JsonContentConversionExceptionMapper, JsonMappingExceptionMapper, JsonParseExceptionMapper.
Registered the custom ExceptionMappers.
Added unit tests to throw Exception for string port value and sanitize script input. Handled null or empty JsonMappingException reference path.
Added the Apache license to Groovy Test.
Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>
NIFI-6363 Additional fixes.
NIFI-6363 Fix Hadoop compile problem. Add GCP IT instructions.
NIFI-6363 - Removed GCP provider due to dependency conflicts with GRPC processors. Fixed unit test to match master branch after rebase.
NIFI-6363 - Added some docs and experimental tag to the relevant classes.
Signed-off-by: Nathan Gough <thenatog@gmail.com>
This closes#4080.
- decoupled flow update request behavior from VersionsResource into new abstract FlowUpdateResource
- added replace process group functionality in ProcessGroupResource
- parameterized FlowUpdateResource and created entity hierarchies to allow for maximum code sharing across different update types
- refactored flow update methods to make use of commonality across different update types whenever possible
- fixed issues in StandardProcessGroup verify update methods where same components existed in different ancestry chains but were considered a match when they shouldn't be
- improved StandardProcessGroup to properly match up components on update using generated versioned component ids, when necessary to allow for update flow to efficiently match common components on flow import
This closes#4023.
Signed-off-by: Mark Payne <markap14@hotmail.com>
NIFI-7051 Fixing issue where identity was being used instead of identifier, making a flag to control legacy id behavior, increasing timeout of shell command runner, and changing the NSS system check command to return less info
NIFI-7051 Updating command for getSystemCheck in NSS impl to use getent --version to improve performance
This closes#4003.
Added no-password keystore for tests
System NiFi truststore now allows a passwordless truststore. Added a unit test to prove this.
Forgot no-password-truststore.jks file for the unit test.
Refactored utility method from CertificateUtils to KeyStoreUtils.
Added utility methods to verify keystore and key passwords.
Added unit tests.
Implemented different keystore and truststore validation logic.
Refactored internal custom validation in StandardSSLContextService.
Added unit test resource for keystore with different key and keystore passwords.
Added unit test to generate passwordless truststore for https://nifi.apache.org for live testing.
Resolved NPE in SSLContext generation in StandardSSLContextService
Added unit test to generate passwordless truststore for localhost for InvokeHTTP testing.
Resolved TrustManagerFactoryImpl initialization error.
Fixed unit test without proper cleanup which caused RAT failures.
Co-authored-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>
This closes#3823.
Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>
NIFI-7011: Addressed corner case where data could be inserted out of order still if added while swapping was taking place
NIFI-7011: Fixed ordering issue with swap queue that can occur if data is migrated from swap queue to active queue instead of being swapped out
They also scan directories defined via java.library.path system property.
InstanceClassLoader also checks additional classpath resources defined by PropertyDescriptors with "dynamicallyModifiesClasspath(true)".
Added tests for loading native libraries. Supports mac only.
Added support for loading native libs from additional resources in AbstractHadoopProcessor.
Updated javadoc for PropertyDescriptor.dynamicallyModifiesClasspath.
This closes#3894.
Signed-off-by: Mark Payne <markap14@hotmail.com>
Added EncryptedSchemaRepositoryRecordSerde.
Refactored CryptoUtils utility methods for repository encryption configuration validation checks to RepositoryEncryptorUtils.
Added FlowFile repo encryption config container.
Added more logging in cryptographic and serialization operations.
Generalized log messages in shared encryption services.
Added encrypted serde factory.
Added marker impl for encrypted WAL.
Moved validation of FF repo encryption config earlier in startup process.
Refactored duplicate property lookup code in NiFiProperties.
Added title case string helper.
Added validation and warning around misformatted encryption repo properties.
Added unit tests.
Added documentation to User Guide & Admin Guide.
Added screenshot for docs.
Added links to relevant sections of NiFi In-Depth doc to User Guide.
Added flowfile & content repository encryption configuration properties to default nifi.properties.
Signed-off-by: Joe Witt <joewitt@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Mark Payne <markap14@hotmail.com>
This closes#3968.
- Added UI versioned flow supportsDownload functionality with download flow menu item
- Added VersionsResource endpoint for downloading versioned flow with registry-related info removed
- Added ProcessGroupResource endpoint for downloading current flow with registry-related info removed
- Added StandardNifiServiceFacade functionality for downloading both current and versioned flow
- Added XmlTransient markers on variables introduced by Instantiated model classes so they do not appear in serialized download
- Updated NiFiRegistryFlowMapper.mapParameterContexts to handle mapping nested parameter contexts for use in producing a complete VersionedFlowSnapshot
- Added ability for NiFiRegistryFlowMapper to map nested process groups ignoring versioning for use in producing a complete VersionedFlowSnapshot
- Added unit tests where helpful
NIFI-6872: PR response...
- Updated mapParameterContext to return a Map to handle uniqueness of contexts by name since ultimately everything converted it to a map anyway. The VersionedParameterContext class from the registry model doesn't support hashcode/equals currently so returning a Set wouldn't work.
- Updated assert calls to put expected value as first parameter and actual as second parameter
- Added one time password (OTP) support for flow download endpoint to support non cert based authentication
This closes#3931
After: Go over all partitions and see if all of them are full.
Wrapping RoundRobinPartitioner in a (new) AvailableSeekingPartitioner which selects a new partition if the currently selected one is full.