- attempt a relogin based on an interval specified in the processor configuration
- use hadoop's UserGroupInformation.checkTGTAndReloginFromKeytab to determine if a relogin is necessary based on the ticket and do so if needed
- improve code readability with HdfsResources object in AbstractHadoopProcessor
Reviewed and Amended by Tony Kurc (tkurc@apache.org). This closes#97
- Three main types of compression options:
NONE : no compression
AUTOMATIC : infers codec by extension
SPECIFIED : specified codec (e.g. snappy, gzip, bzip, or lz4)
- Add krb5.conf to nifi.properties
nifi.kerberos.krb5.file | path to krb5.conf
- Connections to secure Hadoop clusters will be determined by their config,
that is, hadoop.security.authentication should be set to kerberos.
- Added two optional arguments to AbstractHadoopProcessor (principal and keytab),
these are only required if the cluster you're connecting to is secured. Both of
these options require the krb5.conf to be present in nifi.properties.
Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>