- Removed Cat X JSON.org dep inclusion which seems to not be necessary
- Updated a ton of easier/safer looking deps
- Updated tika due to CVE
This closes#4086
Signed-off-by: Mark Payne <markap14@hotmail.com>
Updating validation logic to be consistent with other password-based kerberos processors, removing getPassword from KerberosPasswordUser as it was only used from testing
This closes#4062.
CSVReader and CSVRecordSetWriter controller services and also ConvertExcelToCSVProcessor
support EL for Value Separator, Quote Character and Escape Character properties.
NIFI-6318: Fixed null checks and compound OR expression.
NIFI-6318: RecordSetWriterFactory.createWriter() changes.
NIFI-6318: Initialize CSVFormat in onEnabled() if there are no dynamic formatting properties.
NIFI-6318: Comment Marker supports EL.
NIFI-6318: Various review changes.
This closes#3504.
Signed-off-by: Koji Kawamura <ijokarumawak@apache.org>
Fixed test failures in nifi-couchbase-processors, BinaryDocument matcher replaced with ByteArrayDocument
Fixed test failures in nifi-riemann-processors, anyInt() matcher replaced with anyLong() matcher, calling method passes a long, not int
Removed unnecessary method mocks from nifi-toolkit-tls tests, TlsCertificateAuthorityServiceHandlerTest and TlsCertificateSigningRequestPerformerTest, since those were flagged by Mockito as unnecessary (they're unused)
Removed explicit mockito dependency version in nifi-gcp-processors pom to inherit version from nifi's pom.xml
Updated ArgumentMatchers in Kafka 0.10, 0.11, 1.0, and 2.0 processor tests, since in Mockito 2.x, the "any" matchers no longer allow nulls
Updated ArgumentMatchers in nifi-jolt-transform-json-ui, since in Mockito 2.x, the "any" matchers no longer allow nulls
Removed unnecessary method mocks from MetricsReportingTaskTest
Updated TestStandardRemoteGroupPort to return Long instead of Integer for test flowfile.size() invocations
Updated AbstractCassandraProcessor to include keyspaceProperty.getValue() in null check
Updated SimpleProcessLogger and TestSimpleProcessLogger, vararg matching does not work the same in Java 8 and 11
Updated TestStandardProcessScheduler to allow null values during mock invocations, Mockito 2.x no longer allows nulls in those matchers
Updated TestPutHiveStreaming to allow null values during mock invocations, Mockito 2.x no longer allows nulls in those matchers
Updated FetchParquetTest to allow null values during mock invocations, Mockito 2.x no longer allows nulls in those matchers
Updated ControllerSearchServiceTest to allow null values during mock invocations, Mockito 2.x no longer allows nulls in those matchers
Removed usage of Whitebox from GetAzureEventHubTest due to Mockito 2.x, replaced with FieldUtils
Removed usage of Whitebox from StandardOidcIdentityProviderTest due to Mockito 2.x, replaced with FieldUtils
Updated apache-rat-plugin configuration in root POM to make use of useIdeaDefaultExcludes which makes the rat plugin exclude IntelliJ artifacts
Updated several modules to use mockito-core instead of mockito-all (discontinued in Mockito 2.x)
Updated nifi-site-to-site-reporting-task tests to be compatible with Mockito 2.x
Ignored TestPutJMS tests; the tests need to be refactored to work with Mockito 2.x, but the processor is deprecated. Refactor may be done in a separate PR.
Adjusted several mock interaction iterations to 0 for TestPublishKafkaRecord_* tests. Mockito 2.x flagged several interactions as unused and were adjusted to 0 interactions.
Updated PowerMock and Mockito dependencies to exclude transitive dependency on bytebuddy, added explicit dependency on bytebuddy 1.9.10 so that PowerMock and Mockito use the same version. Bytebuddy 1.9.3 (used by PowerMock 2.0.2) did not allow for the mocking of final/private classes, bytebuddy 1.9.10 (used by Mockito 2.28.2) does.
Updated TestSiteToSiteProvenanceReportingTask use of InvocationOnMock.getArgument to use objects for the resulting object rather than primitives
Removed unnecessary stubs from evtx tests, Mockito 2.x defaults to strict mocks
Fixed classloader issue with tests in nifi-windows-event-log-processors module that use JNAJUnitRunner when Mockito mocked JNA classes (Kernel32)
Addressed Mockito-related deprecation warnings
Import cleanup
This closes#3533
Signed-off-by: Mike Thomsen <mikerthomsen@gmail.com>
NIFI-6323 Changed URLs for splunk.artifactoryonline.com to use HTTPS (certificate validity warning in browsers, but command-line connection using openssl s_client is successful).
NIFI-6323 Changed URLs for XMLNS schema locations to use HTTPS (the XMLNS and schema identifier remain http:// because they are not designed to be resolvable).
NIFI-6323 Fixed Maven XML schema descriptor URLs.
This closes#3497
Refactored KerberosAction to return a result from execute()
Removed usage of ProcessContext.yield() from KerberosAction, which should instead be handled the component using the KerberosCredentialsService.
Updated SolrProcessor to yield a flowfile on error, rather than the KerberosAction invoking the yield.
NIFI-5985: Updated TestPutSolrContentStream.testUpdateWithKerberosAuth test case to match on PrivilegedExceptionAction instead of PrivilegedAction doAs arguments.
NIFI-5985: Moved kerberosUser logout after closing the datasource in the shutdown method.
NIFI-5985: Removed catching exceptions in DBCPConnectionPool.shutdown
Exception when closing the datasource is prioritized over an exception when logging out the kerberos principal
Added GroovyDBCPServiceTest tests to verify prioritizing datasource.close() exception over kerberosUser.logout() exception
This closes#3288.
Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
- Created resuable KeytabUser and KeytabConfiguration in nifi-security-utils
- Refactored Solr processors to use a KeytabControllerService and no longer rely on JAAS system property
- Wrapped all calls in SolrProcessor onTrigger in a doAs when kerberos is enabled
- Added IT tests against MiniKDC
- This closes#2674
Adding Test Cases for PutSolrRecord Processor
Adding PutSolrRecord Processor in the list of Processors
Resolving checkstyle errors
Resolving checkstyle errors in test classes
Adding License information and additional information about the processor
1. Implementing Batch Indexing 2. Changes for nested records 3. Removing MockRecordParser
Fixing bugs with nested records
Updating version of dependencies
Setting Expression Language Scope
This closes#2561.
Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
- take into account input requirement for documentation rendering
- Renamed variable registry scope and added comments
- Doc + change in mock framework to check scope + update of components + UI
- Upgrading to Jersey 2.x.
- Updating NOTICE files where necessary.
- Fixing checkstyle issues.
This closes#2206.
Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>
- Upgraded immediately actionable dependency versions from Meterian report.
- Upgraded jackson-core test dependencies for HBase and Elasticsearch modules.
- Only 3 instances of jackson-core < 2.8.6 (Google Cloud Platform and Spark Receiver modules).
- Upgraded version of poi dependency in nifi-email-processors to 3.16.
- Resolving dependency issues after rebasing against 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT.
- Removed jackson-databind from <dependencyManagement> block in nifi/pom.xml and added explicit reference to ${jackson.version} in all referenced artifacts.
- Removed jackson-mapper-asl from <dependencyManagement> block in nifi/pom.xml and added explicit reference to ${jackson.old.version} in all referenced artifacts.
- Removed Jasypt from <dependencyManagement> and added explicit version in test dependency for legacy compatibility.
- This closes#2084