- Ensure that we log which node is the cluster coordinator on startup instead of just indicating that there is one. If we later determine that there is none, ensure that we register for the role
This closes#900
Signed-off-by: jpercivall <joepercivall@yahoo.com>
- Addressing issue when fingerprinting ReportingTasks and ControllerServices properties with default values.
- Ensuring the flow is saved when templates are created and imported.
- Ensuring default values are included in templates.
- Fixing unit tests.
This closes#908.
- Making the bulletin responses consistent in that all bulletins will be included but in redacted form as appropriate.
- Fixing broken unit test.
This closes#892.
Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
NIFI-2566: Removed storage of cluster roles from heartbeats and NodeConnectionStatus; use LeaderElectionManager to determine roles instead
NIFI-2566: Updated Heartbeats so that if a node is out-of-sync with cluster topology, cluster coordinator will provide updated information back to the nodes
NIFI-2566: Fixed issue that prevented standalone instance from starting by creating a standalone-instance version of the Leader Election Manager. Also added Controller Service enabled/disabled state to fingerprint rather than attempting to update the state when joining the cluster, as the implementation was incorrect and the correct implementation will be a rather significant effort that doesn't have to happen for 1.0.0 release
This closes#866
Signed-off-by: jpercivall <joepercivall@yahoo.com>
- Preventing client side selection of unauthorized controller services unless they were the previously configured value.
This closes#860.
Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
- Addressing potential NullPointerException when an AccessDeniedException is thrown from an endpoint that isn't subject to the security filter chain.
This closes#846.
Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>
NIFI-1876 Updated PermissionsDTO to use boolean primitives instead of Boolean objects for read and write permission
Removed ISE throwing from EntityFactory, it will rely on null checks instead
This closes#694
Signed-off-by: jpercivall <joepercivall@yahoo.com>
NIFI-1876 Added merging for labels, funnels, and controller service references.
NIFI-1876 Added Label and Funnel merging to FlowMerger.java
NIFI-1876 Added replication of request for process group controller services
- Updated merging code for Status and Status History based on read permissions
NIFI-1876 Fixed issue with node status snapshots all looking like they came from one node
Updated ProcessGroupStatusSnapshotDTO to contain status snapshot entities to retain readability permission
Added entity classes for ConnectionStatusSnapshotDTO, PortStatusSnapshotDTO, ProcessGroupStatusSnapshotDTO, ProcessorStatusSnapshotDTO, and RemoteProcessGroupStatusSnapshotDTO
Updated PropertyDescriptorDTO to contain AllowableValueEntity to retain readability permission
Added entity class for AllowableValueDTO
Moved AllowableValueDTO to its own top-level class
Updated DtoFactory to get permissions for status snapshot entities
Updated StatusMerger to merge status snapshot entities
Signed-off-by: jpercivall <joepercivall@yahoo.com>
- Allowing selection of User/Cluster node when searching and encountering an exact match.
This closes#839
Signed-off-by: Koji Kawamura <ijokarumawak@apache.org>