[OLINGO-1015] Should allow more characters in batch header names

Change-Id: Ie99b5ad2343c1109322186989a6a7744204dc8df

Signed-off-by: Michael Bolz <michael.bolz@sap.com>
This commit is contained in:
Klaus Straubinger 2016-08-26 14:46:03 +02:00 committed by Michael Bolz
parent 7a56dfa393
commit b380f97b74
3 changed files with 105 additions and 97 deletions

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@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
@ -33,35 +32,50 @@ import org.apache.olingo.server.api.deserializer.batch.BatchDeserializerExceptio
public class BatchParserCommon {
private static final String PATTERN_BOUNDARY =
+ "\"([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.'\\+\\s\\(\\),/:=\\?]{1,69}[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.'\\+\\(\\),/:=\\?])\"";
// Multipart boundaries are defined in RFC 2046:
// boundary := 0*69<bchars> bcharsnospace
// bchars := bcharsnospace / " "
// bcharsnospace := DIGIT / ALPHA / "'" / "(" / ")" / "+" / "_" / "," / "-" / "." / "/" / ":" / "=" / "?"
// The first alternative is for the case that only characters are used that don't need quoting.
private static final Pattern PATTERN_BOUNDARY = Pattern.compile(
+ "\"((?:\\w|[-.'+(),/:=?]|\\s){0,69}(?:\\w|[-.'+(),/:=?]))\"");
private static final Pattern PATTERN_LAST_CRLF = Pattern.compile("(.*)\\r\\n\\s*", Pattern.DOTALL);
private static final Pattern PATTERN_HEADER_LINE = Pattern.compile("([a-zA-Z\\-]+):\\s?(.*)\\s*");
// HTTP header fields are defined in RFC 7230:
// header-field = field-name ":" OWS field-value OWS
// field-name = token
// field-value = *( field-content / obs-fold )
// field-content = field-vchar [ 1*( SP / HTAB ) field-vchar ]
// field-vchar = VCHAR / obs-text
// obs-fold = CRLF 1*( SP / HTAB )
// token = 1*tchar
// tchar = "!" / "#" / "$" / "%" / "&" / "'" / "*" / "+" / "-" / "." / "^" / "_" / "`" / "|" / "~"
// For the field-name the specification is followed strictly,
// but for the field-value the pattern currently accepts more than specified.
private static final Pattern PATTERN_HEADER_LINE = Pattern.compile("((?:\\w|[!#$%\\&'*+\\-.^`|~])+):\\s?(.*)\\s*");
public static final String CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING = "Content-Transfer-Encoding";
protected static final String BOUNDARY = "boundary";
public static final String BINARY_ENCODING = "binary";
private BatchParserCommon() { /* private ctor for helper class */}
private BatchParserCommon() { /* private constructor for helper class */ }
public static String getBoundary(final String contentType, final int line) throws BatchDeserializerException {
final ContentType type = parseContentType(contentType, ContentType.MULTIPART_MIXED, line);
final Map<String, String> parameters = type.getParameters();
for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entries : parameters.entrySet()) {
if (BOUNDARY.equalsIgnoreCase(entries.getKey())) {
final String boundary = entries.getValue().trim();
if (boundary.matches(PATTERN_BOUNDARY)) {
return trimQuotes(boundary);
} else {
throw new BatchDeserializerException("Invalid boundary format",
BatchDeserializerException.MessageKeys.INVALID_BOUNDARY, Integer.toString(line));
String boundary = type.getParameter(BOUNDARY);
if (boundary == null) {
throw new BatchDeserializerException("Missing boundary.",
BatchDeserializerException.MessageKeys.MISSING_BOUNDARY_DELIMITER, Integer.toString(line));
boundary = boundary.trim();
if (PATTERN_BOUNDARY.matcher(boundary).matches()) {
return trimQuotes(boundary);
} else {
throw new BatchDeserializerException("Invalid boundary format",
BatchDeserializerException.MessageKeys.INVALID_BOUNDARY, Integer.toString(line));
throw new BatchDeserializerException("Missing boundary.",
BatchDeserializerException.MessageKeys.MISSING_BOUNDARY_DELIMITER, Integer.toString(line));
@ -77,17 +91,16 @@ public class BatchParserCommon {
public static ContentType parseContentType(final String contentType, final ContentType expected, final int line)
throws BatchDeserializerException {
if (contentType == null) {
throw new BatchDeserializerException("Missing content type",
BatchDeserializerException.MessageKeys.MISSING_CONTENT_TYPE, Integer.toString(line));
ContentType type;
try {
type = ContentType.create(contentType);
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
if (contentType == null) {
throw new BatchDeserializerException("Missing content type", e,
BatchDeserializerException.MessageKeys.MISSING_CONTENT_TYPE, Integer.toString(line));
} else {
throw new BatchDeserializerException("Invalid content type.", e,
BatchDeserializerException.MessageKeys.INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE, Integer.toString(line));
throw new BatchDeserializerException("Invalid content type.", e,
BatchDeserializerException.MessageKeys.INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE, Integer.toString(line));
if (type.isCompatible(expected)) {
return type;

View File

@ -19,7 +19,9 @@
package org.apache.olingo.server.core.deserializer.batch;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
@ -32,16 +34,12 @@ public class BatchParserCommonTest {
private static final String CRLF = "\r\n";
public void testMultipleHeader() throws Exception {
String[] messageRaw = new String[] {
public void multipleHeaders() throws Exception {
final Header header = BatchParserCommon.consumeHeaders(toLineList(
"Content-Id: 1" + CRLF,
"Content-Id: 2" + CRLF,
"content-type: Application/http" + CRLF,
"content-transfer-encoding: Binary" + CRLF
List<Line> message = toLineList(messageRaw);
final Header header = BatchParserCommon.consumeHeaders(message);
"content-transfer-encoding: Binary" + CRLF));
final List<String> contentIdHeaders = header.getHeaders(HttpHeader.CONTENT_ID);
@ -52,16 +50,12 @@ public class BatchParserCommonTest {
public void testMultipleHeaderSameValue() throws Exception {
String[] messageRaw = new String[] {
public void multipleHeadersSameValue() throws Exception {
final Header header = BatchParserCommon.consumeHeaders(toLineList(
"Content-Id: 1" + CRLF,
"Content-Id: 1" + CRLF,
"content-type: Application/http" + CRLF,
"content-transfer-encoding: Binary" + CRLF
List<Line> message = toLineList(messageRaw);
final Header header = BatchParserCommon.consumeHeaders(message);
"content-transfer-encoding: Binary" + CRLF));
final List<String> contentIdHeaders = header.getHeaders(HttpHeader.CONTENT_ID);
@ -71,16 +65,12 @@ public class BatchParserCommonTest {
public void testHeaderSperatedByComma() throws Exception {
String[] messageRaw = new String[] {
public void headersSeparatedByComma() throws Exception {
final Header header = BatchParserCommon.consumeHeaders(toLineList(
"Content-Id: 1" + CRLF,
"Upgrade: HTTP/2.0, SHTTP/1.3, IRC/6.9, RTA/x11" + CRLF,
"content-type: Application/http" + CRLF,
"content-transfer-encoding: Binary" + CRLF
List<Line> message = toLineList(messageRaw);
final Header header = BatchParserCommon.consumeHeaders(message);
"content-transfer-encoding: Binary" + CRLF));
final List<String> upgradeHeader = header.getHeaders("upgrade");
@ -93,17 +83,13 @@ public class BatchParserCommonTest {
public void testMultipleAcceptHeader() throws Exception {
String[] messageRaw = new String[] {
public void multipleAcceptHeaders() throws Exception {
final Header header = BatchParserCommon.consumeHeaders(toLineList(
"Accept: application/atomsvc+xml;q=0.8, application/json;odata=verbose;q=0.5, */*;q=0.1" + CRLF,
"Accept: text/plain;q=0.3" + CRLF,
"Accept-Language:en-US,en;q=0.7,en-UK;q=0.9" + CRLF,
"content-type: Application/http" + CRLF,
"content-transfer-encoding: Binary" + CRLF
List<Line> message = toLineList(messageRaw);
final Header header = BatchParserCommon.consumeHeaders(message);
"content-transfer-encoding: Binary" + CRLF));
final List<String> acceptHeader = header.getHeaders(HttpHeader.ACCEPT);
@ -112,17 +98,13 @@ public class BatchParserCommonTest {
public void testMultipleAcceptHeaderSameValue() throws Exception {
String[] messageRaw = new String[] {
public void multipleAcceptHeadersSameValue() throws Exception {
final Header header = BatchParserCommon.consumeHeaders(toLineList(
"Accept: application/atomsvc+xml;q=0.8, application/json;odata=verbose;q=0.5, */*;q=0.1" + CRLF,
"Accept: application/atomsvc+xml;q=0.8" + CRLF,
"Accept-Language:en-US,en;q=0.7,en-UK;q=0.9" + CRLF,
"content-type: Application/http" + CRLF,
"content-transfer-encoding: Binary" + CRLF
List<Line> message = toLineList(messageRaw);
final Header header = BatchParserCommon.consumeHeaders(message);
"content-transfer-encoding: Binary" + CRLF));
final List<String> acceptHeader = header.getHeaders(HttpHeader.ACCEPT);
@ -131,16 +113,12 @@ public class BatchParserCommonTest {
public void testMultipleAccepLanguagetHeader() throws Exception {
String[] messageRaw = new String[] {
public void multipleAcceptLanguageHeaders() throws Exception {
final Header header = BatchParserCommon.consumeHeaders(toLineList(
"Accept-Language:en-US,en;q=0.7,en-UK;q=0.9" + CRLF,
"Accept-Language: de-DE;q=0.3" + CRLF,
"content-type: Application/http" + CRLF,
"content-transfer-encoding: Binary" + CRLF
List<Line> message = toLineList(messageRaw);
final Header header = BatchParserCommon.consumeHeaders(message);
"content-transfer-encoding: Binary" + CRLF));
final List<String> acceptLanguageHeader = header.getHeaders(HttpHeader.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE);
@ -149,16 +127,12 @@ public class BatchParserCommonTest {
public void testMultipleAccepLanguagetHeaderSameValue() throws Exception {
String[] messageRaw = new String[] {
public void multipleAcceptLanguageHeadersSameValue() throws Exception {
final Header header = BatchParserCommon.consumeHeaders(toLineList(
"Accept-Language:en-US,en;q=0.7,en-UK;q=0.9" + CRLF,
"Accept-Language:en-US,en;q=0.7" + CRLF,
"content-type: Application/http" + CRLF,
"content-transfer-encoding: Binary" + CRLF
List<Line> message = toLineList(messageRaw);
final Header header = BatchParserCommon.consumeHeaders(message);
"content-transfer-encoding: Binary" + CRLF));
final List<String> acceptLanguageHeader = header.getHeaders(HttpHeader.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE);
@ -167,54 +141,75 @@ public class BatchParserCommonTest {
public void testRemoveEndingCRLF() {
String line = "Test\r\n";
public void headersWithSpecialNames() throws Exception {
final Header header = BatchParserCommon.consumeHeaders(toLineList(
"Test0123456789: 42" + CRLF,
"a_b: c/d" + CRLF,
"!#$%&'*+-.^_`|~: weird" + CRLF));
assertEquals("weird", header.getHeader("!#$%&'*+-.^_`|~"));
public void headerWithWrongName() throws Exception {
final Header header = BatchParserCommon.consumeHeaders(toLineList("a,b: c/d" + CRLF));
public void removeEndingCRLF() {
String line = "Test" + CRLF;
assertEquals("Test", BatchParserCommon.removeEndingCRLF(new Line(line, 1)).toString());
public void testRemoveLastEndingCRLF() {
String line = "Test\r\n\r\n";
assertEquals("Test\r\n", BatchParserCommon.removeEndingCRLF(new Line(line, 1)).toString());
public void removeLastEndingCRLF() {
String line = "Test" + CRLF + CRLF;
assertEquals("Test" + CRLF, BatchParserCommon.removeEndingCRLF(new Line(line, 1)).toString());
public void testRemoveEndingCRLFWithWS() {
String line = "Test\r\n ";
public void removeEndingCRLFWithWS() {
String line = "Test" + CRLF + " ";
assertEquals("Test", BatchParserCommon.removeEndingCRLF(new Line(line, 1)).toString());
public void testRemoveEndingCRLFNothingToRemove() {
String line = "Hallo\r\nBla";
assertEquals("Hallo\r\nBla", BatchParserCommon.removeEndingCRLF(new Line(line, 1)).toString());
public void removeEndingCRLFNothingToRemove() {
String line = "Hallo" + CRLF + "Bla";
assertEquals(line, BatchParserCommon.removeEndingCRLF(new Line(line, 1)).toString());
public void testRemoveEndingCRLFAll() {
String line = "\r\n";
public void removeEndingCRLFAll() {
String line = CRLF;
assertEquals("", BatchParserCommon.removeEndingCRLF(new Line(line, 1)).toString());
public void testRemoveEndingCRLFSpace() {
String line = "\r\n ";
public void removeEndingCRLFSpace() {
String line = CRLF + " ";
assertEquals("", BatchParserCommon.removeEndingCRLF(new Line(line, 1)).toString());
public void testRemoveLastEndingCRLFWithWS() {
String line = "Test \r\n";
public void removeLastEndingCRLFWithWS() {
String line = "Test " + CRLF;
assertEquals("Test ", BatchParserCommon.removeEndingCRLF(new Line(line, 1)).toString());
public void testRemoveLastEndingCRLFWithWSLong() {
String line = "Test \r\nTest2 \r\n";
assertEquals("Test \r\nTest2 ", BatchParserCommon.removeEndingCRLF(new Line(line, 1)).toString());
public void removeLastEndingCRLFWithWSLong() {
String line = "Test " + CRLF + "Test2 " + CRLF;
assertEquals("Test " + CRLF + "Test2 ",
BatchParserCommon.removeEndingCRLF(new Line(line, 1)).toString());
private List<Line> toLineList(final String[] messageRaw) {
private List<Line> toLineList(final String... messageRaw) {
final List<Line> lineList = new ArrayList<Line>();
int counter = 1;

View File

@ -94,14 +94,14 @@ public class HttpRequestStatusLineTest {
HttpRequestStatusLine parse(final String uri) throws BatchDeserializerException {
Line statusline = new Line(HttpMethod.GET.toString().toUpperCase() + SPACE + uri + SPACE + HTTP_VERSION, 0);
Line statusline = new Line(HttpMethod.GET.name() + SPACE + uri + SPACE + HTTP_VERSION, 0);
return new HttpRequestStatusLine(statusline, baseUri, serviceResolutionUri);
void parseFail(final String uri, final MessageKeys messageKey) {
try {
fail("Expceted exception");
fail("Expected exception");
} catch (BatchDeserializerException e) {
assertEquals(messageKey, e.getMessageKey());