unbind("keydown"); i.p.savedRow.splice(n, 1)}a.isFunction(t) && t(d)}}})}})})(jQuery);
- (function(b){b.jgrid.extend({editCell:function(d, e, a){return this.each(function(){var c = this, h, f, g; if (!(!c.grid || c.p.cellEdit !== true)){e = parseInt(e, 10); c.p.selrow = c.rows[d].id; c.p.knv || b(c).jqGrid("GridNav"); if (c.p.savedRow.length > 0){if (a === true)if (d == c.p.iRow && e == c.p.iCol)return; b(c).jqGrid("saveCell", c.p.savedRow[0].id, c.p.savedRow[0].ic)} else window.setTimeout(function(){b("#" + c.p.knv).attr("tabindex", "-1").focus()}, 0); h = c.p.colModel[e].name; if (!(h == "subgrid" || h == "cb" || h == "rn")){g = b("td:eq(" + e +
- ")", c.rows[d]); if (c.p.colModel[e].editable === true && a === true && !g.hasClass("not-editable-cell")){if (parseInt(c.p.iCol, 10) >= 0 && parseInt(c.p.iRow, 10) >= 0){b("td:eq(" + c.p.iCol + ")", c.rows[c.p.iRow]).removeClass("edit-cell ui-state-highlight"); b(c.rows[c.p.iRow]).removeClass("selected-row ui-state-hover")}b(g).addClass("edit-cell ui-state-highlight"); b(c.rows[d]).addClass("selected-row ui-state-hover"); try{f = b.unformat(g, {rowId:c.rows[d].id, colModel:c.p.colModel[e]}, e)} catch (k){f = b(g).html()}if (c.p.autoencode)f =
- b.jgrid.htmlDecode(f); if (!c.p.colModel[e].edittype)c.p.colModel[e].edittype = "text"; c.p.savedRow.push({id:d, ic:e, name:h, v:f}); if (b.isFunction(c.p.formatCell)){var j = c.p.formatCell(c.rows[d].id, h, f, d, e); if (j !== undefined)f = j}j = b.extend({}, c.p.colModel[e].editoptions || {}, {id:d + "_" + h, name:h}); var i = createEl(c.p.colModel[e].edittype, j, f, true, b.extend({}, b.jgrid.ajaxOptions, c.p.ajaxSelectOptions || {})); b.isFunction(c.p.beforeEditCell) && c.p.beforeEditCell(c.rows[d].id, h, f, d, e); b(g).html("").append(i).attr("tabindex",
- "0"); window.setTimeout(function(){b(i).focus()}, 0); b("input, select, textarea", g).bind("keydown", function(l){if (l.keyCode === 27)if (b("input.hasDatepicker", g).length > 0)b(".ui-datepicker").is(":hidden")?b(c).jqGrid("restoreCell", d, e):b("input.hasDatepicker", g).datepicker("hide"); else b(c).jqGrid("restoreCell", d, e); l.keyCode === 13 && b(c).jqGrid("saveCell", d, e); if (l.keyCode == 9)if (c.grid.hDiv.loading)return false; else l.shiftKey?b(c).jqGrid("prevCell", d, e):b(c).jqGrid("nextCell", d, e); l.stopPropagation()});
- b.isFunction(c.p.afterEditCell) && c.p.afterEditCell(c.rows[d].id, h, f, d, e)} else{if (parseInt(c.p.iCol, 10) >= 0 && parseInt(c.p.iRow, 10) >= 0){b("td:eq(" + c.p.iCol + ")", c.rows[c.p.iRow]).removeClass("edit-cell ui-state-highlight"); b(c.rows[c.p.iRow]).removeClass("selected-row ui-state-hover")}g.addClass("edit-cell ui-state-highlight"); b(c.rows[d]).addClass("selected-row ui-state-hover"); if (b.isFunction(c.p.onSelectCell)){f = g.html().replace(/\ \;/ig, ""); c.p.onSelectCell(c.rows[d].id, h, f, d, e)}}c.p.iCol = e; c.p.iRow =
- d}}})}, saveCell:function(d, e){return this.each(function(){var a = this, c; if (!(!a.grid || a.p.cellEdit !== true)){c = a.p.savedRow.length >= 1?0:null; if (c !== null){var h = b("td:eq(" + e + ")", a.rows[d]), f, g, k = a.p.colModel[e], j = k.name, i = b.jgrid.jqID(j); switch (k.edittype){case "select":if (k.editoptions.multiple){i = b("#" + d + "_" + i, a.rows[d]); var l = []; if (f = b(i).val())f.join(","); else f = ""; b("option:selected", i).each(function(m, p){l[m] = b(p).text()}); g = l.join(",")} else{f = b("#" + d + "_" + i + ">option:selected", a.rows[d]).val();
- g = b("#" + d + "_" + i + ">option:selected", a.rows[d]).text()}if (k.formatter)g = f; break; case "checkbox":var n = ["Yes", "No"]; if (k.editoptions)n = k.editoptions.value.split(":"); g = f = b("#" + d + "_" + i, a.rows[d]).attr("checked")?n[0]:n[1]; break; case "password":case "text":case "textarea":case "button":g = f = b("#" + d + "_" + i, a.rows[d]).val(); break; case "custom":try{if (k.editoptions && b.isFunction(k.editoptions.custom_value)){f = k.editoptions.custom_value(b(".customelement", h), "get"); if (f === undefined)throw"e2"; else g = f} else throw"e1";
- } catch (q){q == "e1" && info_dialog(jQuery.jgrid.errors.errcap, "function 'custom_value' " + b.jgrid.edit.msg.nodefined, jQuery.jgrid.edit.bClose); q == "e2"?info_dialog(jQuery.jgrid.errors.errcap, "function 'custom_value' " + b.jgrid.edit.msg.novalue, jQuery.jgrid.edit.bClose):info_dialog(jQuery.jgrid.errors.errcap, q.message, jQuery.jgrid.edit.bClose)}break}if (g != a.p.savedRow[c].v){if (b.isFunction(a.p.beforeSaveCell))if (c = a.p.beforeSaveCell(a.rows[d].id, j, f, d, e))f = c; var r = checkValues(f, e, a); if (r[0] === true){c = {};
- if (b.isFunction(a.p.beforeSubmitCell))(c = a.p.beforeSubmitCell(a.rows[d].id, j, f, d, e)) || (c = {}); b("input.hasDatepicker", h).length > 0 && b("input.hasDatepicker", h).datepicker("hide"); if (a.p.cellsubmit == "remote")if (a.p.cellurl){var o = {}; if (a.p.autoencode)f = b.jgrid.htmlEncode(f); o[j] = f; n = a.p.prmNames; k = n.id; i = n.oper; o[k] = a.rows[d].id; o[i] = n.editoper; o = b.extend(c, o); b("#lui_" + a.p.id).show(); a.grid.hDiv.loading = true; b.ajax(b.extend({url:a.p.cellurl, data:b.isFunction(a.p.serializeCellData)?a.p.serializeCellData(o):
- o, type:"POST", complete:function(m, p){b("#lui_" + a.p.id).hide(); a.grid.hDiv.loading = false; if (p == "success")if (b.isFunction(a.p.afterSubmitCell)){m = a.p.afterSubmitCell(m, o.id, j, f, d, e); if (m[0] === true){b(h).empty(); b(a).jqGrid("setCell", a.rows[d].id, e, g, false, false, true); b(h).addClass("dirty-cell"); b(a.rows[d]).addClass("edited"); b.isFunction(a.p.afterSaveCell) && a.p.afterSaveCell(a.rows[d].id, j, f, d, e); a.p.savedRow.splice(0, 1)} else{info_dialog(b.jgrid.errors.errcap, m[1], b.jgrid.edit.bClose); b(a).jqGrid("restoreCell",
- d, e)}} else{b(h).empty(); b(a).jqGrid("setCell", a.rows[d].id, e, g, false, false, true); b(h).addClass("dirty-cell"); b(a.rows[d]).addClass("edited"); b.isFunction(a.p.afterSaveCell) && a.p.afterSaveCell(a.rows[d].id, j, f, d, e); a.p.savedRow.splice(0, 1)}}, error:function(m, p){b("#lui_" + a.p.id).hide(); a.grid.hDiv.loading = false; b.isFunction(a.p.errorCell)?a.p.errorCell(m, p):info_dialog(b.jgrid.errors.errcap, m.status + " : " + m.statusText + " " + p, b.jgrid.edit.bClose); b(a).jqGrid("restoreCell", d, e)}}, b.jgrid.ajaxOptions,
- a.p.ajaxCellOptions || {}))} else try{info_dialog(b.jgrid.errors.errcap, b.jgrid.errors.nourl, b.jgrid.edit.bClose); b(a).jqGrid("restoreCell", d, e)} catch (s){}if (a.p.cellsubmit == "clientArray"){b(h).empty(); b(a).jqGrid("setCell", a.rows[d].id, e, g, false, false, true); b(h).addClass("dirty-cell"); b(a.rows[d]).addClass("edited"); b.isFunction(a.p.afterSaveCell) && a.p.afterSaveCell(a.rows[d].id, j, f, d, e); a.p.savedRow.splice(0, 1)}} else try{window.setTimeout(function(){info_dialog(b.jgrid.errors.errcap, f + " " + r[1], b.jgrid.edit.bClose)},
- 100); b(a).jqGrid("restoreCell", d, e)} catch (t){}} else b(a).jqGrid("restoreCell", d, e)}b.browser.opera?b("#" + a.p.knv).attr("tabindex", "-1").focus():window.setTimeout(function(){b("#" + a.p.knv).attr("tabindex", "-1").focus()}, 0)}})}, restoreCell:function(d, e){return this.each(function(){var a = this, c; if (!(!a.grid || a.p.cellEdit !== true)){c = a.p.savedRow.length >= 1?0:null; if (c !== null){var h = b("td:eq(" + e + ")", a.rows[d]); if (b.isFunction(b.fn.datepicker))try{b("input.hasDatepicker", h).datepicker("hide")} catch (f){}b(h).empty().attr("tabindex",
- "-1"); b(a).jqGrid("setCell", a.rows[d].id, e, a.p.savedRow[c].v, false, false, true); a.p.savedRow.splice(0, 1)}window.setTimeout(function(){b("#" + a.p.knv).attr("tabindex", "-1").focus()}, 0)}})}, nextCell:function(d, e){return this.each(function(){var a = this, c = false; if (!(!a.grid || a.p.cellEdit !== true)){for (var h = e + 1; h < a.p.colModel.length; h++)if (a.p.colModel[h].editable === true){c = h; break}if (c !== false)b(a).jqGrid("editCell", d, c, true); else a.p.savedRow.length > 0 && b(a).jqGrid("saveCell", d, e)}})}, prevCell:function(d,
- e){return this.each(function(){var a = this, c = false; if (!(!a.grid || a.p.cellEdit !== true)){for (var h = e - 1; h >= 0; h--)if (a.p.colModel[h].editable === true){c = h; break}if (c !== false)b(a).jqGrid("editCell", d, c, true); else a.p.savedRow.length > 0 && b(a).jqGrid("saveCell", d, e)}})}, GridNav:function(){return this.each(function(){function d(g, k, j){if (j.substr(0, 1) == "v"){var i = b(a.grid.bDiv)[0].clientHeight, l = b(a.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollTop, n = a.rows[g].offsetTop + a.rows[g].clientHeight, q = a.rows[g].offsetTop; if (j == "vd")if (n >= i)b(a.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollTop =
- b(a.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollTop + a.rows[g].clientHeight; if (j == "vu")if (q < l)b(a.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollTop = b(a.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollTop - a.rows[g].clientHeight}if (j == "h"){j = b(a.grid.bDiv)[0].clientWidth; i = b(a.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollLeft; l = a.rows[g].cells[k].offsetLeft; if (a.rows[g].cells[k].offsetLeft + a.rows[g].cells[k].clientWidth >= j + parseInt(i, 10))b(a.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollLeft = b(a.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollLeft + a.rows[g].cells[k].clientWidth; else if (l < i)b(a.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollLeft = b(a.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollLeft - a.rows[g].cells[k].clientWidth}}
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- this.formatCol(e, c); n = this.p.gridview; k = this.p.id}); return n === false?'
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- t = c >= 1?"
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- j){w(g, j)}}})}, expandSubGridRow:function(e){return this.each(function(){var c = this; if (c.grid || e)if (c.p.subGrid === true)if (c = a(this).jqGrid("getInd", e, true))(c = a("td.sgcollapsed", c)[0]) && a(c).trigger("click")})}, collapseSubGridRow:function(e){return this.each(function(){var c = this; if (c.grid || e)if (c.p.subGrid === true)if (c = a(this).jqGrid("getInd", e, true))(c = a("td.sgexpanded", c)[0]) && a(c).trigger("click")})}, toggleSubGridRow:function(e){return this.each(function(){var c = this; if (c.grid || e)if (c.p.subGrid ===
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- 0){i = g + 1; g = g} else{i = g; g = g - 1}i = "
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- 10))d(b).jqGrid("isVisibleNode", c) || d(c).css("display", "none"); d("td:eq(" + e + ")", c).wrapInner("").prepend(i); d(".treeclick", c).bind("click", function(h){h = d(h.target || h.srcElement, b.rows).parents("tr.jqgrow")[0].rowIndex; if (!b.rows[h].isLeaf)if (b.rows[h].expanded){d(b).jqGrid("collapseRow", b.rows[h]); d(b).jqGrid("collapseNode", b.rows[h])} else{d(b).jqGrid("expandRow", b.rows[h]); d(b).jqGrid("expandNode", b.rows[h])}return false}); b.p.ExpandColClick === true && d("span", c).css("cursor", "pointer").bind("click",
- function(h){h = d(h.target || h.srcElement, b.rows).parents("tr.jqgrow")[0].rowIndex; if (!b.rows[h].isLeaf)if (b.rows[h].expanded){d(b).jqGrid("collapseRow", b.rows[h]); d(b).jqGrid("collapseNode", b.rows[h])} else{d(b).jqGrid("expandRow", b.rows[h]); d(b).jqGrid("expandNode", b.rows[h])}d(b).jqGrid("setSelection", b.rows[h].id); return false})}})}, setTreeGrid:function(){return this.each(function(){var a = this, c = 0; if (a.p.treeGrid){a.p.treedatatype || d.extend(a.p, {treedatatype:a.p.datatype}); a.p.subGrid = false; a.p.altRows =
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- leaf_field:"isLeaf", expanded_field:"expanded"}, a.p.treeReader); for (var b in a.p.colModel)if (a.p.colModel.hasOwnProperty(b)){if (a.p.colModel[b].name == a.p.ExpandColumn){a.p.expColInd = c; break}c++}if (!a.p.expColInd)a.p.expColInd = 0; d.each(a.p.treeReader, function(e, f){if (f){a.p.colNames.push(f); a.p.colModel.push({name:f, width:1, hidden:true, sortable:false, resizable:false, hidedlg:true, editable:true, search:false})}})}})}, expandRow:function(a){this.each(function(){var c = this; if (c.grid && c.p.treeGrid){var b =
- d(c).jqGrid("getNodeChildren", a); d(b).each(function(){d(this).css("display", ""); this.expanded && d(c).jqGrid("expandRow", this)})}})}, collapseRow:function(a){this.each(function(){var c = this; if (c.grid && c.p.treeGrid){var b = d(c).jqGrid("getNodeChildren", a); d(b).each(function(){d(this).css("display", "none"); this.expanded && d(c).jqGrid("collapseRow", this)})}})}, getRootNodes:function(){var a = []; this.each(function(){var c = this; if (c.grid && c.p.treeGrid)switch (c.p.treeGridModel){case "nested":var b = c.p.treeReader.level_field;
- d(c.rows).each(function(){parseInt(this[b], 10) === parseInt(c.p.tree_root_level, 10) && a.push(this)}); break; case "adjacency":d(c.rows).each(function(){if (this.parent_id === null || String(this.parent_id).toLowerCase() == "null")a.push(this)}); break}}); return a}, getNodeDepth:function(a){var c = null; this.each(function(){var b = this; if (this.grid && this.p.treeGrid)switch (b.p.treeGridModel){case "nested":c = parseInt(a.level, 10) - parseInt(this.p.tree_root_level, 10); break; case "adjacency":c = d(b).jqGrid("getNodeAncestors",
- a).length; break}}); return c}, getNodeParent:function(a){var c = null; this.each(function(){var b = this; if (b.grid && b.p.treeGrid)switch (b.p.treeGridModel){case "nested":var e = parseInt(a.lft, 10), f = parseInt(a.rgt, 10), j = parseInt(a.level, 10); d(this.rows).each(function(){if (parseInt(this.level, 10) === j - 1 && parseInt(this.lft, 10) < e && parseInt(this.rgt, 10) > f){c = this; return false}}); break; case "adjacency":d(this.rows).each(function(){if (this.id == a.parent_id){c = this; return false}}); break}}); return c}, getNodeChildren:function(a){var c =
- []; this.each(function(){var b = this; if (b.grid && b.p.treeGrid)switch (b.p.treeGridModel){case "nested":var e = parseInt(a.lft, 10), f = parseInt(a.rgt, 10), j = parseInt(a.level, 10); d(this.rows).each(function(){parseInt(this.level, 10) === j + 1 && parseInt(this.lft, 10) > e && parseInt(this.rgt, 10) < f && c.push(this)}); break; case "adjacency":d(this.rows).each(function(){this.parent_id == a.id && c.push(this)}); break}}); return c}, getFullTreeNode:function(a){var c = []; this.each(function(){var b = this, e; if (b.grid && b.p.treeGrid)switch (b.p.treeGridModel){case "nested":var f =
- parseInt(a.lft, 10), j = parseInt(a.rgt, 10), k = parseInt(a.level, 10); d(this.rows).each(function(){parseInt(this.level, 10) >= k && parseInt(this.lft, 10) >= f && parseInt(this.lft, 10) <= j && c.push(this)}); break; case "adjacency":c.push(a); d(this.rows).each(function(g){e = c.length; for (g = 0; g < e; g++)if (c[g].id == this.parent_id){c.push(this); break}}); break}}); return c}, getNodeAncestors:function(a){var c = []; this.each(function(){if (this.grid && this.p.treeGrid)for (var b = d(this).jqGrid("getNodeParent", a); b; ){c.push(b); b = d(this).jqGrid("getNodeParent",
- b)}}); return c}, isVisibleNode:function(a){var c = true; this.each(function(){var b = this; if (b.grid && b.p.treeGrid){b = d(b).jqGrid("getNodeAncestors", a); d(b).each(function(){c = c && this.expanded; if (!c)return false})}}); return c}, isNodeLoaded:function(a){var c; this.each(function(){var b = this; if (b.grid && b.p.treeGrid)c = a.loaded !== undefined?a.loaded:a.isLeaf || d(b).jqGrid("getNodeChildren", a).length > 0?true:false}); return c}, expandNode:function(a){return this.each(function(){if (this.grid && this.p.treeGrid)if (!a.expanded)if (d(this).jqGrid("isNodeLoaded",
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