diff --git a/src/documentation/xdocs/poifs/book.xml b/src/documentation/xdocs/poifs/book.xml index 652d55dd2c..7a7262409b 100644 --- a/src/documentation/xdocs/poifs/book.xml +++ b/src/documentation/xdocs/poifs/book.xml @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
diff --git a/src/documentation/xdocs/poifs/html/POIFSUseCases.html b/src/documentation/xdocs/poifs/html/POIFSUseCases.html deleted file mode 100755 index 7eddf0c35e..0000000000 --- a/src/documentation/xdocs/poifs/html/POIFSUseCases.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,449 +0,0 @@ - - - - -POI Use Cases
Use Case 1: Read existing file -system
-Primary Actor: POI client
-Scope: POI
-Level: Summary
-Stakeholders and Interests:
-POI client- wants to read content - of file system
-POI - understands POI file system
-Precondition: None
-Minimal Guarantee: None
-Main Success Guarantee:
-POI client requests POI to read a - POI file system, providing an InputStream - containing POI file system in question.
-POI reads from the InputStream - in 512 byte blocks
-POI verifies that the first block - begins with the well known signature (0xE11AB1A1E011CFD0)
-POI reads the Block Allocation - Table from the first block and, if necessary, from the XBAT blocks.
-POI obtains the start block of the - Property Table and reads the Property Table (use case 9, read file)
-POI reads the individual entries - in the Property Table
-POI obtains the start block of the - Small Block Allocation Table and reads the Small Block Allocation - Table (use case 9, read file)
-POI obtains the start block of the - Small Block store from the first entry in the Property Table and - reads the Small Block Array (use case 9, read file)
-2a. If the last -block read is not a 512 byte block, the InputStream -is not that of a POI file system, and POI throws an appropriate -exception.
-3a. If the -signature is incorrect, the InputStream -is not that of a POI file system, and POI throws an appropriate -exception.
Use Case 2: Write file system
-Primary Actor: POI client
-Scope: POI
--Level: Summary
-Stakeholders and Interests:
-POI client- wants to write file - system out.
-POI - knows how to write file - system out.
-File system - has been read (use case 1, read existing file system) and - subsequently modified (use case 4, replace file in file system; use - case 5, delete file from file systen; or use case 6, write new file - to file system; in any combination)
-File system - has been created (use case 3, create new file system)
-Minimal Guarantee: None
-Main Success Guarantee:
-POI client - provides an OutputStream to - write the file system to.
-POI gets the - sizes of the Property Table and each file in the file system.
-If any files - in the file system requires storage in a Small Block Array, POI - creates a Small Block Array of sufficient size to hold all of the - small files.
-POI - calculates the number of big blocks needed to hold all of the large - files, the Property Table, and, if necessary, the Small Block Array - and the Small Block Allocation Table.
-POI creates a - set of big blocks sufficient to store the Block Allocation Table
-POI creates - and writes the header block
-POI writes - out the XBAT blocks, if needed.
-POI writes - out the Small Block Array, if needed
-POI writes - out the Small Block Allocation Table, if needed
-POI writes - out the Property Table
-POI writes - out the large files, if needed
-POI closes - the OutputStream.
-6a. Exceptions -writing to the OutputStream -will be propagared back to the POI client.
-7a. Exceptions -writing to the OutputStream -will be propagared back to the POI client.
-8a. Exceptions -writing to the OutputStream -will be propagared back to the POI client.
-9a. Exceptions -writing to the OutputStream -will be propagared back to the POI client.
-10a. Exceptions -writing to the OutputStream -will be propagared back to the POI client.
-11a. Exceptions -writing to the OutputStream -will be propagared back to the POI client.
-12a. Exceptions -closing the OutputStream will -be propagared back to the POI client.
Use Case 3: Create new file -system
-Primary Actor: POI client
-Scope: POI
--Level: Summary
-Stakeholders and Interests:
-POI client- wants to create a new - file system.
-POI - knows how to create a new - file system.
-Minimal Guarantee: None
-Main Success Guarantee:
-POI creates - an empty Property Table.
-Extensions: -None
Use Case 4: Replace file in file -system
-Primary Actor: POI client
-Scope: POI
--Level: Summary
-Stakeholders and Interests:
-POI client- wants to replace an - existing file in the file system
-POI - knows how to manage the file - system.
-The file system has been read (use - case 1, read existing file system) and a file has been extracted - from the file system (use case 7, read existing file from file - system), or
-the file system has been created (use - case 3, create new file system) and a file has been written to the - file system (use case 6, write new file to file system)
-The file already exists in the - file system.
-Minimal Guarantee: None
-Main Success Guarantee:
-POI discards - storage of the existing file.
-POI updates - the existing file's entry in the Property Table
-POI stores - the new file's data
-1a. POI throws an -exception if the file does not exist.
Use Case 5: Delete file from -file system
-Primary Actor: POI client
-Scope: POI
--Level: Summary
-Stakeholders and Interests:
-POI client- wants to remove a file - from a file system
-POI - knows how to manage the file - system
-The file system has been read (use - case 1, read existing file system) and a file has been extracted - from the file system (use case 7, read existing file from file - system), or
-the file system has been created (use - case 3, create new file system) and a file has been written to the - file system (use case 6, write new file to file system)
-The file already exists in the - file system.
-Minimal Guarantee: None
-Main Success Guarantee:
-POI discards - the specified file's storage
-POI discards - the file's Property Table entry
-1a. POI throws an -exception if the file does not exist.
Use Case 6: Write new file to -file system
-Primary Actor: POI client
-Scope: POI
--Level: Summary
-Stakeholders and Interests:
-POI client- wants to add a new - file to the file system
-POI - knows how to manage the file - system.
-Precondition: -
-The specified file does not yet - exist in the file system.
-Minimal Guarantee: None
-Main Success Guarantee:
-The POI - client provides a file name
-POI creates a - new Property Table entry for the new file
-POI - provides the POI client with an OutputStream - to write to.
-The POI client writes data to the - provided OutputStream.
-The POI client closes the provided - OutputStream
-POI updates the Property Table - entry with the new file's size
-1a. POI throws an -exception if a file with the specified name already exists in the -file system.
-1b. POI throws an -exception if the file name is too long. The limit on file name length -is 32 characters.
Use Case 7: Read existing file -from file system
-Primary Actor: POI client
-Scope: POI
--Level: Summary
-Stakeholders and Interests:
-POI client- wants to read a file - from the file system.
-POI - knows how to manage the file - system.
-The file - system is has been read (use case 1, read existing file system) or - has been created and written to (use case 3, create new file system; - use case 6, write new file to file system.
-The specified - file exists in the file system.
-Minimal Guarantee: None
-Main Success Guarantee:
-The POI - client provides the name of a file to be read
-POI provides - an InputStream to read from.
-The POI - client reads from the InputStream.
-The POI - client closes the InputStream.
-1a. POI throws an -exception if no file with the specified name exists.
Use Case 8: Read file system -directory
-Primary Actor: POI client
-Scope: POI
--Level: Summary
-Stakeholders and Interests:
-POI client- wants to know what - files exist in the file system.
-POI - POI knows how to manage the - file system.
-The file - system has been read (use case 1, read existing file system) or - created (use case 3, create new file system)
-Minimal Guarantee: None
-Main Success Guarantee:
-The POI - client requests the file system directory.
-POI returns - an Iterator. The Iterator - will not include the root entry in the Property Table, and may be an - Iterator over an empty - Collection.
-Extensions: -None
Use Case 9: Read file
-Primary Actor: POI
-Scope: POI
--Level: Summary
-Stakeholders and Interests:
-POI - POI needs to read a file, or - something resembling a file (i.e., the Property Table, the Small - Block Array, or the Small Block Allocation Table)
-Precondition: None
-Minimal Guarantee: None
-Main Success Guarantee:
-POI begins - with a start block, a file size, and a flag indicating whether to - use the Big Block Allocation Table or the Small Block Allocation - Table
-POI returns - an InputStream.
-Reads from - the InputStream are performed by walking the specified Block - Allocation Table and reading the blocks indicated.
-POI closes - the InputStream when finished reading the file, or its client wants - to close the InputStream.
-3a. An exception -will be thrown if the specified Block Allocation Table is corrupt, as -evidenced by an index pointing to a non-existent block, or by a chain -extending past the known size of the file.
Use Case 10: Rename existing -file in file system
-Primary Actor: POI client
-Scope: POI
--Level: Summary
-Stakeholders and Interests:
-POI client- wants to rename an - existing file in the file system.
-POI - knows how to manage the file - system.
-Precondition: -
-The file - system is has been read (use case 1, read existing file system) or - has been created and written to (use case 3, create new file system; - use case 6, write new file to file system.
-The specified - file exists in the file system.
-The new name - for the file does not duplicate another file in the file system.
-Minimal Guarantee: None
-Main Success Guarantee:
-POI updates - the Property Table entry for the specified file with its new name.
-1a. If the old -file name is not in the file system, POI throws an exception.
-1b. If the new -file name already exists in the file system, POI throws an exception.
-1c. If the new -file name is too long (the limit is 32 characters), POI throws an -exception.
Primary Actor: | +POIFS client | +
Scope: | +POIFS | +
Level: | +Summary | +
Stakeholders and Interests: | +
Precondition: | +None | +
Minimal Guarantee: | +None | +
Main Success Guarantee: | +
Extensions: | +
Primary Actor: | +POIFS client | +
Scope: | +POIFS | +
Level: | +Summary | +
Stakeholders and Interests: | +
Precondition: | +
or +
Minimal Guarantee: | +None | +
Main Success Guarantee: | +
Extensions: | +
Primary Actor: | +POIFS client | +
Scope: | +POIFS | +
Level: | +Summary | +
Stakeholders and Interests: | +
Precondition: | +None | +
Minimal Guarantee: | +None | +
Main Success Guarantee: | +
Extensions: | +None | +
Primary Actor: | +POIFS client | +
Scope: | +POIFS | +
Level: | +Summary | +
Stakeholders and Interests: | +
Precondition: | +
+ Either +
or +
Minimal Guarantee: | +None | +
Main Success Guarantee: | +
Extensions: | +
Primary Actor: | +POIFS client | +
Scope: | +POIFS | +
Level: | +Summary | +
Stakeholders and Interests: | +
Precondition: | +
+ Either +
or +
Minimal Guarantee: | +None | +
Main Success Guarantee: | +
Extensions: | +
Primary Actor: | +POIFS client | +
Scope: | +POIFS | +
Level: | +Summary | +
Stakeholders and Interests: | +
Precondition: | +The specified file does not yet exist in the file + system | +
Minimal Guarantee: | +None | +
Main Success Guarantee: | +
Extensions: | +
Primary Actor: | +POIFS client | +
Scope: | +POIFS | +
Level: | +Summary | +
Stakeholders and Interests: | +
Precondition: | +
Minimal Guarantee: | +None | +
Main Success Guarantee: | +
Extensions: | +1a. POIFS throws an exception if no file with the + specified name exists. | +
Primary Actor: | +POIFS client | +
Scope: | +POIFS | +
Level: | +Summary | +
Stakeholders and Interests: | +
Precondition: | +The file system has been read (use case 1, read + existing file system) or created (use case 3, create + new file system) | +
Minimal Guarantee: | +None | +
Main Success Guarantee: | +
Extensions: | +None | +
Primary Actor: | +POIFS | +
Scope: | +POIFS | +
Level: | +Summary | +
Stakeholders and Interests: | +
Precondition: | +None | +
Minimal Guarantee: | +None | +
Main Success Guarantee: | +
Extensions: | +3a. An exception will be thrown if the specified Block + Allocation Table is corrupt, as evidenced by an index + pointing to a non-existent block, or by a chain + extending past the known size of the file. | +
Primary Actor: | +POIFS client | +
Scope: | +POIFS | +
Level: | +Summary | +
Stakeholders and Interests: | +
Precondition: | +
Minimal Guarantee: | +None | +
Main Success Guarantee: | +
Extensions: | +