- Refactored nifi-vault-utils to nifi-hashicorp-vault-api and nifi-hashcorp-vault modules
- Added HashiCorpVaultClientService and Standard implementation
This closes#6304
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
- Added nifi-deprecation-log module with interface and implementation using SLF4J
- Updated standard logback.xml with nifi-deprecation.log appender
- Updated NiFiLegacyCipherProvider with deprecation logging
- Set Size, Time Policy, and Total Size Limit for Deprecation Log
This closes#6300
Signed-off-by: Paul Grey <greyp@apache.org>
- Added nifi-web-client implementation based on OkHttp
- Added WebClientServiceProvider Controller Service interface and implementation
- Corrected comments and added unmodifiableMap wrapper
- Added getHeaderNames() and corrected ProxyContext comments
This closes#6268
Signed-off-by: Paul Grey <greyp@apache.org>
- Bump version to 6.29.5 for arm64 compatibility
- Extract RocksDBFlowFileRepository and supporting code to its own module
- Mark RocksDBFlowFileRepository as deprecated, both in code and documentation
- Log deprecation warning at startup if RocksDBFlowFileRepository is used
- Move native RocksDB info logs to NiFi debug level logs
This closes#6155
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
- Adjusted Java 17 build locale settings
- Added test to verify match between System properties and build environment variables
This closes#5980
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
* NIFI-9883 Refactored property protection to isolated ClassLoader
- Added nifi-property-protection-loader for abstracting access to implementation classes using ServiceLoader
- Updated Authorizer and Login Identity Provider configuration using isolated ClassLoader
- Updated NiFi Properties Loader using isolated ClassLoader
- Updated nifi-assembly to place property protection dependencies in lib/properties directory
- Updated and refactored unit tests
- Corrected LoginIdentityProviderFactoryBean getObject() Type
- Refactored XML parsing to use providers from nifi-xml-processing
- Configured spotbugs-maven-plugin with findsecbugs-plugin in nifi-xml-processing
- Disabled Validate DTD in default configuration for EvaluateXPath and EvaluateXQuery
- Replaced configuration of DocumentBuilder and streaming XML Readers with shared components
- Removed XML utilities from nifi-security-utils
- Moved Commons Configuration classes to nifi-lookup-services
This closes#5962
Signed-off-by: Paul Grey <greyp@apache.org>
- Added nifi-property-protection-api with provider interfaces
- Added nifi-property-protection-factory with implementation references
- Added ProtectionSchemeResolver for abstracting conversion from command arguments
- Refactored PropertyProtectionScheme to package private visibility
- Refactored multiple unit test and removed provider integration tests
- Renamed AESSensitivePropertyProvider to AesGcmSensitivePropertyProvider
- Added getSupportedProtectionSchemes() to StandardProtectionSchemeResolver
- Updated command argument descriptions for protection schemes to include supported values
Signed-off-by: Joe Gresock <jgresock@gmail.com>
This closes#5650.
- Updated documentation with new properties
- Refactored cipher operations to common RepositoryEncryptor classes
- Abstracted record metadata serialization for better compatibility
Signed-off-by: Joe Gresock <jgresock@gmail.com>
This closes#5407.
NIFI-8974 Integrate KerberosUserService with HDFS processors
NIFI-8980 Integrate KerberosUserService with Kafka 2.6 processors
- Introduced SelfContainerKerberosUserService to restrict which impls can be used with Kafka
- Add variations of KerberosUser doAs that allow setting the context ClassLoader
- Add additional unit tests for configurations
This closes#5277
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
- KeyStoreKeyProvider supports PKCS12 and BCFKS
- Refactored KeyProvider and implementations to nifi-security-kms
- Updated Admin Guide and User Guide with KeyStoreKeyProvider details
NIFI-8511 Improved documentation and streamlined several methods
Signed-off-by: Nathan Gough <thenatog@gmail.com>
This closes#5110.
- Set default HTTPS Port to 9443
- Set default authorizer to single-user-authorizer
- Set default login-identity-provider to single-user-provider
- Updated README.md with authentication instructions using generated credentials
- Updated default URL and port information in Administration and User Guides
- Updated Getting Started Guide with authentication and URL changes
- Updated Docker images to set HTTPS as default configuration
- Updated default HTTPS port to 8443
- Set Cluster Protocol secure property in Docker start scripts
- Added set-single-user-credentials command
- Refactored shared classes to nifi-single-user-utils
- Updated Getting Started documentation and logging
- Updated documentation and TLS Toolkit default ports
- Updated Toolkit Guide and Administration Guide
- Updated README.md with HTTPS links
- Retained legacy default Sensitive Properties Key in ConfigEncryptionTool to support migration
- Streamlined default file path and moved key generation conditional
- Refactored with getDefaultProperties()
- Cleared System Property in ConfigEncryptionToolTest
- Added checking and error handling for clustered status
- Added set-sensitive-properties-key command
- Refactored PropertyEncryptor classes to nifi-property-encryptor
- Added nifi-flow-encryptor
- Refactored ConfigEncryptionTool to use FlowEncryptor for supporting AEAD algorithms
- Added Admin Guide section Updating the Sensitive Properties Key
This closes#4857.
Signed-off-by: Mark Payne <markap14@hotmail.com>
- Created nifi-security-socket-ssl
- Created nifi-security-kerberos
- Removed nifi-security-utils dependency from nifi-processor-utils
- Updated modules to reference new dependencies
- Eliminated unnecessary transitive dependencies on bcprov-jdk15on from over 30 modules
Signed-off-by: Nathan Gough <thenatog@gmail.com>
This closes#4881.
NIFI-7401 Rebased to 1.13.0-SNAPSHOT and simplified tests
NIFI-7401 Added keystore types and changed properties to match nifi.security.*
NIFI-7401 Removed dead code from SecureClientZooKeeperFactory test
NIFI-7401 Renamed bean methods, moved helper code into NiFiProperties
NIFI-7401 Changed connection socket constants to use .class.getName()
Signed-off-by: Nathan Gough <thenatog@gmail.com>
This closes#4592.
* NIFI-7804 Split nifi-security-utils into sub-module for nifi-security-utils-api (no external dependencies).
Separated interface and implementation of TlsConfiguration.
Reabsorbed nifi-security-xml-config into nifi-security-utils.
* NIFI-7804 Resolved failing unit test on Java 8.
Removed accidental module dependency.
* NIFI-7804 Resolved failing unit test.
* NIFI-7804 Removed legacy dependency.
* NIFI-7804 Marked nifi-security-utils-api as provided and overrode with compile scope in specific modules which are not children of nifi-standard-services-api-nar.
- Added nifi-parameter module
- Added Parameter to nifi-api
- Added ParameterContext and ParameterLookup
- Updated EL to support Parameters
- Updated backend so that any property can make use of Parameters
- Added web endpoint for Parameter Contexts
- Updated Templates to make use of Parameter Contexts
- Updated Versioned Flows to make use of Parameter Contexts
- Updated Stateless NiFi to support Parameters and take Parameters as part of the configuration, not Variables.
NIFI-6380: Addressed review feedback and fixed bugs; added additional unit and integration tests to verify
NIFI-6380: Added Description to Parameter Context
NIFI-6380: Fixed checkstyle violations
NIFI-6380: Fixed bug that caused updating a Parameter Context to fail if the name is provided and unchanged
NIFI-6380: If parameter is being deleted, don't worry about its sensitivity flag. This addresses a bug where the deletion of a Sensitive Parameter would require that the Parameter be submitted with a value of null and a sensitivity flag of true; else it would provide an error indicating that the parameter can't be changed from sensitive to non-sensitive. Now, the sensitivity flag is ignored.
NIFI-6380: Fixed bug around unsetting Process Group's Parameter Context
NIFI-6380: Moved lastRefreshed timestamp from ParameterContextDTO to ParameterContextsEntity and renamed to currentTime to match the pattern of ControllerServicesEntity rather than FlowHistory. Added parameterContextId to ProcessGroupFlowDTO
NIFI-6380: Added additional integration tests around escaped parameter references
NIFI-6380: Additional tests and bug fix for referencing EL from within another EL Expression
NIFI-6380: Created ParameterEntity to house a 'canWrite' flag for parameters and updated ParameterContext to use it. Updated ParameterContextUpdateRequestDTO to include a Set<AffectedComponentEntity> indicating the components that are affected by the update
NIFI-6380: Addressed review feedback
NIFI-6380: Addressed additional review feedback, mostly around code cleanup
NIFI-6380: Bug fix
NIFI-6380: Addressed more review feedback; fixed a couple of minor bugs encountered when testing
NIFI-6380: Bug fix around Parameter escaping for properties that support Expression Language. Fixed inconcsistency in Authorization hierarchy between /parameter-contexts/1234 and /parameter-contexts to ensure that the parent of /parameter-contexts is /controller, regardless of how we arrive at the /parameter-contexts resource
NIFI-6380: Fixed but around using ProcessContext#newPropertyValue(String) that previously resulted in causing the Parameters to be evaluated a second time, thereby ignoring escape characters. Updated Integration Test to verify behavior. Also fixed bug in LoadBalanceQueueIT as it was a one-liner and noticed it while running tests to verify other behavior
NIFI-6380: Ensure that if Processor or Controller Services references or de-references a Parameter that user making the change has READ policy on the Parameter Context
NIFI-6380: Verify permissions on Parameter Context when creating processor/controller service and when moving between groups, insantiating template, reverting/change flow version
NIFI-6380: Addressed problem that resulted from rebasing against master; fixed bug in showing the Affected Components for a particular Parameter Context Update
NIFI-6380: Fixed NPE that occurs when attempting to update controller-level Controller Service
NIFI-6380: Updated validation error text when referencing parameter from controller-level controller service or reporting task
NIFI-6380: Ensuring permissions for copy/paste when components reference parameters.
NIFI-6380: Do not require READ policy on Parameter Context in order to un-reference a parameter, only to reference one.
NIFI-6380: Restricted parameter names to match those in the Feature Proposal. Fixed bug that allowed copy & paste of a PG for which user does not have READ policy for a child/descendant PG's parameter context
This closes#3536
In nifi-metrics, added build-helper-maven-plugin to enable groovy tests to run, since there are no java tests or src/test/java path in the module
Replaced yammer/dropwizard's VirtualMachineMetrics usage in multiple modules with JvmMetrics interface and JmxJvmMetrics implementation in nifi-metrics
Updated nifi-datadog-reporting-task to use nifi-metrics:1.10.0-SNAPSHOT
Updated nifi-scripting-bundle to use nifi-metrics:1.10.0-SNAPSHOT
Updated ScriptedReportingTask to use JmxJvmMetrics instead of VirtualMachineMetrics
Updated nifi-reporting-utils pom to use nifi-metrics:1.10.0-SNAPSHOT
Updated nifi-ambari-reporting-task pom to use nifi-metrics:1.10.0-SNAPSHOT
Updated SiteToSiteMetricsReportingTask to use nifi-metrics:1.10.0-SNAPSHOT
Updated ScriptedReportingTaskGroovyTest to use regular strings instead of GStrings due to class cast exception
Updated nifi-prometheus-reporting-task to use nifi-metrics:1.10.0-SNAPSHOT
Updated PrometheusMetricsUtil to use LF endings instead of CRLF
Updated nifi-metrics-reporting-bundle and its submodules to use nifi-metrics:1.10.0-SNAPSHOT
nifi-metrics-reporting-task metrics-graphite version upgraded from 3.1.2 to 4.1.0
Removed unused property yammer.metrics.version from nifi-jolt-record-bundle pom
Updated root NOTICE to include derived work in nifi-metrics
Removed duplicate nifi-assembly NOTICE clauses for yammer/dropwizard metrics
Removed unnecessary inclusion of Yammer Metrics in Kafka 0-9, 0-10, 0-11, 1-0, and 2-0 NARs' NOTICE files since the Kafka dependency that transitively includes it is test-scoped.
Removed unnecessary mock interaction in GraphiteMetricReporterServiceTest, Mockito 2.28.2 operates in strict mode and flags unused unused interactions.
NIFI-6354: Added LICENSE and NOTICE for nifi-kafka-2-0-nar
Updated NOTICE in kafka nar modules to reflect the actual module names at the top of the NOTICE
Added yammer metrics NOTICE clauses to nifi-kafka-0-11-nar
Added yammer metrics NOTICE clauses to nifi-kafka-1-0-nar
NIFI-6355: Extended NOTICE clauses for yammer/dropwizard metrics in multiple modules
Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>
This closes#3520
NIFI-6323 Changed URLs for splunk.artifactoryonline.com to use HTTPS (certificate validity warning in browsers, but command-line connection using openssl s_client is successful).
NIFI-6323 Changed URLs for XMLNS schema locations to use HTTPS (the XMLNS and schema identifier remain http:// because they are not designed to be resolvable).
NIFI-6323 Fixed Maven XML schema descriptor URLs.
This closes#3497