diff --git a/openjpa-project/RELEASE-NOTES.html b/openjpa-project/RELEASE-NOTES.html
index 7043e293b..1a3725cb7 100644
--- a/openjpa-project/RELEASE-NOTES.html
+++ b/openjpa-project/RELEASE-NOTES.html
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
Release Notes for Apache OpenJPA 3.1.2
+Release Notes for Apache OpenJPA 3.2.0
-Release Notes for Apache OpenJPA 3.1.2
+Release Notes for Apache OpenJPA 3.2.0
- Overview
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ under the License.
The Apache OpenJPA community is proud to release a distribution of
- OpenJPA 3.1.2. This distribution is based on the final JSR 338 Java
+ OpenJPA 3.2.0. This distribution is based on the final JSR 338 Java
Persistence API, Version 2.2 specification while not beeing fully TCK tested.
We remain backwards compatible with prior releases based on the
Java Persistence API 1.0 and 2.0.
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ under the License.
in each release of OpenJPA.
-Copyright 2006,2020 The Apache Software Foundation
Copyright 2006,2021 The Apache Software Foundation
This product includes software developed at The Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).
Apache OpenJPA includes the persistence and orm schemas from the JPA specifications.
Copyright 2005-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -126,51 +126,154 @@ in each release of OpenJPA.
-Release Notes - OpenJPA - Version 3.1.2
+Release Notes - OpenJPA - Version 3.2.0
+ Sub-task
+ - [OPENJPA-1594] - Tests not handling new QueryTimeOut and LockTimeOut exceptions correctly
- - [OPENJPA-2807] - javax.persistence.Index#columnList should strip spaces
- [OPENJPA-1303] - Reserved words are not mapped correctly in table definition
- - [OPENJPA-2810] - Major version is returned instead of minor
- [OPENJPA-2182] - DB dictionaries do not properly process reserved words for column names
+ - [OPENJPA-2648] - hsqldb @Id long create table as interger instead of bigint
+ - [OPENJPA-2731] - Problems with Boolean Representation with Postgres
+ - [OPENJPA-2788] - Anonymous parameters are not being picked when adding via CriteriaBuilder
+ - [OPENJPA-2789] - JDBC connection not closed when running named query in explicitly opened connection
+ - [OPENJPA-2795] - generate foreign key indexes for Oracle
+ - [OPENJPA-2814] - Memory Leak in ForeignKey class
+ - [OPENJPA-2821] - Subclassing enhancer must use AsmAdapter
+ - [OPENJPA-2828] - org.apache.openjpa.kernel.conf.Specification.equals() : returns true even if different
+ - [OPENJPA-2829] - javax script execution does not ignore empty lines
+ - [OPENJPA-2830] - javax.persistence.sql-load-script-source does not support ";" in strings
+ - [OPENJPA-2832] - DROP COLUMN does not use delimiters and always add double quotes
+ - [OPENJPA-2834] - Performance issue while deploying in Wildfly EAP with OpenJPA-3.1.1
+ - [OPENJPA-2842] - openjpa.Log=log4j vs log4j2 - reintroduce log4j support and add explicit log4j2 support
+ - [OPENJPA-2843] - try to get rid of com.ibm dependency
+ - [OPENJPA-2846] - Enhancement does not work with JDK 16
+ - [OPENJPA-2849] - select(max) etc of LocalDate, LocalDateTime etc leads to ClassCastException
+ - [OPENJPA-2850] - [MSSQL] BLOB column type is not supported
+ - [OPENJPA-2851] - argument CURRENT_DATE cannot handle java.time.LocalDateTime entity fields
+ - [OPENJPA-2854] - fix OffsetTime handling for PostgreSQL
+ - [OPENJPA-2855] - primary keys do no respect naming rules
+ - [OPENJPA-2856] - [MariaDB] improve TIME handling
+ - [OPENJPA-2857] - [MariaDB] locking in some cases gets handled via sqlState 70100
+ - [OPENJPA-2858] - update dbcp2 to 2.8.0
+ - [OPENJPA-2859] - [HSQLDB] HSQLDictionary wrongly maps double to NUMERIC without precision
+ - [OPENJPA-2860] - [Postgres] use setQueryTimeout for PostgreSQL >= 10
+ - [OPENJPA-2861] - select sum(CASE x WHEN x THEN 1 ELSE 0 ) returns String instead of Long.
+ - [OPENJPA-2862] - select SUM doesn't return spec defined types
+ - [OPENJPA-2863] - java.time.LocalDateTime in Oracle gets rounded to just 3 digits
+ - [OPENJPA-2864] - respect the Columns precision when persisting a java.sql.Timestamp value
+ - [OPENJPA-2865] - [Oracle] use native java.time JDBC features
+ - [OPENJPA-2866] - [Oracle] add GenerationType#IDENTITY support for Oracle
+ - [OPENJPA-2871] - upgrade to xbean-4.20 to remove transitive ASM dependency
+ New Feature
- - [OPENJPA-2790] - Convert build from SVN to GIT
- [OPENJPA-84] - Escape sql reserved words in column names
- - [OPENJPA-2798] - OpenJPA need to be more Java11 friendly
- [OPENJPA-2665] - refactore code to use more Java7 features.
+ - [OPENJPA-2765] - Fix documentation of JPA spec compliance
+ - [OPENJPA-2820] - Track when a DBIdentifier is already delimited in order to save memory allocations and cpu
+ - [OPENJPA-2822] - enhancer can rely on at least java8
+ - [OPENJPA-2823] - treat jakarta.* as spec class in enhancer
+ - [OPENJPA-2852] - Maven Plugin should be marked thread safe
+ - [OPENJPA-2853] - [MSSQL Server] support sendTimeAsDatetime handling
+ - [OPENJPA-2867] - generate list of reserved Words via unit test
+ - [OPENJPA-2868] - update reserved column names list for various of our DBDictionaries
+ - [OPENJPA-2870] - update specification-version to 2.2
- - [OPENJPA-2809] - Add openjpa-junit5 helper to enhance entities at test run
- [OPENJPA-2819] - Add simple GitHub Actions validation for Pull Requests
- - [OPENJPA-2811] - Upgrade to ASM 8
- [OPENJPA-2824] - When @OpenJPASupport (junit5 extension) is used, ensure to not do auto enhancement more than once
- - [OPENJPA-2812] - Enable to force snake_case for column names
- [OPENJPA-2831] - Import commons-collections4 classes instead of the dependency in openjpa-lib
- - [OPENJPA-2813] - Implement basic support of PersistenceProvidergenerateSchema
- [OPENJPA-2833] - Upgrade to ASM 9
- - [OPENJPA-2815] - Basic jakarta bundle
- [OPENJPA-2835] - update to xbean-asm9 for Java16 support
+ - [OPENJPA-2838] - Add a JUL LogFactory
+ - [OPENJPA-2840] - Enable a light SPI for asm support in kernel module
Previous Releases
Release notes for earlier releases of OpenJPA may be found in our repos at the following locations.