- SSHJ 0.32.0 introduced support for rename flags in SFTP commands without checking the protocol version
- PatchedSFTPEngine overrides the rename method to check the SFTP protocol version
Signed-off-by: Joe Witt <joewitt@apache.org>
- Refactored SSH Client configuration and connection to SSHClientProvider
- Implemented exception handling for configuration and connection failures
- Named SSH keep-alive thread for improved runtime tracking
- Closed SSH Client and interrupted keep-alive thread on configuration failures
- Added missing Compression Property to ListSFTP
- Corrected Hostname and Port property descriptors in ListSFTP
Signed-off-by: Joe Witt <joewitt@apache.org>
* [NIFI-8821] Registry - Sorting the grid-list no linger expands the listed buckets
- gitignore is added to support dev UI run with npm
* - trackByFn is specified for ngForOf to help td-expansion-panel to track elements after sorting
* - adding trackByFn to all grid list view component codes
Merged #5611 into main.
- Added log4j-core to list of banned dependencies
- Added log4j-to-slf4j for Elasticsearch 5 processors to support runtime logging
Signed-off-by: Joe Witt <joewitt@apache.org>
- Fixed system-tests workflow so that troubleshooting info is always uploaded for failures
This closes#5614
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
- Replaced JUnit 4 and TestNG references with JUnit 5
- Added test method for bulletin sorting
Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>
This closes#5607
- Changed display name of Max Number of TCP Connections to Max Number of Worker Threads for ListenTCP
- Set Netty Socket Receive Buffer using Max Socket Buffer Size in ListenTCP
This closes#5599
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
* NIFI-9423 - Show icon and tooltip for Parameter values that have leading and/or trailing whitespaces
NIFI-9429 - Parameters should allow blank values that are non-null (only whitespace)
* - Update areas to clean up tooltips in parameter values
- Show whitespaces and ellipsis in parameter and property values and tooltips
- Update serializeValue to accommodate for blank values
* - Address review findings
* - Remove commented out code
* - Add multiline check for ellipsis
* NIFI-9459 - Empty string checked will disable Edit Parameter value field on dialog open
* - Add multi-line style to parameter and property table
* - Safely insert title attribute content
* - Fix Edit Parameter bug that clears textarea for sensitive and empty string values on dialog open
This closes#5569
- Add log4j-bom to root Maven configuration
- Remove previous overrides in favor of log4j-bom in root Maven configuration
This closes#5598
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
- Implemented override for Timestamp Record Field Type format handling to add support for optional microseconds
- Added FieldConverter and ObjectTimestampFieldConverter implementation for generalized Timestamp parsing using DateTimeFormatter
- Updated PutKudu unit tests for standard Timestamp and Timestamp with microseconds
Signed-off-by: Pierre Villard <pierre.villard.fr@gmail.com>
This closes#5589.
NIFI-9382: Fixed issue with SharedInstanceClassLoader where the classloader may get closed but then get used again. When the SharedInstanceClassLoader is closed, we will now ensure that we don't use anymore and instead create a new one.
Signed-off-by: Joe Witt <joewitt@apache.org>
- Refactor background transaction extension to ExtendTransactionCommand
- Avoid closing S2S HTTP client for IllegalStateExceptions
- Avoid creating additional S2S HTTP client instance for transaction extension commands
- Add check for extend transaction requests received in client test class
- Add null check for Peer Persistence implementation in PeerSelector
Signed-off-by: Joe Gresock <jgresock@gmail.com>
This closes#5577.
- Add PutElasticsearchJson processor to Elasticsearch REST bundle
- Deprecate PutElasticsearchHttp/PutElasticsearchHttpReccord in favour of Elasticsearch REST processors
Signed-off-by: Joe Gresock <jgresock@gmail.com>
This closes#5566.
- Changed framework so that it serializes the dataflow into a VersionedDataflow using JSON as well as XML, and prefers the JSON representation on load, if it's available. This also results in the need for the cluster protocol to exchange its representation of the dataflow to using JSON. Rather than re-implementing all of the complex logic of Flow Fingerprinting, updated to just inherit the cluster's flow.
- Moved logic to synchronize Process Group with Versioned Process Group into a new ProcessGroupSynchronizer class instead of having all of the logic within StandardProcessGroup
- Reworked versioned components to use an instance id.
- Renamed StandardFlowSynchronizer to XmlFlowSynchronizer; introduced new StandardFlowSynchronizer that delegates to the appropriate (Xml or Versioned)FlowSynchronzer
- Updated to allow import of VersionedProcessGroup even if not all bundles are available - will now use ghost components
- Introduced a VersionedDataflow object to hold controller-level services, reporting tasks, parameter contexts, templates, etc.
- Allow mutable requests to be made while nodes are disconnected. Also fixed issue in AbstractPolicyBasedAuthorizer that caused ClassNotFoundException / NoClassDefFoundError if the authorizations were changed and then a node attempts to rejoin the cluster. The Authorizer was attempting to use XmlUtils, which is in nifi-security-utils and so so by madking nifi-security-utils a provided dependency of nifi-framework-api, but this doesn't work, because nifi-framework-api is loaded by a higher-level classloader, so the classloader that loads AbstractPolicyBasedAuthorizer will never have the appropriate classloader to provide nifi-security-utils. Addressed this by copying the code for creating a safe document builder from XmlUtils to AbstractPolicyBasedAuthorizer.
- Fixed bug that occurred when importing a Process Group that has 2 parameter contexts, one inheriting from another, where neither is pre-defined in the existing flow
- Fixed bug that was encountered when Updating a Versioned Process Group where one version had a disabled processor and the other had the processor running.
- Increased system-tests workflow timeout to 120 minutes
- Added additional exception handling to system tests
This closes#5514
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>