- Minor adjustments following PR.
- Avoiding additional find operation when authorizing components when populating component details.
- Requiring access to provenance events when downloading content or submitting a replay as they may provide events details.
- Updating the REST API docs detailing the required permissions.
- Updating the wording in the documentation regarding the provenance and data policies.
- Removed the event attributes from the authorization calls that were verifying access to provenance events.
- Only checking content availability when the user is authorized for the components data.
- Addressing typo in JavaDoc.
This closes#2703
Implemented review feedback. Refactored data model to make the API cleaner and delineate more along the lines of what permissions are required in order to see which details
Implementing review feedback
Removed sensitive information from the diagnostics reports
Fixed bug in merging logic for GCDiagnosticsSnapshots
This closes#2468
- Addressing issues causing the eventId to not be relayed when submitting a lineage request under certain conditions.
Signed-off-by: Pierre Villard <pierre.villard.fr@gmail.com>
This closes#1903.
- Introducing FileUserGroupProvider and FileAccessPolicyProvider.
- Refactoring FileAuthorizer to utilize the file based implementations.
- Introducing the StandardManagedAuthorizer.
- Decorating the configured ManagedAuthorizer to ensure integrity checks are still performed.
- Loading user groups if possible to use during access decisions.
- Merging responses for requests for AccessPolicies, Users, and UserGroups.
- Adding unit tests as appropriate.
- Adding methods to the User, Group, and AccessPolicy builder that more easily supports generating UUIDs.
- Fixing typo when seeding policies during startup.
- Fixing type in documentation and error messages.
This closes#1897.
Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
Added src/test/resources/logback-test.xml files resetting log level from DEBUG (in nifi-data-provenance-utils) to WARN because later tests depend on MockComponentLog recording a certain number of messages and this number is different than expected if the log level is DEBUG.
This closes#1686.
Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende, Yolanda M. Davis, and Mark Payne
- The idea behind NIFI-3356 was to improve the efficiency and throughput of the Provenance Repository, as it is often the bottleneck. While testing the newly designed repository,
a handful of other, fairly minor, changes were made to improve efficiency as well, as these came to light when testing the new repository:
- Use a BufferedOutputStream within StandardProcessSession (via a ClaimCache abstraction) in order to avoid continually writing to FileOutputStream when writing many small FlowFiles
- Updated threading model of MinimalLockingWriteAheadLog - now performs serialization outside of lock and writes to a 'synchronized' OutputStream
- Change minimum scheduling period for components from 30 microseconds to 1 nanosecond. ScheduledExecutor is very inconsistent with timing of task scheduling. With the bored.yield.duration
now present, this value doesn't need to be set to 30 microseconds. This was originally done to avoid processors that had no work from dominating the CPU. However, now that we will yield
when processors have no work, this results in slowing down processors that are able to perform work.
- Allow nifi.properties to specify multiple directories for FlowFile Repository
- If backpressure is engaged while running a batch of sessions, then stop batch processing earlier. This helps FlowFiles to move through the system much more smoothly instead of the
herky-jerky queuing that we previously saw at very high rates of FlowFiles.
- Added NiFi PID to log message when starting nifi. This was simply an update to the log message that provides helpful information.
NIFI-3356: Fixed bug in ContentClaimWriteCache that resulted in data corruption and fixed bug in RepositoryConfiguration that threw exception if cache warm duration was set to empty string
NIFI-3356: Fixed NPE
NIFI-3356: Added debug-level performance monitoring
NIFI-3356: Updates to unit tests that failed after rebasing against master
NIFI-3356: Incorporated PR review feedback
NIFI-3356: Fixed bug where we would delete index directories that are still in use; also added additional debug logging and a simple util class that can be used to textualize provenance event files - useful in debugging
This closes#1493
- Using getSourceAuthorizable() when accessing flow files and content.
- Decouple local and remote connectable's to avoid ambiguity with self referencing RPGs.
- Addressing comments from the PR.
- Fixed check verifying source/destination when creating a connection.
- Only showing the go to link when the source component is not a remote port.
- Removing unnecessary checking of remote group port authorization since it's handled by the parent RPG.
- Fixing issue showing the connection details dialog when the source component is a RPG.
- Ensuring the local connectable was found.
This closes#1297
Signed-off-by: jpercivall <JPercivall@apache.org>
- Introducing data resource for authorizing provenance events and queue listing.
- Authorizing entire proxy chain for data resource and data transfer resource.
- Ensuring that replay authorization only happens once.
- Allowing users with access to policies for a component to be able to access all policies for that component.
-- Includes the component, data, data transfers, and policies.
- Fixing drop request completion to update the correct queued field.
- Fixing access control check for listing and emptying queues.
- Reseting selected policy when re-opening the policy management page.
- Fixing button/link visibility for available actions in policy management page.
- Fixing policy issues with policy removal when the underlying component is deleted.
- Updating file authorizer seeding to grant data access to node's in the cluster.
This closes#720.
NIFI-2201 Add support for seeding cluster nodes in authorizations.xml
- Passing client address along in user context on authorization requests
- This closes#628
- Updating UI according to permissions through out the application.
- Shuffling provenance events, template, and cluster search REST APIs according to resources being authorized.
- Moving template upload controls.
- Removing username where appropriate.
- Addressing issues when authorizing flow configuration actions.
- Code clean up.