- Fixes unit test salt assertion regex
- Adds RAT excludes and reenables console output for unapproved files
NIFI-4942 Temporarily disables tests that are failing on Linux
This closes#2648.
Signed-off-by: Koji Kawamura <ijokarumawak@apache.org>
NIFI-4325 Cleaned up how ElasticSearch client service builds SSLContext, added query attribute to flowfiles and other changes requested in a code review.
This closes#2113.
Signed-off-by: Joe Percivall <JPercivall@apache.org>
- Initial checkpoint: able ot start version control and detect changes, in standalone mode, still 'crude' implementation
- Checkpoint: Can place flow under version control and can determine if modified
- Checkpoint: Change version working in some cases. Does not work if processor removed because COMPONENT_REMOVED type has ComponentA whose ID is the VersionedComponentID but we are trying to call ProcessorDAO.get() with this ID
- Checkpoint: Able to change flow from Version 1 to Version 2 and back. Not yet tested with controller services. Have not tried changing/removing connections. Not cluster-friendly yet. All inline, not in background. Have not taken into account ports, funnels, remote ports, etc. Have not tested with Labels yet
- Checkpoint after implementing ClusterReplicationComponentLifecycle instead of JerseyClientComponentLifecycle
- Checkpoint: Updated to allow starting version control and updating version in clustered mode
- Checkpoint: Updated versioning endpoint so that when version of a flow is updated, the bundle information is populated and the snapshot is replicated to the cluster.
- Checkpoint: Implemented endpoint for reverting to previously sync'ed version of a flow and updated version control endpoint so that Process Group can be pushed as a new version to existing flow instead of only creating a new flow
- Checkpoint: Updated so that if a Process Group is under Version Control and it has a child Process Group, which is also under Version Control, we can handle that gracefully. Not yet tested because it depends on updates to the nifi-registry module, which can't be compiled due to maven dependency conflicts
NIFI-3688 license update to ASF
NIFI-3688 add groovyx dependency
NIFI-3688 comments from @alopresto
- reformat code https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/NIFI/Contributor+Guide#ContributorGuide-EclipseUsers
- enabled java-doc
- try fix mess with licenses
- remove commented import
- remove unused var `sql`
NIFI-3688 the properties/skip javadoc/src
NIFI-3688 remove not used sql var
- first test case
+ 2 more tests based on current groovy tests
NIFI-3688 comment from @mattyb149
- processor renamed to ExecuteGroovyScript
NIFI-3688 fix script path validation
- refactor to compile on validation
- prepare 4 test cases with database
NIFI-3688 new test cases with groovy and sql
NIFI-3688 documentation
- refactor groovy extended methods
- add more test cases
- codestyle
- javadoc
- refactor flowfile voids to self-reference
- fix test cases
NIFI-3688 minor comments changes
NIFI-3688 rename additional documentation according to processor classname
NIFI-3688 exclude json test file from rat check
NIFI-3688 codestyle
NIFI-3688 add nar bundle to root pom.xml and to nifi-assembly/pom.xml
- fix & extend additional documentation
- fix pom.xml to bundle groovy into nar
NIFI-3688 add examples into additional processor documentation
NIFI-3688 fix pom.xml to exclude unnecessary libs from nar bundle
NIFI-3688 add restricted annotation
NIFI-3688 change version from 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT to 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT after rebase
NIFI-3688 new method in ProcessSession: public OutputStream write(FlowFile source)
NIFI-3688 change version from 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT to 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT after rebase
NIFI-3688 fix for @mattyb149 comment: The bundles referred to here and below are not included with this NAR and should be removed.
NIFI-3688 fix for @mattyb149 comment: This unused line can be removed
- removed `require flowfile` property
- fixed test cases according to deprecated property
change version to 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT
[NIFI-3688] Commented by mistake
[NIFI-3688] remove unused class
[NIFI-3688] fix javadoc comments
[NIFI-3688] refactor CTL & SQL properties
NIFI-3688: Checkstyle and typo fixes
Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>
This closes#1662
- Upgrading to Jersey 2.x.
- Updating NOTICE files where necessary.
- Fixing checkstyle issues.
This closes#2206.
Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>
- Upgraded immediately actionable dependency versions from Meterian report.
- Upgraded jackson-core test dependencies for HBase and Elasticsearch modules.
- Only 3 instances of jackson-core < 2.8.6 (Google Cloud Platform and Spark Receiver modules).
- Upgraded version of poi dependency in nifi-email-processors to 3.16.
- Resolving dependency issues after rebasing against 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT.
- Removed jackson-databind from <dependencyManagement> block in nifi/pom.xml and added explicit reference to ${jackson.version} in all referenced artifacts.
- Removed jackson-mapper-asl from <dependencyManagement> block in nifi/pom.xml and added explicit reference to ${jackson.old.version} in all referenced artifacts.
- Removed Jasypt from <dependencyManagement> and added explicit version in test dependency for legacy compatibility.
- This closes#2084
- Introducing support for OpenId Connect.
- Updating REST API and UI to support the authorization code flow.
- Adding/fixing documentation.
- Implementing time constant equality checks where appropriate.
- Corrected error handling during startup and throughout the OIDC login sequence.
- Redacting the token values from the user log.
- Defaulting to RS256 when not preferred algorithm is specified.
- Marking the OIDC endpoints as non-guaranteed in to allow for minor adjustments if/when additional SSO techniques are introduced.
This closes#2047.
Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>
NIFI-4032: - Generating the appropriate fingerprint for the ManagedRangerAuthorizer based on whether the UserGroupProvider is configurable. - Adding unit tests.
Signed-off-by: Yolanda M. Davis <ymdavis@apache.org>
This closes#2019