- Set default HTTPS Port to 9443
- Set default authorizer to single-user-authorizer
- Set default login-identity-provider to single-user-provider
- Updated README.md with authentication instructions using generated credentials
- Updated default URL and port information in Administration and User Guides
- Updated Getting Started Guide with authentication and URL changes
- Updated Docker images to set HTTPS as default configuration
- Updated default HTTPS port to 8443
- Set Cluster Protocol secure property in Docker start scripts
- Added set-single-user-credentials command
- Refactored shared classes to nifi-single-user-utils
- Updated Getting Started documentation and logging
- Updated documentation and TLS Toolkit default ports
- Updated Toolkit Guide and Administration Guide
- Updated README.md with HTTPS links
NIFI-8658: Addressed issue where the RecordField that was provided from Function Filters were not accurate
Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>
This closes#5125
* NIFI-8137 Record Path EscapeJson/UnescapeJson functions
* Correct jackson-databind dependency version
* Add negative tests for RecordPath JSON handling; rename RecordPath JSON classes to better match existing functions
Signed-off-by: Otto Fowler <ottobackwards@gmail.com>
This closes#4756.
- Added nifi-event-transport module encapsulating Netty classes
- Refactored unit tests for PutSyslog and ListenSyslog
- Removed integration tests for PutSyslog and ListenSyslog
NIFI-8462 Added context.yield() in PutSyslog when no FlowFiles and addressed other issues
NIFI-8462 Removed unused import of ExpressionLanguageScope
Signed-off-by: Nathan Gough <thenatog@gmail.com>
This closes#5044.
- Upgraded direct dependencies from 2.6 to 2.8.0
- Added dependency management configuration to use 2.8.0 for some modules
- Updated scripted Groovy tests to avoid copying unnecessary files
Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>
This closes#5073
NIFI-6061: Force getBytes() in BLOB handling to use UTF-8 charset
NIFI-6061: Use setClob(), added unit tests, incorporated review comments
This closes#5049
Co-authored-by: zhangcheng <zhangchengk@foxmail.com>
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
- Retained legacy default Sensitive Properties Key in ConfigEncryptionTool to support migration
- Streamlined default file path and moved key generation conditional
- Refactored with getDefaultProperties()
- Cleared System Property in ConfigEncryptionToolTest
- Added checking and error handling for clustered status
- Added set-sensitive-properties-key command
- Refactored PropertyEncryptor classes to nifi-property-encryptor
- Added nifi-flow-encryptor
- Refactored ConfigEncryptionTool to use FlowEncryptor for supporting AEAD algorithms
- Added Admin Guide section Updating the Sensitive Properties Key
This closes#4857.
Signed-off-by: Mark Payne <markap14@hotmail.com>
- Refactored and consolidated KeyStoreUtils unit tests
- Corrected KeyStoreUtils.loadEmptyKeyStore() to use KeyStoreUtils.getKeyStore()
Signed-off-by: Nathan Gough <thenatog@gmail.com>
This closes#5015.
- AbstractJsonRowRecordReader - Handle (meaning log a warning and not fail completely) multi-array CHOICE type when data has extra fields (not defined by the schema) and can't determine correct type.
- AvroTypeUtil - Allow multiple different record types in avro union type. Minor refactors. Added documentation fro EqualsWrapper.
- Updated components to make use of new feature
NIFI-8206: Added a ResourceType of TEXT. This requires that the ResourceReferenceFactory know which types are allowed in order to create the ResourceReference. PropertyValue needs to then have the PropertyDescriptor available to it. This resulted in highlighting many bugs in unit tests where components were not exposing property descriptors via getSupportedPropertyDescriptors() or were evaluating Expression Language using the wrong scope, so fixed many unit tests/components to properly declare Expression Language scope when using it
NIFI-8206: Removed problematic unit test that required directory names with special characters that are not allowed on some operating systems
This closes#4890.
Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
- Added nifi.web.request.ip.whitelist property to set DoSFilter.ipWhitelist
- Added nifi.web.request.timeout property to set DoSFilter.maxRequestMs with default of 60 seconds
This closes#4972
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
NIFI-8386: Addressed review feedback: removed unused call to determine permissions, null out bulletins in standalone mode if permissions not allowed. Also fixed automated tests that were failing due to changes
This closes#4955
- Added createTrustManager() on SSLContextService
- Removed nifi-security-utils and okhttp dependencies from nifi-web-utils
Signed-off-by: Nathan Gough <thenatog@gmail.com>
This closes#4869.
NIFI-8329 - Removed unnecessary jackson.version from azure bundle to use the global property instead.
NIFI-8329 - Updated jackson/jackson-databind version and removed the 'jackson-databind.version' pom property in favor of 'jackson.version'
Updated dependencies include the following:
- jackson-core
- jackson-databind
- icu4j
- snakeyaml
- spring-integration-mail
- spring-core and framework modules
- activemq-client
- activemq-broker
- xercesImpl
This closes#4911
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
- Created nifi-security-socket-ssl
- Created nifi-security-kerberos
- Removed nifi-security-utils dependency from nifi-processor-utils
- Updated modules to reference new dependencies
- Eliminated unnecessary transitive dependencies on bcprov-jdk15on from over 30 modules
Signed-off-by: Nathan Gough <thenatog@gmail.com>
This closes#4881.
- Configuration based on Sensitive Properties Algorithm defaults to Argon2
- Added SensitiveValueEncoder interface
- Standard implementation uses existing approach with HmacSHA256
This closes#4867
Signed-off-by: David Handermann <exceptionfactory@apache.org>
- Added support for PBKDF2 and Scrypt property encryption methods in addition to Argon2
- Refactored StringEncryptor class to PropertyEncryptor interface with implementations
- Added PasswordBasedCipherPropertyEncryptor and KeyedCipherPropertyEncryptor
- Replaced direct instantiation of encryptor with PropertyEncryptorFactory
- Refactored applicable unit tests to use mocked PropertyEncryptor
NIFI-7668 Consolidated similar methods to CipherPropertyEncryptor
NIFI-7668 Updated AbstractTimeBasedSchedulingAgent with PropertyEncryptor
NIFI-7668 Added support for bcrypt secure hashing algorithm
NIFI-7668 Updated comments to clarify implementation of bcrypt key derivation
Signed-off-by: Nathan Gough <thenatog@gmail.com>
This closes#4809.
NIFI-6752 Refactored type and value conversion logic. Added support for more types. Added more tests.
Removed 'parent' from 'Recursive'. (Caused issues. The recursive nature is still there as it has a child with the same type).
Updated jasn1 1.11.2 to asn1bean 1.12.0. If an asn field name is a Java reserved keyword, the field gets a trailing "_" but the getter remains normal. In JASN1Utils adjusted logic when looking for the getter.
Added support for inherited types. OctetStrings are converted to Strings instead of byte arrays.
Service takes care of the compilation of the ASN files. Test sources are generated and removed from source control.
NIFI-6752 Removed obsolete TODOs.
NIFI-6752 Updated nifi-asn1-nar version to 1.13.0-SNAPSHOT. Fixed checkstyle violations (unused imports).
NIFI-6752 ASN.1 reader - ASN.1 bundle requires 'include-asn1' profile to be active to be part of assembly.
NIFI-6752 ASN.1 reader - Updated ASN1.xml template.
NIFI-6752 ASN.1 reader - Updated versions.
NIFI-6752 ASN.1 reader - Update example generator. Updated ASN1.xml template. Updated (fixed) nifi-asn1-nar version in pom.xml.
NIFI-6752 ASN.1 reader - Added missing license for ASN1.xml.
Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>
This closes#4577
- Instead of entering a 'synchronized' block for every provenance event, serialize up to 1 MB worth of data, and then enter synchronized block to write that data out. This avoids large amounts of lock contention and context switches
NIFI-7646: Removed TODO and unused Jackson dependency
Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>
This closes#4818