[NIFI-2025] update birdseye after dragging/dropping element on the canvas
[NIFI-2367] update width of content viewer combo
[NIFI-2355] update table sorting based on auth efforts
[NIFI-2027] update EL editors
[NIFI-2387] update bulletin alert backgroud color to actually change the color of the icon not the div background
[NIFI-2141] Hide bulletin icon/background on processors unless a bulletin exists
[NIFI-2400] close any open combos contained within a shell when closing the shell
[NIFI-2404] remove extra scrollbar from #node-events
[NIFI-2027] account for min widths of EL editors
[NIFI-2025] update birdseye after changing color
[NIFI-2027] Update EL editor checkbox text
[NIFI-2027] update checkbox text
[NIFI-2355] update table sorting
[NIFI-2141] Hide bulletin icon/background on processors unless a bulletin exists
[NIFI-2027] update EL editors
[NIFI-2367] Overlapping links repositioned on error/login pages
This closes#715
- Introducing data resource for authorizing provenance events and queue listing.
- Authorizing entire proxy chain for data resource and data transfer resource.
- Ensuring that replay authorization only happens once.
- Allowing users with access to policies for a component to be able to access all policies for that component.
-- Includes the component, data, data transfers, and policies.
- Fixing drop request completion to update the correct queued field.
- Fixing access control check for listing and emptying queues.
- Reseting selected policy when re-opening the policy management page.
- Fixing button/link visibility for available actions in policy management page.
- Fixing policy issues with policy removal when the underlying component is deleted.
- Updating file authorizer seeding to grant data access to node's in the cluster.
This closes#720.
- Allowing users with read only access to the tenants page.
- Fixing current user integration test.
- Ensuring schedule methods are locked appropriately.
- Addressing comments from PR.
This closes#698
Signed-off-by: jpercivall <joepercivall@yahoo.com>
- Ensuring the appropriate visibilty of the action in the policy management page.
- Ensuring we load the policy or inform the user of the appropriate permissions of the effective policy.
- Providing help tooltips for the policies in the management page.
- Adding auditing for access policies, users, and groups.
- Not replicating history requests throughout the cluster.
- Fixing upload template file input in Firefox.
- Removing relevant policies after component deletion.
- Updated site-to-site client and server to support clustered nifi instances
- Ensuring we use the correct URI when updating a connection.
This closes#530
- Addressed issue enabling/disabling controller services where the wrong URI was referenced.
- Addressed with the update revisions in the controller service references.
- Addressed issue with showing the disconnected from cluster dialog on page load.
- Addressed issue with URI when adding a dynamic property.
This closes#654.
- Added following properties:
- nifi.flow.configuration.archive.enabled
- nifi.flow.configuration.archive.max.time
- nifi.flow.configuration.archive.max.storage
- Removed manual archive operation:
- Removed 'Back-up flow' link from UI since it's not needed any longer
- Removed corresponding REST API controller/archive and its
- Added FlowConfigurationArchiveManager to enclose archive related code
- Updated related docs
- Move bulletins out of the controller status endpoint.
- Ensuring the controller bulletins are rendered on screen.
- Ensuring the correct number of bulletins are returned when clustered.
- Switched from absolute layout to responsible using flex-box.
- Added toggle switch to control component listing pane visibility.
Signed-off-by: joewitt <joewitt@apache.org>
- Ensuring the active thread count is shown.
- Ensuring correct color of the run status in the From connection label.
- Removing the DownloadSvg servlet and hidding the download icon until we're able to support save the svg entirely from the client side.
This closes#634.
[NIFI-2217] fix single node and cluster link
[NIFI-2219] Fix styles on provenance cluster search combo
[NIFI-2180] Fix settings shell table text alignment for run status
[NIFI-2140] Update preview image for Change Color dialog
[NIFI-2131] update progress bars/percent complete to use angular material progress linear directive
[NIFI-2099] add header text to all ok and yes/no dialogs
[NIFI-2233] fix invalid/warning icon shifts position as tasks are added
[NIFI-2131] update progress bars/percent complete
[NIFI-2140] Update preview image for label. This closes#627
- Adding a page for managing users and groups.
- Adding a page for managing access policies.
- Renaming accessPolicy in entity to permissions to avoid confusion with the accessPolicy model.
- Adding an Authorizable for access policies.
- Refactoring access policies endpoints.
- Implementing site to site authorizations.
NIFI-2201 Add support for seeding cluster nodes in authorizations.xml
- Passing client address along in user context on authorization requests
- This closes#628
Added unit tests for DN extraction.
Corrected typo in Javadoc.
Switched server/client socket logic for certificate extraction -- when the local socket is in client/server mode, the peer is necessarily the inverse.
Fixed unit tests.
Moved lazy-loading authentication access out of isDebugEnabled() control branch.
This closes#622