[OPENJPA-1965] - ClassCastException when using JAXB and MetaModel annotation processor
[OPENJPA-1968] - SQLServerDictionery not using DATETIME2 for jdbc driver other than MS JDBC driver
[OPENJPA-1969] - SQLServer / DataDirect SQLCode=HYT00 not handled
[OPENJPA-1974] - StackOverflowError when performing multiple subquery in collection field with eager fetch
[OPENJPA-1975] - Only obtain default schema name when needed (DB2)
[OPENJPA-1981] - Improper cleanup in SchemaGenerator
[OPENJPA-1983] - Merge of lazily fetched fields, and merge of managed entities deviates from spec
[OPENJPA-1984] - Incorrect ViolationContraint getRootBean when removing bean with embedded entity validation
[OPENJPA-1985] - ClassCastException in max(Timestamp) function on PostgreSQL
[OPENJPA-1986] - Extra queries being generated when cascading a persist
[OPENJPA-1987] - Postgres / Ingres does not support null table for getImportedKeys
[OPENJPA-1989] - *ToOne relationships specified as LAZY in xml aren't honored
[OPENJPA-1992] - java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if positional parameter are not started from 1
[OPENJPA-1994] - Index is a reserved word for MySQL
[OPENJPA-1996] - OpenJPA Samples fail on MacOS X
[OPENJPA-1998] - NPE getTableNameForMetadata when running SchemaTool reflect against Postgres DB
[OPENJPA-2000] - Wrong PostgreSQL data type for REAL - "float8", must be "float4"
[OPENJPA-2005] - PostgresDictionary.isOwnedSequence needs a null check
[OPENJPA-2006] - Sequence generated ids may fail to get assigned when flushing a graph with bi-directional relationships
[OPENJPA-2007] - Setting query hint "openjpa.FetchPlan.Isolation" results in misleading warning
[OPENJPA-2008] - OpenJPA does not work with native queries in a distributed (Slice) environment
[OPENJPA-2010] - Duplicate meta data warning logged due to parsing the same location twice
[OPENJPA-2011] - Prevent reparsing annotation metadata for queries
[OPENJPA-2013] - columnDefinition for TEXT types ends up in wrong sql statement
[OPENJPA-2025] - Byte[] and Char[] should be treated as SingularAttributes, not lists by the metamodel generator
[OPENJPA-2027] - Metamodel genereated at runtime expects ListAttribute for all arrays - not just PersistentCollections.
[OPENJPA-2034] - Update H2 Database sql error codes as per the changes in v1.3.154
[OPENJPA-2036] - DynamicEnhancer should look for tools.jar in java.home/lib for all JDKs, not just the IBM SDK.
[OPENJPA-2039] - FKs for EAGER fields that are not in the current fetchplan aren't selected
[OPENJPA-2044] - Invalid header in MetaModel classes generated by AnnotationProcessor
[OPENJPA-2045] - NAME is a valid column name for H2 databases.
[OPENJPA-2051] - Entities in a relationship are not properly cascaded after a EntityManager.flush is executed.
[OPENJPA-2056] - Postgres V9.1 issue with LIKE clause and Escape Strings
[OPENJPA-2059] - Missing localizer.properties for org.apache.openjpa.persistence.util.SourceCode
[OPENJPA-2060] - AnnotationProcess failed to generate metadata for List<String>[] attribute in entity
[OPENJPA-2065] - JPA 2.0 Spec. Violation? EntityManager#createNamedQuery(String, Class) bombs with non-entity Class parameter
[OPENJPA-2066] - Edge case in openJPA-1227. openJPA fails to create a join and thus returns wrong data when a collection is selected from superclass and another field is selected from subclass twoor more levels down the hierarchy.
[OPENJPA-2069] - Natvie sequence problems uncovered after OPENJPA-1376
[OPENJPA-2070] - Error processing while populating Metamodel classes needs improvement
[OPENJPA-2071] - NPE during ResultPacker interface processing
[OPENJPA-2073] - MappingTools requires live connection to DB2 server to retrieve default schema name
[OPENJPA-2076] - Minor fix-ups to messages
[OPENJPA-2077] - Pom references to org.codehaus.mojo openjpa-maven-plugin cause problems
[OPENJPA-2083] - Unmapped fields silently treated as transient
[OPENJPA-2100] - openjpa-maven-plugin fails to create SQL for entities which contain enums
[OPENJPA-2101] - PersistenceProductDerivation overwrites the RemoteCommitProvider configuration
[OPENJPA-2104] - BindParameter is not a valid query parameter as processed in DBDictionary's setUnknown()
[OPENJPA-2105] - Document changes no longer being uploaded
[OPENJPA-2107] - ManagedCache conflict due adding an entity 2 times in the same query.
[OPENJPA-2117] - XML overriding column names for 1xM attributes causes exception.