* [OPENJPA-1103] - Remove early-access disclaimer from the NOTICE files once the spec is released
* [OPENJPA-1115] - Finish support for delimited identifiers
* [OPENJPA-1347] - Upgrade to Validation API 1.0.0.GA
* [OPENJPA-1353] - Add legal info to the docs
* [OPENJPA-1358] - Support CacheRetrieve/StoreMode properties for find()/refresh() operation
* [OPENJPA-1404] - Add find method that accepts properties to entity manager
* [OPENJPA-1453] - Add support for testing with final JPA 2.0 TCK
* [OPENJPA-1476] - Turn off QueryCache by default
* [OPENJPA-123] - Test framework should allow tests that are expected to fail to be checked in
* [OPENJPA-459] - Problem with bulk updates in mySQL
* [OPENJPA-859] - OpenJPA requires all persistent fields to be specified on an XML defined entity
* [OPENJPA-993] - PCEnhancer can't execute if a non-OpenJPA PU is found
* [OPENJPA-1046] - Unique Constraint on MappedSupperClass causes NullPointerException
* [OPENJPA-1224] - OpenJPA MySQL BigDecimal ignoring Precision/Scale column Annotation when generating tables
* [OPENJPA-1263] - TestReaderLob.testUpdateWithNull() fails on MySQL
* [OPENJPA-1294] - Nested JDBC calls fail for certain database
* [OPENJPA-1308] - shouldn't always use CAST with UPPER and LOWER for DB2
* [OPENJPA-1321] - Documentation inaccuracies
* [OPENJPA-1341] - PostRemove not invoked after database record was deleted
* [OPENJPA-1344] - Query [get|set]LockMode & Em getLockMode not throwing correct exceptions
* [OPENJPA-1349] - Compatibility options are not set appropriately for spec level when emf is created by JEE container
* [OPENJPA-1354] - Configuring DBCP connection pool with connection properties breaks when user/pasword is specifed and javax.* configuration is set to DBCP Driver
* [OPENJPA-1355] - Recent snaphot versions of openjpa have problem with postgresPreparedStatementImpl constructor making Postgres impossible to use
* [OPENJPA-1379] - Locking problem when using timestamp QueryCache eviction policy.
* [OPENJPA-1381] - IllegalStateException on query method call after named query is created twice.
* [OPENJPA-1385] - Parameter in having clause of Criteria query not recognized
* [OPENJPA-1386] - Metamodel Generator does not handle field types that can hide another
* [OPENJPA-1387] - Unique colums automatically defined as non-nullable
* [OPENJPA-1390] - Criteria API untyped join(String attr) implies any attribute not a singular attribute
* [OPENJPA-1391] - Handle generic/unspecified type arguments for persistent fields during metamodel generation
* [OPENJPA-1392] - CriteriaBuilder.size() must return Integer as value
* [OPENJPA-1393] - CriteriaBuilder.countDistinct() does not return correct result
* [OPENJPA-1400] - Unable to persist a relationship to a detached Entity
* [OPENJPA-1409] - Improve type preservation for currentDate/Time expression in queries
* [OPENJPA-1419] - Access path metadata set incorrectly for fetch joins in Criteria Query
* [OPENJPA-1425] - Literal value in projection can not be parameterized for all databases
* [OPENJPA-1439] - Metamodel instantiation fails on InputStream properties
* [OPENJPA-1441] - NPE when enhancing a Serializable, versioned class
* [OPENJPA-1444] - Criteria Query with fetch joins does not return correct DISTINCT result
* [OPENJPA-1445] - Support Enum as external value
* [OPENJPA-1452] - OpenJPA 2.0.0-M3 attempts to mutate unmodifiable map in Glassfish
* [OPENJPA-1463] - JPQL new operator arguments should be more flexible in matching constructor arguments
* [OPENJPA-1464] - PreparedQuery fails with enum query parameter
* [OPENJPA-1478] - OpenJPA is no longer available as an OSGi bundle
* [OPENJPA-250] - Reduce synchronization bottlenecks in data cache, metadata repository, and lifecycle event manager
* [OPENJPA-709] - Better naming for unique constraints
* [OPENJPA-716] - Improve the documentation about Streaming LOB Support
* [OPENJPA-839] - change pom.xml to publish sources as well.
* [OPENJPA-1085] - Add toString() method to PCState classes
* [OPENJPA-1172] - Use java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap rather than a synchronized HashMap in ClassMapping.
* [OPENJPA-1356] - Use maven-enforcer-plugin to verify proper Java and Maven levels
* [OPENJPA-1363] - Upgrade to latest commons-pool maintenance release
* [OPENJPA-1366] - Remove need for an EMF from OpenJPAPersistenceUtil and TraversableResolverImpl
* [OPENJPA-1368] - Upgrade to HSQLDB and in-memory db for unit tests
* [OPENJPA-1415] - Performance improvement by reduced logging of batched OLE
* [OPENJPA-1440] - Allow COUNT(*) instead of COUNT(t0.id) for simple queries as an option
* [OPENJPA-1456] - Replace StringBuffer usage with StringBuilder
* [OPENJPA-1468] - Upgrade build to use final Bean Validation spec API from Geronimo
New Feature
* [OPENJPA-773] - Upgrade to JPA 2
* [OPENJPA-1181] - Metamodel Generation must be more selective and controllable
* [OPENJPA-1276] - Support CQL for Criteria Query
* [OPENJPA-1332] - Allow configuration property to be declared for internal usage only
* [OPENJPA-1334] - Support instance level distribution policy for named cache partitions
* [OPENJPA-957] - Support lock timeout hint on applicable methods
* [OPENJPA-960] - Support unwrap methods on EntityManager and Query interfaces
* [OPENJPA-961] - Support projection of element collection from a JPQL query
* [OPENJPA-963] - Add query timeout tests for PU and Map properties
* [OPENJPA-964] - Finish updating sql-error-state- codes.xml for query timeout support on other DBs
* [OPENJPA-967] - JPA2 Query support for selction of KEY, VALUE, ENTRY of a Map value
* [OPENJPA-972] - Support standard provider properties in PersistenceProvider class
* [OPENJPA-978] - Allow third argument of JPQL SUBSTRING function to be optional
* [OPENJPA-990] - setHint should return IllegalArgumentException for invalid query/lock timeout values
* [OPENJPA-1012] - Test failures in TestManagedInterface with @ManagedInterface annotation when using JDK6
* [OPENJPA-1023] - Message files contain windows EOL characters
* [OPENJPA-1024] - JPA2 Query scalar expression in subquery
* [OPENJPA-1026] - Ensure newlines at end of fie
* [OPENJPA-1027] - Document changes for detach methods
* [OPENJPA-1032] - Revert OpenJPAQuery.getPositionalParameters method signature back to 1.x signature
* [OPENJPA-1033] - Update supported database and driver matrix
* [OPENJPA-1034] - Removal of OrderColumn attributes per latest spec draft
* [OPENJPA-1035] - JPA2 Query allow map key/value path as argument of scalar functions
* [OPENJPA-1055] - Added MapKeyEnumerated and MapKeyTemporal annotations and XML.
* [OPENJPA-1062] - Include OSGi bundle metadata
* [OPENJPA-1064] - JPA2 Query comparisons over instances of embeddable class are not supported
* [OPENJPA-1068] - Support Bean Validation: Entity validation upon lifecycle events
* [OPENJPA-1069] - OrderBy annotation applied to an element collection of basic type doesn't require property or field name
* [OPENJPA-1076] - PersistenceProviderResolver interface and PersistenceProviderResolverHolder class
* [OPENJPA-1077] - Validation-mode element support added to persistence.xml and to createEMF properties Map
* [OPENJPA-1078] - Cache mode elements added to persistence.xml
* [OPENJPA-1082] - Validation target groups via persistence.xml or createEMF properties Map
* [OPENJPA-1090] - Oracle failures due to the following warning "This database dictionary "Oracle" does not support auto-assigned column values. The column "pid" may not behave as desired."
* [OPENJPA-1094] - JPA2 Query support for KEY appear in subquery
* [OPENJPA-1098] - JPA2 Query support subselect_identification_variable
* [OPENJPA-1101] - OSGi Integration tests
* [OPENJPA-1102] - Support application/container provided ValidatorFactory
* [OPENJPA-1103] - Remove early-access disclaimer from the NOTICE files once the spec is released
* [OPENJPA-1106] - Integration tests for Bean Validation providers
* [OPENJPA-1111] - Validation mode of callback should cause a PersistenceException when no provider is available
* [OPENJPA-1113] - Reflection class performance improvement
* [OPENJPA-1114] - Bean Validation APIs should be an optional runtime dependency
* [OPENJPA-1115] - Finish support for delimited identifiers
* [OPENJPA-883] - Documentation is out of date for some MySQLDictionary properties
* [OPENJPA-884] - Logging oversight in DB2Dictionary
* [OPENJPA-886] - Certain query failing after svn:739123
* [OPENJPA-887] - Assertion oversight in TestLibService
* [OPENJPA-890] - Typos and inconsistent method signature styles in the user manual
* [OPENJPA-892] - Incorrect package name of javax.jdo for Query class image
* [OPENJPA-896] - Several source files include Windows EoL chars
* [OPENJPA-898] - hints don't work for NamedNativeQuery
* [OPENJPA-912] - Potential NPE in setInverseRelation
* [OPENJPA-913] - A deadlock issue happens when DirtyListener is used
* [OPENJPA-916] - DistributedTemplate is incorrectly setting some attributes on the statements
* [OPENJPA-917] - stored procedures throw InvalidStateException when using getSingleResult() or getResultList()
* [OPENJPA-919] - JUnit for Bi-directional OneToOne with null relationships
* [OPENJPA-922] - setByteArrayInputStream being used in stead of setBytes
* [OPENJPA-923] - Update documentation for properly configuring Oracle, PostgreSQL, and DB2
* [OPENJPA-925] - Bidirectional OneToOne relation incorrectly set in loadEagerJoin
* [OPENJPA-927] - Fix definition of javax.persistence.query.timeout property
* [OPENJPA-928] - getSupportedProperties() shows wsjpa property by default
* [OPENJPA-933] - Database version detection in MySQLDictionary is not reliable
* [OPENJPA-947] - Overly verbose TestCases
* [OPENJPA-951] - Javadoc jar file does not contain legal files
* [OPENJPA-954] - openjpa-slice build fails due to tests relying on openjpa-persistence-jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/openjpa/persistence/test/AllowFailure.java
* [OPENJPA-965] - Open up FinderCacheImpl for non-JDBC or JDBC-like implementation of preparing statement/query execution
* [OPENJPA-970] - SchemaToolTask does not have "dropTables" argument
* [OPENJPA-973] - Allow DB2 JCC driver to work with Informix database
* [OPENJPA-974] - Docs: Add new Exception types
* [OPENJPA-992] - Failed to throw EntityExistException on duplicated persist in DB2
* [OPENJPA-999] - Missing sql-warning in the localizer.properties
* [OPENJPA-1002] - Select range doesn't work on Oracle JDBC driver
* [OPENJPA-1004] - Derived Identity fails when parent id is auto-generated
* [OPENJPA-1006] - Disabling QueryCaching at runtime does not work
* [OPENJPA-1028] - ClassCastException during findBy when embeddable is involved
* [OPENJPA-1029] - SQLServerDictionary causes NumberFormatException if MS SQL Server JDBC driver is used
* [OPENJPA-1031] - Update docs that refer to OpenJPAEntityManager.getExtent(..)
* [OPENJPA-1041] - OrderBy on nested embeddables is not working
* [OPENJPA-1046] - Unique Constraint on MappedSupperClass causes NullPointerException
* [OPENJPA-1047] - Unique Constraint on sibling classes causes name conflict
* [OPENJPA-1049] - Query against a MappedSuperclass is not supported
* [OPENJPA-1051] - [patch] Mappingtool doesn't check name conflicts if MappingDefaultsImpl is called with multiple columns.
* [OPENJPA-1053] - Updating an entity by setting an embeddable to it does not work properly if the embeddable has a cascade delete relationship with another entity
* [OPENJPA-1054] - Large result sets do not work with MySQL
* [OPENJPA-1057] - Foreign keys are not properly set for ConstraintUpdateManager to determine the correct order of the sql
* [OPENJPA-1058] - Duplicate rows in DB when UniqueConstraint set
* [OPENJPA-1060] - Attempting to returning a list over RMI/IIOP results in serialization exception
* [OPENJPA-1067] - SetQueryTimeout(x) where x != 0 causes SQLException with DB2 on Z/OS
* [OPENJPA-1072] - Nested embeddable with a relationship to an Entity with a generated id doesn't persist the relationship
* [OPENJPA-1088] - Build updates for openjpa-examples and openjpa-integration/examples
* [OPENJPA-1091] - ReverseMappingTool fails for openjpa-examples/reversemapping sample
* [OPENJPA-1099] - <xmp> tag in Javadoc comments causes Javadoc corruption
** Improvement
* [OPENJPA-213] - @Column with precision and scale should result in NUMERIC(precision, scale)
* [OPENJPA-736] - Combine insert and select SQL together for generated Id strategy=GenerationType.IDENTITY