The controller service api jars have their own bundles, they do not need to be
packaged into the processor nars.
Signed-off-by: Joe Witt <>
NIFI-1474 Added unit test for constructor p boundaries. Added p boundary conditions.
NIFI-1474 Updated documentation regarding p boundary.
NIFI-1474 Added r validation and unit tests. Added Javadoc for new methods.
This closes#3844.
Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <>
* NIFI-6780: Introduce RecordSinkService to separate format and destination, refactor common S2S utils
Added QueryNiFiReportingTask to SQL query NiFi status and metrics
check for null predictions
Add ConnectionStatusRecursiveIterator
Fix issue w/ duplicate iterator outputs
Refactored query interfaces, fixed assembly POM
Rebased v master, fixed isBackPressureEnabled and Checkstyle/RAT errors
Add DatabaseRecordSink service (#13)
* Add DatabaseRecordSink service
* Incorporated review comments
* NIFI-6780: Add/fix docs, cleanup warnings, fixed some table definitions
* Added bundle profile, remove predictions table if not enabled
* Added doc for which tables are available when
This closes#3826.
Added skeleton implementation of EncryptedFileSystemRepository.
Added new impl to META-INF registry.
Added investigation comments to FileSystemRepository.
Implemented RepositoryObject block and stream encryptors.
Added passing unit test for encryption and decryption of multiple content writes (large buffered file) for AES-CTR encryptor.
Refactored shared logic from AES CTR and G/CM encryptors to abstract parent.
Added working unit test for writing/reading via encrypted file system repository.
Added stream wrappers.
Added encryptor.
Added working unit test for writing/reading multiple pieces of content via encrypted file system repository.
Added unit test skeleton for writing/reading multiple pieces of content with different keys via encrypted file system repository.
Implemented key management skeleton for encrypted content repository.
Multiple content claims can now be encrypted with different keys on the same resource claim and retrieved.
Implemented validation on setting active key id.
Added content repository encryption properties to NiFiProperties.
Implemented configuration of encryption services from NiFiProperties.
Refactored NiFiPropertiesLoader functionality to CryptoUtils for availability in other modules.
Added RepositoryEncryptionConfiguration and repo-specific subclasses for data containers.
Continued refactoring of CryptoUtils and RepositoryEncryptorUtils library methods.
Exposed some internal state of FileSystemRepository via protected getters so encrypted implementation could access.
Refactored EncryptedFileSystemRepository to extend rather than duplicate FSR.
Refactored EFSR to use ECROS which now extends extracted ContentRepositoryOutputStream protected inner class in FSR.
Added unit test to encrypt & decrypt image resource.
Added smaller image resource for easier unit test debugging.
Added importFrom method to resolve issue where GetFile would not encrypt content persisted to repository.
Added text test resource for tests around exporting claim subsets.
Added exportTo methods to handle decrypting encrypted content.
Performed large unit test refactoring, moving shared logic to helper methods.
Added unit test for merged content claim with header/footer/demarcator.
Added unit test for merging content claims each encrypted with a different key.
Ignored non-deterministically failing firewall DNS test.
Added documentation to User and Admin Guide for Encrypted Content Repository.
Added image.
Added refactored utility method for shared ROEM extraction and validation logic in AbstractAESEncryptor.
Replaced ad-hoc generation of ciphertext stream and byte[] for testing with static initialization from pre-generated serialized form for performance.
Cleaned up unused test code.
Cleaned up Javadoc and code comments.
Refactored shared logic.
Fixed checkstyle issue.
Fixed test failure due to error message change.
Added experimental warning to repository implementation classes and User Guide documentation.
Signed-off-by: Joe Witt <>
NIFI-6778 - added comments and component description annotations
NIFI-6778 - added license and notice details
NIFI-6778 - added additional details section and updated description of service
NIFI-6778 - fixed checkstyle error
NIFI-6778 - addressed review comments for documentation and description corrections
NIFI-6778 - added include-rules profile for assembly build
NIFI-6778 - add MVEL and ASM to license and notice
NIFI-6778 - switch to use Jackson for NiFi Rules Json deserialization
Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <>
This closes#3824
NIFI-6703: Fixed extracted nar directory and marked api as experimental
NIFI-6703: Moving nifi-stateless into nifi-framework
NIFI-6703: Refactored to fix jetty/spring issues
NIFI-6703: checkstyle fix
NIFI-6703: updated to mirror traditional NiFi's bootstrap process and java11 dependency management
NIFI-6703: minor changes
NIFI-6703: Documentation fixes
This closes#3795.
Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <>
NIFI-6773 Adding two unit tests for lz4-framed compression/decompression
NIFI-6773 Adding compressed lz4 file for decompression test
Signed-off-by: Joe Witt <>
Update the links to the quartz documentation in the User Guide section
for cron trigger scheduling.
This closes#3802.
Signed-off-by: Kevin Doran <>
* NIFI-6760: When writing/reading the length of a DataFrame, do so using a 4-byte integer instead of a 2-byte short. When using uncompressed data, we know that the length of the DataFrame will be no more than 64 KB so a 2-byte short is sufficient. However, if data is compresed, there's a chance that the compressed form of the data will be larger than the uncompressed form (for example, with random binary data or with encrypted data). In this situation, we can end up overflowing the 2-byte short, which causes the length that is written to be wrong. Using a 4-byte integer avoids this situation.
* NIFI-6760: Fixed unit tests
- Fixing issue opening a users policy listing when there is a policy for a specific parameter context.
This closes#3805.
Signed-off-by: Joe Witt <>