- Updated SAML Authentication Configuration with Spring Security SAML 2 components
- Updated Administration Guide with REST Resources
- Replaced SAMLAccessResource methods with applicable Spring Security Filters
- Removed IDP Credential Service and supporting components
- Removed message.logging.enabled, metadata.signing.enabled, and signature.digest.algorithm properties
- Added Access Token Expiration resource method
- Removed Saml2AccessResource and replaced with Access Token Expiration to avoid unnecessary conflicts with SAML login consumer
- Corrected Resource URI handling to support proxy server access
Signed-off-by: Nathan Gough <thenatog@gmail.com>
This closes#6149.
- Removed unnecessary references to jackson.version property
- Removed unnecessary dependency management references to Jackson libraries
This closes#5992
Signed-off-by: Mike Thomsen <mthomsen@apache.org>
* NIFI-9883 Refactored property protection to isolated ClassLoader
- Added nifi-property-protection-loader for abstracting access to implementation classes using ServiceLoader
- Updated Authorizer and Login Identity Provider configuration using isolated ClassLoader
- Updated NiFi Properties Loader using isolated ClassLoader
- Updated nifi-assembly to place property protection dependencies in lib/properties directory
- Updated and refactored unit tests
- Corrected LoginIdentityProviderFactoryBean getObject() Type
- Refactored nifi-framework and nifi-standard modules
- Replaced Google Cache with Caffeine Cache
- Replaced Google collections classes with standard Java collections
This closes#5730.
Signed-off-by: Kevin Doran <kdoran@apache.org>
- Centralized Spring Framework and Spring Security versions using BOM dependencies
- Upgraded Spring Security from 5.5.2 to 5.6.1
- Upgraded Spring Boot from 2.5.5 to 2.5.8 in Registry
- Upgraded Spring Integration from 5.5.2 to 5.5.7
Signed-off-by: Pierre Villard <pierre.villard.fr@gmail.com>
This closes#5631.
- Replaced old com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl and jaxb-core with current org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime
- Replaced old javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api with current jakarta.xml.bind-api
- Removed unnecessary dependency references to javax.activation-api
This closes#5320
Signed-off-by: Mike Thomsen <mthomsen@apache.org>
- Replaced per-user symmetric-key HS256 with shared and rotated RSA asymmetric-key RS512 implementation
- Added nifi.security.user.jws.key.rotation.period property for RSA Key Pair rotation
- Added JSON Web Tokens section to Administration Guide
- Implemented persistent storage of RSA Public Keys for verification using Local State Manager
- Implemented JWT revocation on logout with persistence using Local State Manager
- Refactored JWT implementation using Spring Security OAuth2 and Nimbus JWT
- Refactored Spring Security Provider configuration using Java instead of XML
- Removed H2 storage of per-user keys
- Upgraded nimbus-jose-jwt from 7.9 to 9.11.2
NIFI-8766 Corrected AuthenticationException handling in AccessResource.getAccessStatus
- Added nifi.user.security.jws.key.rotation.period to default nifi.properties
- Updated logging statements and clarified configuration and method documentation
NIFI-8766 Changed Algorithm to PS512 and updated documentation
Signed-off-by: Nathan Gough <thenatog@gmail.com>
This closes#5262.
- Upgraded Spring Framework references from version 4.3.30 to 5.3.6
- Upgraded Spring Security from version 4.2.20 to 5.4.6
- Upgraded Spring Data Redis from 2.1.16 to 2.5.0
- Upgraded Jedis from 2.9.0 to 3.6.0 to match Spring Data Redis 2.5.0
- Upgraded Easy Rules from 3.4.0 to 4.1.0 to support Spring 5
- Upgraded Hortonworks Schema Registry Client from 0.8.1 to 0.9.1 to support Spring 5
- Refactored ThreadPoolRequestReplicatorFactoryBean to implement DisposableBean to handle executor shutdown
Signed-off-by: Pierre Villard <pierre.villard.fr@gmail.com>
This closes#5066.
- Add dependency on spring-security-saml2-core
- Updated AccessResource with new SAML end-points
- Updated Login/Logout filters to handle SAML scenario
- Updated logout process to track a logout request using a cookie
- Added database storage for cached SAML credential and user groups
- Updated proxied requests when clustered to send IDP groups in a header
- Updated X509 filter to process the IDP groups from the header if present
- Updated admin guide
- Fixed logout action on error page
- Updated UserGroupProvider with a default method for getGroupByName
- Updated StandardManagedAuthorizer to combine groups from request with groups from lookup
- Updated UserGroupProvider implementations with more efficient impl of getGroupByName
- Added/updated unit tests
- Ensure signing algorithm is applied to all signatures and not just metadata signatures
- Added property to specify signature digest algorithm
- Added option to specify whether JDK truststore or NiFi's truststore should be used when connecting to IDP over https
- Added properties to configure connect and read timeouts for http client
- Added URL encoding of issuer when generating JWT to prevent potential issue with the frontend performing base64 decoding
- Made atomic replace methods for storing groups and saml credential in database
- Added properties to control AuthnRequestsSigned and WantAssertionsSigned in the generated service provider metadata
- Dynamically determine the private key alias from the keystore and remove the property for specifying the signing key alias
- Fixed unit test
- Added property to specify an optional identity attribute which would be used instead of NameID
- Cleaned up logging
- Fallback to keystore password when key password is blank
- Make signature and digest default to SHA-256 when no value provided in nifi.properties
This closes#4614
Added "jigsaw" profile to multiple modules, which auto-activates when building with Java 11 and adds several dependencies: jaxb, activation, and annotation-api.
Updated SslContextFactory to return tuple of socket factory with trust manager for issue with okhttp api changes in java 9+
Updated TestGet/PostHTTPGroovy to use default SSL context to get default cipher suites
Updated StandardTemplateDAOSpec.groovy, was using a 37-character UUID, shortened to 36 characters.
Multiple tests updated to specifically use TLSv1.2, since two-way TLSv1.3 for some component tests fail during the Java 11 build. Needs more investigation.
Replaced GString with String concatenation for map key's value in ScriptedReportingTaskGroovyTest to avoid runtime error of casting GString to String when retrieved from a map that is storing the GString
Removed nifi-toolkit-api plugin configuration of maven-compiler-plugin, it is inherited
Resolved deprecation errors during Groovy compile for bouncycastle, Extension should be used in place of X509Extension
Fixed JNAOverridingJUnitRunner's creation of the classpath for the custom classloader created to be able to mock jna classes
Removed import of IOUtils (from the wrong package) from InferenceSchemaStrategy
Updated maven-compiler-plugin version to 3.8.1
TLS (default in Java 11 is TLSv1.3) working for Site-to-Site client tests after upgrading JDK installation to JDK 11.0.3, httpclient5 5.0-beta4, and httpasyncclient 4.1.4
HttpNotificationService updated to find and use the first found X509TrustManager rather than casting directly from the array of TrustManagers returned from SslContextFactory
Removed unnecessary throws declaration from getSslSocketFactory method
Replaced DnsContextFactory.class.getName() with a string to avoid having to export/open the jdk.naming.dns module
Updated TestGetIgniteCache and TestPutIgniteCache.java to skip tests on Java 11+ (via Assume), and noted the check should be removed once a version of Ignite is released that supports Java 11
Updated SpringContextProcessor to create proper ClassLoader and uses URLClassloader.getResource() instead of URLClassloader.findResource() in isConfigResolvable.
Due to the application classloader no longer being a URLClassLoader in Java 9+, the URLClassLoader created in isConfigResolvable no longer has explicit access to the parent's resources as URLs.
URLClassLoader.getResource() searches the parent classloaders, and must be used instead of URLClassLoader.findResource() which only searches the URLs in the URLClassLoader and does not search the parent classloaders.
NIFI-5176 Moved exclusion of jdk.tools to the jigsaw profile in the POMs of nifi-hbase_1_1_2-client-service and nifi-hbase_2-client-service
NIFI-5176 Updated site-to-site-client's POM to use properties to establish the correct httpclient dependency for when building with Java 11
This closes#3404.
Updated pom files regarding groovy dependencies. groovy-all was changed to a pom type dependency
Added Groovy Bintray as a plugin repository in root pom
Upgraded spock-core to version 1.3-groovy-2.5 and added exclusion of groovy dependencies to force spock to use the version from dependencyManagement
Updated groovy-eclipse-batch to use the groovy.version property to determine the version
Updated groovy-eclipse-compiler to 3.4.0-01
Updated maven-compiler-plugin to use maven.compiler.source and maven.compiler.target properties for source and target configuration properties
Removed configuration and dependencies sections from nifi-toolkit-admin and nifi-toolkit-encrypt-config maven-compiler-plugin configurations so that the configuration from the root pom's maven-compiler-plugin is inherited
Removed dependencyManagement from nifi-jetty module, version of groovy modules will be inherited from root pom
Removed maven-compiler-plugin configuration from nifi-toolkit-api so that the configuration from the root pom's maven-compiler-plugin is inherited
Updated spock-core dependencyManagement to 1.3-groovy-2.5
Fixed AESSensitivePropertyProviderTest issue with Groovy creating KEY_256_HEX slice of the wrong size due to BigDecimal being used as the result of the division; using intdiv to force an integer result creates the correctly sized array
Added groovy-json test dependency to nifi-web-security
Removed maven-compiler-plugin configuration from nifi-lookup-services, nifi-mock-record-utils, and nifi-web-utils so that the configuration from the root pom's maven-compiler-plugin is inherited
Updated root pom pluginManagement to specify version 3.8.0 of maven-compiler-plugin
Added maven-compiler-plugin config to nifi-toolkit-admin and nifi-toolkit-encrypt-config to use groovy-eclipse-compiler during the compile phase so that the groovy-based tools are compiled
Addressed deprecated CliBuilder and OptionAccessor usage in nifi-toolkit-encrypt-config, those classes were moved from groovy.util to groovy.cli.commons
Removed getInner() usage from nifi-toolkit-encrypt-config, method no longer exists causing the tests to crash
Updated CryptographicHashAttributeTest to use java.time classes instead of java.util.Date
Updated nifi root POM's groovy-test dependency to be test-scoped
Added properties for specifying groovy versions for several modules: nifi, nifi-groovyx-bundle, nifi-scripting-bundle, nifi-toolkit
Established dependency management for groovy-all:pom:2.5.4, and added that dependency to several modules: nifi-groovyx-nar, nifi-scripting-nar, nifi-toolkit-admin, nifi-toolkit-encrypt-config
Added groovy version property usage to several modules that established a dependency on a groovy submodule that was not listed in its own or inherited dependency management
Removed unused build-helper-maven-plugin from nifi-toolkit-api's POM
Removed unnecessary groovy-eclipse-compiler build plugin config from nifi-web-utils' POM to use the inherited config for that plugin
Updated several modules' NOTICEs to include appropriate Groovy NOTICE content
Updated to list groovy-all:pom:2.5.4 and its transitive submodule dependencies to nifi-assembly, nifi-groovyx-nar, nifi-scripting-nar, and nifi-toolkit-assembly NOTICEs
Added missing groovy-all🫙2.1.6 NOTICE to nifi-hive-nar and nifi-hive_1_1-nar NOTICEs
Added missing groovy-all🫙2.4.11 NOTICE to nifi-hive3-nar NOTICE
Updated to list groovy-all🫙2.4.16 nifi-other-graph-services-nar NOTICE
Removed Groovy NOTICE content from nifi-record-serialization-services-nar NOTICE, no Groovy modules are included in the NAR
NIFI-5254 Updated several modules' NOTICEs and LICENSEs to include appropriate content from the LICENSEs and NOTICEs bundled with Groovy modules which in turn are bundled with NiFi binary artifacts: nifi-assembly, nifi-groovyx-nar, nifi-hive-nar, nifi-hive3-nar, nifi-hive_1_1-nar, nifi-other-graph-services-nar, nifi-scripting-nar, nifi-toolkit-assembly
NIFI-5254 Updated NOTICEs and LICENSEs to include appropriate content from the LICENSEs and NOTICEs bundled with modules used by Groovy 2.5.4 which in turn are bundled with NiFi binary artifacts: nifi-assembly, nifi-groovyx-nar, nifi-scripting-nar, nifi-toolkit-assembly.
The following modules' LICENSE and NOTICE content were added: Apache Ant, Apache Commons CLI, JLine, JUnit Platform/Jupiter
This closes#3547
Signed-off-by: Mike Thomsen <mthomsen@apache.org>
NIFI-6323 Changed URLs for splunk.artifactoryonline.com to use HTTPS (certificate validity warning in browsers, but command-line connection using openssl s_client is successful).
NIFI-6323 Changed URLs for XMLNS schema locations to use HTTPS (the XMLNS and schema identifier remain http:// because they are not designed to be resolvable).
NIFI-6323 Fixed Maven XML schema descriptor URLs.
This closes#3497
NIFI-6085 - Updated logOut method to use NiFiUserUtils and updated tests.
NIFI-6085 - Added some more integration tests.
NIFI-6085 Suppressed stacktrace when token is used after being invalidated.
This closes#3362.
Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>
NIFI-5366 - Added unit test. Added single quotes around 'self' for frame-ancestors CSP header.
NIFI-5366 - Fixed dependencies.
This closes#2989.
Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>