mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 17:09:08 +00:00
Merged revisions 708385,708996,709054,709217,709221,709235 via svnmerge from
https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/poi/trunk ........ r708385 | josh | 2008-10-27 16:44:44 -0700 (Mon, 27 Oct 2008) | 1 line Small fix for bug in RecordInputStream.readAllContinuedRemainder() introduced in r707778. It seems like only BiffViewer was affected. ........ r708996 | josh | 2008-10-29 13:13:58 -0700 (Wed, 29 Oct 2008) | 1 line Allowed for quad-byte padding alignment on ObjRecord ........ r709054 | josh | 2008-10-29 17:21:24 -0700 (Wed, 29 Oct 2008) | 1 line removed obsolete methods ........ r709217 | josh | 2008-10-30 10:56:34 -0700 (Thu, 30 Oct 2008) | 1 line Fixed compiler warnings / simplified code ........ r709221 | josh | 2008-10-30 11:33:35 -0700 (Thu, 30 Oct 2008) | 1 line Optimised slow test case (after reviewing original purpose) ........ r709235 | josh | 2008-10-30 13:17:04 -0700 (Thu, 30 Oct 2008) | 1 line Fix for bug 15716 - - converted Ptg arrays into Formula objects to optimise memory usage ........ git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/poi/branches/ooxml@709262 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
<!-- Don't forget to update status.xml too! -->
<release version="3.5-beta4" date="2008-??-??">
<action dev="POI-DEVELOPERS" type="fix">15716 - memory usage optimisation - converted Ptg arrays into Formula objects</action>
<action dev="POI-DEVELOPERS" type="add">46065 - added implementation for VALUE function</action>
<action dev="POI-DEVELOPERS" type="add">45966 - added implementation for FIND function</action>
<action dev="POI-DEVELOPERS" type="fix">45778 - fixed ObjRecord to read ftLbsData properly</action>
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
<!-- Don't forget to update changes.xml too! -->
<release version="3.5-beta4" date="2008-??-??">
<action dev="POI-DEVELOPERS" type="fix">15716 - memory usage optimisation - converted Ptg arrays into Formula objects</action>
<action dev="POI-DEVELOPERS" type="add">46065 - added implementation for VALUE function</action>
<action dev="POI-DEVELOPERS" type="add">45966 - added implementation for FIND function</action>
<action dev="POI-DEVELOPERS" type="fix">45778 - fixed ObjRecord to read ftLbsData properly</action>
@ -18,8 +18,9 @@
package org.apache.poi.hssf.record;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.Ptg;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.Formula;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexDump;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;
* ARRAY (0x0221)<p/>
@ -36,14 +37,15 @@ public final class ArrayRecord extends SharedValueRecordBase {
private int _options;
private int _field3notUsed;
private Ptg[] _formulaTokens;
private Formula _formula;
public ArrayRecord(RecordInputStream in) {
_options = in.readUShort();
_field3notUsed = in.readInt();
int formulaLen = in.readUShort();
_formulaTokens = Ptg.readTokens(formulaLen, in);
int formulaTokenLen = in.readUShort();
int totalFormulaLen = in.available();
_formula = Formula.read(formulaTokenLen, in, totalFormulaLen);
public boolean isAlwaysRecalculate() {
@ -55,18 +57,12 @@ public final class ArrayRecord extends SharedValueRecordBase {
protected int getExtraDataSize() {
return 2 + 4
+ 2 + Ptg.getEncodedSize(_formulaTokens);
+ _formula.getEncodedSize();
protected void serializeExtraData(int offset, byte[] data) {
int pos = offset;
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, pos, _options);
LittleEndian.putInt(data, pos, _field3notUsed);
int tokenSize = Ptg.getEncodedSizeWithoutArrayData(_formulaTokens);
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, pos, tokenSize);
Ptg.serializePtgs(_formulaTokens, data, pos);
protected void serializeExtraData(LittleEndianOutput out) {
public short getSid() {
@ -80,8 +76,9 @@ public final class ArrayRecord extends SharedValueRecordBase {
sb.append(" options=").append(HexDump.shortToHex(_options)).append("\n");
sb.append(" notUsed=").append(HexDump.intToHex(_field3notUsed)).append("\n");
sb.append(" formula:").append("\n");
for (int i = 0; i < _formulaTokens.length; i++) {
Ptg ptg = _formulaTokens[i];
Ptg[] ptgs = _formula.getTokens();
for (int i = 0; i < ptgs.length; i++) {
Ptg ptg = ptgs[i];
@ -23,9 +23,10 @@ import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.cf.FontFormatting;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.cf.PatternFormatting;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.Ptg;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.Formula;
import org.apache.poi.util.BitField;
import org.apache.poi.util.BitFieldFactory;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream;
* Conditional Formatting Rule Record.
@ -94,18 +95,12 @@ public final class CFRuleRecord extends Record {
private FontFormatting fontFormatting;
private byte field_8_align_text_break;
private byte field_9_align_text_rotation_angle;
private short field_10_align_indentation;
private short field_11_relative_indentation;
private short field_12_not_used;
private BorderFormatting borderFormatting;
private PatternFormatting patternFormatting;
private Ptg[] field_17_formula1;
private Ptg[] field_18_formula2;
private Formula field_17_formula1;
private Formula field_18_formula2;
/** Creates new CFRuleRecord */
private CFRuleRecord(byte conditionType, byte comparisonOperation)
@ -121,23 +116,18 @@ public final class CFRuleRecord extends Record {
field_6_not_used = (short)0x8002; // Excel seems to write this value, but it doesn't seem to care what it reads
field_8_align_text_break = 0;
field_9_align_text_rotation_angle = 0;
field_10_align_indentation = 0;
field_11_relative_indentation = 0;
field_12_not_used = 0;
private CFRuleRecord(byte conditionType, byte comparisonOperation, Ptg[] formula1, Ptg[] formula2) {
this(conditionType, comparisonOperation);
field_1_condition_type = CONDITION_TYPE_CELL_VALUE_IS;
field_2_comparison_operator = comparisonOperation;
field_17_formula1 = formula1;
field_18_formula2 = formula2;
field_17_formula1 = Formula.create(formula1);
field_18_formula2 = Formula.create(formula2);
@ -178,12 +168,9 @@ public final class CFRuleRecord extends Record {
patternFormatting = new PatternFormatting(in);
if (field_3_formula1_len > 0) {
field_17_formula1 = Ptg.readTokens(field_3_formula1_len, in);
if (field_4_formula2_len > 0) {
field_18_formula2 = Ptg.readTokens(field_4_formula2_len, in);
// "You may not use unions, intersections or array constants in Conditional Formatting criteria"
field_17_formula1 = Formula.read(field_3_formula1_len, in);
field_18_formula2 = Formula.read(field_4_formula2_len, in);
public byte getConditionType()
@ -414,33 +401,22 @@ public final class CFRuleRecord extends Record {
public Ptg[] getParsedExpression1()
return field_17_formula1;
return field_17_formula1.getTokens();
public void setParsedExpression1(Ptg[] ptgs) {
field_17_formula1 = safeClone(ptgs);
private static Ptg[] safeClone(Ptg[] ptgs) {
if (ptgs == null) {
return null;
return (Ptg[]) ptgs.clone();
field_17_formula1 = Formula.create(ptgs);
* get the stack of the 2nd expression as a list
* @return list of tokens (casts stack to a list and returns it!)
* this method can return null is we are unable to create Ptgs from
* existing excel file
* callers should check for null!
* @return array of {@link Ptg}s, possibly <code>null</code>
public Ptg[] getParsedExpression2()
return field_18_formula2;
public Ptg[] getParsedExpression2() {
return Formula.getTokens(field_18_formula2);
public void setParsedExpression2(Ptg[] ptgs) {
field_18_formula2 = safeClone(ptgs);
field_18_formula2 = Formula.create(ptgs);
public short getSid()
@ -449,14 +425,11 @@ public final class CFRuleRecord extends Record {
* @param ptgs may be <code>null</code>
* @return encoded size of the formula
* @param ptgs must not be <code>null</code>
* @return encoded size of the formula tokens (does not include 2 bytes for ushort length)
private static int getFormulaSize(Ptg[] ptgs) {
if (ptgs == null) {
return 0;
return Ptg.getEncodedSize(ptgs);
private static int getFormulaSize(Formula formula) {
return formula.getEncodedTokenSize();
@ -468,51 +441,43 @@ public final class CFRuleRecord extends Record {
* @param data byte array containing instance data
* @return number of bytes written
public int serialize(int pOffset, byte [] data)
public int serialize(int pOffset, byte [] data) {
int formula1Len=getFormulaSize(field_17_formula1);
int formula2Len=getFormulaSize(field_18_formula2);
int offset = pOffset;
int recordsize = getRecordSize();
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0 + offset, sid);
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 2 + offset, (short)(recordsize-4));
data[4 + offset] = field_1_condition_type;
data[5 + offset] = field_2_comparison_operator;
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, 6 + offset, formula1Len);
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, 8 + offset, formula2Len);
LittleEndian.putInt(data, 10 + offset, field_5_options);
LittleEndian.putShort(data,14 + offset, field_6_not_used);
offset += 16;
LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream out = new LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream(data, pOffset, recordsize);
if( containsFontFormattingBlock() )
if (containsFontFormattingBlock()) {
byte[] fontFormattingRawRecord = fontFormatting.getRawRecord();
System.arraycopy(fontFormattingRawRecord, 0, data, offset, fontFormattingRawRecord.length);
offset += fontFormattingRawRecord.length;
if( containsBorderFormattingBlock())
offset += borderFormatting.serialize(offset, data);
if (containsBorderFormattingBlock()) {
if( containsPatternFormattingBlock() )
offset += patternFormatting.serialize(offset, data);
if (containsPatternFormattingBlock()) {
if (field_17_formula1 != null) {
offset += Ptg.serializePtgs(field_17_formula1, data, offset);
if (field_18_formula2 != null) {
offset += Ptg.serializePtgs(field_18_formula2, data, offset);
if(offset - pOffset != recordsize) {
throw new IllegalStateException("write mismatch (" + (offset - pOffset) + "!=" + recordsize + ")");
if(out.getWriteIndex() - pOffset != recordsize) {
throw new IllegalStateException("write mismatch ("
+ (out.getWriteIndex() - pOffset) + "!=" + recordsize + ")");
return recordsize;
@ -531,25 +496,22 @@ public final class CFRuleRecord extends Record {
public String toString()
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append(" OPTION FLAGS=0x"+Integer.toHexString(getOptions()));
if( containsFontFormattingBlock())
if (false) {
if (containsFontFormattingBlock()) {
if (containsBorderFormattingBlock()) {
if (containsPatternFormattingBlock()) {
if( containsBorderFormattingBlock())
if( containsPatternFormattingBlock())
return buffer.toString();
@ -566,12 +528,8 @@ public final class CFRuleRecord extends Record {
if (containsPatternFormattingBlock()) {
rec.patternFormatting = (PatternFormatting) patternFormatting.clone();
if (field_17_formula1 != null) {
rec.field_17_formula1 = (Ptg[]) field_17_formula1.clone();
if (field_18_formula2 != null) {
rec.field_18_formula2 = (Ptg[]) field_18_formula2.clone();
rec.field_17_formula1 = field_17_formula1.copy();
rec.field_18_formula2 = field_17_formula1.copy();
return rec;
@ -16,14 +16,16 @@
package org.apache.poi.hssf.record;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.UnicodeString.UnicodeRecordStats;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.Ptg;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.DVConstraint;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFDataValidation;
import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellRangeAddress;
import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellRangeAddressList;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.Formula;
import org.apache.poi.util.BitField;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;
import org.apache.poi.util.StringUtil;
* Title: DATAVALIDATION Record (0x01BE)<p/>
@ -53,11 +55,11 @@ public final class DVRecord extends Record {
/** Not used - Excel seems to always write 0x3FE0 */
private short _not_used_1 = 0x3FE0;
/** Formula data for first condition (RPN token array without size field) */
private Ptg[] _formula1;
private Formula _formula1;
/** Not used - Excel seems to always write 0x0000 */
private short _not_used_2 = 0x0000;
/** Formula data for second condition (RPN token array without size field) */
private Ptg[] _formula2;
private Formula _formula2;
/** Cell range address list with all affected ranges */
private CellRangeAddressList _regions;
@ -96,34 +98,36 @@ public final class DVRecord extends Record {
_promptText = resolveTitleText(promptText);
_errorTitle = resolveTitleText(errorTitle);
_errorText = resolveTitleText(errorText);
_formula1 = formula1;
_formula2 = formula2;
_formula1 = Formula.create(formula1);
_formula2 = Formula.create(formula2);
_regions = regions;
public DVRecord(RecordInputStream in) {
_option_flags = in.readInt();
_promptTitle = readUnicodeString(in);
_errorTitle = readUnicodeString(in);
_promptText = readUnicodeString(in);
_errorText = readUnicodeString(in);
int field_size_first_formula = in.readUShort();
_not_used_1 = in.readShort();
_option_flags = in.readInt();
//read first formula data condition
_formula1 = Ptg.readTokens(field_size_first_formula, in);
_promptTitle = readUnicodeString(in);
_errorTitle = readUnicodeString(in);
_promptText = readUnicodeString(in);
_errorText = readUnicodeString(in);
int field_size_sec_formula = in.readUShort();
_not_used_2 = in.readShort();
int field_size_first_formula = in.readUShort();
_not_used_1 = in.readShort();
//read sec formula data condition
_formula2 = Ptg.readTokens(field_size_sec_formula, in);
// "You may not use unions, intersections or array constants in Data Validation criteria"
//read cell range address list with all affected ranges
_regions = new org.apache.poi.hssf.util.CellRangeAddressList(in);
// read first formula data condition
_formula1 = Formula.read(field_size_first_formula, in);
int field_size_sec_formula = in.readUShort();
_not_used_2 = in.readShort();
// read sec formula data condition
_formula2 = Formula.read(field_size_sec_formula, in);
// read cell range address list with all affected ranges
_regions = new CellRangeAddressList(in);
// --> start option flags
@ -235,45 +239,43 @@ public final class DVRecord extends Record {
return str;
private void appendFormula(StringBuffer sb, String label, Ptg[] ptgs) {
private static void appendFormula(StringBuffer sb, String label, Formula f) {
if (ptgs.length < 1) {
if (f == null) {
Ptg[] ptgs = f.getTokens();
for (int i = 0; i < ptgs.length; i++) {
public int serialize(int offset, byte [] data) {
int size = this.getRecordSize();
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0 + offset, sid);
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 2 + offset, ( short ) (size-4));
int pos = 4;
LittleEndian.putInt(data, pos + offset, _option_flags);
pos += 4;
int recSize = getRecordSize();
LittleEndianOutput out = new LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream(data, offset, recSize);
pos += serializeUnicodeString(_promptTitle, pos+offset, data);
pos += serializeUnicodeString(_errorTitle, pos+offset, data);
pos += serializeUnicodeString(_promptText, pos+offset, data);
pos += serializeUnicodeString(_errorText, pos+offset, data);
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, offset+pos, Ptg.getEncodedSize(_formula1));
pos += 2;
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, offset+pos, _not_used_1);
pos += 2;
pos += Ptg.serializePtgs(_formula1, data, pos+offset);
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, offset+pos, Ptg.getEncodedSize(_formula2));
pos += 2;
LittleEndian.putShort(data, offset+pos, _not_used_2);
pos += 2;
pos += Ptg.serializePtgs(_formula2, data, pos+offset);
_regions.serialize(pos+offset, data);
return size;
serializeUnicodeString(_promptTitle, out);
serializeUnicodeString(_errorTitle, out);
serializeUnicodeString(_promptText, out);
serializeUnicodeString(_errorText, out);
return recSize;
@ -293,13 +295,12 @@ public final class DVRecord extends Record {
return new UnicodeString(in);
private static int serializeUnicodeString(UnicodeString us, int offset, byte[] data) {
UnicodeRecordStats urs = new UnicodeRecordStats();
us.serialize(urs, offset, data);
return urs.recordSize;
private static void serializeUnicodeString(UnicodeString us, LittleEndianOutput out) {
StringUtil.writeUnicodeString(out, us.getString());
private static int getUnicodeStringSize(UnicodeString str) {
return 3 + str.getString().length();
private static int getUnicodeStringSize(UnicodeString us) {
String str = us.getString();
return 3 + str.length() * (StringUtil.hasMultibyte(str) ? 2 : 1);
public int getRecordSize() {
@ -308,8 +309,8 @@ public final class DVRecord extends Record {
size += getUnicodeStringSize(_errorTitle);
size += getUnicodeStringSize(_promptText);
size += getUnicodeStringSize(_errorText);
size += Ptg.getEncodedSize(_formula1);
size += Ptg.getEncodedSize(_formula2);
size += _formula1.getEncodedTokenSize();
size += _formula2.getEncodedTokenSize();
size += _regions.getSize();
return size;
@ -17,20 +17,19 @@
package org.apache.poi.hssf.record;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.Ptg;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.Formula;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;
import org.apache.poi.util.StringUtil;
* EXTERNALNAME (0x0023)<p/>
* @author Josh Micich
public final class ExternalNameRecord extends Record {
private static final Ptg[] EMPTY_PTG_ARRAY = { };
public final static short sid = 0x23; // as per BIFF8. (some old versions used 0x223)
public final static short sid = 0x0023; // as per BIFF8. (some old versions used 0x223)
private static final int OPT_BUILTIN_NAME = 0x0001;
private static final int OPT_AUTOMATIC_LINK = 0x0002; // m$ doc calls this fWantAdvise
@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ public final class ExternalNameRecord extends Record {
private short field_2_index;
private short field_3_not_used;
private String field_4_name;
private Ptg[] field_5_name_definition;
private Formula field_5_name_definition;
* Convenience Function to determine if the name is a built-in name
@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ public final class ExternalNameRecord extends Record {
int result = 3 * 2 // 3 short fields
+ 2 + field_4_name.length(); // nameLen and name
if(hasFormula()) {
result += 2 + getNameDefinitionSize(); // nameDefLen and nameDef
result += field_5_name_definition.getEncodedSize();
return result;
@ -104,28 +103,23 @@ public final class ExternalNameRecord extends Record {
public int serialize( int offset, byte[] data ) {
int dataSize = getDataSize();
int recSize = dataSize + 4;
LittleEndianOutput out = new LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream(data, offset, recSize);
LittleEndian.putShort( data, 0 + offset, sid );
LittleEndian.putShort( data, 2 + offset, (short) dataSize );
LittleEndian.putShort( data, 4 + offset, field_1_option_flag );
LittleEndian.putShort( data, 6 + offset, field_2_index );
LittleEndian.putShort( data, 8 + offset, field_3_not_used );
int nameLen = field_4_name.length();
LittleEndian.putUShort( data, 10 + offset, nameLen );
StringUtil.putCompressedUnicode( field_4_name, data, 12 + offset );
if(hasFormula()) {
int defLen = getNameDefinitionSize();
LittleEndian.putUShort( data, 12 + nameLen + offset, defLen );
Ptg.serializePtgs(field_5_name_definition, data, 14 + nameLen + offset );
StringUtil.putCompressedUnicode(field_4_name, out);
if (hasFormula()) {
return dataSize + 4;
return recSize;
private int getNameDefinitionSize() {
return Ptg.getEncodedSize(field_5_name_definition);
public int getRecordSize(){
return 4 + getDataSize();
@ -141,14 +135,16 @@ public final class ExternalNameRecord extends Record {
if(in.remaining() > 0) {
throw readFail("Some unread data (is formula present?)");
field_5_name_definition = EMPTY_PTG_ARRAY;
field_5_name_definition = null;
if(in.remaining() <= 0) {
int nBytesRemaining = in.available();
if(nBytesRemaining <= 0) {
throw readFail("Ran out of record data trying to read formula.");
short formulaLen = in.readShort();
field_5_name_definition = Ptg.readTokens(formulaLen, in);
int formulaLen = in.readUShort();
nBytesRemaining -=2;
field_5_name_definition = Formula.read(formulaLen, in, nBytesRemaining);
* Makes better error messages (while hasFormula() is not reliable)
@ -157,7 +153,7 @@ public final class ExternalNameRecord extends Record {
private RuntimeException readFail(String msg) {
String fullMsg = msg + " fields: (option=" + field_1_option_flag + " index=" + field_2_index
+ " not_used=" + field_3_not_used + " name='" + field_4_name + "')";
return new RuntimeException(fullMsg);
return new RecordFormatException(fullMsg);
private boolean hasFormula() {
@ -20,10 +20,13 @@ package org.apache.poi.hssf.record;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.Ptg;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.eval.ErrorEval;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.Formula;
import org.apache.poi.util.BitField;
import org.apache.poi.util.BitFieldFactory;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexDump;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianInput;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;
* Formula Record (0x0006).
@ -35,7 +38,7 @@ import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
public final class FormulaRecord extends Record implements CellValueRecordInterface {
public static final short sid = 0x0006; // docs say 406...because of a bug Microsoft support site article #Q184647)
private static int FIXED_SIZE = 22;
private static int FIXED_SIZE = 20;
private static final BitField alwaysCalc = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0001);
private static final BitField calcOnLoad = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0002);
@ -92,9 +95,9 @@ public final class FormulaRecord extends Record implements CellValueRecordInterf
return new SpecialCachedValue(result);
public void serialize(byte[] data, int offset) {
System.arraycopy(_variableData, 0, data, offset, VARIABLE_DATA_LENGTH);
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, offset+VARIABLE_DATA_LENGTH, 0xFFFF);
public void serialize(LittleEndianOutput out) {
public String formatDebugString() {
return formatValue() + ' ' + HexDump.toHex(_variableData);
@ -172,8 +175,13 @@ public final class FormulaRecord extends Record implements CellValueRecordInterf
private short field_3_xf;
private double field_4_value;
private short field_5_options;
private int field_6_zero;
private Ptg[] field_8_parsed_expr;
* Unused field. As it turns out this field is often not zero..
* According to Microsoft Excel Developer's Kit Page 318:
* when writing the chn field (offset 20), it's supposed to be 0 but ignored on read
private int field_6_zero;
private Formula field_8_parsed_expr;
* Since the NaN support seems sketchy (different constants) we'll store and spit it out directly
@ -183,13 +191,14 @@ public final class FormulaRecord extends Record implements CellValueRecordInterf
/** Creates new FormulaRecord */
public FormulaRecord() {
field_8_parsed_expr = Ptg.EMPTY_PTG_ARRAY;
field_8_parsed_expr = Formula.create(Ptg.EMPTY_PTG_ARRAY);
public FormulaRecord(RecordInputStream in) {
field_1_row = in.readUShort();
field_2_column = in.readShort();
field_3_xf = in.readShort();
public FormulaRecord(RecordInputStream ris) {
LittleEndianInput in = ris;
field_1_row = in.readUShort();
field_2_column = in.readShort();
field_3_xf = in.readShort();
long valueLongBits = in.readLong();
field_5_options = in.readShort();
specialCachedValue = SpecialCachedValue.create(valueLongBits);
@ -197,14 +206,11 @@ public final class FormulaRecord extends Record implements CellValueRecordInterf
field_4_value = Double.longBitsToDouble(valueLongBits);
field_6_zero = in.readInt();
field_6_zero = in.readInt();
int field_7_expression_len = in.readShort(); // this length does not include any extra array data
field_8_parsed_expr = Ptg.readTokens(field_7_expression_len, in);
if (in.remaining() == 10) {
// TODO - this seems to occur when IntersectionPtg is present
// 10 extra bytes are just 0x01 and 0x00
// This causes POI stderr: "WARN. Unread 10 bytes of record 0x6"
int nBytesAvailable = in.available();
field_8_parsed_expr = Formula.read(field_7_expression_len, in, nBytesAvailable);
@ -336,11 +342,11 @@ public final class FormulaRecord extends Record implements CellValueRecordInterf
* @return the formula tokens. never <code>null</code>
public Ptg[] getParsedExpression() {
return (Ptg[]) field_8_parsed_expr.clone();
return field_8_parsed_expr.getTokens();
public void setParsedExpression(Ptg[] ptgs) {
field_8_parsed_expr = ptgs;
field_8_parsed_expr = Formula.create(ptgs);
public short getSid() {
@ -348,33 +354,30 @@ public final class FormulaRecord extends Record implements CellValueRecordInterf
private int getDataSize() {
return FIXED_SIZE + Ptg.getEncodedSize(field_8_parsed_expr);
return FIXED_SIZE + field_8_parsed_expr.getEncodedSize();
public int serialize(int offset, byte [] data) {
int dataSize = getDataSize();
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0 + offset, sid);
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, 2 + offset, dataSize);
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, 4 + offset, getRow());
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 6 + offset, getColumn());
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 8 + offset, getXFIndex());
int recSize = 4 + dataSize;
LittleEndianOutput out = new LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream(data, offset, recSize);
if (specialCachedValue == null) {
LittleEndian.putDouble(data, 10 + offset, field_4_value);
} else {
specialCachedValue.serialize(data, 10+offset);
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 18 + offset, getOptions());
//when writing the chn field (offset 20), it's supposed to be 0 but ignored on read
//Microsoft Excel Developer's Kit Page 318
LittleEndian.putInt(data, 20 + offset, 0);
int formulaTokensSize = Ptg.getEncodedSizeWithoutArrayData(field_8_parsed_expr);
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, 24 + offset, formulaTokensSize);
Ptg.serializePtgs(field_8_parsed_expr, data, 26+offset);
return 4 + dataSize;
out.writeInt(field_6_zero); // may as well write original data back so as to minimise differences from original
return recSize;
public int getRecordSize() {
@ -385,24 +388,25 @@ public final class FormulaRecord extends Record implements CellValueRecordInterf
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append(" .row = ").append(HexDump.shortToHex(getRow())).append("\n");
sb.append(" .column = ").append(HexDump.shortToHex(getColumn())).append("\n");
sb.append(" .xf = ").append(HexDump.shortToHex(getXFIndex())).append("\n");
sb.append(" .value = ");
sb.append(" .row = ").append(HexDump.shortToHex(getRow())).append("\n");
sb.append(" .column = ").append(HexDump.shortToHex(getColumn())).append("\n");
sb.append(" .xf = ").append(HexDump.shortToHex(getXFIndex())).append("\n");
sb.append(" .value = ");
if (specialCachedValue == null) {
} else {
sb.append(" .options = ").append(HexDump.shortToHex(getOptions())).append("\n");
sb.append(" .alwaysCalc= ").append(alwaysCalc.isSet(getOptions())).append("\n");
sb.append(" .calcOnLoad= ").append(calcOnLoad.isSet(getOptions())).append("\n");
sb.append(" .shared = ").append(sharedFormula.isSet(getOptions())).append("\n");
sb.append(" .zero = ").append(HexDump.intToHex(field_6_zero)).append("\n");
sb.append(" .options = ").append(HexDump.shortToHex(getOptions())).append("\n");
sb.append(" .alwaysCalc= ").append(isAlwaysCalc()).append("\n");
sb.append(" .calcOnLoad= ").append(isCalcOnLoad()).append("\n");
sb.append(" .shared = ").append(isSharedFormula()).append("\n");
sb.append(" .zero = ").append(HexDump.intToHex(field_6_zero)).append("\n");
for (int k = 0; k < field_8_parsed_expr.length; k++ ) {
sb.append(" Ptg[").append(k).append("]=");
Ptg ptg = field_8_parsed_expr[k];
Ptg[] ptgs = field_8_parsed_expr.getTokens();
for (int k = 0; k < ptgs.length; k++ ) {
sb.append(" Ptg[").append(k).append("]=");
Ptg ptg = ptgs[k];
@ -417,12 +421,7 @@ public final class FormulaRecord extends Record implements CellValueRecordInterf
rec.field_4_value = field_4_value;
rec.field_5_options = field_5_options;
rec.field_6_zero = field_6_zero;
int nTokens = field_8_parsed_expr.length;
Ptg[] ptgs = new Ptg[nTokens];
for (int i = 0; i < nTokens; i++) {
ptgs[i] = field_8_parsed_expr[i].copy();
rec.field_8_parsed_expr = ptgs;
rec.field_8_parsed_expr = field_8_parsed_expr;
rec.specialCachedValue = specialCachedValue;
return rec;
@ -27,9 +27,11 @@ import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.Ref3DPtg;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.UnionPtg;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.RangeAddress;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.Formula;
import org.apache.poi.ss.util.AreaReference;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexDump;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianInput;
import org.apache.poi.util.StringUtil;
@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ public final class NameRecord extends Record {
private boolean field_11_nameIsMultibyte;
private byte field_12_built_in_code;
private String field_12_name_text;
private Ptg[] field_13_name_definition;
private Formula field_13_name_definition;
private String field_14_custom_menu_text;
private String field_15_description_text;
private String field_16_help_topic_text;
@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ public final class NameRecord extends Record {
/** Creates new NameRecord */
public NameRecord() {
field_13_name_definition = Ptg.EMPTY_PTG_ARRAY;
field_13_name_definition = Formula.create(Ptg.EMPTY_PTG_ARRAY);
field_12_name_text = "";
field_14_custom_menu_text = "";
@ -245,7 +247,7 @@ public final class NameRecord extends Record {
* @return <code>true</code> if name has a formula (named range or defined value)
public boolean hasFormula() {
return field_1_option_flag == 0 && field_13_name_definition.length > 0;
return field_1_option_flag == 0 && field_13_name_definition.getEncodedTokenSize() > 0;
@ -296,11 +298,11 @@ public final class NameRecord extends Record {
* @return the name formula. never <code>null</code>
public Ptg[] getNameDefinition() {
return (Ptg[]) field_13_name_definition.clone();
return field_13_name_definition.getTokens();
public void setNameDefinition(Ptg[] ptgs) {
field_13_name_definition = (Ptg[]) ptgs.clone();
field_13_name_definition = Formula.create(ptgs);
/** get the custom menu text
@ -346,9 +348,9 @@ public final class NameRecord extends Record {
int field_9_length_help_topic_text = field_16_help_topic_text.length();
int field_10_length_status_bar_text = field_17_status_bar_text.length();
int rawNameSize = getNameRawSize();
int formulaTotalSize = Ptg.getEncodedSize(field_13_name_definition);
int dataSize = 15 // 4 shorts + 7 bytes
int formulaTotalSize = field_13_name_definition.getEncodedSize();
int dataSize = 13 // 3 shorts + 7 bytes
+ rawNameSize
+ field_7_length_custom_menu
+ field_8_length_description_text
@ -356,48 +358,45 @@ public final class NameRecord extends Record {
+ field_10_length_status_bar_text
+ formulaTotalSize;
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0 + offset, sid);
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, 2 + offset, dataSize);
int recSize = 4 + dataSize;
LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream out = new LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream(data, offset, recSize);
// size defined below
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 4 + offset, getOptionFlag());
LittleEndian.putByte(data, 6 + offset, getKeyboardShortcut());
LittleEndian.putByte(data, 7 + offset, getNameTextLength());
// Note -
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, 8 + offset, Ptg.getEncodedSizeWithoutArrayData(field_13_name_definition));
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, 10 + offset, field_5_externSheetIndex_plus1);
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, 12 + offset, field_6_sheetNumber);
LittleEndian.putByte(data, 14 + offset, field_7_length_custom_menu);
LittleEndian.putByte(data, 15 + offset, field_8_length_description_text);
LittleEndian.putByte(data, 16 + offset, field_9_length_help_topic_text);
LittleEndian.putByte(data, 17 + offset, field_10_length_status_bar_text);
LittleEndian.putByte(data, 18 + offset, field_11_nameIsMultibyte ? 1 : 0);
int pos = 19 + offset;
// Note - formula size is not immediately before encoded formula, and does not include any array constant data
out.writeByte(field_11_nameIsMultibyte ? 1 : 0);
if (isBuiltInName()) {
//can send the builtin name directly in
LittleEndian.putByte(data, pos, field_12_built_in_code);
} else {
String nameText = field_12_name_text;
if (field_11_nameIsMultibyte) {
StringUtil.putUnicodeLE(nameText, data, pos);
} else {
StringUtil.putCompressedUnicode(nameText, data, pos);
StringUtil.putUnicodeLE(nameText, out);
} else {
StringUtil.putCompressedUnicode(nameText, out);
pos += rawNameSize;
Ptg.serializePtgs(field_13_name_definition, data, pos);
pos += formulaTotalSize;
StringUtil.putCompressedUnicode( getCustomMenuText(), data, pos);
pos += field_7_length_custom_menu;
StringUtil.putCompressedUnicode( getDescriptionText(), data, pos);
pos += field_8_length_description_text;
StringUtil.putCompressedUnicode( getHelpTopicText(), data, pos);
pos += field_9_length_help_topic_text;
StringUtil.putCompressedUnicode( getStatusBarText(), data, pos);
StringUtil.putCompressedUnicode( getCustomMenuText(), out);
StringUtil.putCompressedUnicode( getDescriptionText(), out);
StringUtil.putCompressedUnicode( getHelpTopicText(), out);
StringUtil.putCompressedUnicode( getStatusBarText(), out);
return 4 + dataSize;
return recSize;
private int getNameRawSize() {
if (isBuiltInName()) {
@ -412,23 +411,23 @@ public final class NameRecord extends Record {
public int getRecordSize(){
return 4 // sid + size
+ 15 // 4 shorts + 7 bytes
+ 13 // 3 shorts + 7 bytes
+ getNameRawSize()
+ field_14_custom_menu_text.length()
+ field_15_description_text.length()
+ field_16_help_topic_text.length()
+ field_17_status_bar_text.length()
+ Ptg.getEncodedSize(field_13_name_definition);
+ field_13_name_definition.getEncodedSize();
/** gets the extern sheet number
* @return extern sheet index
public int getExternSheetNumber(){
if (field_13_name_definition.length < 1) {
if (field_13_name_definition.getEncodedSize() < 1) {
return 0;
Ptg ptg = field_13_name_definition[0];
Ptg ptg = field_13_name_definition.getTokens()[0];
if (ptg.getClass() == Area3DPtg.class){
return ((Area3DPtg) ptg).getExternSheetIndex();
@ -444,15 +443,14 @@ public final class NameRecord extends Record {
* @param externSheetNumber extern sheet number
public void setExternSheetNumber(short externSheetNumber){
Ptg[] ptgs = field_13_name_definition.getTokens();
Ptg ptg;
if (field_13_name_definition.length < 1){
if (ptgs.length < 1){
ptg = createNewPtg();
field_13_name_definition = new Ptg[] {
ptgs = new Ptg[] { ptg, };
} else {
ptg = field_13_name_definition[0];
ptg = ptgs[0];
if (ptg.getClass() == Area3DPtg.class){
@ -461,7 +459,7 @@ public final class NameRecord extends Record {
} else if (ptg.getClass() == Ref3DPtg.class){
((Ref3DPtg) ptg).setExternSheetIndex(externSheetNumber);
field_13_name_definition = Formula.create(ptgs);
private static Ptg createNewPtg(){
@ -472,7 +470,7 @@ public final class NameRecord extends Record {
* @return area reference
public String getAreaReference(HSSFWorkbook book){
return HSSFFormulaParser.toFormulaString(book, field_13_name_definition);
return HSSFFormulaParser.toFormulaString(book, field_13_name_definition.getTokens());
/** sets the reference , the area only (range)
@ -483,11 +481,11 @@ public final class NameRecord extends Record {
RangeAddress ra = new RangeAddress(ref);
Ptg oldPtg;
if (field_13_name_definition.length < 1){
if (field_13_name_definition.getEncodedTokenSize() < 1){
oldPtg = createNewPtg();
} else {
//Trying to find extern sheet index
oldPtg = field_13_name_definition[0];
oldPtg = field_13_name_definition.getTokens()[0];
List temp = new ArrayList();
int externSheetIndex = 0;
@ -519,7 +517,7 @@ public final class NameRecord extends Record {
Ptg[] ptgs = new Ptg[temp.size()];
field_13_name_definition = ptgs;
field_13_name_definition = Formula.create(ptgs);
@ -528,17 +526,18 @@ public final class NameRecord extends Record {
* @param in the RecordInputstream to read the record from
public NameRecord(RecordInputStream in) {
public NameRecord(RecordInputStream ris) {
LittleEndianInput in = ris;
field_1_option_flag = in.readShort();
field_2_keyboard_shortcut = in.readByte();
int field_3_length_name_text = in.readByte();
int field_4_length_name_definition = in.readShort();
field_5_externSheetIndex_plus1 = in.readShort();
field_6_sheetNumber = in.readUShort();
int field_7_length_custom_menu = in.readUByte();
int field_8_length_description_text = in.readUByte();
int field_9_length_help_topic_text = in.readUByte();
int field_10_length_status_bar_text = in.readUByte();
int f7_customMenuLen = in.readUByte();
int f8_descriptionTextLen = in.readUByte();
int f9_helpTopicTextLen = in.readUByte();
int f10_statusBarTextLen = in.readUByte();
//store the name in byte form if it's a built-in name
field_11_nameIsMultibyte = (in.readByte() != 0);
@ -546,19 +545,21 @@ public final class NameRecord extends Record {
field_12_built_in_code = in.readByte();
} else {
if (field_11_nameIsMultibyte) {
field_12_name_text = in.readUnicodeLEString(field_3_length_name_text);
field_12_name_text = StringUtil.readUnicodeLE(in, field_3_length_name_text);
} else {
field_12_name_text = in.readCompressedUnicode(field_3_length_name_text);
field_12_name_text = StringUtil.readCompressedUnicode(in, field_3_length_name_text);
field_13_name_definition = Ptg.readTokens(field_4_length_name_definition, in);
int nBytesAvailable = in.available() - (f7_customMenuLen
+ f8_descriptionTextLen + f9_helpTopicTextLen + f10_statusBarTextLen);
field_13_name_definition = Formula.read(field_4_length_name_definition, in, nBytesAvailable);
//Who says that this can only ever be compressed unicode???
field_14_custom_menu_text = in.readCompressedUnicode(field_7_length_custom_menu);
field_15_description_text = in.readCompressedUnicode(field_8_length_description_text);
field_16_help_topic_text = in.readCompressedUnicode(field_9_length_help_topic_text);
field_17_status_bar_text = in.readCompressedUnicode(field_10_length_status_bar_text);
field_14_custom_menu_text = StringUtil.readCompressedUnicode(in, f7_customMenuLen);
field_15_description_text = StringUtil.readCompressedUnicode(in, f8_descriptionTextLen);
field_16_help_topic_text = StringUtil.readCompressedUnicode(in, f9_helpTopicTextLen);
field_17_status_bar_text = StringUtil.readCompressedUnicode(in, f10_statusBarTextLen);
@ -633,9 +634,10 @@ public final class NameRecord extends Record {
sb.append(" .Status bar text length = ").append(field_17_status_bar_text.length()).append("\n");
sb.append(" .NameIsMultibyte = ").append(field_11_nameIsMultibyte).append("\n");
sb.append(" .Name (Unicode text) = ").append( getNameText() ).append("\n");
sb.append(" .Formula (nTokens=").append(field_13_name_definition.length).append("):") .append("\n");
for (int i = 0; i < field_13_name_definition.length; i++) {
Ptg ptg = field_13_name_definition[i];
Ptg[] ptgs = field_13_name_definition.getTokens();
sb.append(" .Formula (nTokens=").append(ptgs.length).append("):") .append("\n");
for (int i = 0; i < ptgs.length; i++) {
Ptg ptg = ptgs[i];
sb.append(" " + ptg.toString()).append(ptg.getRVAType()).append("\n");
@ -18,15 +18,13 @@
package org.apache.poi.hssf.record;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexDump;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianInputStream;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutputStream;
* OBJRECORD (0x005D)<p/>
@ -37,10 +35,17 @@ import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutputStream;
public final class ObjRecord extends Record {
public final static short sid = 0x005D;
private static final int NORMAL_PAD_ALIGNMENT = 2;
private static int MAX_PAD_ALIGNMENT = 4;
private List subrecords;
/** used when POI has no idea what is going on */
private byte[] _uninterpretedData;
* Excel seems to tolerate padding to quad or double byte length
private boolean _isPaddedToQuadByteMultiple;
//00000000 15 00 12 00 01 00 01 00 11 60 00 00 00 00 00 0D .........`......
//00000010 26 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 &.........
@ -71,6 +76,10 @@ public final class ObjRecord extends Record {
_uninterpretedData = subRecordData;
if (subRecordData.length % 2 != 0) {
String msg = "Unexpected length of subRecordData : " + HexDump.toHex(subRecordData);
throw new RecordFormatException(msg);
// System.out.println(HexDump.toHex(subRecordData));
@ -84,12 +93,17 @@ public final class ObjRecord extends Record {
if (bais.available() > 0) {
// earlier versions of the code had allowances for padding
// At present (Oct-2008), no unit test samples exhibit such padding
String msg = "Leftover " + bais.available()
int nRemainingBytes = bais.available();
if (nRemainingBytes > 0) {
// At present (Oct-2008), most unit test samples have (subRecordData.length % 2 == 0)
_isPaddedToQuadByteMultiple = subRecordData.length % MAX_PAD_ALIGNMENT == 0;
if (nRemainingBytes >= (_isPaddedToQuadByteMultiple ? MAX_PAD_ALIGNMENT : NORMAL_PAD_ALIGNMENT)) {
String msg = "Leftover " + nRemainingBytes
+ " bytes in subrecord data " + HexDump.toHex(subRecordData);
throw new RecordFormatException(msg);
throw new RecordFormatException(msg);
} else {
_isPaddedToQuadByteMultiple = false;
@ -114,34 +128,41 @@ public final class ObjRecord extends Record {
SubRecord record = (SubRecord) subrecords.get(i);
size += record.getDataSize()+4;
if (_isPaddedToQuadByteMultiple) {
while (size % MAX_PAD_ALIGNMENT != 0) {
} else {
while (size % NORMAL_PAD_ALIGNMENT != 0) {
return size;
public int serialize(int offset, byte[] data) {
int dataSize = getDataSize();
int recSize = 4 + dataSize;
LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream out = new LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream(data, offset, recSize);
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, 0 + offset, sid);
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, 2 + offset, dataSize);
byte[] subRecordBytes;
if (_uninterpretedData == null) {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(dataSize);
LittleEndianOutput leo = new LittleEndianOutputStream(baos);
for (int i = 0; i < subrecords.size(); i++) {
SubRecord record = (SubRecord) subrecords.get(i);
int expectedEndIx = offset+dataSize;
// padding
while (baos.size() < dataSize) {
while (out.getWriteIndex() < expectedEndIx) {
subRecordBytes = baos.toByteArray();
} else {
subRecordBytes = _uninterpretedData;
System.arraycopy(subRecordBytes, 0, data, offset + 4, dataSize);
return 4 + dataSize;
return recSize;
public int getRecordSize() {
@ -355,14 +355,14 @@ public final class RecordInputStream extends InputStream implements LittleEndian
//growable array of the data.
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(2*MAX_RECORD_DATA_SIZE);
while (isContinueNext()) {
while (true) {
byte[] b = readRemainder();
out.write(b, 0, b.length);
if (!isContinueNext()) {
byte[] b = readRemainder();
out.write(b, 0, b.length);
return out.toByteArray();
@ -22,7 +22,10 @@ import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.AreaPtg;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.Ptg;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.RefNPtg;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.RefPtg;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.CellRangeAddress8Bit;
import org.apache.poi.ss.formula.Formula;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexDump;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;
* Title: SHAREDFMLA (0x04BC) SharedFormulaRecord
@ -39,10 +42,15 @@ public final class SharedFormulaRecord extends SharedValueRecordBase {
public final static short sid = 0x04BC;
private int field_5_reserved;
private Ptg[] field_7_parsed_expr;
private Formula field_7_parsed_expr;
// for testing only
public SharedFormulaRecord() {
field_7_parsed_expr = Ptg.EMPTY_PTG_ARRAY;
this(new CellRangeAddress8Bit(0,0,0,0));
private SharedFormulaRecord(CellRangeAddress8Bit range) {
field_7_parsed_expr = Formula.create(Ptg.EMPTY_PTG_ARRAY);
@ -52,17 +60,17 @@ public final class SharedFormulaRecord extends SharedValueRecordBase {
field_5_reserved = in.readShort();
int field_6_expression_len = in.readShort();
field_7_parsed_expr = Ptg.readTokens(field_6_expression_len, in);
int nAvailableBytes = in.available();
field_7_parsed_expr = Formula.read(field_6_expression_len, in, nAvailableBytes);
protected void serializeExtraData(int offset, byte[] data) {
//Because this record is converted to individual Formula records, this method is not required.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot serialize a SharedFormulaRecord");
protected void serializeExtraData(LittleEndianOutput out) {
protected int getExtraDataSize() {
//Because this record is converted to individual Formula records, this method is not required.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot get the size for a SharedFormulaRecord");
return 2 + field_7_parsed_expr.getEncodedSize();
@ -77,9 +85,10 @@ public final class SharedFormulaRecord extends SharedValueRecordBase {
buffer.append(" .range = ").append(getRange().toString()).append("\n");
buffer.append(" .reserved = ").append(HexDump.shortToHex(field_5_reserved)).append("\n");
for (int k = 0; k < field_7_parsed_expr.length; k++ ) {
Ptg[] ptgs = field_7_parsed_expr.getTokens();
for (int k = 0; k < ptgs.length; k++ ) {
Ptg ptg = field_7_parsed_expr[k];
Ptg ptg = ptgs[k];
@ -92,20 +101,13 @@ public final class SharedFormulaRecord extends SharedValueRecordBase {
* Creates a non shared formula from the shared formula
* counter part
* Creates a non shared formula from the shared formula counterpart<br/>
* Perhaps this functionality could be implemented in terms of the raw
* byte array inside {@link Formula}.
protected static Ptg[] convertSharedFormulas(Ptg[] ptgs, int formulaRow, int formulaColumn) {
if(false) {
* TODO - (May-2008) Stop converting relative ref Ptgs in shared formula records.
* If/when POI writes out the workbook, this conversion makes an unnecessary diff in the BIFF records.
* Disabling this code breaks one existing junit.
* Some fix-up will be required to make Ptg.toFormulaString(HSSFWorkbook) work properly.
* That method will need 2 extra params: rowIx and colIx.
return ptgs;
static Ptg[] convertSharedFormulas(Ptg[] ptgs, int formulaRow, int formulaColumn) {
Ptg[] newPtgStack = new Ptg[ptgs.length];
for (int k = 0; k < ptgs.length; k++) {
@ -145,10 +147,9 @@ public final class SharedFormulaRecord extends SharedValueRecordBase {
* Creates a non shared formula from the shared formula
* counter part
* @return the equivalent {@link Ptg} array that the formula would have, were it not shared.
public void convertSharedFormulaRecord(FormulaRecord formula) {
public Ptg[] getFormulaTokens(FormulaRecord formula) {
int formulaRow = formula.getRow();
int formulaColumn = formula.getColumn();
//Sanity checks
@ -156,10 +157,7 @@ public final class SharedFormulaRecord extends SharedValueRecordBase {
throw new RuntimeException("Shared Formula Conversion: Coding Error");
Ptg[] ptgs = convertSharedFormulas(field_7_parsed_expr, formulaRow, formulaColumn);
//Now its not shared!
return convertSharedFormulas(field_7_parsed_expr.getTokens(), formulaRow, formulaColumn);
private static int fixupRelativeColumn(int currentcolumn, int column, boolean relative) {
@ -179,7 +177,9 @@ public final class SharedFormulaRecord extends SharedValueRecordBase {
public Object clone() {
//Because this record is converted to individual Formula records, this method is not required.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot clone a SharedFormulaRecord");
SharedFormulaRecord result = new SharedFormulaRecord(getRange());
result.field_5_reserved = field_5_reserved;
result.field_7_parsed_expr = field_7_parsed_expr.copy();
return result;
@ -18,7 +18,9 @@
package org.apache.poi.hssf.record;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.CellRangeAddress8Bit;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianInput;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;
* Common base class for {@link SharedFormulaRecord}, {@link ArrayRecord} and
@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ public abstract class SharedValueRecordBase extends Record {
* reads only the range (1 {@link CellRangeAddress8Bit}) from the stream
public SharedValueRecordBase(RecordInputStream in) {
public SharedValueRecordBase(LittleEndianInput in) {
_range = new CellRangeAddress8Bit(in);
@ -71,19 +73,19 @@ public abstract class SharedValueRecordBase extends Record {
protected abstract int getExtraDataSize();
protected abstract void serializeExtraData(int offset, byte[] data);
protected abstract void serializeExtraData(LittleEndianOutput out);
public final int serialize(int offset, byte[] data) {
int dataSize = CellRangeAddress8Bit.ENCODED_SIZE + getExtraDataSize();
int totalRecSize = dataSize + 4;
LittleEndianOutput out = new LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream(data, offset, totalRecSize);
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0 + offset, getSid());
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, 2 + offset, dataSize);
int pos = offset + 4;
_range.serialize(pos, data);
pos += CellRangeAddress8Bit.ENCODED_SIZE;
serializeExtraData(pos, data);
return dataSize + 4;
return totalRecSize;
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.CellReference;
import org.apache.poi.util.BitField;
import org.apache.poi.util.BitFieldFactory;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexDump;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;
* DATATABLE (0x0236)<p/>
@ -146,13 +146,13 @@ public final class TableRecord extends SharedValueRecordBase {
2 // 2 byte fields
+ 8; // 4 short fields
protected void serializeExtraData(int offset, byte[] data) {
LittleEndian.putByte(data, 0 + offset, field_5_flags);
LittleEndian.putByte(data, 1 + offset, field_6_res);
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, 2 + offset, field_7_rowInputRow);
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, 4 + offset, field_8_colInputRow);
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, 6 + offset, field_9_rowInputCol);
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, 8 + offset, field_10_colInputCol);
protected void serializeExtraData(LittleEndianOutput out) {
public String toString() {
@ -21,7 +21,10 @@ import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.CellValueRecordInterface;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.FormulaRecord;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordFormatException;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SharedFormulaRecord;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.StringRecord;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.ExpPtg;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.Ptg;
* The formula record aggregate is used to join together the formula record and it's
@ -31,113 +34,177 @@ import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.StringRecord;
public final class FormulaRecordAggregate extends RecordAggregate implements CellValueRecordInterface {
private final FormulaRecord _formulaRecord;
private SharedValueManager _sharedValueManager;
/** caches the calculated result of the formula */
private StringRecord _stringRecord;
private final FormulaRecord _formulaRecord;
private SharedValueManager _sharedValueManager;
/** caches the calculated result of the formula */
private StringRecord _stringRecord;
private SharedFormulaRecord _sharedFormulaRecord;
* @param stringRec may be <code>null</code> if this formula does not have a cached text
* value.
* @param svm the {@link SharedValueManager} for the current sheet
public FormulaRecordAggregate(FormulaRecord formulaRec, StringRecord stringRec, SharedValueManager svm) {
if (svm == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("sfm must not be null");
boolean hasStringRec = stringRec != null;
boolean hasCachedStringFlag = formulaRec.hasCachedResultString();
if (hasStringRec != hasCachedStringFlag) {
throw new RecordFormatException("String record was "
+ (hasStringRec ? "": "not ") + " supplied but formula record flag is "
+ (hasCachedStringFlag ? "" : "not ") + " set");
* @param stringRec may be <code>null</code> if this formula does not have a cached text
* value.
* @param svm the {@link SharedValueManager} for the current sheet
public FormulaRecordAggregate(FormulaRecord formulaRec, StringRecord stringRec, SharedValueManager svm) {
if (svm == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("sfm must not be null");
boolean hasStringRec = stringRec != null;
boolean hasCachedStringFlag = formulaRec.hasCachedResultString();
if (hasStringRec != hasCachedStringFlag) {
throw new RecordFormatException("String record was "
+ (hasStringRec ? "": "not ") + " supplied but formula record flag is "
+ (hasCachedStringFlag ? "" : "not ") + " set");
if (formulaRec.isSharedFormula()) {
_formulaRecord = formulaRec;
_sharedValueManager = svm;
_stringRecord = stringRec;
_formulaRecord = formulaRec;
_sharedValueManager = svm;
_stringRecord = stringRec;
if (formulaRec.isSharedFormula()) {
_sharedFormulaRecord = svm.linkSharedFormulaRecord(this);
if (_sharedFormulaRecord == null) {
* Sometimes the shared formula flag "seems" to be erroneously set (because the corresponding
* {@link SharedFormulaRecord} does not exist). Normally this would leave no way of determining
* the {@link Ptg} tokens for the formula. However as it turns out in these
* cases, Excel encodes the unshared {@link Ptg} tokens in the right place (inside the {@link
* FormulaRecord}). So the the only thing that needs to be done is to ignore the erroneous
* shared formula flag.<br/>
* This method may also be used for setting breakpoints to help diagnose issues regarding the
* abnormally-set 'shared formula' flags.
* (see TestValueRecordsAggregate.testSpuriousSharedFormulaFlag()).<p/>
private static void handleMissingSharedFormulaRecord(FormulaRecord formula) {
// make sure 'unshared' formula is actually available
Ptg firstToken = formula.getParsedExpression()[0];
if (firstToken instanceof ExpPtg) {
throw new RecordFormatException(
"SharedFormulaRecord not found for FormulaRecord with (isSharedFormula=true)");
// could log an info message here since this is a fairly unusual occurrence.
formula.setSharedFormula(false); // no point leaving the flag erroneously set
public FormulaRecord getFormulaRecord() {
return _formulaRecord;
public FormulaRecord getFormulaRecord() {
return _formulaRecord;
* debug only
* TODO - encapsulate
public StringRecord getStringRecord() {
return _stringRecord;
* debug only
* TODO - encapsulate
public StringRecord getStringRecord() {
return _stringRecord;
public short getXFIndex() {
return _formulaRecord.getXFIndex();
public short getXFIndex() {
return _formulaRecord.getXFIndex();
public void setXFIndex(short xf) {
public void setXFIndex(short xf) {
public void setColumn(short col) {
public void setColumn(short col) {
public void setRow(int row) {
public void setRow(int row) {
public short getColumn() {
return _formulaRecord.getColumn();
public short getColumn() {
return _formulaRecord.getColumn();
public int getRow() {
return _formulaRecord.getRow();
public int getRow() {
return _formulaRecord.getRow();
public String toString() {
return _formulaRecord.toString();
public String toString() {
return _formulaRecord.toString();
public void visitContainedRecords(RecordVisitor rv) {
Record sharedFormulaRecord = _sharedValueManager.getRecordForFirstCell(_formulaRecord);
if (sharedFormulaRecord != null) {
if (_stringRecord != null) {
public void visitContainedRecords(RecordVisitor rv) {
// TODO - only bother with this if array or table formula
Record sharedFormulaRecord = _sharedValueManager.getRecordForFirstCell(_formulaRecord);
if (sharedFormulaRecord != null) {
if (_stringRecord != null) {
public String getStringValue() {
if(_stringRecord==null) {
return null;
return _stringRecord.getString();
public String getStringValue() {
if(_stringRecord==null) {
return null;
return _stringRecord.getString();
public void setCachedStringResult(String value) {
public void setCachedStringResult(String value) {
// Save the string into a String Record, creating one if required
if(_stringRecord == null) {
_stringRecord = new StringRecord();
if (value.length() < 1) {
} else {
public void setCachedBooleanResult(boolean value) {
_stringRecord = null;
public void setCachedErrorResult(int errorCode) {
_stringRecord = null;
// Save the string into a String Record, creating one if required
if(_stringRecord == null) {
_stringRecord = new StringRecord();
if (value.length() < 1) {
} else {
public void setCachedBooleanResult(boolean value) {
_stringRecord = null;
public void setCachedErrorResult(int errorCode) {
_stringRecord = null;
public Ptg[] getFormulaTokens() {
if (_sharedFormulaRecord == null) {
return _formulaRecord.getParsedExpression();
return _sharedFormulaRecord.getFormulaTokens(_formulaRecord);
* Also checks for a related shared formula and unlinks it if found
public void setParsedExpression(Ptg[] ptgs) {
public void unlinkSharedFormula() {
SharedFormulaRecord sfr = _sharedFormulaRecord;
if (sfr == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Formula not linked to shared formula");
Ptg[] ptgs = sfr.getFormulaTokens(_formulaRecord);
//Now its not shared!
_sharedFormulaRecord = null;
* Should be called by any code which is either deleting this formula cell, or changing
* its type. This method gives the aggregate a chance to unlink any shared formula
* that may be involved with this cell formula.
public void notifyFormulaChanging() {
if (_sharedFormulaRecord != null) {
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ package org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordBase;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordInputStream;
* <tt>RecordAggregate</tt>s are groups of of BIFF <tt>Record</tt>s that are typically stored
@ -29,16 +28,6 @@ import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordInputStream;
* @author Josh Micich
public abstract class RecordAggregate extends RecordBase {
// TODO - delete these methods when all subclasses have been converted
protected final void validateSid(short id) {
throw new RuntimeException("Should not be called");
protected final void fillFields(RecordInputStream in) {
throw new RuntimeException("Should not be called");
public final short getSid() {
throw new RuntimeException("Should not be called");
* Visit each of the atomic BIFF records contained in this {@link RecordAggregate} in the order
@ -321,39 +321,38 @@ public final class RowRecordsAggregate extends RecordAggregate {
return currentRow-1;
public int writeHidden( RowRecord rowRecord, int row, boolean hidden )
* Hide all rows at or below the current outline level
* @return index of the <em>next<em> row after the last row that gets hidden
private int writeHidden(RowRecord pRowRecord, int row) {
int rowIx = row;
RowRecord rowRecord = pRowRecord;
int level = rowRecord.getOutlineLevel();
while (rowRecord != null && this.getRow(row).getOutlineLevel() >= level)
rowRecord.setZeroHeight( hidden );
rowRecord = this.getRow( row );
while (rowRecord != null && getRow(rowIx).getOutlineLevel() >= level) {
rowRecord = getRow(rowIx);
return row - 1;
return rowIx;
public void collapseRow( int rowNumber )
public void collapseRow(int rowNumber) {
// Find the start of the group.
int startRow = findStartOfRowOutlineGroup( rowNumber );
RowRecord rowRecord = getRow( startRow );
int startRow = findStartOfRowOutlineGroup(rowNumber);
RowRecord rowRecord = getRow(startRow);
// Hide all the columns until the end of the group
int lastRow = writeHidden( rowRecord, startRow, true );
int nextRowIx = writeHidden(rowRecord, startRow);
RowRecord row = getRow(nextRowIx);
if (row == null) {
row = createRow(nextRowIx);
// Write collapse field
if (getRow(lastRow + 1) != null)
getRow(lastRow + 1).setColapsed( true );
RowRecord row = createRow( lastRow + 1);
row.setColapsed( true );
insertRow( row );
@ -500,6 +499,9 @@ public final class RowRecordsAggregate extends RecordAggregate {
public void removeCell(CellValueRecordInterface cvRec) {
if (cvRec instanceof FormulaRecordAggregate) {
public FormulaRecordAggregate createFormula(int row, int col) {
@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
package org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.ArrayRecord;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.FormulaRecord;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SharedFormulaRecord;
@ -35,18 +38,72 @@ import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.TableRecord;
* @author Josh Micich
public final class SharedValueManager {
// This class should probably be generalised to handle array and table groups too
private static final class SharedValueGroup {
private final SharedValueRecordBase _svr;
private final FormulaRecordAggregate[] _frAggs;
private int _numberOfFormulas;
public SharedValueGroup(SharedValueRecordBase svr) {
_svr = svr;
int width = svr.getLastColumn() - svr.getFirstColumn() + 1;
int height = svr.getLastRow() - svr.getFirstRow() + 1;
_frAggs = new FormulaRecordAggregate[width * height];
_numberOfFormulas = 0;
public void add(FormulaRecordAggregate agg) {
_frAggs[_numberOfFormulas++] = agg;
public void unlinkSharedFormulas() {
for (int i = 0; i < _numberOfFormulas; i++) {
public boolean isInRange(int rowIx, int columnIx) {
return _svr.isInRange(rowIx, columnIx);
public SharedValueRecordBase getSVR() {
return _svr;
* Note - Sometimes the first formula in a group is not present (because the range
* is sparsely populated), so this method can return <code>true</code> for a cell
* that is not the top-left corner of the range.
* @return <code>true</code> if this is the first formula cell in the group
public boolean isFirstCell(int row, int column) {
// hack for the moment, just check against the first formula that
// came in through the add() method.
FormulaRecordAggregate fra = _frAggs[0];
return fra.getRow() == row && fra.getColumn() == column;
public static final SharedValueManager EMPTY = new SharedValueManager(
new SharedFormulaRecord[0], new ArrayRecord[0], new TableRecord[0]);
private final SharedFormulaRecord[] _sfrs;
private final ArrayRecord[] _arrayRecords;
private final TableRecord[] _tableRecords;
private final Map _groupsBySharedFormulaRecord;
/** cached for optimization purposes */
private SharedValueGroup[] _groups;
private SharedValueManager(SharedFormulaRecord[] sharedFormulaRecords,
ArrayRecord[] arrayRecords, TableRecord[] tableRecords) {
_sfrs = sharedFormulaRecords;
_arrayRecords = arrayRecords;
_tableRecords = tableRecords;
Map m = new HashMap(sharedFormulaRecords.length * 3 / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < sharedFormulaRecords.length; i++) {
SharedFormulaRecord sfr = sharedFormulaRecords[i];
m.put(sfr, new SharedValueGroup(sfr));
_groupsBySharedFormulaRecord = m;
@ -64,42 +121,42 @@ public final class SharedValueManager {
return new SharedValueManager(sharedFormulaRecords, arrayRecords, tableRecords);
public void convertSharedFormulaRecord(FormulaRecord formula) {
* @return <code>null</code> if the specified formula does not have any corresponding
* {@link SharedFormulaRecord}
public SharedFormulaRecord linkSharedFormulaRecord(FormulaRecordAggregate agg) {
FormulaRecord formula = agg.getFormulaRecord();
int row = formula.getRow();
int column = formula.getColumn();
// Traverse the list of shared formulas in
// reverse order, and try to find the correct one
// for us
for (int i = 0; i < _sfrs.length; i++) {
SharedFormulaRecord shrd = _sfrs[i];
if (shrd.isInRange(row, column)) {
SharedValueGroup[] groups = getGroups();
for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
SharedValueGroup svr = groups[i];
if (svr.isInRange(row, column)) {
return (SharedFormulaRecord) svr.getSVR();
// not found
return null;
* Sometimes the shared formula flag "seems" to be erroneously set, in which case there is no
* call to <tt>SharedFormulaRecord.convertSharedFormulaRecord</tt> and hence the
* <tt>parsedExpression</tt> field of this <tt>FormulaRecord</tt> will not get updated.<br/>
* As it turns out, this is not a problem, because in these circumstances, the existing value
* for <tt>parsedExpression</tt> is perfectly OK.<p/>
* This method may also be used for setting breakpoints to help diagnose issues regarding the
* abnormally-set 'shared formula' flags.
* (see TestValueRecordsAggregate.testSpuriousSharedFormulaFlag()).<p/>
* The method currently does nothing but do not delete it without finding a nice home for this
* comment.
private static void handleMissingSharedFormulaRecord(FormulaRecord formula) {
// could log an info message here since this is a fairly unusual occurrence.
formula.setSharedFormula(false); // no point leaving the flag erroneously set
private SharedValueGroup[] getGroups() {
if (_groups == null) {
SharedValueGroup[] groups = new SharedValueGroup[_groupsBySharedFormulaRecord.size()];
_groups = groups;
return _groups;
* Note - does not return SharedFormulaRecords currently, because the corresponding formula
* records have been converted to 'unshared'. POI does not attempt to re-share formulas. On
@ -125,6 +182,26 @@ public final class SharedValueManager {
return ar;
SharedValueGroup[] groups = getGroups();
for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
SharedValueGroup svg = groups[i];
if (svg.isFirstCell(row, column)) {
return svg.getSVR();
return null;
* Converts all {@link FormulaRecord}s handled by <tt>sharedFormulaRecord</tt>
* to plain unshared formulas
public void unlink(SharedFormulaRecord sharedFormulaRecord) {
SharedValueGroup svg = (SharedValueGroup) _groupsBySharedFormulaRecord.remove(sharedFormulaRecord);
_groups = null; // be sure to reset cached value
if (svg == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to find formulas for shared formula");
@ -145,9 +145,6 @@ public final class ValueRecordsAggregate {
public void construct(CellValueRecordInterface rec, RecordStream rs, SharedValueManager sfh) {
if (rec instanceof FormulaRecord) {
FormulaRecord formulaRec = (FormulaRecord)rec;
if (formulaRec.isSharedFormula()) {
// read optional cached text value
StringRecord cachedText;
Class nextClass = rs.peekNextClass();
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
/* ====================================================================
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
@ -15,129 +14,54 @@
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
==================================================================== */
* FontFormatting.java
* Created on January 22, 2008, 10:05 PM
package org.apache.poi.hssf.record.cf;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordInputStream;
import org.apache.poi.util.BitField;
import org.apache.poi.util.BitFieldFactory;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianInput;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;
* Border Formatting Block of the Conditional Formatting Rule Record.
* @author Dmitriy Kumshayev
public final class BorderFormatting {
public class BorderFormatting
* No border
/** No border */
public final static short BORDER_NONE = 0x0;
* Thin border
/** Thin border */
public final static short BORDER_THIN = 0x1;
* Medium border
/** Medium border */
public final static short BORDER_MEDIUM = 0x2;
* dash border
/** dash border */
public final static short BORDER_DASHED = 0x3;
* dot border
public final static short BORDER_HAIR = 0x4;
* Thick border
/** dot border */
public final static short BORDER_HAIR = 0x4;
/** Thick border */
public final static short BORDER_THICK = 0x5;
* double-line border
/** double-line border */
public final static short BORDER_DOUBLE = 0x6;
* hair-line border
public final static short BORDER_DOTTED = 0x7;
* Medium dashed border
/** hair-line border */
public final static short BORDER_DOTTED = 0x7;
/** Medium dashed border */
public final static short BORDER_MEDIUM_DASHED = 0x8;
* dash-dot border
/** dash-dot border */
public final static short BORDER_DASH_DOT = 0x9;
* medium dash-dot border
/** medium dash-dot border */
public final static short BORDER_MEDIUM_DASH_DOT = 0xA;
* dash-dot-dot border
/** dash-dot-dot border */
public final static short BORDER_DASH_DOT_DOT = 0xB;
* medium dash-dot-dot border
/** medium dash-dot-dot border */
public final static short BORDER_MEDIUM_DASH_DOT_DOT = 0xC;
* slanted dash-dot border
/** slanted dash-dot border */
public final static short BORDER_SLANTED_DASH_DOT = 0xD;
public BorderFormatting()
field_13_border_styles1 = (short)0;
field_14_border_styles2 = (short)0;
/** Creates new FontFormatting */
public BorderFormatting(RecordInputStream in)
field_13_border_styles1 = in.readInt();
field_14_border_styles2 = in.readInt();
// For Border Line Style codes see HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_XXXXXX
private int field_13_border_styles1;
private int field_13_border_styles1;
private static final BitField bordLeftLineStyle = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0000000F);
private static final BitField bordRightLineStyle = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x000000F0);
private static final BitField bordTopLineStyle = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00000F00);
@ -147,12 +71,25 @@ public class BorderFormatting
private static final BitField bordTlBrLineOnOff = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x40000000);
private static final BitField bordBlTrtLineOnOff = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x80000000);
private int field_14_border_styles2;
private int field_14_border_styles2;
private static final BitField bordTopLineColor = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0000007F);
private static final BitField bordBottomLineColor= BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00003f80);
private static final BitField bordDiagLineColor = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x001FC000);
private static final BitField bordDiagLineStyle = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x01E00000);
public BorderFormatting() {
field_13_border_styles1 = 0;
field_14_border_styles2 = 0;
/** Creates new FontFormatting */
public BorderFormatting(LittleEndianInput in) {
field_13_border_styles1 = in.readInt();
field_14_border_styles2 = in.readInt();
* set the type of border to use for the left border of the cell
* @param border type
@ -171,10 +108,8 @@ public class BorderFormatting
public void setBorderLeft(short border)
field_13_border_styles1 = bordLeftLineStyle.setValue(field_13_border_styles1, border);
public void setBorderLeft(int border) {
field_13_border_styles1 = bordLeftLineStyle.setValue(field_13_border_styles1, border);
@ -195,10 +130,8 @@ public class BorderFormatting
public short getBorderLeft()
return (short)bordLeftLineStyle.getValue(field_13_border_styles1);
public int getBorderLeft() {
return bordLeftLineStyle.getValue(field_13_border_styles1);
@ -219,10 +152,8 @@ public class BorderFormatting
public void setBorderRight(short border)
field_13_border_styles1 = bordRightLineStyle.setValue(field_13_border_styles1, border);
public void setBorderRight(int border) {
field_13_border_styles1 = bordRightLineStyle.setValue(field_13_border_styles1, border);
@ -243,10 +174,8 @@ public class BorderFormatting
public short getBorderRight()
return (short)bordRightLineStyle.getValue(field_13_border_styles1);
public int getBorderRight() {
return bordRightLineStyle.getValue(field_13_border_styles1);
@ -267,10 +196,8 @@ public class BorderFormatting
public void setBorderTop(short border)
field_13_border_styles1 = bordTopLineStyle.setValue(field_13_border_styles1, border);
public void setBorderTop(int border) {
field_13_border_styles1 = bordTopLineStyle.setValue(field_13_border_styles1, border);
@ -291,10 +218,8 @@ public class BorderFormatting
public short getBorderTop()
return (short)bordTopLineStyle.getValue(field_13_border_styles1);
public int getBorderTop() {
return bordTopLineStyle.getValue(field_13_border_styles1);
@ -315,10 +240,8 @@ public class BorderFormatting
public void setBorderBottom(short border)
field_13_border_styles1 = bordBottomLineStyle.setValue(field_13_border_styles1, border);
public void setBorderBottom(int border) {
field_13_border_styles1 = bordBottomLineStyle.setValue(field_13_border_styles1, border);
@ -339,11 +262,10 @@ public class BorderFormatting
public short getBorderBottom()
return (short)bordBottomLineStyle.getValue(field_13_border_styles1);
public int getBorderBottom() {
return bordBottomLineStyle.getValue(field_13_border_styles1);
* set the type of border to use for the diagonal border of the cell
* @param border type
@ -362,10 +284,8 @@ public class BorderFormatting
public void setBorderDiagonal(short border)
field_14_border_styles2 = bordDiagLineStyle.setValue(field_14_border_styles2, border);
public void setBorderDiagonal(int border) {
field_14_border_styles2 = bordDiagLineStyle.setValue(field_14_border_styles2, border);
@ -386,18 +306,16 @@ public class BorderFormatting
public short getBorderDiagonal()
return (short)bordDiagLineStyle.getValue(field_14_border_styles2);
public int getBorderDiagonal() {
return bordDiagLineStyle.getValue(field_14_border_styles2);
* set the color to use for the left border
* @param color The index of the color definition
public void setLeftBorderColor(short color)
field_13_border_styles1 = bordLeftLineColor.setValue(field_13_border_styles1, color);
public void setLeftBorderColor(int color) {
field_13_border_styles1 = bordLeftLineColor.setValue(field_13_border_styles1, color);
@ -405,18 +323,16 @@ public class BorderFormatting
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFPalette#getColor(short)
* @param color The index of the color definition
public short getLeftBorderColor()
return (short)bordLeftLineColor.getValue(field_13_border_styles1);
public int getLeftBorderColor() {
return bordLeftLineColor.getValue(field_13_border_styles1);
* set the color to use for the right border
* @param color The index of the color definition
public void setRightBorderColor(short color)
field_13_border_styles1 = bordRightLineColor.setValue(field_13_border_styles1, color);
public void setRightBorderColor(int color) {
field_13_border_styles1 = bordRightLineColor.setValue(field_13_border_styles1, color);
@ -424,18 +340,16 @@ public class BorderFormatting
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFPalette#getColor(short)
* @param color The index of the color definition
public short getRightBorderColor()
return (short)bordRightLineColor.getValue(field_13_border_styles1);
public int getRightBorderColor() {
return bordRightLineColor.getValue(field_13_border_styles1);
* set the color to use for the top border
* @param color The index of the color definition
public void setTopBorderColor(short color)
field_14_border_styles2 = bordTopLineColor.setValue(field_14_border_styles2, color);
public void setTopBorderColor(int color) {
field_14_border_styles2 = bordTopLineColor.setValue(field_14_border_styles2, color);
@ -443,18 +357,17 @@ public class BorderFormatting
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFPalette#getColor(short)
* @param color The index of the color definition
public short getTopBorderColor()
return (short)bordTopLineColor.getValue(field_14_border_styles2);
public int getTopBorderColor() {
return bordTopLineColor.getValue(field_14_border_styles2);
* set the color to use for the bottom border
* @param color The index of the color definition
public void setBottomBorderColor(short color)
public void setBottomBorderColor(int color)
field_14_border_styles2 = bordBottomLineColor.setValue(field_14_border_styles2, color);
field_14_border_styles2 = bordBottomLineColor.setValue(field_14_border_styles2, color);
@ -462,18 +375,16 @@ public class BorderFormatting
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFPalette#getColor(short)
* @param color The index of the color definition
public short getBottomBorderColor()
return (short)bordBottomLineColor.getValue(field_14_border_styles2);
public int getBottomBorderColor() {
return bordBottomLineColor.getValue(field_14_border_styles2);
* set the color to use for the diagonal borders
* @param color The index of the color definition
public void setDiagonalBorderColor(short color)
field_14_border_styles2 = bordDiagLineColor.setValue(field_14_border_styles2, color);
public void setDiagonalBorderColor(int color) {
field_14_border_styles2 = bordDiagLineColor.setValue(field_14_border_styles2, color);
@ -481,50 +392,44 @@ public class BorderFormatting
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFPalette#getColor(short)
* @param color The index of the color definition
public short getDiagonalBorderColor()
return (short)bordDiagLineColor.getValue(field_14_border_styles2);
public int getDiagonalBorderColor() {
return bordDiagLineColor.getValue(field_14_border_styles2);
* Of/off bottom left to top right line
* @param on - if true - on, otherwise off
* @param on - if <code>true</code> - on, otherwise off
public void setForwardDiagonalOn(boolean on)
field_13_border_styles1 = bordBlTrtLineOnOff.setBoolean(field_13_border_styles1, on);
public void setForwardDiagonalOn(boolean on) {
field_13_border_styles1 = bordBlTrtLineOnOff.setBoolean(field_13_border_styles1, on);
* Of/off top left to bottom right line
* @param on - if true - on, otherwise off
* @param on - if <code>true</code> - on, otherwise off
public void setBackwardDiagonalOn(boolean on)
field_13_border_styles1 = bordTlBrLineOnOff.setBoolean(field_13_border_styles1, on);
* @return true if forward diagonal is on
public boolean isForwardDiagonalOn()
return bordBlTrtLineOnOff.isSet(field_13_border_styles1);
public void setBackwardDiagonalOn(boolean on) {
field_13_border_styles1 = bordTlBrLineOnOff.setBoolean(field_13_border_styles1, on);
* @return true if backward diagonal is on
* @return <code>true</code> if forward diagonal is on
public boolean isBackwardDiagonalOn()
return bordTlBrLineOnOff.isSet(field_13_border_styles1);
public boolean isForwardDiagonalOn() {
return bordBlTrtLineOnOff.isSet(field_13_border_styles1);
public String toString()
* @return <code>true</code> if backward diagonal is on
public boolean isBackwardDiagonalOn() {
return bordTlBrLineOnOff.isSet(field_13_border_styles1);
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append(" [Border Formatting]\n");
buffer.append(" .lftln = ").append(Integer.toHexString(getBorderLeft())).append("\n");
@ -540,21 +445,21 @@ public class BorderFormatting
buffer.append(" [/Border Formatting]\n");
return buffer.toString();
public Object clone()
public Object clone() {
BorderFormatting rec = new BorderFormatting();
rec.field_13_border_styles1 = field_13_border_styles1;
rec.field_14_border_styles2 = field_14_border_styles2;
rec.field_13_border_styles1 = field_13_border_styles1;
rec.field_14_border_styles2 = field_14_border_styles2;
return rec;
public int serialize(int offset, byte [] data)
LittleEndian.putInt(data, offset, field_13_border_styles1);
offset += 4;
LittleEndian.putInt(data, offset, field_14_border_styles2);
offset += 4;
return 8;
public int serialize(int offset, byte [] data) {
LittleEndian.putInt(data, offset+0, field_13_border_styles1);
LittleEndian.putInt(data, offset+4, field_14_border_styles2);
return 8;
public void serialize(LittleEndianOutput out) {
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
/* ====================================================================
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
@ -15,28 +14,20 @@
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
==================================================================== */
* FontFormatting.java
* Created on January 22, 2008, 10:05 PM
package org.apache.poi.hssf.record.cf;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordInputStream;
import org.apache.poi.util.BitField;
import org.apache.poi.util.BitFieldFactory;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianInput;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;
* Pattern Formatting Block of the Conditional Formatting Rule Record.
* @author Dmitriy Kumshayev
public class PatternFormatting implements Cloneable
public final class PatternFormatting implements Cloneable {
/** No background */
public final static short NO_FILL = 0 ;
/** Solidly filled */
@ -75,29 +66,29 @@ public class PatternFormatting implements Cloneable
public final static short LESS_DOTS = 17 ;
/** Least Dots */
public final static short LEAST_DOTS = 18 ;
public PatternFormatting()
field_15_pattern_style = (short)0;
field_16_pattern_color_indexes = (short)0;
/** Creates new FontFormatting */
public PatternFormatting(RecordInputStream in)
field_15_pattern_style = in.readShort();
field_16_pattern_color_indexes = in.readShort();
// For Pattern Styles see constants at HSSFCellStyle (from NO_FILL to LEAST_DOTS)
private short field_15_pattern_style;
private int field_15_pattern_style;
private static final BitField fillPatternStyle = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0xFC00);
private short field_16_pattern_color_indexes;
private static final BitField patternColorIndex = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x007F);
private static final BitField patternBackgroundColorIndex = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x3F80);
private int field_16_pattern_color_indexes;
private static final BitField patternColorIndex = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x007F);
private static final BitField patternBackgroundColorIndex = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x3F80);
public PatternFormatting() {
field_15_pattern_style = 0;
field_16_pattern_color_indexes = 0;
/** Creates new FontFormatting */
public PatternFormatting(LittleEndianInput in) {
field_15_pattern_style = in.readUShort();
field_16_pattern_color_indexes = in.readUShort();
* setting fill pattern
@ -121,63 +112,48 @@ public class PatternFormatting implements Cloneable
* @param fp fill pattern
public void setFillPattern(short fp)
field_15_pattern_style = fillPatternStyle.setShortValue(field_15_pattern_style, fp);
public void setFillPattern(int fp) {
field_15_pattern_style = fillPatternStyle.setValue(field_15_pattern_style, fp);
* get the fill pattern
* @return fill pattern
public short getFillPattern()
return fillPatternStyle.getShortValue(field_15_pattern_style);
public int getFillPattern() {
return fillPatternStyle.getValue(field_15_pattern_style);
* set the background fill color.
* @param bg color
public void setFillBackgroundColor(short bg)
field_16_pattern_color_indexes = patternBackgroundColorIndex.setShortValue(field_16_pattern_color_indexes,bg);
public void setFillBackgroundColor(int bg) {
field_16_pattern_color_indexes = patternBackgroundColorIndex.setValue(field_16_pattern_color_indexes,bg);
* get the background fill color
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFPalette#getColor(short)
* @return fill color
* @return get the background fill color
public short getFillBackgroundColor()
return patternBackgroundColorIndex.getShortValue(field_16_pattern_color_indexes);
public int getFillBackgroundColor() {
return patternBackgroundColorIndex.getValue(field_16_pattern_color_indexes);
* set the foreground fill color
* @param bg color
public void setFillForegroundColor(short fg)
field_16_pattern_color_indexes = patternColorIndex.setShortValue(field_16_pattern_color_indexes,fg);
public void setFillForegroundColor(int fg) {
field_16_pattern_color_indexes = patternColorIndex.setValue(field_16_pattern_color_indexes,fg);
* get the foreground fill color
* @see org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFPalette#getColor(short)
* @return fill color
* @return get the foreground fill color
public short getFillForegroundColor()
return patternColorIndex.getShortValue(field_16_pattern_color_indexes);
public int getFillForegroundColor() {
return patternColorIndex.getValue(field_16_pattern_color_indexes);
public String toString()
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append(" [Pattern Formatting]\n");
buffer.append(" .fillpattern= ").append(Integer.toHexString(getFillPattern())).append("\n");
@ -187,20 +163,15 @@ public class PatternFormatting implements Cloneable
return buffer.toString();
public Object clone()
public Object clone() {
PatternFormatting rec = new PatternFormatting();
rec.field_15_pattern_style = field_15_pattern_style;
rec.field_16_pattern_color_indexes = field_16_pattern_color_indexes;
return rec;
public int serialize(int offset, byte [] data)
LittleEndian.putShort(data, offset, field_15_pattern_style);
offset += 2;
LittleEndian.putShort(data, offset, field_16_pattern_color_indexes);
offset += 2;
return 4;
public void serialize(LittleEndianOutput out) {
@ -75,52 +75,52 @@ public final class HSSFBorderFormatting
public short getBorderBottom()
return borderFormatting.getBorderBottom();
return (short)borderFormatting.getBorderBottom();
public short getBorderDiagonal()
return borderFormatting.getBorderDiagonal();
return (short)borderFormatting.getBorderDiagonal();
public short getBorderLeft()
return borderFormatting.getBorderLeft();
return (short)borderFormatting.getBorderLeft();
public short getBorderRight()
return borderFormatting.getBorderRight();
return (short)borderFormatting.getBorderRight();
public short getBorderTop()
return borderFormatting.getBorderTop();
return (short)borderFormatting.getBorderTop();
public short getBottomBorderColor()
return borderFormatting.getBottomBorderColor();
return (short)borderFormatting.getBottomBorderColor();
public short getDiagonalBorderColor()
return borderFormatting.getDiagonalBorderColor();
return (short)borderFormatting.getDiagonalBorderColor();
public short getLeftBorderColor()
return borderFormatting.getLeftBorderColor();
return (short)borderFormatting.getLeftBorderColor();
public short getRightBorderColor()
return borderFormatting.getRightBorderColor();
return (short)borderFormatting.getRightBorderColor();
public short getTopBorderColor()
return borderFormatting.getTopBorderColor();
return (short)borderFormatting.getTopBorderColor();
public boolean isBackwardDiagonalOn()
@ -269,9 +269,8 @@ public class HSSFCell implements Cell {
public void setCellType(int cellType)
public void setCellType(int cellType) {
int row=record.getRow();
short col=record.getColumn();
short styleIndex=record.getXFIndex();
@ -533,7 +532,7 @@ public class HSSFCell implements Cell {
* @param value value to set the cell to. For formulas we'll set the formula
* string, for String cells we'll set its value. For other types we will
* change the cell to a string cell and set its value.
* If value is null then we will change the cell to a Blank cell.
* If value is <code>null</code> then we will change the cell to a Blank cell.
public void setCellValue(RichTextString value)
@ -544,6 +543,7 @@ public class HSSFCell implements Cell {
short styleIndex=record.getXFIndex();
if (hvalue == null)
setCellType(CELL_TYPE_BLANK, false, row, col, styleIndex);
@ -581,25 +581,35 @@ public class HSSFCell implements Cell {
short styleIndex=record.getXFIndex();
if (formula==null) {
setCellType(CELL_TYPE_BLANK, false, row, col, styleIndex);
setCellType(CELL_TYPE_FORMULA, false, row, col, styleIndex);
FormulaRecordAggregate rec = (FormulaRecordAggregate) record;
FormulaRecord frec = rec.getFormulaRecord();
FormulaRecordAggregate agg = (FormulaRecordAggregate) record;
FormulaRecord frec = agg.getFormulaRecord();
frec.setOptions((short) 2);
//only set to default if there is no extended format index already set
if (rec.getXFIndex() == (short)0) {
rec.setXFIndex((short) 0x0f);
if (agg.getXFIndex() == (short)0) {
agg.setXFIndex((short) 0x0f);
Ptg[] ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse(formula, book);
* Should be called any time that a formula could potentially be deleted.
* Does nothing if this cell currently does not hold a formula
private void notifyFormulaChanging() {
if (record instanceof FormulaRecordAggregate) {
public String getCellFormula() {
return HSSFFormulaParser.toFormulaString(book, ((FormulaRecordAggregate)record).getFormulaRecord().getParsedExpression());
return HSSFFormulaParser.toFormulaString(book, ((FormulaRecordAggregate)record).getFormulaTokens());
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ package org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.model.HSSFFormulaParser;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.model.Workbook;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.FormulaRecord;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.NameRecord;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.FormulaRecordAggregate;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.NamePtg;
@ -121,8 +120,8 @@ public final class HSSFEvaluationWorkbook implements FormulaRenderingWorkbook, E
// to make sure that all formulas POI can evaluate can also be parsed.
return HSSFFormulaParser.parse(cell.getCellFormula(), _uBook);
FormulaRecord fr = ((FormulaRecordAggregate) cell.getCellValueRecord()).getFormulaRecord();
return fr.getParsedExpression();
FormulaRecordAggregate fra = (FormulaRecordAggregate) cell.getCellValueRecord();
return fra.getFormulaTokens();
private static final class Name implements EvaluationName {
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ public class HSSFPatternFormatting
public short getFillBackgroundColor()
return patternFormatting.getFillBackgroundColor();
return (short)patternFormatting.getFillBackgroundColor();
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public class HSSFPatternFormatting
public short getFillForegroundColor()
return patternFormatting.getFillForegroundColor();
return (short)patternFormatting.getFillForegroundColor();
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public class HSSFPatternFormatting
public short getFillPattern()
return patternFormatting.getFillPattern();
return (short)patternFormatting.getFillPattern();
@ -16,9 +16,10 @@
package org.apache.poi.hssf.util;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordInputStream;
import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellRangeAddressBase;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianInput;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;
* See OOO documentation: excelfileformat.pdf sec 2.5.14 - 'Cell Range Address'<p/>
@ -35,25 +36,31 @@ public final class CellRangeAddress8Bit extends CellRangeAddressBase {
super(firstRow, lastRow, firstCol, lastCol);
public CellRangeAddress8Bit(RecordInputStream in) {
public CellRangeAddress8Bit(LittleEndianInput in) {
super(readUShortAndCheck(in), in.readUShort(), in.readUByte(), in.readUByte());
private static int readUShortAndCheck(RecordInputStream in) {
if (in.remaining() < ENCODED_SIZE) {
private static int readUShortAndCheck(LittleEndianInput in) {
if (in.available() < ENCODED_SIZE) {
// Ran out of data
throw new RuntimeException("Ran out of data reading CellRangeAddress");
return in.readUShort();
* @deprecated use {@link #serialize(LittleEndianOutput)}
public int serialize(int offset, byte[] data) {
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, offset + 0, getFirstRow());
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, offset + 2, getLastRow());
LittleEndian.putByte(data, offset + 4, getFirstColumn());
LittleEndian.putByte(data, offset + 5, getLastColumn());
serialize(new LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream(data, offset, ENCODED_SIZE));
public void serialize(LittleEndianOutput out) {
public CellRangeAddress8Bit copy() {
return new CellRangeAddress8Bit(getFirstRow(), getLastRow(), getFirstColumn(), getLastColumn());
@ -16,11 +16,7 @@
package org.apache.poi.hssf.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordInputStream;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
* Implementation of the cell range address lists,like is described
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
package org.apache.poi.ss.formula;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.Ptg;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianInput;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;
public class Formula {
private static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY = { };
private final byte[] _byteEncoding;
private final int _encodedTokenLen;
private Formula(byte[] byteEncoding, int encodedTokenLen) {
_byteEncoding = byteEncoding;
_encodedTokenLen = encodedTokenLen;
if (false) { // set to true to eagerly check Ptg decoding
LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream in = new LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream(byteEncoding);
Ptg.readTokens(encodedTokenLen, in);
int nUnusedBytes = _byteEncoding.length - in.getReadIndex();
if (nUnusedBytes > 0) {
// TODO - this seems to occur when IntersectionPtg is present
// This example file "IntersectionPtg.xls"
// used by test: TestIntersectionPtg.testReading()
// has 10 bytes unused at the end of the formula
// 10 extra bytes are just 0x01 and 0x00
System.out.println(nUnusedBytes + " unused bytes at end of formula");
* Convenience method for {@link #read(int, LittleEndianInput, int)}
public static Formula read(int encodedTokenLen, LittleEndianInput in) {
return read(encodedTokenLen, in, encodedTokenLen);
* When there are no array constants present, <tt>encodedTokenLen</tt>==<tt>totalEncodedLen</tt>
* @param encodedTokenLen number of bytes in the stream taken by the plain formula tokens
* @param totalEncodedLen the total number of bytes in the formula (includes trailing encoding
* for array constants, but does not include 2 bytes for initial <tt>ushort encodedTokenLen</tt> field.
* @return A new formula object as read from the stream. Possibly empty, never <code>null</code>.
public static Formula read(int encodedTokenLen, LittleEndianInput in, int totalEncodedLen) {
byte[] byteEncoding = new byte[totalEncodedLen];
return new Formula(byteEncoding, encodedTokenLen);
public Ptg[] getTokens() {
LittleEndianInput in = new LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream(_byteEncoding);
return Ptg.readTokens(_encodedTokenLen, in);
* Writes The formula encoding is includes:
* <ul>
* <li>ushort tokenDataLen</li>
* <li>tokenData</li>
* <li>arrayConstantData (if present)</li>
* </ul>
public void serialize(LittleEndianOutput out) {
public void serializeTokens(LittleEndianOutput out) {
out.write(_byteEncoding, 0, _encodedTokenLen);
public void serializeArrayConstantData(LittleEndianOutput out) {
int len = _byteEncoding.length-_encodedTokenLen;
out.write(_byteEncoding, _encodedTokenLen, len);
* @return total formula encoding length. The formula encoding includes:
* <ul>
* <li>ushort tokenDataLen</li>
* <li>tokenData</li>
* <li>arrayConstantData (optional)</li>
* </ul>
* Note - this value is different to <tt>tokenDataLength</tt>
public int getEncodedSize() {
return 2 + _byteEncoding.length;
* This method is often used when the formula length does not appear immediately before
* the encoded token data.
* @return the encoded length of the plain formula tokens. This does <em>not</em> include
* the leading ushort field, nor any trailing array constant data.
public int getEncodedTokenSize() {
return _encodedTokenLen;
* Creates a {@link Formula} object from a supplied {@link Ptg} array.
* Handles <code>null</code>s OK.
* @param ptgs may be <code>null</code>
* @return Never <code>null</code> (Possibly empty if the supplied <tt>ptgs</tt> is <code>null</code>)
public static Formula create(Ptg[] ptgs) {
if (ptgs == null) {
return new Formula(EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, 0);
int totalSize = Ptg.getEncodedSize(ptgs);
byte[] encodedData = new byte[totalSize];
Ptg.serializePtgs(ptgs, encodedData, 0);
int encodedTokenLen = Ptg.getEncodedSizeWithoutArrayData(ptgs);
return new Formula(encodedData, encodedTokenLen);
* Gets the {@link Ptg} array from the supplied {@link Formula}.
* Handles <code>null</code>s OK.
* @param formula may be <code>null</code>
* @return possibly <code>null</code> (if the supplied <tt>formula</tt> is <code>null</code>)
public static Ptg[] getTokens(Formula formula) {
if (formula == null) {
return null;
return formula.getTokens();
public Formula copy() {
// OK to return this for the moment because currently immutable
return this;
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ package org.apache.poi.ss.util;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordInputStream;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SelectionRecord;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;
* See OOO documentation: excelfileformat.pdf sec 2.5.14 - 'Cell Range Address'<p/>
@ -36,13 +37,20 @@ public class CellRangeAddress extends CellRangeAddressBase {
super(firstRow, lastRow, firstCol, lastCol);
* @deprecated use {@link #serialize(LittleEndianOutput)}
public int serialize(int offset, byte[] data) {
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, offset + 0, getFirstRow());
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, offset + 2, getLastRow());
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, offset + 4, getFirstColumn());
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, offset + 6, getLastColumn());
serialize(new LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream(data, offset, ENCODED_SIZE));
public void serialize(LittleEndianOutput out) {
public CellRangeAddress(RecordInputStream in) {
super(readUShortAndCheck(in), in.readUShort(), in.readUShort(), in.readUShort());
@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordInputStream;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianOutput;
* Implementation of the cell range address lists,like is described
@ -122,16 +123,19 @@ public class CellRangeAddressList {
public int serialize(int offset, byte[] data) {
int pos = 2;
int totalSize = getSize();
serialize(new LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream(data, offset, totalSize));
return totalSize;
public void serialize(LittleEndianOutput out) {
int nItems = _list.size();
LittleEndian.putUShort(data, offset, nItems);
for (int k = 0; k < nItems; k++) {
CellRangeAddress region = (CellRangeAddress) _list.get(k);
pos += region.serialize(offset + pos, data);
return getSize();
public CellRangeAddressList copy() {
CellRangeAddressList result = new CellRangeAddressList();
@ -81,6 +81,11 @@ public final class LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream implements LittleEndianOutp
System.arraycopy(b, 0, _buf, _writeIndex, len);
_writeIndex += len;
public void write(byte[] b, int offset, int len) {
System.arraycopy(b, offset, _buf, _writeIndex, len);
_writeIndex += len;
public int getWriteIndex() {
return _writeIndex;
@ -26,5 +26,6 @@ public interface LittleEndianOutput {
void writeInt(int v);
void writeLong(long v);
void writeDouble(double v);
void write(byte[] data);
void write(byte[] b);
void write(byte[] b, int offset, int len);
@ -80,4 +80,12 @@ public final class LittleEndianOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream implement
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) {
// suppress IOException for interface method
try {
super.write(b, off, len);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
package org.apache.poi.hssf.record;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.AttrPtg;
@ -152,4 +150,22 @@ public final class TestFormulaRecord extends TestCase {
FuncVarPtg choose = (FuncVarPtg)ptgs[8];
assertEquals("CHOOSE", choose.getName());
public void testReserialize() {
FormulaRecord formulaRecord = new FormulaRecord();
formulaRecord.setColumn((short) 1);
formulaRecord.setParsedExpression(new Ptg[] { new RefPtg("B$5"), });
byte[] ser = formulaRecord.serialize();
assertEquals(31, ser.length);
RecordInputStream in = TestcaseRecordInputStream.create(ser);
FormulaRecord fr2 = new FormulaRecord(in);
assertEquals(3.3, fr2.getValue(), 0.0);
Ptg[] ptgs = fr2.getParsedExpression();
assertEquals(1, ptgs.length);
RefPtg rp = (RefPtg) ptgs[0];
assertEquals("B$5", rp.toFormulaString());
@ -17,46 +17,42 @@
package org.apache.poi.hssf.record;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexRead;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
* Tests the NameRecord serializes/deserializes correctly
* @author Danny Mui (dmui at apache dot org)
public final class TestNameRecord extends TestCase {
* Makes sure that additional name information is parsed properly such as menu/description
public void testFillExtras()
* Makes sure that additional name information is parsed properly such as menu/description
public void testFillExtras() {
byte[] examples = {
(byte) 0x88, (byte) 0x03, (byte) 0x67, (byte) 0x06,
(byte) 0x07, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
(byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x23,
(byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x4D,
(byte) 0x61, (byte) 0x63, (byte) 0x72, (byte) 0x6F,
(byte) 0x31, (byte) 0x3A, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x00,
(byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x11, (byte) 0x00,
(byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x4D, (byte) 0x61, (byte) 0x63,
(byte) 0x72, (byte) 0x6F, (byte) 0x20, (byte) 0x72,
(byte) 0x65, (byte) 0x63, (byte) 0x6F, (byte) 0x72,
(byte) 0x64, (byte) 0x65, (byte) 0x64, (byte) 0x20,
(byte) 0x32, (byte) 0x37, (byte) 0x2D, (byte) 0x53,
(byte) 0x65, (byte) 0x70, (byte) 0x2D, (byte) 0x39,
(byte) 0x33, (byte) 0x20, (byte) 0x62, (byte) 0x79,
(byte) 0x20, (byte) 0x41, (byte) 0x4C, (byte) 0x4C,
(byte) 0x57, (byte) 0x4F, (byte) 0x52
byte[] examples = HexRead.readFromString(""
+ "88 03 67 06 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 23 00 00 00 4D "
+ "61 63 72 6F 31 3A 01 00 00 00 11 00 00 4D 61 63 "
+ "72 6F 20 72 65 63 6F 72 64 65 64 20 32 37 2D 53 "
+ "65 70 2D 39 33 20 62 79 20 41 4C 4C 57 4F 52");
NameRecord name = new NameRecord(TestcaseRecordInputStream.create(NameRecord.sid, examples));
String description = name.getDescriptionText();
assertTrue(description.endsWith("Macro recorded 27-Sep-93 by ALLWOR"));
NameRecord name = new NameRecord(TestcaseRecordInputStream.create(NameRecord.sid, examples));
String description = name.getDescriptionText();
assertNotNull( description );
assertTrue( "text contains ALLWOR", description.indexOf( "ALLWOR" ) > 0 );
public void testReserialize() {
byte[] data = HexRead
+ "20 00 00 01 0B 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 3B 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 09 00]");
RecordInputStream in = TestcaseRecordInputStream.create(NameRecord.sid, data);
NameRecord nr = new NameRecord(in);
assertEquals(0x0020, nr.getOptionFlag());
byte[] data2 = nr.serialize();
TestcaseRecordInputStream.confirmRecordEncoding(NameRecord.sid, data, data2);
@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ package org.apache.poi.hssf.record;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.poi.util.HexRead;
import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
@ -38,17 +40,17 @@ public final class TestObjRecord extends TestCase {
* [ftCmo]
* [ftEnd]
private static final byte[] recdata = {
0x15, 0x00, 0x12, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x11, 0x60,
(byte)0xF4, 0x02, 0x41, 0x01, 0x14, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
// TODO - this data seems to require two extra bytes padding. not sure where original file is.
// it's not bug 38607 attachment 17639
private static final byte[] recdata = HexRead.readFromString(""
+ "15 00 12 00 06 00 01 00 11 60 "
+ "F4 02 41 01 14 10 1F 02 00 00 "
+"00 00 00 00 00 00"
// TODO - this data seems to require two extra bytes padding. not sure where original file is.
// it's not bug 38607 attachment 17639
private static final byte[] recdataNeedingPadding = {
21, 0, 18, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 17, 96, 0, 0, 0, 0, 56, 111, -52, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
private static final byte[] recdataNeedingPadding = HexRead.readFromString(""
+ "15 00 12 00 00 00 01 00 11 60 00 00 00 00 38 6F CC 03 00 00 00 00 06 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00"
public void testLoad() {
ObjRecord record = new ObjRecord(TestcaseRecordInputStream.create(ObjRecord.sid, recdata));
@ -113,4 +115,23 @@ public final class TestObjRecord extends TestCase {
assertEquals(GroupMarkerSubRecord.class, subrecords.get(1).getClass());
assertEquals(EndSubRecord.class, subrecords.get(2).getClass());
* Check that ObjRecord tolerates and preserves padding to a 4-byte boundary
* (normally padding is to a 2-byte boundary).
public void test4BytePadding() {
// actual data from file saved by Excel 2007
byte[] data = HexRead.readFromString(""
+ "15 00 12 00 1E 00 01 00 11 60 B4 6D 3C 01 C4 06 "
+ "49 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00");
// this data seems to have 2 extra bytes of padding more than usual
// the total may have been padded to the nearest quad-byte length
RecordInputStream in = TestcaseRecordInputStream.create(ObjRecord.sid, data);
// check read OK
ObjRecord record = new ObjRecord(in);
// check that it re-serializes to the same data
byte[] ser = record.serialize();
TestcaseRecordInputStream.confirmRecordEncoding(ObjRecord.sid, data, ser);
@ -21,8 +21,15 @@ import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import junit.framework.ComparisonFailure;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.HSSFTestDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.Ptg;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.RefPtg;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFormulaEvaluator;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.RecordInspector;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.CellValue;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianInput;
@ -30,6 +37,10 @@ import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianInput;
public final class TestSharedFormulaRecord extends TestCase {
* A sample spreadsheet known to have one sheet with 4 shared formula ranges
private static final String SHARED_FORMULA_TEST_XLS = "SharedFormulaTest.xls";
* Binary data for an encoded formula. Taken from attachment 22062 (bugzilla 45123/45421).
* The shared formula is in Sheet1!C6:C21, with text "SUMPRODUCT(--(End_Acct=$C6),--(End_Bal))"
@ -86,4 +97,113 @@ public final class TestSharedFormulaRecord extends TestCase {
* Make sure that POI preserves {@link SharedFormulaRecord}s
public void testPreserveOnReserialize() {
HSSFWorkbook wb;
HSSFSheet sheet;
HSSFCell cellB32769;
HSSFCell cellC32769;
// Reading directly from XLS file
wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook(SHARED_FORMULA_TEST_XLS);
sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
cellB32769 = sheet.getRow(32768).getCell(1);
cellC32769 = sheet.getRow(32768).getCell(2);
// check reading of formulas which are shared (two cells from a 1R x 8C range)
assertEquals("B32770*2", cellB32769.getCellFormula());
assertEquals("C32770*2", cellC32769.getCellFormula());
confirmCellEvaluation(wb, cellB32769, 4);
confirmCellEvaluation(wb, cellC32769, 6);
// Confirm this example really does have SharedFormulas.
// there are 3 others besides the one at A32769:H32769
assertEquals(4, countSharedFormulas(sheet));
// Re-serialize and check again
wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
cellB32769 = sheet.getRow(32768).getCell(1);
cellC32769 = sheet.getRow(32768).getCell(2);
assertEquals("B32770*2", cellB32769.getCellFormula());
confirmCellEvaluation(wb, cellB32769, 4);
assertEquals(4, countSharedFormulas(sheet));
public void testUnshareFormulaDueToChangeFormula() {
HSSFWorkbook wb;
HSSFSheet sheet;
HSSFCell cellB32769;
HSSFCell cellC32769;
wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook(SHARED_FORMULA_TEST_XLS);
sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
cellB32769 = sheet.getRow(32768).getCell(1);
cellC32769 = sheet.getRow(32768).getCell(2);
// Updating cell formula, causing it to become unshared
confirmCellEvaluation(wb, cellB32769, 2);
// currently (Oct 2008) POI handles this by exploding the whole shared formula group
assertEquals(3, countSharedFormulas(sheet)); // one less now
// check that nearby cell of the same group still has the same formula
assertEquals("C32770*2", cellC32769.getCellFormula());
confirmCellEvaluation(wb, cellC32769, 6);
public void testUnshareFormulaDueToDelete() {
HSSFWorkbook wb;
HSSFSheet sheet;
HSSFCell cell;
final int ROW_IX = 2;
// changing shared formula cell to blank
wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook(SHARED_FORMULA_TEST_XLS);
sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
assertEquals("A$1*2", sheet.getRow(ROW_IX).getCell(1).getCellFormula());
cell = sheet.getRow(ROW_IX).getCell(1);
assertEquals(3, countSharedFormulas(sheet));
wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
assertEquals("A$1*2", sheet.getRow(ROW_IX+1).getCell(1).getCellFormula());
// deleting shared formula cell
wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook(SHARED_FORMULA_TEST_XLS);
sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
assertEquals("A$1*2", sheet.getRow(ROW_IX).getCell(1).getCellFormula());
cell = sheet.getRow(ROW_IX).getCell(1);
assertEquals(3, countSharedFormulas(sheet));
wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
assertEquals("A$1*2", sheet.getRow(ROW_IX+1).getCell(1).getCellFormula());
private static void confirmCellEvaluation(HSSFWorkbook wb, HSSFCell cell, double expectedValue) {
HSSFFormulaEvaluator fe = new HSSFFormulaEvaluator(wb);
CellValue cv = fe.evaluate(cell);
assertEquals(HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC, cv.getCellType());
assertEquals(expectedValue, cv.getNumberValue(), 0.0);
* @return the number of {@link SharedFormulaRecord}s encoded for the specified sheet
private static int countSharedFormulas(HSSFSheet sheet) {
Record[] records = RecordInspector.getRecords(sheet, 0);
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
Record rec = records[i];
if(rec instanceof SharedFormulaRecord) {
return count;
@ -494,14 +494,16 @@ public final class TestWorkbook extends TestCase {
public void testManyRows() {
* Test for row indexes beyond {@link Short#MAX_VALUE}.
* This bug was first fixed in svn r352609.
public void testRowIndexesBeyond32768() {
HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet();
HSSFRow row;
HSSFCell cell;
int i, j;
for ( i = 0, j = 32771; j > 0; i++, j-- )
for (int i = 32700; i < 32771; i++) {
row = sheet.createRow(i);
cell = row.createCell(0);
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