- Updating tests to account for the new node /zookeeper/config
Upgraded Zookeeper and Curator versions for zookeeper migrator in toolkit. Updated tests to allow for new znode /zookeeper/config
- Added documentation changes to reflect changes to the zookeeper.properties file going foward.
This closes#3715.
Signed-off-by: Mark Payne <markap14@hotmail.com>
Added build-helper-maven-plugin to nifi-toolkit-zookeeper-migrator pom to build groovy test code
Moved spock spec from src/test/java to src/test/groovy
Minor code formatting updates to ZooKeeperMigrator.java
This closes#2065
Updated ZooKeeper connect string parsing tests
Updated admin doc for ZooKeeper Migrator migration of nifi root nodes, updated source and destination ZK check by servers in the connection string instead of the entire connection string
Added check between source and destination ZooKeeper paths to allow data to be written to the same ZooKeeper with a different path
Added test for writing to the same ZooKeeper with a different path
Added type parameter to server list in for ZooKeeperEndpointConfig
This closes#1456.
Signed-off-by: Bryan Rosander <brosander@apache.org>
Removed logback usage from classpath
Added slf4j-log4j12 dependency in nifi-toolkit pom
Added logback-classic exclusion for nifi-properties-loader used by nifi-toolkit-encrypt-config
Updated log4j.properties logging pattern and logger config in nifi-toolkit-assembly and nifi-toolkit-zookeeper-migrator, filtering zookeeper messages below WARN
Removed logback.groovy since log4j is the single logging implementation
Updated ZooKeeperMigratorMain command line output to match standards established by other tools in nifi-toolkit
This closes#1237.
Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>
Reads from and writes to a Zookeeper that is open or secured via user/password digest or SASL
Supports persisting of data obtained from Zookeeper to a file or standard out as JSON
Supports sending of Zookeeper data to Zookeeper from a file or standard out as JSON
Does not allow data obtained from a source Zookeeper to be written back to the same Zookeeper connect string and path
This closes#1193
Signed-off-by: Bryan Rosander <brosander@apache.org>