152 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Peter Wicks
NIFI-6562 Expose ExecutionNode in ProcessContext
Signed-off-by: Pierre Villard <pierre.villard.fr@gmail.com>

This closes #3656.
2019-08-20 11:13:55 +02:00
Mark Payne
NIFI-6382: Allow Parameters to have null values
Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
2019-08-16 16:47:27 -04:00
Alessandro D'Armiento
35d79eaf0f NIFI-6420 Controller Service references not properly tracked if multiple references from same component

-  Instead of keeping a Set of referencing `ComponentNode`, keep instead a Map which stores, for each referencing component, also the name of the property for which the service is referenced
   -  This is done to keep the `addReference()` idempotent
- `StandardControllerService.referencingComponents` changed from HashSet to HashMap
    -  `Key` is the combination of `ComponentNode.hashCode()` and property name
    -  `Value` is the referencing `ComponentNode`
- `ControllerServiceNode.addReference()` now requires a tuple (referring `ComponentNode`, property name)
- `ControllerServiceNode.removeReference()` now requires a tuple (referring `ComponentNode`, property name)
- `ControllerServiceNode.getReferences()` signature is left untouched, when it's called, the values of the `referencingComponents` map are turned into a Set, meaning a referencing component will keep being returned by this method until at least one of its properties still reference the `ControllerService`
- `StandardSchedulingContext.leaseControllerService()` uses a dedicated constant
- `FrameworkIntegrationTest` has a test which create a processor with two optional controller service properties and then verifies that having them referencing and dereferencing the same controller service doesn't cause the reported bug anymore

Removed SchedulingContext from ClojureScriptEngineConfigurator

Co-Authored-By: Marco Gaido <marcogaido91@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Mark Payne <markap14@hotmail.com>

This closes #3600.
2019-08-09 15:22:14 -04:00
Mark Payne
NIFI-6380: Introduced the notion of Parameters and Parameter Contexts to the code base.
- Added nifi-parameter module
- Added Parameter to nifi-api
- Added ParameterContext and ParameterLookup
- Updated EL to support Parameters
- Updated backend so that any property can make use of Parameters
- Added web endpoint for Parameter Contexts
- Updated Templates to make use of Parameter Contexts
- Updated Versioned Flows to make use of Parameter Contexts
- Updated Stateless NiFi to support Parameters and take Parameters as part of the configuration, not Variables.

NIFI-6380: Addressed review feedback and fixed bugs; added additional unit and integration tests to verify

NIFI-6380: Added Description to Parameter Context

NIFI-6380: Fixed checkstyle violations

NIFI-6380: Fixed bug that caused updating a Parameter Context to fail if the name is provided and unchanged

NIFI-6380: If parameter is being deleted, don't worry about its sensitivity flag. This addresses a bug where the deletion of a Sensitive Parameter would require that the Parameter be submitted with a value of null and a sensitivity flag of true; else it would provide an error indicating that the parameter can't be changed from sensitive to non-sensitive. Now, the sensitivity flag is ignored.

NIFI-6380: Fixed bug around unsetting Process Group's Parameter Context

NIFI-6380: Moved lastRefreshed timestamp from ParameterContextDTO to ParameterContextsEntity and renamed to currentTime to match the pattern of ControllerServicesEntity rather than FlowHistory. Added parameterContextId to ProcessGroupFlowDTO

NIFI-6380: Added additional integration tests around escaped parameter references

NIFI-6380: Additional tests and bug fix for referencing EL from within another EL Expression

NIFI-6380: Created ParameterEntity to house a 'canWrite' flag for parameters and updated ParameterContext to use it. Updated ParameterContextUpdateRequestDTO to include a Set<AffectedComponentEntity> indicating the components that are affected by the update

NIFI-6380: Addressed review feedback

NIFI-6380: Addressed additional review feedback, mostly around code cleanup

NIFI-6380: Bug fix

NIFI-6380: Addressed more review feedback; fixed a couple of minor bugs encountered when testing

NIFI-6380: Bug fix around Parameter escaping for properties that support Expression Language. Fixed inconcsistency in Authorization hierarchy between /parameter-contexts/1234 and /parameter-contexts  to ensure that the parent of /parameter-contexts is /controller, regardless of how we arrive at the /parameter-contexts resource

NIFI-6380: Fixed but around using ProcessContext#newPropertyValue(String) that previously resulted in causing the Parameters to be evaluated a second time, thereby ignoring escape characters. Updated Integration Test to verify behavior. Also fixed bug in LoadBalanceQueueIT as it was a one-liner and noticed it while running tests to verify other behavior

NIFI-6380: Ensure that if Processor or Controller Services references or de-references a Parameter that user making the change has READ policy on the Parameter Context

NIFI-6380: Verify permissions on Parameter Context when creating processor/controller service and when moving between groups, insantiating template, reverting/change flow version

NIFI-6380: Addressed problem that resulted from rebasing against master; fixed bug in showing the Affected Components for a particular Parameter Context Update

NIFI-6380: Fixed NPE that occurs when attempting to update controller-level Controller Service

NIFI-6380: Updated validation error text when referencing parameter from controller-level controller service or reporting task

NIFI-6380: Ensuring permissions for copy/paste when components reference parameters.

NIFI-6380: Do not require READ policy on Parameter Context in order to un-reference a parameter, only to reference one.

NIFI-6380: Restricted parameter names to match those in the Feature Proposal. Fixed bug that allowed copy & paste of a PG for which user does not have READ policy for a child/descendant PG's parameter context

This closes #3536
2019-08-02 10:45:39 -04:00
Peter Turcsanyi
NIFI-6318: Support EL in CSV formatting properties
CSVReader and CSVRecordSetWriter controller services and also ConvertExcelToCSVProcessor
support EL for Value Separator, Quote Character and Escape Character properties.

NIFI-6318: Fixed null checks and compound OR expression.

NIFI-6318: RecordSetWriterFactory.createWriter() changes.

NIFI-6318: Initialize CSVFormat in onEnabled() if there are no dynamic formatting properties.

NIFI-6318: Comment Marker supports EL.

NIFI-6318: Various review changes.

This closes #3504.

Signed-off-by: Koji Kawamura <ijokarumawak@apache.org>
2019-07-25 17:04:22 +09:00
Andy LoPresto
NIFI-6323 Changed URLs for repositories, project description, and mailing lists to use HTTPS.
NIFI-6323 Changed URLs for splunk.artifactoryonline.com to use HTTPS (certificate validity warning in browsers, but command-line connection using openssl s_client is successful).
NIFI-6323 Changed URLs for XMLNS schema locations to use HTTPS (the XMLNS and schema identifier remain http:// because they are not designed to be resolvable).
NIFI-6323 Fixed Maven XML schema descriptor URLs.

This closes #3497
2019-05-29 14:36:40 -04:00
Peter Wicks
NIFI-6223 Expose Cluster Node Type to Controller Services
NIFI-6223 Enhance Mock Controller Service to allow specifying node type

This closes #3444.

Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
2019-04-24 13:20:55 -04:00
NIFI-6029-RC2 prepare for next development iteration 2019-02-16 21:50:35 -05:00
NIFI-6029-RC2 prepare release nifi-1.9.0-RC2 2019-02-16 21:50:15 -05:00
Mark Payne
36c0a99e91 NIFI-5938: Added ability to infer record schema on read from JsonTreeReader, JsonPathReader, XML Reader, and CSV Reader.
- Updates to make UpdateRecord and RecordPath automatically update Record schema when performing update and perform the updates on the first record in UpdateRecord before obtaining Writer Schema. This allows the Writer to  to inherit the Schema of the updated Record instead of the Schema of the Record as it was when it was read.
 - Updated JoltTransformRecord so that schema is inferred on the first transformed object before passing the schema to the Record Writer, so that if writer inherits schema from record, the schema that is inherited is the trans transformed schema
 - Updated LookupRecord to allow for Record fields to be arbitrarily added
 - Implemented ContentClaimInputStream
 - Added controller service for caching schemas
 - UpdatedQueryRecord to cache schemas automatically up to some number of schemas, which will significantly inprove throughput in many cases, especially with inferred schemas.

NIFI-5938: Updated AvroTypeUtil so that if creating an Avro Schema using a field name that is not valid for Avro, it creates a Schema that uses a different, valid field name and adds an alias for the given field name so that the fields still are looked up appropriately. Fixed a bug in finding the appropriate Avro field when aliases are used. Updated ContentClaimInputStream so that if mark() is called followed by multiple calls to reset(), that each reset() call is successful instead of failing after the first one (the JavaDoc for InputStream appears to indicate that the InputStream is free to do either and in fact the InputStream is even free to allow reset() to reset to the beginning of file if mark() is not even called, if it chooses to do so instead of requiring a call to mark()).

NIFI-5938: Added another unit test for AvroTypeUtil

NIFI-5938: If using inferred schema in CSV Reader, do not consider first record as a header line. Also addressed a bug in StandardConfigurationContext that was exposed by CSVReader, in which calling getProperty(PropertyDescriptor) did not properly lookup the canonical representation of the Property Descriptor from the component before attempting to get a default value

Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>

This closes #3253
2019-02-11 12:56:50 -05:00
f9f386b0f0 NIFI-5871 ignore UUID attribute when copying flow file attributes (#3203)
NIFI-5871 ignore UUID attribute when copying flow file attributes

Signed-off-by: Peter Wicks <patricker@gmail.com>
2018-12-20 10:05:25 -07:00
Jeff Storck
c0182294ed NIFI-5720-RC3 prepare for next development iteration 2018-10-22 22:16:43 -04:00
Jeff Storck
98aabf2c50 NIFI-5720-RC3 prepare release nifi-1.8.0-RC3 2018-10-22 22:16:23 -04:00
Andy LoPresto
NIFI-5147, NIFI-5566 Added CryptographicHashAttribute and CryptographicHashContent processors.
Deprecated HashContent processor.
Added documentation to HashAttribute processor.
Added shared HashService and HashAlgorithm enum.
Added unit tests.
Added #clearProperties() to TestRunner, StandardProcessorTestRunner, and MockProcessContext.
Updated processor manifest.
Updated Javadoc.
Added documentation about deprecated/renamed components.
Added logic handling for UTF-16 encoding where UTF-16BE is overridden so the BOM is not inserted prior to hashing.

This closes #2983.

Co-authored-by: Otto Fowler <ottobackwards@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Kevin Doran <kdoran@apache.org>
2018-09-17 17:03:57 -07:00
Otto Fowler
NIFI-5436 Add ability to set the processor name in the ProcessContext when using the TestRunner.
This closes #2902.

Signed-off-by: Andy LoPresto <alopresto@apache.org>
2018-07-17 14:42:37 -07:00
Martin Payne
eaef91fabb NIFI-5289 - Changed nifi-mock junit Dependency Scope
Resolves NoClassDefFoundError for org.junit.Assert when using nifi-mock.

Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>

This closes #2780
2018-07-10 20:38:16 -04:00
Mark Bean
b279624398 NIFI-5368 controller services validated prior to enabling; referenced controller services must be enabled for referencing component to be valid (mock framework)
This closes #2873.

Signed-off-by: Mark Payne <markap14@hotmail.com>
2018-07-10 11:23:40 -04:00
0c5e159ebc NIFI-5385 assertAttributeNotExists Is hard to understand
This closes #2850

Signed-off-by: Mike Thomsen <mikerthomsen@gmail.com>
2018-07-07 07:26:21 -04:00
Andy LoPresto
NIFI-5323-RC1 prepare for next development iteration 2018-06-19 20:02:21 -07:00
Andy LoPresto
NIFI-5323-RC1 prepare release nifi-1.7.0-RC1 2018-06-19 20:02:01 -07:00
Mike Thomsen
2fb213d26c NIFI-5145 Fixed evaluateAttributeExpressions in mockpropertyvalue to make it handle null flowfiles.
Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>

This closes #2749
2018-06-18 09:14:25 -04:00
Matthew Burgess
29e96ed0e0 NIFI-5145: Fixed MockPropertyValue to call the correct evaluateAttributeExpressions when FF is null
Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>

This closes #2717
2018-05-17 21:33:46 -04:00
Mike Thomsen
6bb43bd471 NIFI-5145 Changed the override in MockPropertyValue to use a better way of passing over null flowfiles in evaluateExpressionLanguage.
Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>

This closes #2714
2018-05-17 20:00:24 -04:00
Mark Payne
NIFI-950: Make component validation asynchronous
NIFI-950: Still seeing some slow response times when instantiating a large template in cluster mode so making some minor tweaks based on the results of CPU profiling
NIFI-5112: Refactored FlowSerializer so that it creates the desired intermediate data model that can be serialized, separate from serializing. This allows us to hold the FlowController's Read Lock only while creating the data model, not while actually serializing the data. Configured Jersey Client in ThreadPoolRequestReplicator not to look for features using the Service Loader for every request. Updated Template object to hold a DOM Node that represents the template contents instead of having to serialize the DTO, then parse the serialized form as a DOM object each time that it needs to be serialized.
NIFI-5112: Change ThreadPoolRequestReplicator to use OkHttp client instead of Jersey Client
NIFI-5111: Ensure that if a node is no longer cluster coordinator, that it clears any stale heartbeats.
NIFI-5110: Notify StandardProcessScheduler when a component is removed so that it will clean up any resource related to component lifecycle.
NIFI-950: Avoid gathering the Status objects for entire flow when we don't need them; removed unnecessary code
NIFI-950: Bug fixes
NIFI-950: Bug fix; added validation status to ProcessorDTO, ControllerServiceDTO, ReportingTaskDTO; updated DebugFlow to allow for pause time to be set in the customValidate method for testing functionality
NIFI-950: Addressing test failures
NIFI-950: Bug fixes
NIFI-950: Addressing review feedback
NIFI-950: Fixed validation logic in mock framework
This closes #2693
2018-05-16 14:39:23 -04:00
Mike Thomsen
ea41b41ede NIFI-5145 Made MockPropertyValue.evaluateExpressionLanguage(FlowFile able to accommodate null flowfiles the way live NiFi does.
NIFI-5145 Fixed a mistake with evaluateAttributeExpressions found in a code review.

NIFI-5145 Removed a property descriptor from GetHBase that was a duplication of the one in VisibilityFetchSupport.

NIFI-5145 Added comments in the code that were requested in the review.

NIFI-5145 Fixed check style issue.

NIFI-5145 Fixed a few improperly scoped items in ListFileTransfer that impacted the FTP processor(s).

NIFI-5145 Changed which override gets called based on code review feedback.

NIFI-5145: Reverted changes to ListFileTransfer re ExpressionLanguageScope

NIFI-5145: Removed TODO from MockPropertyValue javadoc

Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>

This closes #2672
2018-05-16 13:50:27 -04:00
Mark Bean
274ed46d92 NIFI-5055 added ability to unpenalize MockFlowFile directly or from MockProcessSession
Signed-off-by: Mike Thomsen <mikerthomsen@gmail.com>
2018-04-10 14:55:46 -04:00
59f625d3c2 Merge branch 'NIFI-4995-RC3' as part of NiFi 1.6.0 release process 2018-04-06 16:48:08 -07:00
Pierre Villard
4c787799ff NIFI-4149 - Indicate if EL is evaluated against FFs or not
- take into account input requirement for documentation rendering
- Renamed variable registry scope and added comments
- Doc + change in mock framework to check scope + update of components + UI
2018-04-06 12:40:54 -04:00
d511fe3e4b NIFI-4995-RC3 prepare for next development iteration 2018-04-03 08:28:34 -07:00
f8466cb16d NIFI-4995-RC3 prepare release nifi-1.6.0-RC3 2018-04-03 08:28:15 -07:00
Mark Payne
NIFI-4849: Implemented REST Endpoint and associated backend code to generate a Diagnostics Report for a Processor
Implemented review feedback. Refactored data model to make the API cleaner and delineate more along the lines of what permissions are required in order to see which details
Implementing review feedback
Removed sensitive information from the diagnostics reports
Fixed bug in merging logic for GCDiagnosticsSnapshots
This closes #2468
2018-03-15 15:10:41 -04:00
NIFI-4936 trying to quiet down the mvn output a bit so we dont exceed the travis-ci 4MB max
NIFI-4936 updated dependency handling pushing down delcarations where they belong
This closes #2512
2018-03-09 16:34:53 -05:00
Matthew Burgess
b4b970b876 NIFI-4816: Allow name to be updated for ReportingTasks
This closes #2452

Signed-off-by: Scott Aslan <scottyaslan@gmail.com>
2018-02-21 09:42:25 -05:00
d8cfb8e6c5 NIFI-4686 MockFlowFile now includes penalized status when copying. This closes #2438.
Signed-off-by: Mark Payne <markap14@hotmail.com>
2018-01-29 11:02:19 -05:00
41ce788812 NIFI-4751 changed to next minor release version snapshot 2018-01-12 15:15:32 -05:00
36405e888c NIFI-4751-RC1 prepare for next development iteration 2018-01-08 23:39:49 -07:00
46d30c7e92 NIFI-4751-RC1 prepare release nifi-1.5.0-RC1 2018-01-08 23:39:32 -07:00
Pierre Villard
99d767aa44 NIFI-4383 - Fix UpdateRecord when updating arrays elements. This closes #2208.
Signed-off-by: Mark Payne <markap14@hotmail.com>
2018-01-04 14:30:14 -05:00
Mark Payne
c91d99884a NIFI-4717: Several minor bug fixes and performance improvements around record-oriented processors
Signed-off-by: Matthew Burgess <mattyb149@apache.org>

This closes #2359
2017-12-29 10:43:21 -05:00
Koji Kawamura
2a69b35f12 NIFI-4548: Add REMOTE_INVOCATION provenance event type
This commit includes changes to DeleteHDFS to report REMOTE_INVOCATION
event. In order to do so, the processor had to be changed to create
output FlowFile because a provenance event needs a FlowFile it
associates with.

Signed-off-by: Pierre Villard <pierre.villard.fr@gmail.com>

This closes #2234.
2017-11-02 19:32:22 +01:00
Koji Kawamura
a73b5bda42 NIFI-4546: Make ReportingTask aware of node type in a cluster
Signed-off-by: Pierre Villard <pierre.villard.fr@gmail.com>

This closes #2235.
2017-10-30 11:22:03 +01:00
Omer Hadari
NIFI-4392 Create a MetricReportingTask with GraphiteMetricService
This closes #2171.

Signed-off-by: Bryan Bende <bbende@apache.org>
2017-10-08 10:44:11 -04:00
Jeff Storck
a57911d3db NIFI-4412-RC2 prepare for next development iteration 2017-09-28 13:45:36 -04:00
Jeff Storck
e6508ba7d3 NIFI-4412-RC2 prepare release nifi-1.4.0-RC2 2017-09-28 13:45:21 -04:00
Pierre Villard
NIFI-4403 - add group name to bulletins model. This closes #2167 2017-09-22 11:53:58 -04:00
Pierre Villard
NIFI-4341 - add provenance repository storage usage in UI
- addressing review comments
- This closes #2119
2017-09-11 13:16:53 -04:00
07a6499dae NIFI-3218: fixed incorrect assertion for self-routing flowfiles in MockProcessSession
Signed-off-by: Joe Skora <jskora@apache.org>

This closes #1988.
2017-07-11 13:51:40 +00:00
58f60b3cf0 NIFI-3218: throw exception in MockProcessSession when transferring file to self 2017-07-11 13:51:13 +00:00
Tony Kurc
2dc45a4dd7 NIFI-4154 Fixing line endings in .java,.html files
Signed-off-by: James Wing <jvwing@gmail.com>

This closes #1982.
2017-07-09 12:13:15 -07:00
Bryan Bende
aabd4a25d2 NIFI-4043 Initial commit of nifi-redis-bundle
NIFI-4061 Initial version of RedisStateProvider
- Adding PropertyContext and updating existing contexts to extend it
- Added embedded Redis for unit testing
- Added wrapped StateProvider with NAR ClassLoader in StandardStateManagerProvider
- Updating state-management.xml with config for RedisStateProvider
- Renaming tests that use RedisServer to be IT tests so they don't run all the time

This closes #1918.
2017-06-21 12:47:19 -04:00