- Refactoring NarDetails to include all info from MANIFEST - Adding the concept of a Bundle and refactoring NarClassLoaders to pass Bundles to ExtensionManager - Adding logic to fail start-up when multiple NARs with same coordinates exist, moving Bundle classes to framework API - Refactoring bundle API to classes and creating BundleCoordinate - Updating FlowController to use BundleCoordinate - Updating the UI and DTO model to support showing bundle details that loaded an extension type. - Adding bundle details for processor canvas node, processor dialogs, controller service dialogs, and reporting task dialogs. - Updating the formating of the bundle coordinates. - Addressing text overflow in the configuration/details dialog. - Fixing self referencing functions. - Updating extension UI mapping to incorporate bundle coordinates. - Discovering custom UIs through the supplied bundles. - Adding verification methods for creating extensions through the rest api. - Only returning extensions that are common amongst all nodes. - Rendering the ghost processors using a dotted border. - Adding bundle details to the flow.xml. - Loading NiFi build and version details from the framework NAR. - Removing properties for build and version details. - Wiring together front end and back end changes. - Including bundle coordinates in the component data model. - Wiring together component data model and flow.xml. - Addressing issue when resolve unvesioned dependent NARs. Updating unit tests to pass based on framework changes - Fixing logging of extension types during start up - Allowing the application to start if there is a compatible bundle found. - Reporting missing bundle when the a compatible bundle is not found. - Fixing table height in new component dialogs. Fixing chechstyle error and increasing test timeout for TestStandardControllerServiceProvider - Adding ability to change processor type at runtime - Adding backend code to change type for controller services - Cleaning up instance classloaders for temp components. - Creating a dialog for changing the version of a component. - Updating the formatting of the component type and bundle throughout. - Updating the new component dialogs to support selecting source group. - Cleaning up new component dialogs. - Cleaning up documentation in the cluster node endpoint. Adding missing include in nifi-web-ui pom compressor plugin - Refactoring so ConfigurableComponent provides getLogger() and so the nodes provide the ConfigurableComponent - Creating LoggableComponent to pass around the component, logger, and coordinate with in the framework - Finishing clean up following rebase. Calling lifecycle methods for add and remove when changing versions of a component - Introducing verifyCanUpdateBundle(coordinate) to ConfiguredComponent, and adding unit tests - Ensuring documentation is available for all components. Including those of the same type that are loaded from different bundles. Adding lookup from ClassLoader to Bundle, adding fix for instance class loading to include all parent NARs, and adding additional unit tests for FlowController - Adding validation to ensure referenced controller services implement the required API - Fixing template instantiation to look up compatible bundle - Requiring services/reporting tasks to be disabled/stopped. - Only supporting a change version option when the item has multiple versions available. - Limiting the possible new controller services to the applicable API version. - Showing the implemented API versions for Controller Services. - Updating the property descriptor tooltip to indicate the required service requirements. - Introducing version based sorting in the new component dialog, change version dialog, and new controller service dialog. - Addressing remainder of the issues from recent rebase. Ensuring bundles have been added to the flow before proposing a flow, and incorporating bundle information into flow fingerprinting - Refactoring the way missing bundles work to retain the desired bundle if available - Fixing logger.isDebugEnabled to be logger.isTraceEnabled - Auditing when user changes the bundle. - Ensuring bundle details are present in templates. Moving standard prioritizers to framework NAR and refactoring ExtensionManager logic to handle cases where an extension is in a JAR directly in the lib directory - Ensuring all nodes attempt to instantiate the same template instance when the available bundles may differ. - Fixing the auditing of copy/paste and template instantiation. - Running addtional verification methods when running standalone. Refactoring controller service invocation handler to allow updating the node used by the invocation handler - Ensuring the bundles in a proposed flow are compatible with the current instance when the current instance has no flow is going to accept the proposed flow - Merging whether multiple versions of the component are available - Setting NAR plugin back to current released version - Cleaning up DocGenerator to not process multiple times Addressing incorrect usage of nf.Common. - Using formatType in the new component type dialogs. Improving error messages when looking for bundles Addressing comments from PR. - Fixing references to global nf namespace. - Fixing injection of nfProcessGroupConfiguration in nfComponentVersion. - Fixing web api integration tests. Not rendering unversioned in help documentation. - Ensuring the isExtentionMissing flag is correct after changing the component type. Adding synchronization in node classes to ensure changing component can't occur when component is running, introducing MissingBundleException for better reporting when a node can't join cluster due to a missing bundle, and bumping NAR plugin to released version 1.2.0 Adding concept of missing components to fingerprinting to ensure nodes agree on missing components when joining a cluster NIFI-3380: NIFI-3520: - Fixing hive nar dependency. - Marking DBCPService as provided. - Skipping services that require instance classloading and are cobundled with their service API. - Skipping components that require instance classloading and reference service APIs that are cobundled. - Addressing UI issues in the new component dialogs when re-opening with a filter applied. Fixing checkstyles issue and adding back assume checks to distributed cache server test Ensuring new component types are sorted correctly when shown initially. This closes #1585.
Apache NiFi
Apache NiFi is an easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute data.
Table of Contents
- Features
- Getting Started
- Getting Help
- Requirements
- License
- [Export Control] (#export-control)
Apache NiFi was made for dataflow. It supports highly configurable directed graphs of data routing, transformation, and system mediation logic. Some of its key features include:
- Web-based user interface
- Seamless experience for design, control, and monitoring
- Highly configurable
- Loss tolerant vs guaranteed delivery
- Low latency vs high throughput
- Dynamic prioritization
- Flows can be modified at runtime
- Back pressure
- Data Provenance
- Track dataflow from beginning to end
- Designed for extension
- Build your own processors and more
- Enables rapid development and effective testing
- Secure
- SSL, SSH, HTTPS, encrypted content, etc...
- Pluggable role-based authentication/authorization
Getting Started
To start NiFi:
- [linux/osx] execute bin/nifi.sh start
- [windows] execute bin/start-nifi.bat
- Direct your browser to http://localhost:8080/nifi/
Getting Help
If you have questions, you can reach out to our mailing list: dev@nifi.apache.org (archive). We're also often available in IRC: #nifi on irc.freenode.net.
- JDK 1.8 or higher
Except as otherwise noted this software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Export Control
This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of encryption software. BEFORE using any encryption software, please check your country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is permitted. See http://www.wassenaar.org/ for more information.
The U.S. Government Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), has classified this software as Export Commodity Control Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1, which includes information security software using or performing cryptographic functions with asymmetric algorithms. The form and manner of this Apache Software Foundation distribution makes it eligible for export under the License Exception ENC Technology Software Unrestricted (TSU) exception (see the BIS Export Administration Regulations, Section 740.13) for both object code and source code.
The following provides more details on the included cryptographic software:
Apache NiFi uses BouncyCastle, Jasypt, JCraft Inc., and the built-in java cryptography libraries for SSL, SSH, and the protection of sensitive configuration parameters. See http://bouncycastle.org/about.html http://www.jasypt.org/faq.html http://jcraft.com/c-info.html http://www.oracle.com/us/products/export/export-regulations-345813.html for more details on each of these libraries cryptography features.