[Olingo-731] add complete uri tab support

This commit is contained in:
Christian Amend 2015-08-13 16:12:08 +02:00
parent 36ae03957c
commit 41f8ca2bbb
2 changed files with 135 additions and 188 deletions

View File

@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ public class DebugResponseHelperImpl implements DebugResponseHelper {
.append("ul, .tree { list-style-type: none; }\n")
.append("div > ul.expr, div > .expand, .tree { padding-left: 0; }\n")
.append(".expr, .expand, .null, .numeric { padding-left: 1.5em; }\n")
.append(".jsonCode{ white-space: pre-wrap; }")

View File

@ -22,15 +22,26 @@ import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.UriInfo;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.UriResource;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.queryoption.CountOption;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.queryoption.ExpandItem;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.queryoption.ExpandOption;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.queryoption.FilterOption;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.queryoption.OrderByItem;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.queryoption.OrderByOption;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.queryoption.SelectItem;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.queryoption.SelectOption;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.queryoption.SkipOption;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.queryoption.TopOption;
import org.apache.olingo.server.api.uri.queryoption.expression.Expression;
import org.apache.olingo.server.core.serializer.utils.CircleStreamBuffer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonEncoding;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.DefaultPrettyPrinter;
* URI parser debug information.
@ -38,13 +49,9 @@ import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
public class DebugTabUri implements DebugTab {
private final UriInfo uriInfo;
private final SelectOption selectOption;
private final ExpandOption expandOption;
public DebugTabUri(UriInfo uriInfo) {
this.uriInfo = uriInfo;
this.selectOption = uriInfo == null ? null : uriInfo.getSelectOption();
this.expandOption = uriInfo == null ? null : uriInfo.getExpandOption();
@ -61,19 +68,56 @@ public class DebugTabUri implements DebugTab {
if (uriInfo.getFilterOption() != null) {
appendJsonExpressionString(gen, uriInfo.getFilterOption().getExpression());
if (uriInfo.getFormatOption() != null) {
gen.writeStringField("format", uriInfo.getFormatOption().getFormat());
if (uriInfo.getOrderByOption() != null && uriInfo.getOrderByOption().getOrders() != null
&& !uriInfo.getOrderByOption().getOrders().isEmpty()) {
if (uriInfo.getIdOption() != null) {
gen.writeStringField("id", uriInfo.getIdOption().getValue());
if (uriInfo.getSkipTokenOption() != null) {
gen.writeStringField("id", uriInfo.getSkipTokenOption().getValue());
appendCommonJsonObjects(gen, uriInfo.getCountOption(), uriInfo.getSkipOption(), uriInfo.getTopOption(), uriInfo
.getFilterOption(), uriInfo.getOrderByOption(), uriInfo.getSelectOption(), uriInfo.getExpandOption());
if (uriInfo.getUriResourceParts() != null) {
appendURIResourceParts(gen, uriInfo.getUriResourceParts());
private void appendCommonJsonObjects(JsonGenerator gen, CountOption countOption, SkipOption skipOption,
TopOption topOption, FilterOption filterOption, OrderByOption orderByOption, SelectOption selectOption,
ExpandOption expandOption)
throws IOException {
if (countOption != null) {
gen.writeBooleanField("isCount", countOption.getValue());
if (skipOption != null) {
gen.writeNumberField("skip", skipOption.getValue());
if (topOption != null) {
gen.writeNumberField("top", topOption.getValue());
if (filterOption != null) {
appendJsonExpressionString(gen, filterOption.getExpression());
if (orderByOption != null && orderByOption.getOrders() != null) {
gen.writeStringField("nodeType", "orderCollection");
for(OrderByItem item : uriInfo.getOrderByOption().getOrders()){
for (OrderByItem item : orderByOption.getOrders()) {
gen.writeStringField("nodeType", "order");
gen.writeStringField("sortorder", item.isDescending() ? "desc" : "asc");
@ -89,11 +133,69 @@ public class DebugTabUri implements DebugTab {
appendSelectedPropertiesJson(gen, selectOption.getSelectItems());
if (expandOption != null && !expandOption.getExpandItems().isEmpty()) {
appendExpandedPropertiesJson(gen, expandOption.getExpandItems());
private void appendURIResourceParts(JsonGenerator gen, List<UriResource> uriResourceParts) throws IOException {
for (UriResource resource : uriResourceParts) {
gen.writeStringField("uriResourceKind", resource.getKind().toString());
gen.writeStringField("segment", resource.toString());
private void appendExpandedPropertiesJson(JsonGenerator gen, List<ExpandItem> expandItems) throws IOException {
for (ExpandItem item : expandItems) {
appendExpandItemJson(gen, item);
private void appendExpandItemJson(JsonGenerator gen, ExpandItem item) throws IOException {
if (item.isStar()) {
gen.writeBooleanField("star", item.isStar());
} else if (item.getResourcePath() != null && item.getResourcePath().getUriResourceParts() != null) {
for (UriResource resource : item.getResourcePath().getUriResourceParts()) {
gen.writeStringField("propertyKind", resource.getKind().toString());
gen.writeStringField("propertyName", resource.toString());
if (item.isRef()) {
gen.writeBooleanField("isRef", item.isRef());
if (item.getLevelsOption() != null) {
gen.writeNumberField("levels", item.getLevelsOption().getValue());
appendCommonJsonObjects(gen, item.getCountOption(), item.getSkipOption(), item.getTopOption(), item
.getFilterOption(), item.getOrderByOption(), item.getSelectOption(), item.getExpandOption());
private void appendJsonExpressionString(JsonGenerator gen, Expression expression) throws IOException {
if(expression == null){
if (expression == null) {
@ -134,187 +236,31 @@ public class DebugTabUri implements DebugTab {
selectedProperty = resourcePart.toString();
public void appendHtml(Writer writer) throws IOException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void appendHtml(final Writer writer) throws IOException {
if (uriInfo == null) {
// private final UriInfo uriInfo;
// private final FilterExpression filter;
// private final OrderByExpression orderBy;
// private final ExpandSelectTreeNodeImpl expandSelectTree;
// private final ExpressionParserException exception;
// public DebugInfoUri(final UriInfo uriInfo, final ExpressionParserException exception) {
// this.uriInfo = uriInfo;
// filter = uriInfo == null ? null : uriInfo.getFilter();
// orderBy = uriInfo == null ? null : uriInfo.getOrderBy();
// expandSelectTree = uriInfo == null ? null : getExpandSelect();
// this.exception = exception;
// }
// private ExpandSelectTreeNodeImpl getExpandSelect() {
// try {
// return uriInfo.getExpand().isEmpty() && uriInfo.getSelect().isEmpty() ? null :
// new ExpandSelectTreeCreator(uriInfo.getSelect(), uriInfo.getExpand()).create();
// } catch (final EdmException e) {
// return null;
// }
// }
// @Override
// public void appendJson(final JsonStreamWriter jsonStreamWriter) throws IOException {
// jsonStreamWriter.beginObject();
// if (exception != null && exception.getFilterTree() != null) {
// jsonStreamWriter.name("error")
// .beginObject()
// .namedStringValue("expression", exception.getFilterTree().getUriLiteral())
// .endObject();
// if (filter != null || orderBy != null || expandSelectTree != null) {
// jsonStreamWriter.separator();
// }
// }
// if (filter != null) {
// String filterString;
// try {
// filterString = (String) filter.accept(new JsonVisitor());
// } catch (final ExceptionVisitExpression e) {
// filterString = null;
// } catch (final ODataApplicationException e) {
// filterString = null;
// }
// jsonStreamWriter.name("filter").unquotedValue(filterString);
// if (orderBy != null || expandSelectTree != null) {
// jsonStreamWriter.separator();
// }
// }
// if (orderBy != null) {
// String orderByString;
// try {
// orderByString = (String) orderBy.accept(new JsonVisitor());
// } catch (final ExceptionVisitExpression e) {
// orderByString = null;
// } catch (final ODataApplicationException e) {
// orderByString = null;
// }
// jsonStreamWriter.name("orderby").unquotedValue(orderByString);
// if (expandSelectTree != null) {
// jsonStreamWriter.separator();
// }
// }
// if (expandSelectTree != null) {
// jsonStreamWriter.name("expandSelect").unquotedValue(expandSelectTree.toJsonString());
// }
// jsonStreamWriter.endObject();
// }
// @Override
// public void appendHtml(final Writer writer) throws IOException {
// if (exception != null && exception.getFilterTree() != null) {
// writer.append("<h2>Expression Information</h2>\n")
// .append("<pre class=\"code\">").append(exception.getFilterTree().getUriLiteral())
// .append("</pre>\n");
// // TODO: filter error position, filter tokens, filter tree
// }
// if (filter != null) {
// writer.append("<h2>Filter</h2>\n")
// .append("<ul class=\"expr\"><li>");
// appendExpression(filter.getExpression(), writer);
// writer.append("</li></ul>\n");
// }
// if (orderBy != null) {
// writer.append("<h2>Orderby</h2>\n")
// .append(orderBy.getOrdersCount() == 1 ? "<ul" : "<ol").append(" class=\"expr\">\n");
// for (final OrderExpression order : orderBy.getOrders()) {
// writer.append("<li>");
// appendExpression(order.getExpression(), writer);
// final ExpressionKind kind = order.getExpression().getKind();
// if (kind == ExpressionKind.PROPERTY || kind == ExpressionKind.LITERAL) {
// writer.append("<br />");
// }
// writer.append("<span class=\"order\">")
// .append(order.getSortOrder().toString())
// .append("</span></li>\n");
// }
// writer.append(orderBy.getOrdersCount() == 1 ? "</ul" : "</ol").append(">\n");
// }
// if (expandSelectTree != null) {
// writer.append("<h2>Expand/Select</h2>\n");
// appendExpandSelect(expandSelectTree, writer);
// }
// }
// private void appendExpression(final CommonExpression expression, final Writer writer) throws IOException {
// final ExpressionKind kind = expression.getKind();
// writer.append("<span class=\"kind\">")
// .append(kind.toString())
// .append("</span> <span class=\"literal\">")
// .append(kind == ExpressionKind.MEMBER ? ((MemberExpression) expression).getProperty().getUriLiteral() :
// expression.getUriLiteral())
// .append("</span>, type <span class=\"type\">")
// .append(expression.getEdmType().toString())
// .append("</span>");
// if (kind == ExpressionKind.UNARY) {
// writer.append("<ul class=\"expr\"><li>");
// appendExpression(((UnaryExpression) expression).getOperand(), writer);
// writer.append("</li></ul>");
// } else if (kind == ExpressionKind.BINARY) {
// writer.append("<ol class=\"expr\"><li>");
// appendExpression(((BinaryExpression) expression).getLeftOperand(), writer);
// writer.append("</li><li>");
// appendExpression(((BinaryExpression) expression).getRightOperand(), writer);
// writer.append("</li></ol>");
// } else if (kind == ExpressionKind.METHOD) {
// final MethodExpression methodExpression = (MethodExpression) expression;
// if (methodExpression.getParameterCount() > 0) {
// writer.append("<ol class=\"expr\">");
// for (final CommonExpression parameter : methodExpression.getParameters()) {
// writer.append("<li>");
// appendExpression(parameter, writer);
// writer.append("</li>");
// }
// writer.append("</ol>");
// }
// } else if (kind == ExpressionKind.MEMBER) {
// writer.append("<ul class=\"expr\"><li>");
// appendExpression(((MemberExpression) expression).getPath(), writer);
// writer.append("</li></ul>");
// }
// }
// private void appendExpandSelect(final ExpandSelectTreeNode expandSelect, final Writer writer) throws IOException {
// writer.append("<ul class=\"expand\">\n")
// .append("<li>");
// if (expandSelect.isAll()) {
// writer.append("all properties");
// } else {
// for (final EdmProperty property : expandSelect.getProperties()) {
// try {
// writer.append("property <span class=\"prop\">")
// .append(property.getName())
// .append("</span><br />");
// } catch (final EdmException e) {}
// }
// }
// writer.append("</li>\n");
// if (!expandSelect.getLinks().isEmpty()) {
// for (final String name : expandSelect.getLinks().keySet()) {
// writer.append("<li>link <span class=\"link\">").append(name).append("</span>");
// final ExpandSelectTreeNode link = expandSelect.getLinks().get(name);
// if (link != null) {
// writer.append('\n');
// appendExpandSelect(link, writer);
// }
// writer.append("</li>\n");
// }
// }
// writer.append("</ul>\n");
// }
writer.append("<h2>Uri Information</h2>\n")
.append("<ul class=\"jsonCode\"><li>");
private String getJsonString() throws IOException {
CircleStreamBuffer csb = new CircleStreamBuffer();
JsonGenerator gen =
new JsonFactory().createGenerator(csb.getOutputStream(), JsonEncoding.UTF8).setPrettyPrinter(
new DefaultPrettyPrinter());
return IOUtils.toString(csb.getInputStream());