
115 lines
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="tools/antipede/resources/stylesheets/module.xsl"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="tools/antipede/resources/stylesheets/module.css"?>
<module name="jakarta-poi">
<url href="http://jakarta.apache.org/poi/"/>
<cvs repository="jakarta"/>
<mailing-list user="developer"
The POI project consists of APIs for manipulating various file formats
based upon Microsoft's OLE 2 Compound Document format using pure Java.
A common misconception is that POI writes Excel files. POI is the
name of the project. POI contains several components, one of which,
HSSF, writes Excel files. The following are components of the entire
POI project.POIFS is the oldest and most stable part of the project.
It is our port of the OLE 2 Compound Document Format to pure Java.
It supports both read and write functionality. All of our components
ultimately rely on it by definition. HSSF is our port of the
Microsoft Excel 97(-2002) file format (BIFF8) to pure Java.
It supports read and write capability. HDF is our port of the
Microsoft Word 97 file format to pure Java.
It supports read and write capability. This component is in the early
stages of design. Jump in!
<goal>just do it</goal>
Why not?
<vendor>Apache Software Foundation</vendor>
<licence>This software is released under the Apache Software License 1.1.
For detailed legal and licensing issues, please read the LICENSE.* files
in the /legal directory.
<credit>This software includes software developed by the Krysalis Project
<project name="jakarta-poi">
<version major="1"
fix ="0"
<ant target="gump" vm="1.2"/>
<!-- script name="build"/> -->
<!-- Project jars POI *build* strictly depends on -->
<!-- needed for build -->
<depend project="jakarta-ant"/>
<depend project="xml-xerces"/>
<depend project="xml-xalan2"/>
<!-- needed for POI -->
<depend project="commons-logging"/>
<!-- Project jars POI build can use -->
<option project="jakarta-log4j"/>
<!-- Work dirs to be included in classpath -->
<work nested="build/classes"/>
<work nested="build/testcases"/>
<work nested="tools/cents/checkstyle.cent/lib"/>
<work nested="tools/cents/forrest.cent/lib"/>
<work nested="tools/cents/javasrc.cent/lib"/>
<work nested="tools/cents/jdepend.cent/lib"/>
<work nested="tools/cents/junit.cent/lib"/>
<work nested="tools/cents/umldoclet.cent/lib"/>
<home nested="build"/>
<!-- POI jars - the result of the build -->
<jar name="jakarta-poi.jar" id="poi"/>
<jar name="jakarta-poi-scratchpad.jar" id="scratchpad"/>
<jar name="jakarta-poi-contrib.jar" id="contrib"/>
<jar name="jakarta-poi-examples.jar" id="examples"/>
<!-- POI Javadocs - location in the build dirs -->
<javadoc parent="build/docs/apidocs"/>
<!-- Getting ready for automatic site updates
<deliver fromdir="build/jakarta-poi/docs"
todir="poi/" />
<nag to="poi-dev@jakarta.apache.org"
from="Sam Ruby &lt;rubys@us.ibm.com&gt;"/>