# Docker Image Quickstart ## Building The Docker image can be built using the following command: docker build -t apache/nifi-minifi:latest . This build will result in an image tagged apache/nifi:latest # user @ puter in ~/Development/code/apache/nifi-minifi/minifi-docker/dockerhub $ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE apache/nifi-minifi latest f0f564eed149 A long, long time ago 226MB **Note**: The default version of NiFi specified by the Dockerfile is typically that of one that is unreleased if working from source. To build an image for a prior released version, one can override the `NIFI_VERSION` build-arg with the following command: docker build --build-arg=MINIFI_VERSION={Desired MiNiFi Version} -t apache/nifi-minifi:latest . ## Running a container ### Supplying configuration to a container The primary means by which a MiNiFi instance is configured is via the `config.yml` or the `bootstrap.conf`. This can be accomplished through: * the use of volumes, and * overlaying the base image #### Using volumes to provide configuration The following example shows the usage of two volumes to provide both a `config.yml` and a `bootstrap.conf` to the container instance. This makes use of configuration files on the host and maps them to be used by the MiNiFi instance. This is helpful in scenarios where a single image is used for a variety of configurations. docker run -d \ -v ~/minifi-conf/config.yml:/opt/minifi/minifi-0.5.0/conf/config.yml \ -v ~/minifi-conf/bootstrap.conf:/opt/minifi/minifi-0.5.0/conf/bootstrap.conf \ apache/nifi-minifi:0.5.0 #### Using volumes to provide configuration Alternatively, it is possible to create a custom image inheriting from the published image. Creating a `Dockerfile` extending from the Apache NiFi MiNiFi base image allows users to overlay the configuration permanently into a newly built and custom image. A simple example follows: FROM apache/nifi-minifi ADD config.yml /opt/minifi/minifi-0.5.0/conf/config.yml ADD bootstrap.conf /opt/minifi/minifi-0.5.0/conf/bootstrap.conf Building this `Dockerfile` will result in a custom image with the specified configuration files incorporated into the new image. This is best for applications where configuration is well defined and relatively static. For more information, please consult [Dockerfile Reference: FROM](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#from)