<document><properties><title>Building</title></properties><body><sectionname="Building Acegi Security System"><subsectionname="Checking Out from Subversion (SVN)"><p>This project uses <ahref="http://maven.apache.org">Maven</a> as project manager
the following. <b>Note there are workarounds at the bottom of this page.</b></p><p>To checkout Acegi Security from SVN, see our
<ahref="cvs-usage.html">CVS Usage</a> page.</p></subsection><subsectionname="Quick Build"><p>Often people reading this document just want to see if Acegi Security will work
(or whatever location is appropriate for your web container).</p></subsection><subsectionname="Installing commons-attributes-plugin"><p>To properly integrate Commons Attributes with Maven (as required by
</ol><p>The second (final) command should be executed on a single line.</p></subsection><subsectionname="Building All JARs"><p>Sometimes people are already using Acegi Security, and they just want to build the
</ol><p>You can then check your <code>$HOME/.maven/repository/acegisecurity</code>
directory and it should contain all of the latest Acegi Security JARs.</p></subsection><subsectionname="Building The Site"><p>By "site" we mean the web site you can browse at
do this once.</p></subsection><subsectionname="Memory and Clover Workarounds"><p>If you get an <code>OutOfMemoryError</code>, simply execute the following before