Joseph Witt 42a4385c82
NIFI-12998 Restructured framework and extension modules
Simplified dependency management into Bill of Material dependencies as parents that align to classloader structures.

- Moved nifi-framework-bundle to root level
- Moved nifi-nar-bundle modules to root nifi-extension-bundles
- Added nifi-extension-bom for internal and external extensions
- Added nifi-framework-nar-bom and nifi-server-nar-bom for managing framework dependencies
- Renamed nifi-jetty-bundle to nifi-jetty-nar

This closes #8677

Signed-off-by: David Handermann <>
2024-04-26 12:12:48 -05:00

To build the extension API Project:

First, update the version in the pyproject.toml file. After deploying to the pypi repository,
the version cannot be overwritten. So you will need to create a unique version.

Build the distribution artifacts:
cd ${nifi-python-extension-api-dir}/src/main/python
rm -rf dist/*
python3 -m build

This will create several files in the dist/ directory.
These can then be uploaded to the testpypi repository:

python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*

You will be prompted for a username and password. For the username, use __token__. For the password, use the token value, including the pypi- prefix.