exceptionfactory 972667461b
NIFI-10580 This closes #6867. Upgraded SLF4J from 1.7.36 to 2.0.6
- Upgraded Logback from 1.2.11 to 1.3.5
- Updated Logback DelayingShutdownHook to DefaultShutdownHook
- Disabled Spring Boot Logging System in favor of standard Logback initialization
- Excluded logback-classic from ZooKeeper and other dependencies to avoid conflicts when running tests
- Excluded spring-boot-starter-logging to avoid failures related to Logback 1.2 and Spring Boot 2.7
- Removed ZooKeeperMigratorTest.groovy based on Apache Curator test server usage of Logback 1.2

NIFI-10580 Added logback-core as explicit dependency

- Set logback-core as provided in root configuration
- Added logback-core as compile dependency in assembly configurations

Signed-off-by: Joe Witt <joewitt@apache.org>
2023-01-23 11:38:10 -07:00

452 lines
19 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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Since using the one in the war causes class loading issue between war and ranger/lib,
this needs to be in ranger/lib.
<!-- The one in registry/lib can be used -->
<!-- The one in registry/lib can be used -->
<!-- Ranger dependencies -->
<!-- Use nifi-registry-ranger-jersey-bundle instead to avoid
javax.ws.rs version conflict. -->
<!-- The one in hadoop-common conflicts with jersey-bundle. -->
<!-- Exclude Log4j 2 since Ranger does not include direct references to Log4j Loggers -->
<!-- hadoop-client is needed for auditing to HDFS -->
<!-- hadoop-common and hadoop-auth are transitive dependencies of ranger client, but we need to make sure they
are the same version as hadoop-client above -->
<!-- Avoid using old jsr311 which does not have
javax.ws.rs.core.Application.getProperties method
that is used by newer Jetty. -->
<!-- Avoid using old jersey-core which does not have
javax.ws.rs.core.Application.getProperties method
that is used by newer Jetty. -->
<!-- Followings are required by com.sun.jersey.core.spi.factory.MessageBodyFactory -->
<!-- Disable tests on AArch64 which does not have necessary platform-specific libraries -->
<!-- Includes hadoop-aws for accessing HDFS with an s3a:// filesystem -->
<!-- Includes hadoop-azure and hadoop-azure-datalake for accessing HDFS with wasb://, abfs://, and adl:// filesystems -->
<!-- Includes hadoop-cloud-storage -->
<!-- Includes hadoop-ozone for o3fs:// file system -->
<!-- Includes hadoop-gcp for accessing HDFS with an gcs:// filesystem -->