4.0.0 org.apache.nifi nifi-extension-utils 1.12.0-SNAPSHOT nifi-prometheus-utils jar This nifi-prometheus-utils module is designed to capture common patterns and utilities that can be leveraged by components that use Prometheus capabilities to help promote reuse. These patterns may become framework level features or may simply be made available through this utility. It is ok for this module to have dependencies but care should be taken when adding dependencies as this increases the cost of utilizing this module in various nars. 0.3.0 org.apache.nifi nifi-api org.apache.nifi nifi-utils 1.12.0-SNAPSHOT org.apache.nifi nifi-properties 1.12.0-SNAPSHOT org.apache.nifi nifi-metrics 1.12.0-SNAPSHOT io.prometheus simpleclient ${prometheus.version} io.prometheus simpleclient_hotspot ${prometheus.version} io.prometheus simpleclient_servlet ${prometheus.version} jigsaw (1.8,) javax.xml.bind jaxb-api com.sun.xml.bind jaxb-core com.sun.xml.bind jaxb-impl