exceptionfactory 0e1ae2bd6f
NIFI-12276 Addressed Dependency Check Findings
- Added dependency-check GitHub workflow
- Upgraded Janino Commons Compiler from 3.1.9 to 3.1.10
- Upgraded Azure SDK BOM from 1.2.16 to 1.2.17
- Upgraded GCP SDK BOM from 26.17.0 to 26.25.0
- Upgraded AWS SDK from 1.12.550 to 1.12.573
- Upgraded Hazelcast from 5.3.2 to 5.3.5
- Upgraded Jersey from 2.40 to 2.41
- Upgraded Camel Salesforce from 3.14.5 to 3.14.9
- Unified ZooKeeper versioning on 3.9.1
- Applied Groovy 2.4.21 to Hive 3 and Iceberg components
- Applied gRPC version 1.59.0 to Asana components
- Applied Jettison 1.5.4 to Atlas and Hive 3 components
- Managed JUnit 4 version to 4.13.2 for MockWebServer
- Excluded HBase libraries from Hive 3 following Iceberg approach
- Excluded Htrace from HBase components
- Upgraded OWASP Dependency Check from 8.4.0 to 8.4.2
- Removed non-applicable dependency check suppressions
- Added dependency check suppressions for non-applicable findings

Signed-off-by: Pierre Villard <>

This closes #7948.
2023-10-27 16:21:38 -07:00
nifi-accumulo-nar NIFI-12287 Standardized skipping Source and Javadoc for NAR modules 2023-10-27 16:18:42 -07:00
nifi-accumulo-processors NIFI-12124: This closes #7791. Added a new RenameRecordField processor. In testing, also noticed that the Descendant Wildcard operator (//*) and Descendant Field Path Operator (//name, for instance) did not properly account for array of records or map elements, so addressed those concerns. 2023-10-13 14:02:55 -07:00
nifi-accumulo-services NIFI-12142: This closes #7806. Deleted many methods, classes, and references that were deprecated. 2023-09-28 14:07:48 -07:00
nifi-accumulo-services-api NIFI-11103 prepping for 2.0.0 line 2023-02-09 15:32:53 -07:00
nifi-accumulo-services-api-nar NIFI-11281 Corrected Accumulo NAR dependencies 2023-03-14 12:40:46 +01:00
nifi-accumulo-services-nar NIFI-11281 Corrected Accumulo NAR dependencies 2023-03-14 12:40:46 +01:00 NIFI-818: This closes #3926. Initial implementation of NiFi-Accumulo ( ) with connectors to Apache Accumulo 2.x 2020-01-19 11:43:19 -05:00
pom.xml NIFI-12276 Addressed Dependency Check Findings 2023-10-27 16:21:38 -07:00


This is a basic NiFi->Accumulo integration. Running mvn install will create your NAR, which can be added to Apache NiFi. This is intended to be created with Apache Accumulo 2.x.

The resulting NAR will be named 'nifi-accumulo-nar'

Note that some of this code was modeled after the HBase work.