- When determining which controller services to return for a component, ensure that we don't show services that belong to 'child groups'
- Fixed a logic bug that determined which process group to use for obtaining controller services
- This closes#2087
- Initial implementation of Process Group level Variable Registry
- Updated to incorporate PR Feedback
- Changed log message because slf4j-simple apparently has a memory leak; passing a String instead of passing in the Controller Service object as an argument addresses this.
- This closes#2051
NIFI-4028: Refactored Wait processor.
- Consolidated implementation for the cases of releasableFlowCount is 1 or more, in order to reduce complexity and behavior differences
- Added 'consumed' counter when total counter is used to release incoming FlowFiles
- Fixed method name typo, releaseCandidates
This closes#2055.
Signed-off-by: Koji Kawamura <ijokarumawak@apache.org>
The properties are already evaluated against EL. Also added an
integration test that is failing without the change.
This closes#1968.
Signed-off-by: Koji Kawamura <ijokarumawak@apache.org>
...name when I create a new Controller Service within a Processor/Service configuration dialog
Changed CS name default's behavior according to PR feedback.
Signed-off-by: Scott Aslan <scottyaslan@gmail.com>
This closes#2081
...name when I create a new Controller Service within a Processor/Service configuration dialog
I'm not sure how to integrate/style the text box. Suggestions are welcome.
NIFI-3281 - Review - handle completePendingCommand return and added a unit test for ListFTP
NIFI-3281 - Review - Added flow file for EL evaluation in other methods and added unit test for NIFI-3590
This closes#1974.
Signed-off-by: Koji Kawamura <ijokarumawak@apache.org>
NIFI-4237 Cleaned up unused alternate approaches.
NIFI-4237 Added failing unit test for better error message.
NIFI-4237 Added logic to capture unhelpful encryption exception and provide context in message. All tests pass.
This closes#2077
- Introducing support for OpenId Connect.
- Updating REST API and UI to support the authorization code flow.
- Adding/fixing documentation.
- Implementing time constant equality checks where appropriate.
- Corrected error handling during startup and throughout the OIDC login sequence.
- Redacting the token values from the user log.
- Defaulting to RS256 when not preferred algorithm is specified.
- Marking the OIDC endpoints as non-guaranteed in to allow for minor adjustments if/when additional SSO techniques are introduced.
This closes#2047.
Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>
The JIRA issue asks for treating both node and its label as one unit.
Described cursor issues seems to be fixed already.
However, there is an annoying dead space between a node and label
preventing displaying context menu, etc. Due to SVG group's nature
there has been added an opaque joint to remove the dead space.
Signed-off-by: Pierre Villard <pierre.villard.fr@gmail.com>
This closes#2059.
Added changes based on code review. Changed:
* Put record reader instantiation inside of try-with.
* Put a batch size for the insert List.
* Ensured that session.transfer() to the success relationship will always happen.
Removed an unused import to fix the style check.
This closes#1945.
Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>
- Moved key provider interface and implementations from nifi-data-provenance-utils module to nifi-security-utils module.
- Refactored duplicate byte[] concatenation methods from utility classes and removed deprecation warnings from CipherUtility.
- Created KeyProviderFactory to encapsulate key provider instantiation logic.
- Added logic to handle legacy package configuration values for key providers.
- Added unit tests.
- Added resource files for un/limited strength cryptography scenarios.
- Added ASL to test resources.
- Moved legacy FQCN handling logic to CryptUtils.
- Added unit tests to ensure application startup logic handles legacy FQCNs.
- Moved master key extraction/provision out of FBKP.
- Removed nifi-security-utils dependency on nifi-properties-loader module.
- Added unit tests.
NIFI-4082 - Added EL on DB, URI and Collection
NIFI-4082 - Added UT for EL evaluation (URI, DB, Collection) and fixed ex. message for document validator.
This closes#1969
* Added double-click shortcut opening config/details dialog to processors,
connections, ports and labels.
* Created a base for further default action selection, disabling, etc.
* Omitted default action configuration UI - that might be a separate JIRA ticket.
NiFi can now parse an Avro schema of a record that references an already defined record, including itself.
Signed-off-by: James Wing <jvwing@gmail.com>
This closes#2034.