Joe Ferner 058883091c
- Added UI versioned flow supportsDownload functionality with download flow menu item
- Added VersionsResource endpoint for downloading versioned flow with registry-related info removed
- Added ProcessGroupResource endpoint for downloading current flow with registry-related info removed
- Added StandardNifiServiceFacade functionality for downloading both current and versioned flow
- Added XmlTransient markers on variables introduced by Instantiated model classes so they do not appear in serialized download
- Updated NiFiRegistryFlowMapper.mapParameterContexts to handle mapping nested parameter contexts for use in producing a complete VersionedFlowSnapshot
- Added ability for NiFiRegistryFlowMapper to map nested process groups ignoring versioning for use in producing a complete VersionedFlowSnapshot
- Added unit tests where helpful

NIFI-6872: PR response...
- Updated mapParameterContext to return a Map to handle uniqueness of contexts by name since ultimately everything converted it to a map anyway. The VersionedParameterContext class from the registry model doesn't support hashcode/equals currently so returning a Set wouldn't work.
- Updated assert calls to put expected value as first parameter and actual as second parameter
- Added one time password (OTP) support for flow download endpoint to support non cert based authentication

This closes #3931
2019-12-18 16:37:47 -05:00
2019-12-18 16:37:47 -05:00