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synced 2025-03-04 00:19:44 +00:00
Updated pom files regarding groovy dependencies. groovy-all was changed to a pom type dependency Added Groovy Bintray as a plugin repository in root pom Upgraded spock-core to version 1.3-groovy-2.5 and added exclusion of groovy dependencies to force spock to use the version from dependencyManagement Updated groovy-eclipse-batch to use the groovy.version property to determine the version Updated groovy-eclipse-compiler to 3.4.0-01 Updated maven-compiler-plugin to use maven.compiler.source and maven.compiler.target properties for source and target configuration properties Removed configuration and dependencies sections from nifi-toolkit-admin and nifi-toolkit-encrypt-config maven-compiler-plugin configurations so that the configuration from the root pom's maven-compiler-plugin is inherited Removed dependencyManagement from nifi-jetty module, version of groovy modules will be inherited from root pom Removed maven-compiler-plugin configuration from nifi-toolkit-api so that the configuration from the root pom's maven-compiler-plugin is inherited Updated spock-core dependencyManagement to 1.3-groovy-2.5 Fixed AESSensitivePropertyProviderTest issue with Groovy creating KEY_256_HEX slice of the wrong size due to BigDecimal being used as the result of the division; using intdiv to force an integer result creates the correctly sized array Added groovy-json test dependency to nifi-web-security Removed maven-compiler-plugin configuration from nifi-lookup-services, nifi-mock-record-utils, and nifi-web-utils so that the configuration from the root pom's maven-compiler-plugin is inherited Updated root pom pluginManagement to specify version 3.8.0 of maven-compiler-plugin Added maven-compiler-plugin config to nifi-toolkit-admin and nifi-toolkit-encrypt-config to use groovy-eclipse-compiler during the compile phase so that the groovy-based tools are compiled Addressed deprecated CliBuilder and OptionAccessor usage in nifi-toolkit-encrypt-config, those classes were moved from groovy.util to groovy.cli.commons Removed getInner() usage from nifi-toolkit-encrypt-config, method no longer exists causing the tests to crash Updated CryptographicHashAttributeTest to use java.time classes instead of java.util.Date Updated nifi root POM's groovy-test dependency to be test-scoped Added properties for specifying groovy versions for several modules: nifi, nifi-groovyx-bundle, nifi-scripting-bundle, nifi-toolkit Established dependency management for groovy-all:pom:2.5.4, and added that dependency to several modules: nifi-groovyx-nar, nifi-scripting-nar, nifi-toolkit-admin, nifi-toolkit-encrypt-config Added groovy version property usage to several modules that established a dependency on a groovy submodule that was not listed in its own or inherited dependency management Removed unused build-helper-maven-plugin from nifi-toolkit-api's POM Removed unnecessary groovy-eclipse-compiler build plugin config from nifi-web-utils' POM to use the inherited config for that plugin Updated several modules' NOTICEs to include appropriate Groovy NOTICE content Updated to list groovy-all:pom:2.5.4 and its transitive submodule dependencies to nifi-assembly, nifi-groovyx-nar, nifi-scripting-nar, and nifi-toolkit-assembly NOTICEs Added missing groovy-all🫙2.1.6 NOTICE to nifi-hive-nar and nifi-hive_1_1-nar NOTICEs Added missing groovy-all🫙2.4.11 NOTICE to nifi-hive3-nar NOTICE Updated to list groovy-all🫙2.4.16 nifi-other-graph-services-nar NOTICE Removed Groovy NOTICE content from nifi-record-serialization-services-nar NOTICE, no Groovy modules are included in the NAR NIFI-5254 Updated several modules' NOTICEs and LICENSEs to include appropriate content from the LICENSEs and NOTICEs bundled with Groovy modules which in turn are bundled with NiFi binary artifacts: nifi-assembly, nifi-groovyx-nar, nifi-hive-nar, nifi-hive3-nar, nifi-hive_1_1-nar, nifi-other-graph-services-nar, nifi-scripting-nar, nifi-toolkit-assembly NIFI-5254 Updated NOTICEs and LICENSEs to include appropriate content from the LICENSEs and NOTICEs bundled with modules used by Groovy 2.5.4 which in turn are bundled with NiFi binary artifacts: nifi-assembly, nifi-groovyx-nar, nifi-scripting-nar, nifi-toolkit-assembly. The following modules' LICENSE and NOTICE content were added: Apache Ant, Apache Commons CLI, JLine, JUnit Platform/Jupiter This closes #3547 Signed-off-by: Mike Thomsen <mthomsen@apache.org>