220 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Bryan Bende
d90cf846b9 NIFI-3380 Bumping NAR plugin to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT development to leverage changes from master, adding buildnumber-maven-plugin to nifi-nar-bundles to properly set build info in MANIFEST of NARs
- Refactoring NarDetails to include all info from MANIFEST
- Adding the concept of a Bundle and refactoring NarClassLoaders to pass Bundles to ExtensionManager
- Adding logic to fail start-up when multiple NARs with same coordinates exist, moving Bundle classes to framework API
- Refactoring bundle API to classes and creating BundleCoordinate
- Updating FlowController to use BundleCoordinate

- Updating the UI and DTO model to support showing bundle details that loaded an extension type.
- Adding bundle details for processor canvas node, processor dialogs, controller service dialogs, and reporting task dialogs.
- Updating the formating of the bundle coordinates.
- Addressing text overflow in the configuration/details dialog.
- Fixing self referencing functions.
- Updating extension UI mapping to incorporate bundle coordinates.
- Discovering custom UIs through the supplied bundles.
- Adding verification methods for creating extensions through the rest api.
- Only returning extensions that are common amongst all nodes.
- Rendering the ghost processors using a dotted border.
- Adding bundle details to the flow.xml.
- Loading NiFi build and version details from the framework NAR.
- Removing properties for build and version details.
- Wiring together front end and back end changes.
- Including bundle coordinates in the component data model.
- Wiring together component data model and flow.xml.
- Addressing issue when resolve unvesioned dependent NARs.

Updating unit tests to pass based on framework changes
- Fixing logging of extension types during start up

- Allowing the application to start if there is a compatible bundle found. - Reporting missing bundle when the a compatible bundle is not found. - Fixing table height in new component dialogs.

Fixing chechstyle error and increasing test timeout for TestStandardControllerServiceProvider
- Adding ability to change processor type at runtime
- Adding backend code to change type for controller services

- Cleaning up instance classloaders for temp components.
- Creating a dialog for changing the version of a component.
- Updating the formatting of the component type and bundle throughout.
- Updating the new component dialogs to support selecting source group.
- Cleaning up new component dialogs.
- Cleaning up documentation in the cluster node endpoint.

Adding missing include in nifi-web-ui pom compressor plugin
- Refactoring so ConfigurableComponent provides getLogger() and so the nodes provide the ConfigurableComponent
- Creating LoggableComponent to pass around the component, logger, and coordinate with in the framework

- Finishing clean up following rebase.

Calling lifecycle methods for add and remove when changing versions of a component
- Introducing verifyCanUpdateBundle(coordinate) to ConfiguredComponent, and adding unit tests

- Ensuring documentation is available for all components. Including those of the same type that are loaded from different bundles.

Adding lookup from ClassLoader to Bundle, adding fix for instance class loading to include all parent NARs, and adding additional unit tests for FlowController
- Adding validation to ensure referenced controller services implement the required API
- Fixing template instantiation to look up compatible bundle

- Requiring services/reporting tasks to be disabled/stopped.
- Only supporting a change version option when the item has multiple versions available.
- Limiting the possible new controller services to the applicable API version.
- Showing the implemented API versions for Controller Services.
- Updating the property descriptor tooltip to indicate the required service requirements.
- Introducing version based sorting in the new component dialog, change version dialog, and new controller service dialog.
- Addressing remainder of the issues from recent rebase.

Ensuring bundles have been added to the flow before proposing a flow, and incorporating bundle information into flow fingerprinting
- Refactoring the way missing bundles work to retain the desired bundle if available
- Fixing logger.isDebugEnabled to be logger.isTraceEnabled

- Auditing when user changes the bundle. - Ensuring bundle details are present in templates.

Moving standard prioritizers to framework NAR and refactoring ExtensionManager logic to handle cases where an extension is in a JAR directly in the lib directory

- Ensuring all nodes attempt to instantiate the same template instance when the available bundles may differ. - Fixing the auditing of copy/paste and template instantiation. - Running addtional verification methods when running standalone.

Refactoring controller service invocation handler to allow updating the node used by the invocation handler
- Ensuring the bundles in a proposed flow are compatible with the current instance when the current instance has no flow is going to accept the proposed flow
- Merging whether multiple versions of the component are available
- Setting NAR plugin back to current released version
- Cleaning up DocGenerator to not process multiple times

Addressing incorrect usage of nf.Common. - Using formatType in the new component type dialogs.

Improving error messages when looking for bundles

Addressing comments from PR. - Fixing references to global nf namespace. - Fixing injection of nfProcessGroupConfiguration in nfComponentVersion. - Fixing web api integration tests.

Not rendering unversioned in help documentation. - Ensuring the isExtentionMissing flag is correct after changing the component type.

Adding synchronization in node classes to ensure changing component can't occur when component is running, introducing MissingBundleException for better reporting when a node can't join cluster due to a missing bundle, and bumping NAR plugin to released version 1.2.0

Adding concept of missing components to fingerprinting to ensure nodes agree on missing components when joining a cluster

NIFI-3380: NIFI-3520: - Fixing hive nar dependency. - Marking DBCPService as provided. - Skipping services that require instance classloading and are cobundled with their service API. - Skipping components that require instance classloading and reference service APIs that are cobundled. - Addressing UI issues in the new component dialogs when re-opening with a filter applied.

Fixing checkstyles issue and adding back assume checks to distributed cache server test

Ensuring new component types are sorted correctly when shown initially.

This closes #1585.
2017-03-24 11:06:44 -04:00
Jeff Storck
NIFI-3520 Updated nifi-hdfs-processors POM to depend directly on hadoop-client
- Removed NAR dependency on nifi-hadoop-libraries-nar from nifi-hadoop-nar so that hadoop-client dependencies will be included directly in nifi-hadoop-nar
- Added RequiresInstanceClassLoading annotation to AbstractHadoopProcessor and HiveConnectionPool
- UGI relogins are now performed using doAs
- Added debug-level logging for UGI relogins in KerberosTicketRenewer and AbstractHadoopProcessor

This closes #1539.

Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
2017-03-13 12:21:49 -04:00
Bryan Rosander
cd8eb775e6 NIFI-3574 - PutHiveStreaming UGI fixes
Signed-off-by: Matt Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>

This closes #1578
2017-03-10 10:50:52 -05:00
Pierre Villard
70175816b3 NIFI-3541 NIFI-3545 - check style violations
Fix for checkstyle issues introduced by:

This closes #1569.

Signed-off-by: Koji Kawamura <ijokarumawak@apache.org>
2017-03-07 22:17:23 +09:00
Matt Gilman
NIFI-3541: - Allowing the user to specify the network interface to send/receive data for a Remote Process Group.
This closes #1550.

Signed-off-by: Mark Payne <markap14@hotmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Aldrin Piri <aldrin@apache.org>
2017-03-06 10:38:15 -05:00
Mark Payne
9e68f02f1f NIFI-3541: Add local network interface capability to site-to-site client and remote group and ports 2017-03-06 10:36:30 -05:00
Oleg Zhurakousky
8e17929d6a NIFI-2876 refactored demarcators into a common abstract class
This closes #1214.
2017-02-24 10:06:53 -05:00
Mark Payne
96ed405d70 NIFI-3356: Initial implementation of writeahead provenance repository
- The idea behind NIFI-3356 was to improve the efficiency and throughput of the Provenance Repository, as it is often the bottleneck. While testing the newly designed repository,
  a handful of other, fairly minor, changes were made to improve efficiency as well, as these came to light when testing the new repository:

- Use a BufferedOutputStream within StandardProcessSession (via a ClaimCache abstraction) in order to avoid continually writing to FileOutputStream when writing many small FlowFiles
- Updated threading model of MinimalLockingWriteAheadLog - now performs serialization outside of lock and writes to a 'synchronized' OutputStream
- Change minimum scheduling period for components from 30 microseconds to 1 nanosecond. ScheduledExecutor is very inconsistent with timing of task scheduling. With the bored.yield.duration
  now present, this value doesn't need to be set to 30 microseconds. This was originally done to avoid processors that had no work from dominating the CPU. However, now that we will yield
  when processors have no work, this results in slowing down processors that are able to perform work.
- Allow nifi.properties to specify multiple directories for FlowFile Repository
- If backpressure is engaged while running a batch of sessions, then stop batch processing earlier. This helps FlowFiles to move through the system much more smoothly instead of the
  herky-jerky queuing that we previously saw at very high rates of FlowFiles.
- Added NiFi PID to log message when starting nifi. This was simply an update to the log message that provides helpful information.

NIFI-3356: Fixed bug in ContentClaimWriteCache that resulted in data corruption and fixed bug in RepositoryConfiguration that threw exception if cache warm duration was set to empty string

NIFI-3356: Fixed NPE

NIFI-3356: Added debug-level performance monitoring

NIFI-3356: Updates to unit tests that failed after rebasing against master

NIFI-3356: Incorporated PR review feedback

NIFI-3356: Fixed bug where we would delete index directories that are still in use; also added additional debug logging and a simple util class that can be used to textualize provenance event files - useful in debugging

This closes #1493
2017-02-22 12:40:06 -05:00
Oleg Zhurakousky
ec868362f3 NIFI-3495 fixed the index issue with TextLineDemarcator
This closes #1518.
2017-02-17 10:27:40 -05:00
Mark Payne
ef69fd61a1 NIFI-3479: This closes #1511. Updated StandardProvenanceEventRecord to incorporate 'childFlowFiles' and 'parentFlowFiles' in the hashCode() method. This allows many CLONE provenance Events to be added to the same Hash Set without them all colliding 2017-02-16 01:34:44 -05:00
Koji Kawamura
1eb98aefee NIFI-3373: Add nifi.flow.configuration.archive.max.count
- Add 'nifi.flow.configuration.archive.max.count' in nifi.properties
- Change default archive limit so that it uses archive max time(30 days)
  and storage (500MB) if no limitation is specified
- Simplified logic to delete old archives

This closes #1460.

Signed-off-by: Koji Kawamura <ijokarumawak@apache.org>
2017-02-16 14:19:39 +09:00
Jeff Storck
NIFI-3355 Allows NiFi to bind to specific network interfaces, with separate interface lists for HTTP and HTTPS.
This closes #1508.

Signed-off-by: Bryan Rosander <brosander@apache.org>
2017-02-15 18:39:26 -05:00
Andy LoPresto
NIFI-3331 TLS Toolkit - add the possibility to define SAN in issued certificates.
Added unit tests for SAN inclusion in CertificateUtils#generateIssuedCertificate() and TlsHelper#generateCertificationRequest().
Fixed typos.

This closes #1491.

Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>
2017-02-14 23:09:51 -08:00
Mike Moser
NIFI-3362 update FlowConfiguration.xsd to allow all current time period units
This closes #1501.

Signed-off-by: Aldrin Piri <aldrin@apache.org>
2017-02-14 10:20:39 -05:00
Joe Skora
41ad032151 NIFI-3055 StandardRecordWriter Can Throw UTFDataFormatException (1.x)
* Remove function based on JDK source.
* Add new function to find bytes based on RFC3629.
* Add field name to log entry when field is truncated.

Signed-off-by: Mike Moser <mosermw@apache.org>
This closes #1475
2017-02-13 20:15:59 +00:00
Otto Fowler
5cfba6ace3 NIFI-3454: Use FileNameFilter to make test consistent
use the FileNameFilter when not passing down explit jar paths
Filter out ^. files when reading lists of files from directories

Signed-off-by: Koji Kawamura <ijokarumawak@apache.org>
2017-02-11 08:54:06 +09:00
Pierre Villard
4e4d14f86f NIFI-3139 Added host:port list and non empty EL validators in StandardValidators 2017-02-10 11:22:43 -05:00
Pierre Villard
NIFI-3447 - PutSplunk - force connection close
This closes #1479.

Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
2017-02-07 13:37:32 -05:00
Joe Skora
376af83a3d NIFI-3055 StandardRecordWriter Can Throw UTFDataFormatException
* Updated StandardRecordWriter, even though it is now deprecated to consider the encoding behavior of java.io.DataOutputStream.writeUTF() and truncate string values such that the UTF representation will not be longer than that DataOutputStream's 64K UTF format limit.
* Updated the new SchemaRecordWriter class to similarly truncate long Strings that will be written as UTF.
* Add tests to confirm handling of large UTF strings and various edge conditions of UTF string handling.

Signed-off-by: Mike Moser <mosermw@apache.org>

This closes #1469.
2017-02-03 20:52:32 +00:00
Koji Kawamura
NIFI-3216: Add N signals to Wait/Notify
- Support counters at Wait/Notify processors so that NiFi flow can be
  configured to wait for N signals
- Extract Wait/Notify logics into WaitNotifyProtocol
- Added FragmentAttributes to manage commonly used fragment attributes
- Changed existing split processors to set 'fragment.identifier' and
  'fragment.count', so that Wait can use those to wait for all splits
get processed

This closes #1420.

Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
2017-01-19 15:17:59 -05:00
Pierre Villard
7a2751bf5d NIFI-1962 - Fixed NPE in toDate() EL function
This closes #1409.

Signed-off-by: Koji Kawamura <ijokarumawak@apache.org>
2017-01-19 11:16:30 +09:00
Pierre Villard
3bb876eb83 NIFI-2908 Added TimeZone to toDate() and format() EL
This closes #1381.

Signed-off-by: Koji Kawamura <ijokarumawak@apache.org>
2017-01-17 10:36:47 +09:00
Joe Gresock
68057cb4af NIFI-3275: Correcting SocketChannelSender log warning message
This closes #1398.
2017-01-05 18:55:21 +01:00
Oleg Zhurakousky
bba675a11d NIFI-3278 Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in TextLineDemarcator
NIFI-3278 addressed PR comments

This closes #1389
2017-01-04 15:52:23 -05:00
Pierre Villard
NIFI-3231 Added EL support to hostname and port in PutTCP/UDP
This closes #1361.

Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
2017-01-03 12:09:19 -05:00
Pierre Villard
NIFI-2944 Check remote input hostname at startup.
Added unit test cases.

This closes #1379.

Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>
2017-01-02 20:25:03 -08:00
Koji Kawamura
NIFI-2585: Add attributes to track s2s host and port
- Removed host and port field from Peer since the same information is
  available in PeerDescription
- Refactored variable names in SocketRemoteSiteListener to improve readability
- Changed how SocketRemoteSiteListener constructs PeerDescription
  instance. It used to use hard-coded 'localhost' as hostname, and
  getPort() which returns server's port. Since the peer is a remote peer,
  i.e the client, it should be client hostname and port.
- Added hostname resolution at DataTransferResource to make s2s.host
  value consistent with RAW transport. Without this, RAW uses hostname
  while HTTP uses IP address. It will be hard to be used from downstream flows.
- Replaced heavy use of mockito which was difficult to maintain, with
- Added SiteToSiteAttributes and more assertions in unit tests

This closes #1342.

Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
2016-12-22 11:00:00 -05:00
Bryan Bende
NIFI-2585 Moving attributes into loop in AbstractFlowFileServerProtocol, and also updating StandardRemoteGroupPort to apply the same attributes when doing a pull-based site-to-site.
Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
2016-12-22 10:59:56 -05:00
Matt Burgess
21ed556691 NIFI-3206: Add ifElse function to Expression Language
This closes #1333

Signed-off-by: jpercivall <JPercivall@apache.org>
2016-12-16 15:13:01 -05:00
Mark Payne
e59cf86656 NIFI-3188: Added unit test to test corner cases
This closes #1321.

Signed-off-by: Koji Kawamura <ijokarumawak@apache.org>
2016-12-14 10:57:11 +09:00
e36b37692c NIFI-1582 added state to UpdateAttribute as well as updated a few parts that hadn't be touched in years (referenced the 'FlowFileMetadataEnhancer' processor'. Also added a 'NUMBER_VALIDATOR' to StandardValidators
NIFI-1582 removing the option to use cluster state

NIFI-1582 addressing Oleg's comments

NIFI-1582 No longer forcing numbers as the init value and adding getStateValue() to EL instead of using 'ATTRIBUTE_state'

NIFI-1582 Removing init state value

NIFI-1582 Adding documentation for the changes to Init State value

This closes #319
2016-12-06 16:52:02 -05:00
7633fe35c1 NIFI-3149 Adding proper literal support for number operators ('-' and '+') to ANTLR parser and UI highlighting
This closes #1298
2016-12-05 13:34:54 -05:00
f0f75e7480 NIFI-3145 Rewriting double validation in NumberParsing
Adding more tests to TestQuery

NIFI-3145 Adding logic to handle lowercase hex values

This closes #1296
2016-12-05 11:04:33 -05:00
Mark Payne
8f8b8cdf46 NIFI-3071: Deprecated InputStreams & OutputStream sin org.apache.nifi.stream.io package in favor of using their Java counterparts 2016-12-05 09:29:19 -05:00
Koji Kawamura
7c5bd876bd NIFI-3026: Support multiple remote target URLs
- Added urls in addition to the existing url, to support multiple target
- Backward compatibility is provided by returning the first url if
  multipe urls are specified, but component accessing the url doesn't
support multiple urls
- UI is not fully updated yet. Following UI components are planned to be updated
  by different commits
  - Search component: only the first URL is searchable and shown
  - Component status: RPG status shows only the first URL
  - Component action history: only the first URL is searchable and shown
  - Updated Search component to use URLs.

This closes #1208.
2016-12-02 14:01:39 -05:00
Mark Payne
fff0148a0e NIFI-3129: When adding controller services to a snippet, ensure that we don't add the service multiple times, even when it's referenced by child process groups. This closes #1284 2016-11-30 13:07:51 -05:00
92f17a995b NIFI-3100-rc2 prepare for next development iteration 2016-11-25 23:49:27 -05:00
5536f690a8 NIFI-3100-rc2 prepare release nifi-1.1.0-RC2 2016-11-25 23:49:13 -05:00
Koji Kawamura
a1ab5e844b NIFI-2729: This closes #1270. testSendSuccessWithProxy timeout in Travis
- Changed AtomicBoolean to CountDownLatch to avoid sleeping thread in
  some test cases
- Specified less number of threads for Jetty and LittleProxy than
  default to lower resource usage
- Added try catch for the specific gateway timeout case (504) so that
  test can pass even it happens while it fails with other errors
2016-11-25 19:41:15 -05:00
fb9cbccc38 NIFI-2954 This closes #1244. Moved StandardPropertyValidator to nifi-utils, documented scope/purpose of a few util libs, removed deps from nifi-utils. 2016-11-21 16:30:42 -05:00
Mark Payne
2ee66de1a6 NIFI-3066: Create unit test to reproduce bug that results in IllegalArgumentException: Cannot migrate FlowFiles from a Process Session to itself
NIFI-3066: Ensure that when a Bin is created, it is always created with its own new session

This closes #1245
2016-11-21 11:34:14 -05:00
Mark Payne
1be0871473 NIFI-2854: Refactor repositories and swap files to use schema-based serialization so that nifi can be rolled back to a previous version after an upgrade.
NIFI-2854: Incorporated PR review feedback

NIFI-2854: Implemented feedback from PR Review

NIFI-2854: Ensure that all resources are closed on CompressableRecordReader.close() even if an IOException is thrown when closing one of them

This closes #1202
2016-11-18 14:53:13 -05:00
c4be800688 NIFI-2950 Adding support for whole number hex values and a fromRadix function
NIFI-2950 Fixing typo

This closes #1161
2016-11-17 07:27:51 -05:00
Bryan Rosander
NIFI-2943 - Toolkit uses JKS type over PKCS12 when creating truststore because non-Bouncy Castle providers cannot read certificates from PKCS12 truststore.
Peer review feedback (+2 squashed commits)
Squashed commits:
[0102c8e] NIFI-2943 - Peer review feedback
[9bcd495] NIFI-2943 - pkcs12 keystore improvements

1. loading pkcs12 keystores with bouncy castle everywhere
2. tls-toolkit client using jks truststore when keystore type is specified differently
3. tests

This closes #1165.

Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>
2016-11-16 17:13:10 -08:00
Koji Kawamura
NIFI-2851: Fixed CheckStyle error.
This closes #1215.

Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>
2016-11-14 00:44:16 -08:00
Mark Payne
ad92474593 NIFI-2851: Added additional unit test to ensure correctness of demarcation when demarcator falls between buffered data
This closes #1116.
2016-11-11 15:45:40 -05:00
Oleg Zhurakousky
41f519e84c NIFI-2851 initial commit of perf improvements on SplitText
- introduced org.apache.nifi.stream.io.util.TextLineDemarcator
- refactored SplitText to use org.apache.nifi.stream.io.util.TextLineDemarcator
- updated SplitText's capability discription to provide more clarity around splits with headers.
2016-11-11 15:45:40 -05:00
Mark Payne
c441a8696d NIFI-2850 This closes #1115. Added a migrate() method to ProcessSession and refactored BinFiles and MergeContent to use it 2016-11-09 16:25:03 -05:00
Bryan Bende
d1d053725b NIFI-2909 Adding per-instance class loading capability through @RequiresInstanceClassLoading annotation
NIFI-1712 Applying per-instance class loading to HBaseClientService to allow specifying Phoenix Client JAR

-Refactoring the ClassLoading so that every processor, controller service, and reporting task gets an InstanceClassLoader with a parent of the NAR ClassLoader, and only components with @RequiresInstanceClassLoading will make a copy of the NAR ClassLoader resources, and addressing some review feedback

This closes #1156
2016-11-08 13:21:27 -05:00
Oleg Zhurakousky
5fd4a55791 NIFI-2778 added abilty to interrupt Lucene search

This closes #1138
2016-11-07 16:28:16 -05:00