Attribute peerPersistence can be null generating Bulletin WARNs "Unable to refresh Remote Group's peers due to null".
The fix is inside site-to-site-reporting-task-bundle
Modify getClient()
Get ConfigurationContext and ReportingContext to provide a StateManager.
Modify OnScheduled setup()
The OnSchedule setup() now save the ConfigurationContext to lazily create a SiteToSiteClient with ReportingContext through an overloaded setup().
Modify OnTrigger
Lazily creates SiteToSiteClient to provide a StateManager
Modify OnTrigger
Lazily create SiteToSiteClient to provide a StateManager
Modify OnTrigger
Lazily create SiteToSiteClient to provide a StateManager
Modify OnTrigger
Lazily create SiteToSiteClient to provide a StateManager
Retry compile
Fix maven-checkstyle-plugin
Fix maven-checkstyle-plugin
Fix maven-checkstyle-plugin
Fix maven-checkstyle-plugin
Removed the OnSchedule setup(ConfigContext) because it is not needed.
Removed ConfigContext from getClient parameters because ReportContext share the same properties.
fixing cli.bat
cygwin fix: on windows ${JAVA} can have spaces in it.
...must wrap in quotes
some jvms doesn't print a dot after the major version
...removing that from patter matching
This closes#3908
Signed-off-by: Mike Thomsen <>
- Added UI versioned flow supportsDownload functionality with download flow menu item
- Added VersionsResource endpoint for downloading versioned flow with registry-related info removed
- Added ProcessGroupResource endpoint for downloading current flow with registry-related info removed
- Added StandardNifiServiceFacade functionality for downloading both current and versioned flow
- Added XmlTransient markers on variables introduced by Instantiated model classes so they do not appear in serialized download
- Updated NiFiRegistryFlowMapper.mapParameterContexts to handle mapping nested parameter contexts for use in producing a complete VersionedFlowSnapshot
- Added ability for NiFiRegistryFlowMapper to map nested process groups ignoring versioning for use in producing a complete VersionedFlowSnapshot
- Added unit tests where helpful
NIFI-6872: PR response...
- Updated mapParameterContext to return a Map to handle uniqueness of contexts by name since ultimately everything converted it to a map anyway. The VersionedParameterContext class from the registry model doesn't support hashcode/equals currently so returning a Set wouldn't work.
- Updated assert calls to put expected value as first parameter and actual as second parameter
- Added one time password (OTP) support for flow download endpoint to support non cert based authentication
This closes#3931
* NIFI-6925: Fixed JoltTransformRecord for RecordReaders, improved MockProcessSession
* Fixed logic for no records, added unit test
* Fixed PutElasticsearchHttpRecord and PutHive3Streaming, same bug as JoltTransformRecord
* Added null checks
After: Go over all partitions and see if all of them are full.
Wrapping RoundRobinPartitioner in a (new) AvailableSeekingPartitioner which selects a new partition if the currently selected one is full.
NIFI-6926: Use new instance of list instead of clearing it
NIFI-6926: Logging the number of messages to be sent to Atlas.
NIFI-6926: Pass a copy of the messages list to send() and clear the original list.
This closes#3915