JPA Tutorials
OpenJPA Tutorials
These tutorials provide step-by-step examples of how to use various facets of
the OpenJPA system. They assume a general knowledge of JPA and Java. For more
information on these subjects, see the following URLs:
Sun's Java site
JPA Overview Document
Links to JPA
Tutorial Requirements
These tutorials require that JDK 1.5 or greater be installed on your computer,
and that java and javac are in your
PATH when you open a command shell.
OpenJPA Tutorial
In this tutorial you will become familiar with the basic tools and development
processes under OpenJPA by creating a simple JPA application.
The Pet Shop
Imagine that you have decided to create a software toolkit to be used by pet
shop operators. This toolkit must provide a number of solutions to common
problems encountered at pet shops. Industry analysts indicate that the three
most desired features are inventory maintenance, inventory growth simulation,
and behavioral analysis. Not one to question the sage advice of experts, you
choose to attack these three problems first.
According to the aforementioned experts, most pet shops focus on three types of
animals only: dogs, rabbits, and snakes. This ontology suggests the following
class hierarchy:
Animal ^ | +--------------------+ | | | Dog Rabbit Snake
Included Files
We have provided an implementation of Animal and
Dog classes, plus some helper classes and files to create
the initial schema and populate the database with some sample dogs. Let's take a
closer look at these classes.
tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance: Provides some
utility methods for examining and manipulating the animals stored in the
database. We will fill in method definitions in
tutorial.persistence.Animal: This is the superclass of all
animals that this pet store software can handle.
tutorial.persistence.Dog: Contains data and methods
specific to dogs.
tutorial.persistence.Rabbit: Contains data and methods
specific to rabbits. It will be used in
tutorial.persistence.Snake: Contains data and methods
specific to snakes. It will be used in
../../META-INF/persistence.xml: This XML file contains
OpenJPA-specific and standard JPA configuration settings.
It is important to load all persistent entity classes at startup so that OpenJPA
can match database discriminator values to entity classes. Often this happens
automatically. Some parts of this tutorial, however, do require that all entity
classes be loaded explicitly. The JPA standard includes persistent class
listings in its XML configuration format. Add the following lines to
../../META-INF/persistence.xml between the <provider>
and the <properties> elements:
: The solutions directory contains the complete solutions to
this tutorial, including finished versions of the .java
files listed above.
Important Utilities
java: Runs main methods in specified Java classes.
javac: Compiles .java files into
.class files that can be executed by java
Runs the OpenJPA enhancer against the specified
classes. More information is available in
of the Reference Guide.
A utility that can be used to create and
maintain the object-relational mappings and schema of all persistent classes in
a JDBC-compliant datastore. This functionality allows the underlying mappings
and schema to be easily kept up-to-date with the Java classes in the system. See
of the Reference Guide for more
Getting Started
Let's compile the initial classes and see them in action. To do so, we must
compile the .java files, as we would with any Java project,
and then optionally pass the resulting classes through the OpenJPA enhancer.
Be sure that your CLASSPATH is set correctly. Note that your
OpenJPA install directory should be in the CLASSPATH, as the
tutorial classes are located in the tutorial/persistence
directory under your OpenJPA install directory, and are in the
tutorial.persistence package.
Make sure you are in the tutorial/persistence directory.
All examples throughout the tutorial assume that you are in this directory.
Examine,, and
These files are good examples of the simplicity JPA engenders. As noted earlier,
persisting an object or manipulating an object's persistent data requires almost
no JPA-specific code. For a very simple example of creating persistent objects,
please see the seed method of
. Note the objects are created with normal Java constructors. The
files and are
also good examples of how JPA allows you to manipulate persistent data without
writing any specific JPA code, by providing simple annotations.
Let's take a look at the file. Notice that the
class is a Plain Old Java Object (POJO), with several annotations describing how
the class is mapped into a relational database. First, let's examine the class
level annotations:
@DiscriminatorColumn(name="SPECIES", length=100)
public abstract class Animal
The annotations serve to map the class into the database. For more information
on these and other annotations, see
and .
@Entity: This annotation indicates that instances of this
class may be persistent entities. The value of the name
attribute is the entity name, and is used in queries, etc.
@Table: This annotation is used to map the entity to a
primary table. The value of the name attribute specifies the
name of the relational table to use as the primary table.
@Inheritance: When multiple classes in an inheritance
hierarchy are persistent entity types, it is important to describe how the
inheritance hierarchy is mapped. Setting the value of the strategy
attribute to InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE
indicates that the primary table for all subclasses shall be the same table as
for the superclass.
@DiscriminatorColumn: With a SINGLE_TABLE
inheritance mapping strategy, instances of multiple classes will be stored in
the same table. This annotation describes a column in that table that is used to
determine the type of an instance whose data is stored in a particular row. The
name attribute is the name of the column, and the
length attribute indicates the size of the column. By default, the
unqualified class name for the instance is stored in the discriminator column.
To store a different value for a type, use the @DiscriminatorValue
Let's take a look at our class' field annotations. We have chosen to use
field access for our entities, meaning the persistence
implementation will get and set persistent state directly through our class'
declared fields. We could have chosen to use property access
, in which the implementation accesses persistent state through our
JavaBean getter and setter methods. In that case, we would have annotated our
getter methods rather than our fields.
private long id;
@Basic @Column(name="ANIMAL_NAME")
private String name = null;
@Basic @Column(name="COST")
private float price = 0f;
The annotations serve to map the fields into the database. For more information
on these and other annotations, see .
@Id: This annotation indicates that the field is to be
mapped to a primary key column in the database.
@GeneratedValue: Indicates that the implementation will
generate a value for the field automatically.
@Column: This annotation describes the column to which the
field will be mapped. The name attribute specifies the name
of the column.
@Basic: This annotation indicates that the field is simply
mapped into a column. There are other annotations that indicate entity
relationships and other more complex mappings.
Compile the .java files.
javac *.java
You can use any Java compiler instead of javac.
Enhance the persistent classes. (Optional)
java org.apache.openjpa.enhance.PCEnhancer
This step runs the OpenJPA enhancer on the and files mentioned above. See
of the Reference Guide for more
information on the enhancer, including alternatives to enhancement.
The -p flag points the enhancer to your
persistence.xml configuration file. All OpenJPA tools look for
default configuration in a resource called openjpa.xml or
META-INF/openjpa.xml. Thus you can avoid passing the
-p argument to tools by using this configuration file name in
place of persistence.xml. See
in the Reference Guide for details on
OpenJPA configuration.
Configuring the Datastore
Now that we've compiled the source files,
we're ready to set up the database.
Hypersonic SQL, a pure Java relational database, is included in the
OpenJPA distribution. We have included this database because it is simple to set
up and has a small memory footprint; however, you can use this tutorial with any
of the relational databases that we support. You can also write your own plugin
for any database that we do not support. For the sake of simplicity, this
tutorial only describes how to set up connectivity to a Hypersonic SQL database.
For more information on how to connect to a different database or how to add
support for other databases, see of
the Reference Guide.
Create the object-relational mappings and database schema.
java org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
This command propagates the necessary schema for the specified classes to the
database configured in persistence.xml. If you are using
the default Hypersonic SQL setup, the first time you run the mapping tool
Hypersonic will create and
tutorial_database.script database files in your current
directory. To delete the database, just delete these files.
By default, JPA uses object-relational mapping information stored in annotations
in your source files. of the JPA
Overview will help you understand mapping annotations. Additionally,
of the Reference Guide describes your
other mapping options in detail.
If you are curious, you can view the schema OpenJPA created for the tutorial
classes with OpenJPA's schema tool:
java org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.SchemaTool -a reflect -f tmp.schema
This will create a tmp.schema file with an XML
representation of the database schema. The XML should be self explanatory; see
of the Reference Guide for details.
You may delete the tmp.schema file before proceeding.
Populate the database with sample data.
java tutorial.persistence.SeedDatabase
Congratulations! You have now created an JPA-accessible persistent store, and
seeded it with some sample data.
Inventory Maintenance
The most important element of a successful pet store product, say the experts,
is an inventory maintenance mechanism. So, let's work on the Animal
and Dog classes a bit to permit user
interaction with the database.
This chapter should familiarize you with some of the basics of the
JPA specification and
the mechanics of compiling and enhancing persistent classes. You will also
become familiar with the mapping tool for propagating the persistent schema into
the database.
First, let's add some code to that
allows us to examine the animals currently in the database.
Add code to
Modify the getAnimals method of to look like this:
* Return a list of animals that match the specified query filter.
* @param filter the JPQL filter to apply to the query
* @param cls the class of animal to query on
* @param em the EntityManager to obtain the query from
public static List getAnimals(String filter, EntityManager em)
// Execute a query for the specified filter.
Query query = em.createQuery(filter);
return query.getResultList();
Take a look at the animals in the database.
java tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance list Animal
Notice that list optionally takes a query filter. Let's
explore the database some more, this time using filters:
java tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance list "select a from Animal a where = 'Binney'"
java tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance list "select a from Animal a where a.price <= 50"
The Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL) is designed to look and behave much
like an object oriented SQL dialect. The name and
price fields identified in the above queries map to the member fields
of those names in tutorial.persistence.Animal. More
details on JPQL syntax is available in
of the JPA Overview.
Great! Now that we can see the contents of the database, let's add some code
that lets us add and remove animals.
Persisting Objects
As new dogs are born or acquired, the store owner will need to add new records
to the inventory database. In this section, we'll write the code to handle
additions through the tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance
This section will familiarize you with the mechanism for storing persistent
instances in a JPA entity manager. We will create a new dog, obtain a
Transaction from a EntityManager,
and, within the transaction, make the new dog object persistent.
tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance provides a
reflection-based facility for creating any type of animal, provided that the
animal has a two-argument constructor whose first argument corresponds to the
name of the animal and whose second argument is an implementation-specific
primitive. This reflection-based system is in place to keep this tutorial short
and remove repetitive creation mechanisms. It is not a required part of the JPA
Add the following code to
Modify the persistObject method of to look like this:
* Performs the actual JPA work of putting <code>object</code>
* into the data store.
* @param object the object to persist in the data store
public static void persistObject(EntityManager em, Object object)
// Mark the beginning of the unit of work boundary.
// Mark the end of the unit of work boundary,
// and record all inserts in the database.
System.out.println("Added " + object);
In the above code, we pass in an EntityManager.
EntityManagers may be either container managed or
application managed. In this tutorial, because we're operating outside a
container, we're using application managed EntityManager
s. In managed environments, EntityManagers are typically
container managed, and thus injected or looked up via JNDI. Application managed
EntityManagers can be used in both managed and unmanaged
environments, and are created by an EntityManagerFactory
. An EntityManagerFactory can be obtained from the
javax.persistence.Persistence class. This class provides
some convenience methods for obtaining an EntityManagerFactory
You now have a mechanism for adding new dogs to the database. Go ahead and add
some by running java tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance add Dog
<name> <price> For example:
java tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance add Dog Fluffy 35
You can view the contents of the database with:
java tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance list Dog
Deleting Objects
What if someone decides to buy one of the dogs? The store owner will need to
remove that animal from the database, since it is no longer in the inventory.
This section demonstrates how to remove data from the datastore.
Add the following code to
Modify the deleteObjects method of to look like this:
* Performs the actual JPA work of removing
* <code>objects</code> from the datastore.
* @param objects the objects to persist in the datastore
* @param em the EntityManager to delete with
public static void deleteObjects(Collection objects, EntityManager em)
// Mark the beginning of the unit of work boundary.
// This method removes the objects in 'objects' from the data store.
for (Object ob : objects)
System.out.println("Removed animal: " + ob);
// Mark the end of the unit of work boundary, and record all
// deletes in the database.
Remove some animals from the database.
java tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance remove <query>
Where <query> is a query string like those used
for listing animals above.
All right. We now have a basic pet shop inventory management system. From this
base, we will add some of the more advanced features suggested by our industry
Inventory Growth
Now that we have the basic pet store framework in place, let's add support for
the next pet in our list: the rabbit. The rabbit is a bit different than the
dog; pet stores sell them all for the same price, but gender is critically
important since rabbits reproduce rather easily and quickly. Let's put together
a class representing a rabbit.
In this chapter, you will see some more queries and write a bidirectional
relation between objects.
Provided with this tutorial is a file called
which contains a sample Rabbit implementation.
The Rabbit class above contains a bidirectional relationship between parents and
children. From the Java side of things, a bidirectional relationship is simply a
pair of fields that are conceptually linked. There is no special Java work
necessary to express bidirectionality. However, you must identify the
relationship as bidirectional using JPA
annotations so the mapping tool can create the most efficient schema.
Insert this snippet of code immediately before the
children field declaration in the
The @ManyToMany annotation indicates that children
is one side of a many-to-many relation. @JoinTable
describes how this relation maps to a database join table. The annotation's
joinColumns name the join table's foreign key columns linking
to the owning instance (the parent). In this case, column
RABBIT_CHILDREN.PARENT_ID is a foreign key to the parent's
ID primary key column. Similarly, the inverseJoinColumns
attribute denotes the foreign key columns linking to the collection
elements (the children). For more details on the @JoinTable
annotation, see of the JPA
Now we'll map the other side of this bidirectional relation, the
parents field. Insert the following snippet of code immediately
before the parents field declaration in
the file. The mappedBy
attribute identifies the name of the owning side of the relation.
Enhance the Rabbit class. (Optional)
java org.apache.openjpa.enhance.PCEnhancer
Refresh the object-relational mappings and database schema.
java org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Now that we have a Rabbit class, let's get some preliminary rabbit data into the
Add a <class> entry for Rabbit
to ../../META-INF/persistence.xml.
Create some rabbits.
Run the following commands a few times to add some male and female rabbits to
the database:
java tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance add Rabbit <name> false
java tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance add Rabbit <name> true
Now run some breeding iterations.
java tutorial.persistence.Rabbit breed 2
Look at your new rabbits.
java tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance list Rabbit
java tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance details "select r from Rabbit r where = '<name>'"
Behavioral Analysis
Often, pet stores sell snakes as well as rabbits and dogs. Pet stores are
primarily concerned with a snake's length; much like rabbits, pet store
operators usually sell them all for a flat rate.
This chapter demonstrates more queries, schema manipulation, and additional
relation types.
Provided with this tutorial is a file called
which contains a sample Snake implementation. Let's get
it compiled and loaded:
Examine and compile
Enhance the class. (Optional)
java org.apache.openjpa.enhance.PCEnhancer
Refresh the mappings and database.
As we have created a new persistent class, we must map it to the database and
change the schema to match. So run the mapping tool:
java org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Add a <class> entry for Snake
to ../../META-INF/persistence.xml.
Once you have compiled everything, add a few snakes to the database using:
java tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance add Snake "name" <length>
Where <length> is the length in feet for the
new snake. To see the new snakes in the database, run:
java tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance list Snake
Unfortunately for the massively developing rabbit population, snakes often eat
rabbits. Any good inventory system should be able to capture this behavior. So,
let's add some code to to support the snake's
eating behavior.
First, let's modify to contain a list of eaten
Add the following code snippets to
// This list will be persisted into the database as
// a one-to-many relation.
private Set<Rabbit> giTract = new HashSet<Rabbit> ();
Note that we specified a mappedBy attribute in this example.
This is because the relation is bidirectional; that is, the rabbit has knowledge
of which snake ate it. We could have left out the eater field
and instead created a standard unidirectional relation. In fact, in a
bidirectional many-to-one relation, the many side must always be the owner.
For more information on types of relations, see
of the JPA Overview.
Modify the toString(boolean) method to output the giTract
public String toString(boolean detailed)
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(1024);
buf.append("Snake ").append(getName());
if (detailed)
buf.append(" (").append(length).append(" feet long) sells for ");
buf.append(getPrice()).append(" dollars.");
buf.append(" Its gastrointestinal tract contains:\n");
for (Rabbit rabbit : giTract)
buf.append("; ate " + giTract.size() + " rabbits.");
return buf.toString();
Add the following methods.
* Kills the specified rabbit and eats it.
public void eat(Rabbit dinner)
// Consume the rabbit.
System.out.println("Snake " + getName() + " ate rabbit "
+ dinner.getName() + ".");
* Locates the specified snake and tells it to eat a rabbit.
public static void eat(EntityManager em, String filter)
// Find the desired snake(s) in the data store.
Query query = em.createQuery(filter);
List<Snake> results = query.getResultList();
if (results.isEmpty())
System.out.println("No snakes matching '" + filter + "' found");
Query uneatenQuery = em.createQuery
("select r from Rabbit r where r.isDead = false");
Random random = new Random();
for (Snake snake : results)
// Run a query for a rabbit whose 'isDead' field indicates
// that it is alive.
List<Rabbit> menu = uneatenQuery.getResultList();
if (menu.isEmpty())
System.out.println("No live rabbits in DB.");
// Select a random rabbit from the list.
Rabbit dinner = menu.get(random.nextInt(menu.size()));
// Perform the eating.
System.out.println(snake + " is eating:");;
public static void main(String[] args)
if (args.length == 2 && args[0].equals("eat"))
EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
eat(em, args[1]);
// If we get here, something went wrong.
System.out.println(" java tutorial.persistence.Snake eat "
+ "\"snakequery\"");
Add an eater field to, and
a getter and setter.
@ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="EATER_ID")
private Snake eater;
public Snake getEater()
return eater;
public void setEater(Snake snake)
eater = snake;
The @ManyToOne annotation indicates that this is the many
side of the bidirectional relation. The many side must always be the owner in
this type of relation. The @JoinColumn describes the foreign
key that joins the rabbit table to the snake table. The rabbit table has an
EATER_ID column that is a foreign key to the ID
primary key column of the snake table.
Compile and and
optionally enhance the classes.
java org.apache.openjpa.enhance.PCEnhancer
Refresh the mappings and database.
java org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Now, experiment with the following commands:
java tutorial.persistence.Snake eat "select s from Snake s where = '<name>'"
java tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance details "select s from Snake s where = '<name>'"
Complex Queries
Imagine that one of the snakes in the database was named Killer. To find out
which rabbits Killer ate, we could run either of the following two queries:
java tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance details "select s from Snake s where = 'Killer'"
java tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance list "select r from Rabbit r where = 'Killer'"
The first query is snake-centric - the query runs against the Snake
class, looking for all snakes named Killer and providing a detailed
listing of them. The second is rabbit-centric - it examines the rabbits in the
database for instances whose eater is named Killer. This
second query demonstrates that the simple Java 'dot' syntax is used when
traversing a to-one field in a query.
It is also possible to traverse collection fields. Imagine that there was a
rabbit called Roger in the datastore and that one of the snakes ate it. In order
to determine who ate Roger Rabbit, you could run a query like this:
java tutorial.persistence.AnimalMaintenance details "select s from Snake s inner join s.giTract r where = 'Roger'"
Extra Features
Congratulations! You are now the proud author of a pet store inventory suite.
Now that you have all the major features of the pet store software implemented,
it's time to add some extra features. You're on your own; think of some features
that you think a pet store should have, or just explore the features of JPA.
Here are a couple of suggestions to get you started:
Animal pricing.
Modify Animal to contain an inventory cost and a resale
price. Calculate the real dollar amount eaten by the snakes (the sum of the
inventory costs of all the consumed rabbits), and the cost assuming that all the
eaten rabbits would have been sold had they been alive. Ignore the fact that the
rabbits, had they lived, would have created more rabbits, and the implications
of the reduced food costs due to the not-quite-as-hungry snakes and the smaller
number of rabbits.
Dog categorization.
Modify Dog to have a relation to a new class called
Breed, which contains a name identifying the breed of
the dog and a description of the breed. Put together an admin tool for breeds
and for associating dogs and breeds.
J2EE Tutorial
By deploying OpenJPA into a J2EE environment, you can maintain the simplicity
and performance of OpenJPA, while leveraging J2EE technologies such as container
managed transactions (JTA/JTS), enterprise objects with remote invocation (EJB),
and managed deployment of multi-tiered applications via an application server.
This tutorial will demonstrate how to deploy OpenJPA-based J2EE applications and
showcase some basic enterprise JPA design techniques. The tutorial's sample
application models a basic garage catalog system. While the application is
relatively trivial, the code has been constructed to illustrate simple patterns
and solutions to common problems when using OpenJPA in an enterprise
Prerequisites for the OpenJPA J2EE Tutorial
This tutorial assumes that you have installed OpenJPA and setup your classpath
according to the installation instructions appropriate for your platform. In
addition, this tutorial requires that you have installed and configured a
J2EE-compliant application server, such as WebLogic or JBoss, running on JDK
1.5. If you use a different application server not listed here, this tutorial
may be adaptable to your application server with small changes; refer to your
application server's documentation for any specific classpath and deployment
descriptor requirements.
This tutorial assumes a reasonable level of experience with OpenJPA and JPA. We
provide a number of other tutorials for basic concepts, including enhancement,
schema mapping, and configuration. This tutorial also assumes a basic level of
experience with J2EE components, including session beans, JNDI, JSP, and
EAR/WAR/JAR packaging. Sun and/or your application server company may provide
tutorials to get familiar with these components.
In addition, this tutorial uses Ant to build the deployment archives. While this
is the preferred way of building a deployment of the tutorial, one can easily
build the appropriate JAR, WAR, and EAR files by hand, although that is outside
the scope of this document.
J2EE Installation Types
Every application server has a different installation process for installing
J2EE components. OpenJPA can be installed in a number of ways, which may or may
not be appropriate to your application server. While this document focuses
mainly upon using OpenJPA as a JCA resource, there are other ways to use OpenJPA
in a J2EE environment.
JPA: J2EE 5 allows for the automatic injection of
EntityManager instances into the J2EE context.
Manual Binding into JNDI: Your application may require some needs in
initializing OpenJPA that go beyond the JPA and JCA specifications. In this
case, you can manually instantiate OpenJPA and place it into the JNDI tree. This
process, however, is not seamless and can require a fair bit of custom
application server code to bind an instance of
org.apache.openjpa.persistence.EntityManagerFactoryImpl into JNDI.
Installing the J2EE Sample Application
Installing the sample application involves first compiling and building a
deployment archive (.ear) file. This file then needs to be deployed into your
application server.
Compiling and Building The Sample Application
Navigate to the samples/persistence/j2ee directory of your
OpenJPA installation.
Ensure that the JNDI name in the setSessionContext() method in ejb/
matches your JCA installation. This defaults to java:/openjpa-ejb
, but the actual value will depend on the configuration of your JCA
deploy and your application server's JNDI context. E.g. the default name for a
WebLogic 9 install would be simply openjpa-ejb.
Compile the source files in place both in this base directory as well as the
nested ejb and jsp directories:
javac *.java ejb/*.java jsp/*.java
Enhance the Car class. (Optional)
java org.apache.openjpa.enhance.PCEnhancer
Run the mapping tool; make sure that your META-INF/persistence.xml
file includes the same connection information (e.g. Driver, URL,
etc.) as your JCA installation. You should update your JCA configuration to
include samples.persistence.j2ee.Car in the
MetaDataFactory property:
<config-property name="MetaDataFactory">Types=samples.persistence.j2ee.Car</config-property/>
java org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingTool
Build an J2EE application archive by running Ant against the
build.xml. This will create
openjpa-persistence-j2ee-sample.ear. This ear can now be deployed to
your appserver. Be sure to add the class samples.j2ee.Car
to the openjpa.PersistentClasses OpenJPA configuration
property. This will automatically register the Entity.
ant -f build.xml
Deploying Sample To JBoss
Place the ear file in the deploy directory of your JBoss
installation. You can use the above hints to view the JNDI tree to see if
samples.j2ee.ejb.CarHome was deployed to JNDI.
Deploying Sample To WebLogic 9
Place the ear file in the autodeploy directory of your
WebLogic domain. Production mode (see your file) should be
set to false to enable auto-deployment. If the application was installed
correctly, you should see openjpa-persistence-j2ee-sample
listed in the Deployments section of the admin console. In
addition you should find CarHome listed in the JNDI tree
under AdminServer->samples->j2ee->ejb
. Ensure that you have added the class samples.j2ee.Car
to the openjpa.PersistentClasses OpenJPA configuration
property in the META-INF/ra.xml file.
Using The Sample Application
The sample application installs itself into the web layer at the context root of
sample. By browsing to
you should be presented with a simple list page with no cars. You can edit, add,
delete car instances. In addition, you can query on the underlying
Car instances by passing in an JPQL query into the marked form (such
as select car from Car car where car.model="Some Model"
Sample Architecture
The garage application is a simple enterprise application that demonstrates some
of the basic concepts necessary when using OpenJPA in the enterprise layer.
The core model wraps a stateless session bean facade around an entity. Using a
session bean provides both a remote interface for various clients as well as
providing a transactional context in which to work (and thus avoiding any
explicit transactional code).
This session bean uses the JPA's detachment capabilities to provide an automatic
Data Transfer Object mechanism for the primary communication between the
application server and the (possibly remote) client. The Car
instance will be used as the primary object upon which the client
will work.
samples/persistence/j2ee/ The core of the sample
application. This is the entity class that OpenJPA will use to persist the
application data. Instances of this class will also fill the role of data
transfer object (DTO) for EJB clients. To accomplish this, Car
implements so that
remote clients can access cars as parameters and return values from the EJB.
samples/persistence/j2ee/jsp/ This is
a simple facade to aggregate some common J2EE behavior into some static methods.
By placing all of the functionality into a single facade class, we can reduce
code maintenance of our JSPs.
samples/persistence/j2ee/ejb/Car*.java: The source for the
CarEJB session bean. Clients can use the
CarHome and CarRemote interfaces to find,
manipulate, and persist changes to Car transfer object
instances. By using J2EE transactional features, the implementation code in can be focused almost entirely upon business
and persistence logic without worrying about transactions.
samples/persistence/j2ee/jsp/*.jsp: The web presentation
client. These JSPs are not aware of the JPA; they simply use the
CarEJB session bean and the Car transfer
object to do all the work.
samples/persistence/j2ee/resources/*: Files required to
deploy to the various appservers, including J2EE deployment descriptors, WAR/
EJB/ EAR descriptors, as well as appserver specific files.
samples/persistence/j2ee/build.xml: A simple Ant build file
to help in creating a J2EE EAR file.
Code Notes and J2EE Tips
Entity classes are excellent candidates for the Data Transfer Object Pattern.
This pattern attempts to reduce network load, as well as group business logic
into concise units. For example, CarBean.edit allows
you to ensure that all values are correct before committing a transaction,
instead of sequentially calling getters and setters on the session facade. This
is especially true when using RMI such as from a Swing based application
connecting to an application server.
CarEJB works as a session bean facade to demarcate
transactions, provide finder methods, and encapsulate complex business logic at
the server level.
EntityManager.close() should be called at the end of
every EJB method. In addition to ensuring that your code will not attempt to
access a closed EntityManager, it allows OpenJPA to free
up unused resources. Since an EntityManager is created
for every transaction, this can increase the scalability of your application.
You should not use EntityManager.getTransaction() when
using JTA to manage your transactions. Instead, OpenJPA will integrate with JTA
to automatically govern transactions based on your EJB transaction
While serialization of entity instances is relatively straightforward, there are
several things to keep in mind:
While "default fetch group" values will always be returned to the client upon
serialization, lazily loaded fields will not as the EntityManager
will have been closed before those fields attempt to serialize. You
can either access those fields before serialization, configure the fetch type of
the relationships, or configure your JPQL queries to eagerly fetch data.
It is not necessarily required that you use EJBs and container-managed
transactions to demarcate transactions, although that is probably the most
common method. In EJBs using bean managed transactions, you can control
transactions through the javax.transaction.UserTransaction
interface. Furthermore, outside of session beans you can control
the JPA layer's transaction via the
javax.persistence.EntityTransaction interface.
EntityManagers are allocated on a per-Transaction basis.
Calling getEntityManager from the same
EntityManagerFactory within the same EJB method call will always
return the same entity manager, although the user-visible object may be proxied,
so might not compare equal using the == operator.