- Upgraded immediately actionable dependency versions from Meterian report.
- Upgraded jackson-core test dependencies for HBase and Elasticsearch modules.
- Only 3 instances of jackson-core < 2.8.6 (Google Cloud Platform and Spark Receiver modules).
- Upgraded version of poi dependency in nifi-email-processors to 3.16.
- Resolving dependency issues after rebasing against 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT.
- Removed jackson-databind from <dependencyManagement> block in nifi/pom.xml and added explicit reference to ${jackson.version} in all referenced artifacts.
- Removed jackson-mapper-asl from <dependencyManagement> block in nifi/pom.xml and added explicit reference to ${jackson.old.version} in all referenced artifacts.
- Removed Jasypt from <dependencyManagement> and added explicit version in test dependency for legacy compatibility.
- This closes#2084
- Initial implementation of Process Group level Variable Registry
- Updated to incorporate PR Feedback
- Changed log message because slf4j-simple apparently has a memory leak; passing a String instead of passing in the Controller Service object as an argument addresses this.
- This closes#2051
NIFI-1582 removing the option to use cluster state
NIFI-1582 addressing Oleg's comments
NIFI-1582 No longer forcing numbers as the init value and adding getStateValue() to EL instead of using 'ATTRIBUTE_state'
NIFI-1582 Removing init state value
NIFI-1582 Adding documentation for the changes to Init State value
This closes#319
Reverted whitespace changes. (+8 squashed commits)
Squashed commits:
[329755c] NIFI-1919 Reverted import re-organization from IDE.
[cf73c2f] NIFI-1919 Updated expression language guide.
[d9a1455] NIFI-1919 Reverted changes to ReplaceEvaluator.
Added ReplaceFirstEvaluator.
Added replace first logic to Query buildFunctionEvaluator.
Added unit tests.
[e2eb880] NIFI-1919 Added replaceFirst to AttributeExpression lexer and parser grammar definitions.
[11fe913] NIFI-1919 Ignored demonstrative test for replaceAll as it behaves as expected.
[af97be1] NIFI-1919 Changed ReplaceEvaluator to use String#replaceFirst which interprets regex instead of compiling as literal.
Demonstrative unit test now passes but two existing unit tests fail. I am not sure these tests are correct.
[f24f17b] NIFI-1919 Added working unit test to illustrate fix.
[8a0d43b] NIFI-1919 Added Groovy unit test to demonstrate issue.
Added DelegatingMetaClass code to record it (test not complete).
This closes#474.
Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>