In nifi-metrics, added build-helper-maven-plugin to enable groovy tests to run, since there are no java tests or src/test/java path in the module
Replaced yammer/dropwizard's VirtualMachineMetrics usage in multiple modules with JvmMetrics interface and JmxJvmMetrics implementation in nifi-metrics
Updated nifi-datadog-reporting-task to use nifi-metrics:1.10.0-SNAPSHOT
Updated nifi-scripting-bundle to use nifi-metrics:1.10.0-SNAPSHOT
Updated ScriptedReportingTask to use JmxJvmMetrics instead of VirtualMachineMetrics
Updated nifi-reporting-utils pom to use nifi-metrics:1.10.0-SNAPSHOT
Updated nifi-ambari-reporting-task pom to use nifi-metrics:1.10.0-SNAPSHOT
Updated SiteToSiteMetricsReportingTask to use nifi-metrics:1.10.0-SNAPSHOT
Updated ScriptedReportingTaskGroovyTest to use regular strings instead of GStrings due to class cast exception
Updated nifi-prometheus-reporting-task to use nifi-metrics:1.10.0-SNAPSHOT
Updated PrometheusMetricsUtil to use LF endings instead of CRLF
Updated nifi-metrics-reporting-bundle and its submodules to use nifi-metrics:1.10.0-SNAPSHOT
nifi-metrics-reporting-task metrics-graphite version upgraded from 3.1.2 to 4.1.0
Removed unused property yammer.metrics.version from nifi-jolt-record-bundle pom
Updated root NOTICE to include derived work in nifi-metrics
Removed duplicate nifi-assembly NOTICE clauses for yammer/dropwizard metrics
Removed unnecessary inclusion of Yammer Metrics in Kafka 0-9, 0-10, 0-11, 1-0, and 2-0 NARs' NOTICE files since the Kafka dependency that transitively includes it is test-scoped.
Removed unnecessary mock interaction in GraphiteMetricReporterServiceTest, Mockito 2.28.2 operates in strict mode and flags unused unused interactions.
NIFI-6354: Added LICENSE and NOTICE for nifi-kafka-2-0-nar
Updated NOTICE in kafka nar modules to reflect the actual module names at the top of the NOTICE
Added yammer metrics NOTICE clauses to nifi-kafka-0-11-nar
Added yammer metrics NOTICE clauses to nifi-kafka-1-0-nar
NIFI-6355: Extended NOTICE clauses for yammer/dropwizard metrics in multiple modules
Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <>
This closes#3520
Fixed test failures in nifi-couchbase-processors, BinaryDocument matcher replaced with ByteArrayDocument
Fixed test failures in nifi-riemann-processors, anyInt() matcher replaced with anyLong() matcher, calling method passes a long, not int
Removed unnecessary method mocks from nifi-toolkit-tls tests, TlsCertificateAuthorityServiceHandlerTest and TlsCertificateSigningRequestPerformerTest, since those were flagged by Mockito as unnecessary (they're unused)
Removed explicit mockito dependency version in nifi-gcp-processors pom to inherit version from nifi's pom.xml
Updated ArgumentMatchers in Kafka 0.10, 0.11, 1.0, and 2.0 processor tests, since in Mockito 2.x, the "any" matchers no longer allow nulls
Updated ArgumentMatchers in nifi-jolt-transform-json-ui, since in Mockito 2.x, the "any" matchers no longer allow nulls
Removed unnecessary method mocks from MetricsReportingTaskTest
Updated TestStandardRemoteGroupPort to return Long instead of Integer for test flowfile.size() invocations
Updated AbstractCassandraProcessor to include keyspaceProperty.getValue() in null check
Updated SimpleProcessLogger and TestSimpleProcessLogger, vararg matching does not work the same in Java 8 and 11
Updated TestStandardProcessScheduler to allow null values during mock invocations, Mockito 2.x no longer allows nulls in those matchers
Updated TestPutHiveStreaming to allow null values during mock invocations, Mockito 2.x no longer allows nulls in those matchers
Updated FetchParquetTest to allow null values during mock invocations, Mockito 2.x no longer allows nulls in those matchers
Updated ControllerSearchServiceTest to allow null values during mock invocations, Mockito 2.x no longer allows nulls in those matchers
Removed usage of Whitebox from GetAzureEventHubTest due to Mockito 2.x, replaced with FieldUtils
Removed usage of Whitebox from StandardOidcIdentityProviderTest due to Mockito 2.x, replaced with FieldUtils
Updated apache-rat-plugin configuration in root POM to make use of useIdeaDefaultExcludes which makes the rat plugin exclude IntelliJ artifacts
Updated several modules to use mockito-core instead of mockito-all (discontinued in Mockito 2.x)
Updated nifi-site-to-site-reporting-task tests to be compatible with Mockito 2.x
Ignored TestPutJMS tests; the tests need to be refactored to work with Mockito 2.x, but the processor is deprecated. Refactor may be done in a separate PR.
Adjusted several mock interaction iterations to 0 for TestPublishKafkaRecord_* tests. Mockito 2.x flagged several interactions as unused and were adjusted to 0 interactions.
Updated PowerMock and Mockito dependencies to exclude transitive dependency on bytebuddy, added explicit dependency on bytebuddy 1.9.10 so that PowerMock and Mockito use the same version. Bytebuddy 1.9.3 (used by PowerMock 2.0.2) did not allow for the mocking of final/private classes, bytebuddy 1.9.10 (used by Mockito 2.28.2) does.
Updated TestSiteToSiteProvenanceReportingTask use of InvocationOnMock.getArgument to use objects for the resulting object rather than primitives
Removed unnecessary stubs from evtx tests, Mockito 2.x defaults to strict mocks
Fixed classloader issue with tests in nifi-windows-event-log-processors module that use JNAJUnitRunner when Mockito mocked JNA classes (Kernel32)
Addressed Mockito-related deprecation warnings
Import cleanup
This closes#3533
Signed-off-by: Mike Thomsen <>
NIFI-6362 - Upgraded both checkstyle plugins to latest. Added a checkstyleCache file and property.
NIFI-6362 - Downgraded maven-checkstyle-plugin to 3.0.0 instead as there was an issue with the latest version and @throws Javadoc checkstyle module. Fixed some checkstyle issues. Changed checkstyleCache file to .checkstyleCache. Added to .gitignore.
NIFI-6362 - Changed checkstyleCache file location into target/, and is no longer a hidden file. Removed .checkstyleCache from .gitignore as it is no longer required.
NIFI-6362 - Grep pattern no longer required.
This closes#3522.
Signed-off-by: Koji Kawamura <>
Added new property to the processors. If it is empty, then the behaviour is the same as before.
Adde unit test to check if KafkaProducer receives the new property.
Testing Done:
Unit tests.
Connecting to kafka and verifying transactionalId-s in kafka server log.
fixing review findings
This closes#3439.
Signed-off-by: Koji Kawamura <>
NIFI-6323 Changed URLs for to use HTTPS (certificate validity warning in browsers, but command-line connection using openssl s_client is successful).
NIFI-6323 Changed URLs for XMLNS schema locations to use HTTPS (the XMLNS and schema identifier remain http:// because they are not designed to be resolvable).
NIFI-6323 Fixed Maven XML schema descriptor URLs.
This closes#3497
NIFI-5933 Removed unused file with sun.* import
NIFI-5933 Removed unsafe of sun.*.
NIFI-5933 Added openjdk8 to test
This closes#3234
Signed-off-by: Mike Thomsen <>
* Documentation : ConsumerKafka_2_0 - updated configuration details related to SASL_PLAINTEXT - SCRAM
* Updated rest of the related documents with SCRAM configurations and few NOTEs
* incorporated review comments
* incorporated review comments
- Updates to make UpdateRecord and RecordPath automatically update Record schema when performing update and perform the updates on the first record in UpdateRecord before obtaining Writer Schema. This allows the Writer to to inherit the Schema of the updated Record instead of the Schema of the Record as it was when it was read.
- Updated JoltTransformRecord so that schema is inferred on the first transformed object before passing the schema to the Record Writer, so that if writer inherits schema from record, the schema that is inherited is the trans transformed schema
- Updated LookupRecord to allow for Record fields to be arbitrarily added
- Implemented ContentClaimInputStream
- Added controller service for caching schemas
- UpdatedQueryRecord to cache schemas automatically up to some number of schemas, which will significantly inprove throughput in many cases, especially with inferred schemas.
NIFI-5938: Updated AvroTypeUtil so that if creating an Avro Schema using a field name that is not valid for Avro, it creates a Schema that uses a different, valid field name and adds an alias for the given field name so that the fields still are looked up appropriately. Fixed a bug in finding the appropriate Avro field when aliases are used. Updated ContentClaimInputStream so that if mark() is called followed by multiple calls to reset(), that each reset() call is successful instead of failing after the first one (the JavaDoc for InputStream appears to indicate that the InputStream is free to do either and in fact the InputStream is even free to allow reset() to reset to the beginning of file if mark() is not even called, if it chooses to do so instead of requiring a call to mark()).
NIFI-5938: Added another unit test for AvroTypeUtil
NIFI-5938: If using inferred schema in CSV Reader, do not consider first record as a header line. Also addressed a bug in StandardConfigurationContext that was exposed by CSVReader, in which calling getProperty(PropertyDescriptor) did not properly lookup the canonical representation of the Property Descriptor from the component before attempting to get a default value
Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <>
This closes#3253
Updated Javadoc for SiteToSiteClient#createTransaction() and HttpClient implementation.
Reverted exception listing in method contract for SiteToSiteClient#createTransaction and HttpClient tion of same.
Reverted import ordering in TestSiteToSiteClient.
Reverted exception listing in TestGetHDFSFileInfo, TestListHDFS, and StandardHttpFlowFileServerProtocol.
Restored @SuppressWarnings annotation and removed unnecessary "public static" keywords from inner classes in SiteToSiteClient.
This closes#2841.
Signed-off-by: Joe Witt <>
- take into account input requirement for documentation rendering
- Renamed variable registry scope and added comments
- Doc + change in mock framework to check scope + update of components + UI
Before this fix, PublishKafka (0.9) and PublishKafka_0_10 fail with empty incoming FlowFiles due to 'transfer relationship not specified' error.
Because the internal 'publish' method is not called as StreamDemarcator does not emit any token regardless whether demarcator is set or not.
As for PublishKafka_0_11 and PublishKafka_1_0, empty FlowFiles are transferred to 'success' relationship, however no Kafka message is sent to Kafka.
Since Kafka allows 0 byte body empty messages, NiFi should be able to send it, too.
This commit changes above current situation to the followings, with all PublishKafka_* processors:
- If demarcator is not set, then publish incoming FlowFile content as it is. This enables sending an empty Kafka message.
- If demarcator is set, send each token as a separate message.
Even if no token is found (empty incoming FlowFile), transfer the FlowFile to 'success'.
This closes#2362.
Signed-off-by: Mark Payne <>