- The isJson Expression Language function returns true regardless of leading or trailing spaces
This closes#8165
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
- Imported nifi-bom to nifi-commons and nifi-nar-bundles parent modules
- Removed explicit version and scope properties for dependencies declared in nifi-bom
- Replaced Groovy asserts with JUnit 5 assertions and Groovy shouldFail method Junit 5 with assertThrow method
This closes#6880
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
[NIFI-10612] Made suggested change to only test subject value where it is formatted like a Json array or object.
This closes#6574
Signed-off-by: Mike Thomsen <mthomsen@apache.org>
- Added org.apache.commons.text.version property in root Maven configuration
- Removed direct version references in favor of managed dependency version
Signed-off-by: Nathan Gough <thenatog@gmail.com>
This closes#6531.
- Removed unnecessary references to jackson.version property
- Removed unnecessary dependency management references to Jackson libraries
This closes#5992
Signed-off-by: Mike Thomsen <mthomsen@apache.org>
- Moved commons-lang3 version management to root Maven configuration
- Refactored limited usage of StringUtils is nifi-reporting-utils to remove commons-lang3
- Refactored limited usage of StringUtils in nifi-websocket-processors to remove commons-lang3
Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>
This closes#5773
* NIFI-8137 Record Path EscapeJson/UnescapeJson functions
* Correct jackson-databind dependency version
* Add negative tests for RecordPath JSON handling; rename RecordPath JSON classes to better match existing functions
Signed-off-by: Otto Fowler <ottobackwards@gmail.com>
This closes#4756.
- Updated components to make use of new feature
NIFI-8206: Added a ResourceType of TEXT. This requires that the ResourceReferenceFactory know which types are allowed in order to create the ResourceReference. PropertyValue needs to then have the PropertyDescriptor available to it. This resulted in highlighting many bugs in unit tests where components were not exposing property descriptors via getSupportedPropertyDescriptors() or were evaluating Expression Language using the wrong scope, so fixed many unit tests/components to properly declare Expression Language scope when using it
NIFI-8206: Removed problematic unit test that required directory names with special characters that are not allowed on some operating systems
This closes#4890.
Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
NIFI-8329 - Removed unnecessary jackson.version from azure bundle to use the global property instead.
NIFI-8329 - Updated jackson/jackson-databind version and removed the 'jackson-databind.version' pom property in favor of 'jackson.version'
Updated dependencies include the following:
- jackson-core
- jackson-databind
- icu4j
- snakeyaml
- spring-integration-mail
- spring-core and framework modules
- activemq-client
- activemq-broker
- xercesImpl
This closes#4911
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>