OPENJPA-1604: Doc update.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
Richard G. Curtis 2010-04-21 18:48:29 +00:00
parent ba9dedd4d4
commit 58f33c2119

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@ -936,6 +936,24 @@ state in question to circumvent the database limitations that prevent OpenJPA
from issuing a locking SELECT in the first place.
When using the pessimistic lock manager and named queries you will see the following
<literal>WARNING</literal> message logged if you do not specify a lockMode on the named query
or you explicitly set it to <literal>LockModeType.NONE</literal>. When using the pessimistic
lock manager a <literal>LockModeType.NONE</literal> will always be promoted to <literal>LockModeType.READ</literal>.
WARN [main] openjpa.MetaData - Encountered a read lock level less than LockModeType.READ when processing the NamedQuery annotation "findEmployeeById" in class "org.apache.openjpa.persistence.lockmgr.LockEmployee". Setting query lock level to LockModeType.READ.
If you are using the pessimistic lock manager and you truly do want to set the lock mode to NONE for a
given query, you can use a fetch plan to do so.
OpenJPAQuery q = em.createNamedQuery("findEmployeeById");
FetchPlan fp = q.getFetchPlan();