- Removed bytebuddy as was only there due to Jackson 2.17.0 mistake
- io.grpc context 1.59.0 to 1.59.1
- com.amazonaws 1.12.715 to 1.12.716
- software.amazon.awssdk 2.25.45 to 2.25.46
- jackson 2.17.0 to 2.17.1
- calcite 1.36.0 to 1.37.0
This closes#8758
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
This closes#8757
- Added frontend.skipTests property to nifi-web-frontend Maven configuration with default value of false
- Configured lint and unit-test execution goals to depend on frontend.skipTests
- Added paths-filter GitHub Actions step for conditional enabling of frontend tests
Signed-off-by: Joseph Witt <joewitt@apache.org>
* [NIFI-13142] configure typography
* remove Roboto Slab
* adjust letter spacing
* one font
* material theme
* update purple theme font to Comic Sans
* material theme
* align primary node indicator
This closes#8745
After commentary in the JIRA regarding UX and nifi-api considerations needing further discussion and resolution.
This reverts commit bc75ef108c13cf5e75c4fbb20634c906f65c10d4.
Ensure nifi-py4j integration tests have proper logback libs
This closes#8747
Signed-off-by: Joseph Witt <joewitt@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Chris Sampson <chris.sampson82@gmail.com>
* [NIFI-12903] style updates for drag/drop UX
* restore nf-editor styles
* remove padding from new canvas items
* remove unused disabled
* no value set UX
* restore initial disabled state
This closes#8729
* NIFI-13136:
- Allowing users to unset optional property values.
- Only selecting value and applying focus if it is not read only.
* NIFI-13136:
- Addressing review feedback.
- Adding styles to disabled editor input.
- Fixing show hint/autocomplete in production build.
This closes#8734
* [NIFI-13134] - Support No Value Set in Edit Parameter Context. [NIFI-13135] - Allow parameter table to be sortable by parameter name
* retain the valueRemoved setting when editing parameters
This closes#8733
- Fixed logging logic for tests vs runtime scope
- Restoring behavior to testProcessUnparsableRecordWithRawOutputWithCheckpoint that changed in NIFI-12998 presumably because of log dependency changes. Now that we have a single provider the test behavior appears to be back to normal.
- Upgraded AWS SDK 1 from 1.12.686 to 1.12.710
- Upgraded AWS SDK 2 from 2.25.16 to 2.25.40
- Upgraded Azure SDK BOM from 1.2.21 to 1.2.23
- Upgraded GCP Libraries from 26.34.0 to 26.37.0
- Upgraded Fabric8 Kubernetes Client from 6.10.0 to 6.12.1
- Upgraded Commons CLI from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0
- Upgraded Commons Codec from 1.16.1 to 1.17.0
- Upgraded zstd-jni from 1.5.6-1 to 1.5.6-3
- Upgraded Commons Text from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0
- Upgraded Test Containers from 1.19.4 to 1.19.7
- Upgraded JAXB Runtime from 4.0.4 to 4.0.5
- Upgraded JAXB API from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2
- Upgraded Jersey from 3.1.4 to 3.1.6
- Upgraded Log4j 2 from 2.23.0 to 2.23.1
- Upgraded Logback from 1.5.5 to 1.5.6
- Upgraded Mockito from 5.8.0 to 5.11.0
- Upgraded Swagger Annotations from 2.2.20 to 2.2.21
- Upgraded jsoup from 1.17.1 to 1.17.2
- Upgraded JUnit Platform Commons from 1.10.0 to 1.10.2
- Upgraded Checkstyle from 9.3 to 10.15.0
- Upgraded ASM from 9.6 to 9.7
This closes#8708
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
* NIFI-13119:
- When evaluating dependent Properties, the UI should identify when the Property value is a parameter reference and resolve the value accordingly.
* NIFI-13119:
- Requiring a value to be present when showing dependent property that doesn't require any specific value.
* NIFI-13119:
- Using error helper to get error string.
* NIFI-13119:
- Handle convert to parameter error scenario.
This closes#8724
* [NIFI-13104] - Unknown route handling
* Add method to the ErrorHelper that safely gets an error string from an HttpErrorResponse object
* review feedback
* use errorHelper.fullScreenError in favor of directly calling the fullScreenError action
This closes#8725
* [NIFI-13093] use warn palette for all errors and introduce caution palette
* update semantic color names
* update warn palette darker hue
* import ErrorBanner component into cluster.component.spec.ts
* .primary-contrast
* some code clean up and reuse of .surface-contrast
* caution color cleanup
* update bulletin to use inverted contrast color and semantic caution-color class
This closes#8721
* NIFI-13111:
- Removing/Hiding unimplemented features in preparation for next milestone release.
* NIFI-13111:
- Addressing review feedback.
This closes#8710
* [NIFI-13115] update context menu, search results overalay, and nf editor overlay to match angular material overlay styles
* use mat-elevation-z8 to match elevation of mat-menus
* update nf editor resize handle
* restore tooltip border width
This closes#8714
* [NIFI-13095] surface and contrast improvements
* [NIFI-12833] primary node icon light/dark mode styling
* [NIFI-13101] error page background color now matches light/dark theme
* update PG and RPG names to use the material palette contrast color
* update listing header text to use the material palette contrast color
* update draggable icon hover styles
* use surface contrast color for banners
* use nifi-surface-default
* update to use material primary contrast color for text displayed on top of material surfaces
* restore context menu border
* restore material theme
* fix selected listing table style
* remove unused themeing service
* remove more invalid files
* add even classes
* restore yes-no scss
* add even class to process-group-stats-in-out and remote-process-group-received-stats
* update table hover and selection styles
This closes#8707
* [NIFI-13099] - Error handling for Status History
* Error handling for current user
* Error handling for extension types
* Error handling for flow configuration
* Error handling for component state
* Error handling for cluster summary
* Error handling for System Diagnostics
* review feedback
* use SystemDiagnosticsActions.systemDiagnosticsSnackbarError
* review feedback
* review feedback
* use snackbar
This closes#8703
* NIFI-13100:
- Updating API response error handling for canvas based actions.
* NIFI-13100:
- Stopping polling when change version and revert changes fails.
* NIFI-13100:
- Fixing formatting.
This closes#8702
Simplified dependency management into Bill of Material dependencies as parents that align to classloader structures.
- Moved nifi-framework-bundle to root level
- Moved nifi-nar-bundle modules to root nifi-extension-bundles
- Added nifi-extension-bom for internal and external extensions
- Added nifi-framework-nar-bom and nifi-server-nar-bom for managing framework dependencies
- Renamed nifi-jetty-bundle to nifi-jetty-nar
This closes#8677
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>