- Updated component references to remove use of Object[] wrapping for log methods
This closes#7748
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
* NIFI-10975 Added Kubernetes Leader Election and State Provider
- Added Kubernetes Leader Election Manager based on Kubernetes Leases
- Added Kubernetes State Provider based on Kubernetes ConfigMaps
- Added nifi-kubernetes-client for generalized access to Fabric8 Kubernetes Client
- Added nifi.cluster.leader.election.implementation Property defaulting to CuratorLeaderElectionManager
- Refactored LeaderElectionManager to nifi-framework-api for Extension Discovering Manager
- Refactored shared ZooKeeper configuration to nifi-framework-cluster-zookeeper
* NIFI-10975 Updated Kubernetes Client and StateMap
- Upgraded Kubernetes Client from 6.2.0 to 6.3.0
- Added getStateVersion to StateMap and deprecated getVersion
- Updated Docker start.sh with additional properties
* NIFI-10975 Corrected MockStateManager.assertStateSet()
* NIFI-10975 Upgraded Kubernetes Client from 6.3.0 to 6.3.1
* NIFI-10975 Corrected unregister leader and disabled release on cancel
* NIFI-10975 Corrected findLeader handling of Lease expiration
- Changed LeaderElectionManager.getLeader() return to Optional String
* NIFI-10975 Corrected StandardNiFiServiceFacade handling of Optional Leader
* NIFI-10975 Changed getLeader() to call findLeader() to avoid stale cached values
* NIFI-10975 Updated LeaderElectionCommand to run LeaderElector in loop
* NIFI-10975 Rebased on project version 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
* NIFI-10975 Corrected Gson and AspectJ versions
- Updated versions to match current main branch and avoid reverting
- NIFI-9122 Refactored nifi-influxdb-bundle to use JUnit 5
- NIFI-9121 Refactored nifi-ignite-bundle to use JUnit 5
- NIFI-9120 Refactored nifi-html-bundle to use JUnit 5
- NIFI-9119 Refactored nifi-hl7-bundle to use JUnit 5
- NIFI-9118 Refactored nifi-hive-bundle to use JUnit 5
- NIFI-9117 Refactored nifi-hbase-bundle to use JUnit 5
- NIFI-9116 Refactored nifi-hazelcast-bundle to use JUnit 5
- NIFI-9114 Refactored nifi-hadoop-bundle to use JUnit 5
- Added DisabledOnOs(OS.WINDOWS) to Hive tests with @TempDir from JUnit 5 due to Windows-specific problems in JUnit 5
This closes#5791
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
- Updated Mock Framework to now fail tests that use ProcessSession.commit() unless they first call TestRunner.setAllowSynchronousSessionCommits(true)
- Updated stateless nifi in order to make use of async session commits
- Fixed bug that caused stateless to not properly handle Additional Classpath URLs and bug that caused warnings about validation to get generated when a flow that used controller services was initialized. While this is not really in scope of NIFI-8469, it was found when testing and blocked further progress so addresssed here.
- If Processor fails to progress when run from stateless, trigger from start of flow until that is no longer the case
- Introduced notion of TransactionThresholds that can limit the amount of data that a flow will bring in for a given invocation of stateless dataflow
- Several new system-level tests
NIFI-5933 Removed unused file with sun.* import
NIFI-5933 Removed unsafe of sun.*.
NIFI-5933 Added openjdk8 to test
This closes#3234
Signed-off-by: Mike Thomsen <mikerthomsen@gmail.com>
NIFI-5145 Fixed a mistake with evaluateAttributeExpressions found in a code review.
NIFI-5145 Removed a property descriptor from GetHBase that was a duplication of the one in VisibilityFetchSupport.
NIFI-5145 Added comments in the code that were requested in the review.
NIFI-5145 Fixed check style issue.
NIFI-5145 Fixed a few improperly scoped items in ListFileTransfer that impacted the FTP processor(s).
NIFI-5145 Changed which override gets called based on code review feedback.
NIFI-5145: Reverted changes to ListFileTransfer re ExpressionLanguageScope
NIFI-5145: Removed TODO from MockPropertyValue javadoc
Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>
This closes#2672
NIFI-4637 Removed integration test and updated the hbase client from 1.1.2 to 1.1.13 which is the final version for 1.1.X
NIFI-4637 Fixed EL support issue w/ tests.
NIFI-4637 Added more documentation to DeleteHBaseCells.
NIFI-4637 changed PutHBaseCell/JSON to use dynamic properties instead of a 'default visibility string.'
NIFI-4637 Added changes requested in a code review.
NIFI-4637 Moved pickVisibilityString to a utility class to make testing easier.
NIFI-4637 Added additionalDetails.html for PutHBaseRecord.
NIFI-4637 Added additional documentation and testing.
NIFI-4637 Added documentation for DeleteHBaseCells.
NIFI-4637 Added pickVisibilityLabel support to PutHBaseRecord and updated documentation to reflect that.
NIFI-4637 Reverted version bump to hbase client.
This closes#2518.
Signed-off-by: Koji Kawamura <ijokarumawak@apache.org>
- take into account input requirement for documentation rendering
- Renamed variable registry scope and added comments
- Doc + change in mock framework to check scope + update of components + UI
- New processor for scanning HBase records based on verious params like range of rowkeys, range of timestamps. Supports result limit and reverse scan.
- Adds Atlas Support for ScanHBase processor
- Fixed not recent version of FF
- Formatting and Style changes
- Single line to multiline if-then statements
- Removed HTML formatting that is not used for doc generation
- Fixed issue with limitRows
- Fixed issue with filter expression
- Refactored "processRows"
- Fixed possible NPE for bulkSize var
- Changed provenance to "receive" to indicate new data from external source.
- Updated min/max timestamp custom validation
- JSON array support
- Removed in-memory caching for records. Now records are being written directly to FF
- Removed unfinished flowfile from session, transfered original to "failure". Test cases update as well
This closes#2478.
Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
- Initial set of components marked with the HighResourceUsageScenario annotation.
- Added customized descriptions to SystemResourceConsideration annotations for MergeContent, SplitContent, SplitJson, SplitText, and SplitXml.
This closes#2475.
Signed-off-by: Mark Payne <markap14@hotmail.com>
- Upgrading to Jersey 2.x.
- Updating NOTICE files where necessary.
- Fixing checkstyle issues.
This closes#2206.
Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>
The operator will now inspect the node value to determine type and convert as such.
Numeric integral - Long (assumes widest type)
Numeric not integral - Double (assumes widest type)
Logical - Boolean
everything else (including current Complex Type logic) - String
Values that represent the row key continue to be implictly treated as Strings by the processor
Removed depenency on HBase utility Bytes class from the PutHBaseJSON processor.
Convenience methods to encode to byte array are now wrapped by the appropriate HBaseClientService instance.
Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
- Storing UGI so we can support multiple HBaseClientServices with different configs
- Creating nifi-hadoop-utils to hold utility code shared between HDFS and HBase processors
- Incorporating KerberosProperties into existing hadoop processors
This closes#281