* NIFI-11443 Routed Python Framework Logging to SLF4J
- Changed Python logging to use standard output stream
- Adjusted Python logging format for simplified processing
- Updated PythonProcess to pipe standard error and standard output streams to reader
- Added Log Reader command with Virtual Thread for each Python Process
- Removed Python log properties from NiFi Properties configuration
- Removed the non-applicable maxFileSize from TimeBasedRollingPolicy configurations in default logback.xml files to avoid warnings on shutdown
Signed-off-by: Pierre Villard <pierre.villard.fr@gmail.com>
This closes#8033.
NIFI-11788 Standardized Logback maximum settings
- Set MiNiFi maxHistory to 10 and totalSizeCap to 10MB
- Set NiFi maxHistory to 30 and totalSizeCap to 3GB except for deprecation log
- Set Stateless maxHistory to 30 and totalSizeCap to 3GB
- Set Registry maxHistory to 30 and totalSizeCap to 3GB
NIFI-11788 Increased MiNiFi maxFileSize to 10MB and cap to 100MB
This closes#7465. Coauthored by David Handermann and Mike Thomsen
Signed-off-by: Joseph Witt <joewitt@apache.org>
- Removed Legacy Authorized Users File property from FileUserGroupProvider
- Removed unused methods from FileAccessPolicyProvider and FileUserGroupProvider
Signed-off-by: Pierre Villard <pierre.villard.fr@gmail.com>
This closes#7910.
* NIFI-12206 Refactored Flow History using JetBrains Xodus
- Replaced H2 Database Engine with JetBrains Xodus for persistent storage of FlowConfigurationHistory
- Added EntityStoreAuditService implementation using Xodus PersistentEntityStore
- Removed nifi.h2.url.append from properties
- Created NIFI-12203 to evaluate issues with flow comparison surfaced in JoinClusterWithDifferentFlow
This closes#7661
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
- Changed default value of nifi.web.https.application.protocols to include both h2 and http/1.1
- Changed default value of nifi.registry.web.https.application.protocols to include both h2 and http/1.1
- Updated HostHeaderHandler logging
Signed-off-by: Pierre Villard <pierre.villard.fr@gmail.com>
This closes#7684.
- Added new extensible Component Type: FlowAnalysisRule
- Added DisallowComponentType Rule implementation
- Flow Analysis Rules can be managed from the UI under Controller Settings -> Flow Analysis Rules
- Flow Analysis Rules can be set up with an enforcement policy of WARN or ENFORCE
- Flow Analysis Rules can evaluate an individual Component or a Process Group
This closes#7191
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
NIFI-11636: Change default log level from parquet internal reader to WARN as it logs excessively at INFO level
Signed-off-by: Matt Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>
This closes#7334
- Added methods to enumerate Stored Component Identifiers on State Provider interface and implementations
- Added nifi.state.management.provider.cluster.previous to nifi.properties
- Updated State Manager Provider to restore Cluster State from Previous Cluster Provider
- Updated Configuring State Providers documentation for new property
- Restored previous behavior of sending openid and email scopes for OpenID Connect token requests
- Added offline_access scope as the default value in nifi.properties to support Refresh Tokens
This closes#7168
Signed-off-by: Paul Grey <greyp@apache.org>
- Updated GitHub workflow so that system tests include Python 3.9
- Updated GitHub actions to build necessary modules for system tests
This closes#7003
Co-authored-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
* NIFI-4890 Refactored OIDC with support for Refresh Tokens
- Implemented OIDC Authorization Code Grant Flow using Spring Security Filters
- Implemented OIDC RP-Initiated Logout 1.0
- Implemented OAuth2 Token Revocation RFC 7009 for Refresh Tokens
- Added OIDC Bearer Token Refresh Filter for updating application Bearer Tokens from Refresh Token exchanges
- Added configurable Token Refresh Window to application properties
- Removed original implementation and supporting classes
* NIFI-4890 Set Bearer Token expiration based on Access Token
* NIFI-4890 Corrected spelling and naming issues based on feedback
This closes#7013
* NIFI-10975 Added Kubernetes Leader Election and State Provider
- Added Kubernetes Leader Election Manager based on Kubernetes Leases
- Added Kubernetes State Provider based on Kubernetes ConfigMaps
- Added nifi-kubernetes-client for generalized access to Fabric8 Kubernetes Client
- Added nifi.cluster.leader.election.implementation Property defaulting to CuratorLeaderElectionManager
- Refactored LeaderElectionManager to nifi-framework-api for Extension Discovering Manager
- Refactored shared ZooKeeper configuration to nifi-framework-cluster-zookeeper
* NIFI-10975 Updated Kubernetes Client and StateMap
- Upgraded Kubernetes Client from 6.2.0 to 6.3.0
- Added getStateVersion to StateMap and deprecated getVersion
- Updated Docker start.sh with additional properties
* NIFI-10975 Corrected MockStateManager.assertStateSet()
* NIFI-10975 Upgraded Kubernetes Client from 6.3.0 to 6.3.1
* NIFI-10975 Corrected unregister leader and disabled release on cancel
* NIFI-10975 Corrected findLeader handling of Lease expiration
- Changed LeaderElectionManager.getLeader() return to Optional String
* NIFI-10975 Corrected StandardNiFiServiceFacade handling of Optional Leader
* NIFI-10975 Changed getLeader() to call findLeader() to avoid stale cached values
* NIFI-10975 Updated LeaderElectionCommand to run LeaderElector in loop
* NIFI-10975 Rebased on project version 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
* NIFI-10975 Corrected Gson and AspectJ versions
- Updated versions to match current main branch and avoid reverting
- Upgraded Logback from 1.2.11 to 1.3.5
- Updated Logback DelayingShutdownHook to DefaultShutdownHook
- Disabled Spring Boot Logging System in favor of standard Logback initialization
- Excluded logback-classic from ZooKeeper and other dependencies to avoid conflicts when running tests
- Excluded spring-boot-starter-logging to avoid failures related to Logback 1.2 and Spring Boot 2.7
- Removed ZooKeeperMigratorTest.groovy based on Apache Curator test server usage of Logback 1.2
NIFI-10580 Added logback-core as explicit dependency
- Set logback-core as provided in root configuration
- Added logback-core as compile dependency in assembly configurations
Signed-off-by: Joe Witt <joewitt@apache.org>
- Added nifi-deprecation-log module with interface and implementation using SLF4J
- Updated standard logback.xml with nifi-deprecation.log appender
- Updated NiFiLegacyCipherProvider with deprecation logging
- Set Size, Time Policy, and Total Size Limit for Deprecation Log
This closes#6300
Signed-off-by: Paul Grey <greyp@apache.org>
- Removed extension of deprecated WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
- Moved Filter bean configuration associated configuration classes
- Set default Spring Security log level to INFO
- Adjusted CSRF Token Repository to leverage simplified RequestUriBuilder for retrieving allowed context paths
Signed-off-by: Nathan Gough <thenatog@gmail.com>
This closes#6195